Humanitarian partners’ support to the Somali Regional State’s 90-day response plan for acute watery diarrhoea Goal To reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality due to acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) in the Somali region Strategic objectives Increase people’s access to essential AWD health care services Improved AWD health care service provision Strengthen surveillance and health/nutrition information, including cross-border Prevent and control further outbreaks Increase resilience and capacity/capability of the health system Strengthen coordination and operations support Operating principles Evidence-based decision making: Resources will be concentrated on the greatest areas of need/risk based on the latest available epidemiological information. Partnership: Partners will work towards collective results in support of the Regional Government. Integrated approach: The plan will be delivered in an integrated manner - health, WASH and nutrition - to ensure improved health outcomes. Action and results oriented: Partners commit to decisive action and clear deliverables and outcomes, and will hold themselves accountable to these commitments. 'One UN' approach: UN partners will work as one to maximize efficient use of resources and to promote and better manage predictable response. Operations and performance management Operational review (daily): The Regional Health Bureau (RHB) command post meetings will review and monitor routine work against the plan and provide guidance on any immediate corrective actions required. Tactical review (weekly): The Head of the RHB and the Head of Regional Water Bureau (RWB) with leads and co-leads of pillars will meet (location to be decided but ideally out in the hotspot areas) to review roles and responsibilities, performance against the plan, ground truth, and resourcing needs (allocation and additional requirements). Corrective actions will be taken to ensure high performance against plan. Strategic review (monthly): Senior colleagues from across the UN and key partner organizations will come together with the Federal Ministry of Health, RHB, RWB and other parts of the Regional Government to take stock of the AWD situation and review progress against the plan, altering the plan as appropriate. Critical gaps or weaknesses that might lead to unacceptable levels of risk or performance will be analysed and addressed. This review will help ensure the plan remains fit for purpose and the One UN approach continues to work effectively to deliver its collective ambitions in controlling and closing down the AWD outbreak in support of the Government. DRAFT CASE MANAGEMENT Area of Intervention Objective Activity Indicator 30 days 60 days 90 days Partner Organization Budget USD Reclassify treatment units (3 categories) and define a priority package for N/A Done N/A N/A Case management team interventions for each - Map existing resources (shelter, HR, med supply, WASH) and identify immediate Mapping completed 20 priority 1 CTC/Us 20 Priority 2 CTC/Us All Case management team Ensure that Priority 1 and 2 needs - Work with MSF, SCI, UNICEF and WHO to rapidly address gaps in all CTC's CTU's Priority 1 and 2 centre centers have adequate staff, # of CTCs/CTU gaps addressed 10 CTC/CTUs 10 CTCs/CTUs 5 CTCs/CTUs RHB, UNICEF, WHO resourcing equipment, and water supply including procure resources 200,000 and sanitation Deploy HC providers from the Region and FMoH to all affected Woredas # of HC providers deployed 600 300 100 FMoH/RHB/EPHI 850,000 Repurpose health workforce to cover needs in Priority 1 and 2 centres # of HC providers repurposed 20 Priority 1 CTC/Us 20 Priority 2 CTC/Us All CTCs/CTUs RHB - Recruit 20 Public Health Officers (nursess) to conduct CTC monitoring # Public Health Officers recruited 20 PHOs 20 PHOs 20 PHOs WHO 90,000 Establish a team of CTC/CTU Conduct a 4 day training with ICDDRB and 2-day training on MSF sites for initial # trainings conducted 20 PHO 20 PHOs 20 PHOs WH0/MSF monitors and trainers (nurse, PHOs 5,000 doctors) at Zonal/Woreda level to On-site training and supervision HW focusing on screening, rehydration and IPC # of onsite trainings conducted # of Priority 1 and 2 centre 20 Priority 1 CTC/Us 20 Priority 2 CTC/Us All CTCs/CTUs CTC monitors, WHO strengthen Priority 1 and 2 measures supervisions conducted 22,000 strengthening and surge support centers; Establish a team of doctors to provide rapid CTC/U Recruit 6 clinical case management sepcialists for each zonal hub # CM recruited 6 N/A N/A GOARN - set up support and surge support Recruit 6 IPC specialists - one for each zonal hub # IPC recruited 6 N/A N/A GOARN - Set up systematic MUAC screening of U5 children in all treatment units and proportion of MUAC screening done for U5 Improve screening and 20 Priority 1 CTC/Us 20 Priority 2 CTC/Us All CTCs/CTUs Nutrition team RHB/WHO SAM screening and establish a protocol for AWD treatment of SAM children 10,000 management of SAM in AWD management centers Develop an algorithm for use of RDTs in U5 and implement in CTCs/CTUs proportion of RDT done for U5 children 20 Priority 1 CTC/Us 20 Priority 2 CTC/Us All CTCs/CTUs WHO - Link with surveillance team and develop a data base for information related to Daily inter-pillar meetings 20 Priority 1 and 20 priority 2 All N/A RHB/WHO/CDC Strengthen data management CTCs/CTUs - Data management and analysis and analysis of information Define monitoring indicators List of Indicators defined and reported Done N/A N/A RHB/WHO - reported by CTCs/CTUs Develop a weekly report with updated information on CTCs/CTUs capacity and # weekly reports issued 4 reports 4 reports 4 reports RHB/WHO/CDC resources - Plan and implement training of trainerswith ICDDRB # trainers trained 20 PHOs, 40 doctors 20 PHOs 20 PHOS RHB/WHO 11,000 Strengthen case management Training designed, lead recruited, 1st Develop custom training for new PHOs and identify training lead 10th May N/A N/A Skills strengthening skills of health staff working on course delivered. CTCs/CTUs 10,000 Roll out on-site bedside training for health staff working on Priority 1 and 2 # of onsite trainings conducted 20 Priority 1 CTC/Us 20 Priority 2 CTC/Us 5 trainings in Priority 2 Woredas RHB/WHO/MSF centers 5,000 50 HWs from Priority 3 Woredas 50 HWs from Priority 3 Woredas Identify and train 100 HWs (10 MDs, 20 HO,60 nurses, 10 Env’T) # HWs identified and trained N/A RHB/WHO/MSF Establish a stand by capacity to r r Treatment unit resourcing resource new treatments units 20,000 (staff and material) Preposition CTC - CTU - ORS kits at the zonal level # CTC kits prepositioned 30 CTC kits - 7 CTUs - 97 ORP kits 20 CTC - 10 CTU - 18 ORP N/A WHO/UNICEF/SRHB 550,000 Pillar budget 1,773,000 Funding gap 1,493,000 SURVEILLANCE Area of Intervention Objective Activity Indicator 30 days 60 days 90 days Partner Organization Budget USD Map current workforce and reallocate at zonal and woreda level according to Surviellance pillat team (FMoH, List of workforce mapped and reallocated By 8 May N/A N/A priorities RHB, WHO, CDC) - Define a package of interventions for RRTs (investigation, prevention, soc mob, Surviellance pillat team (FMoH, Strengthen rapid response teams Package of intervention produced By 28 April N/A N/A Rapid response team etc...) RHB, WHO, CDC) deployed by the FMoH (~600 strengthening PHO) - Recruit and train 30 Surveillance officers from the Polio surveillance network (in Number surveillance officers recruited and addition to the existing 22) to be based at Zonal level for support/monitoring of 30 N/A N/A WHO, CDC trained RRTs 5,000 Strengthen rapid response teams Rapid response team deployed by the FMoH (~600 strengthening PHO) DRAFT % of supervisory field visits done by Establish and roll out a training plan for current workforce surveillance pillar to establiched and rolled 75% N/A N/A FMoH, RHB, WHO, CDC, UNICEF out training plan 1,000 Set up a system at woreda level to conduct field investigations of new alerts and % of field investigations of new alerts 100% 100% 100% FMoH, RHB, WHO, CDC, UNICEF initiate preventive measures conducted by woredas Early warning, data and Strengthen early warning system 1,250,000 reporting and data collection and reporting % of treatment units/surviellance officers Ensure line list is reported daily from all existing treatment units reporting daily line lists supported by Phone 90% 90% 90% FMoH, RHB, WHO, CDC, UNICEF credit 5,870 % of supportive supervisions conducted to ensure AWD case definition is understood Ensure AWD case definition is understood and applied at existing and new and applied at treatment units supported 75% 75% 75% FMoH, RHB, WHO, CDC, UNICEF treatment units by operational cost (transport for surveillance officers /driver, vehicle, and Strengthen case detection and Case detection and laboratory petrol) laboratory confirmation 406,000 Systematic collection and transport of samples from all new affected sites to % of new samples collected and 100% per new woreda 100% per new woreda 100% per new woreda FMoH, RHB, WHO, CDC, UNICEF reference lab (RDTs and culture) transported for testing 5,500 Number of hotspots identified for Surviellance pillat team (FMoH, Define criteria to identify hotspots for priority interventions Ongoing Ongoing ongoing prioritization using the defined critera RHB, WHO, CDC) - Improve use of surveillance data Number of data managers and Surviellance pillat team (FMoH, Use of surveillance data to guide and prioritize Strengthen data management and analysis capacity at RHB 6 8 8 epidemiologist under surviellance pillar
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