DEVOTED TO SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 34, NO. 20. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 3, 1900. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. WHAT THE NEW PRESIDENT SAYS GOOD PROSPECTS FOR A NEW AND ABOUT IT. STRONG LEAGUE, A Meeting For Permanent Organiza Memphis and Birmingham Lead the tion to b8 Held in Wilkesbarre Van With Mobile and New Orleans Next Monday An Eight-Club Cir Eager to Follow Only Two More cuit the Plan ol President Fogel, Cities Needed Now. Philadelphia, Feb. 1. President Horace New Orleans, Jan. 22. Editor "Sporting S. Fogel. of the Atlantic Base Ball League, Life:" Prospects for a successful South has issued a call for a meeting of that ern League of six clubs grow brighter organization to be held at the Sterling every day. Memphis and Birmingham seem House, Wilkesbarre. Pa., on Meuday, Feb to have taken the first steps towards or ruary 12, at 3 P. M. ganization. There will be no trouble in. The following cities from which eight organizing teams in Mobile ana this city, will be selected for the circuit of the At as both towns have always been the most lantic League the corning season, have enthusiastic in the South. There is only filed applications for franchises, and Mr. Montgomery and Nashville to hear from, Fogel says win have representatives at and then the League will be complete. this meeting: Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Al- A proposition has been made to make a lentown, Trenton, Reading, Lancaster, joint stock company of all six clubs, giving Chester, Wilmington, Atlantic City, Har- the same advantages to all. and enabling risburg and Newark. one club to fare as \vell as another. Under this plan, all six clubs will stand or lall There is some doubt as to Harrisburg, together. though business men there have promised All talk of n Texas-Louisiana League !« the necessary capital for a club and sev bosh. The recent decision of the Supreme eral old managers, among them William Court will enable the Texas Health Of IJarnic and W. W. Burnhani, are anxious ficer to again use his arbitrary power, and to locate there. The city, however, is at he will without doubt renew his commer present without grounds. cial quarantine a,s soon as warm weather sets in. This quarantine, of course, will put a quietus on all intercourse between HAPPY_HARVARD. Catcher William Douglas, ol Philadelphia. the two States. GOWLAND. A Better Prospect For a Winning Organization Started. ©Varsity Team Than in the Last Birmingham. Ala. Jan. 28. Editor Ten Years. "Sporting Life:©© The Southern League Cambridge. Mass.. ,7an. 30. Editor YOUNGSTOWN BRIEFS. JERSEY JOTTINGS. was launched to-day at a meeting held in "Sporting Life:" Captain William T. The Local Franchise For Sale- The Burlington County L,eague Will this city. Now Orleans, Montgomery, Reid, of the Harvard base ball team, is Selma and Birmingham were represented. Jack Glasscock©s Chances Loom Try the Sport Again the Coming Powell, of New Orleans, and Smith, of making what experts consider the most up Brightly Now. Season. business-like attempt to turn out a win Selma, were appointed a committee to visit ner that has been made at Cambridge Youngstown. O., Jan. 29. Editor "Sport Mt. Holly, N. J., Jan. 30. The clubs in Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta and other in the past ten years. Like Arthur Cum- ing Life:" It is an open secret here that the Burlington County Base Ball League cities in the interest of the League. These the present owners are not only willing, are now brushing up for the coming sea gentlemen will go to those cities within nock. the noted captain of the ISiK) foot the next few days. Another meeting of ball team, Iteid 5s canvassing in person but anxious to unload the franchise. They son and soon the managers will be looking are done with the game, so they say, and over the field for players. Many of those the League will be held on February 4 to the entire ur©versity. He has secured permanently organize and attend to other the promise of over 290 men to present are looking forward to a purchaser. At a who contested in the championship game hist year will be seen on the diamond matters that may come up at that time. themselves on the first day of training meeting of stockholders a few evenings The question of a guarantee to play out and the end is not yet. Most of these since it was the unanimous expression that again. Some of the favorites, however, the season to be required of each club in have played the game, not ©Varsity or the team©s franchise would be for sale, have retired, while a few will enter the the League was discussed, and the con high grade scholastic ball, but have had and to the highest bidder. minor leagues. sensus of opinion was that this should L»e their experience in scrub contests of one The claim is made by most of those con While Beverly won the pennant, it is not fixed at $1000. kind or another. cerned that, as they are extensively en disputed that Burlington wound up the sea The captain believes that no one knows gaged in business they cannot give the son with the best and most expensive Just what the exact base ball strength of players. Dobbins, who captained that CUMBERLAND VALLEY. the three upper classes is. If a man came time required to the interests of the team. out he got a fair trial; if he did not why For this reason they have decided to take club, is wanted in Mt. Holly, where his A Reorganization of the Old League no one took the pains to get him to show no active part iu the game next season, ability as a player was first developed. to be Considered at a Meeting in what he could do. After this year the and are therefore anxiously awaiting the White Hill is the only town which can the Near Future. ©varsity captain can. by making a thor opportunity of unloading. furnish home players, and they finished Carlisle. Jan. '21.—Base ball fans through ough canvass of the freshman class each In some quarters the decision of the local second in the list without making a change out the valley are anxious to reorganize year, know what material he has at his owners is taken to mean the acquisition during the entire season. It is probable the Cumberland Valley League for the sea son of 1900. A meeting has been called for command. When the men come out they of Jack Glasscock as manager of our new that Riverside will take the place of will be. divided into squads, and Reid". Delfinco. February 20 to consider the project, it with the assistance of Frank Selee, the team. With a winning team such as Jack A meeting was held in this city this is likely that the League will be composed manager of the Boston League team, will could put together there is no conceivable week to organize a club under a new as of six clubs, which will include Winches select the fifty most promising men in the idea why it should not prove a paying ven sociation, which will probably be managed ter. Martinsburg, Hagerstown, Chambers- lot. The balance will not be dropped, ture. It will be hard, indeed, if with so as heretofore by, Joseph C. Kingdon. and burg, Shippeusburg and Carlisle. If con but will be kept at work iu the cage until many magnates looking here, there and there is none better. A fund is now be ducted on the .right plan a league will pay the out-door season begins, when they everywhere to pick up stray franchises, ing raised to start the bal! rolling, and in the valley, as there are numerous lov will be organized into scrub nines and one or two of them at least could not be the organization will b*> perfected .Monday ers of the game here. The towns are close kept working nntil the start of the scrub induced to shy a glance of approval iu our night, when many of the preliminaries will together and naturally much rivalry exists series late in the spring. direction. KEHGALL. be arranged. between Feb. 3. to bold their own in the New York State season. After a short rest he joined the League. Springfield team, finishing the season, and MINOR MENTION*. played with Norwich last season. He was The fans are much delighted with the compelled to lay off several times during men that Whistler has picked out, and. the past s-eason by the malady that was while nobody is claiming the pennant, still slowly but surely bringing him to his end. FOR CONDITIONS BLAMED there is a feeling of decided confidence The funeral, which took place on the that Schenectady win not be trailing along 24th. was one of the largest ever held RESERYE ROLE A GREAT WRONG iu the rear this season. in this city; many players from the Na THE PLAYERS, "Dutch" Ashenback. the centre fielder on tional, Eastern and State Leagues were TO PLAYERS, last season©s team, has made application among those attending. The Bridgeport to become an umpire. He was the Arlie Lodge of Elks, of which the deceased was Latham of the league on the coaching Hues. a member, read the service at the house Not Rowdyism, Bat Lack ol Sports The local association at one time con and also at the grave. George Trimble, of Tlie Boston CiaD Catchar Points Oat sidered a proposition to have the grounds St.
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