Form-I APPLICATION FOR CONSENT FOR EMISSION UNDER SECTION(21) OF THE ACT (SEE CHAPTER-11) To THE MEMBER SECRETARY T.S. Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, A3, IE, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad. Sir, I/We apply for CONSENT under section(21) of the Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act,1981(14 of 1981) to make emission from industrial plant owned by (1) or occupied by. (2) Sri CH Krishna Prasad for a period upto (3) I/We further declare that the information furnished in the Annexure/Appendices and Plans is correct to the best of my/our Knowledge. (4) I/we hereby submit that in case of change either of the point, or the quantity of emission or its quality a fresh application for CONSENT shall be made and until such consent is granted, no chamnge shall be made. (5) I/We hereby agree to submit to the Board, an application for renewal of CONSENT one month in advance of the date of expiry of the consented period for emission, if to be continued thereafter. (6) I/We undertake to furnish any other information with in one month of its being called by the Board. (7) I/We enclosed here fee details. D.D NO. Bank Name Amount(Rs) 520171017006463 Andhra Bank 723000.0 (8) The Annexure, appendices, other particulars and plans are attached herewith in triplicate. Signature Name of the applicant: Sri CH Krishna Prasad Address of Applicant: Sy. No. 160/A, 161/E, 162 and 174/A, Gagilapur Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, Medchal Malkajgiri District, Telangana ANNEXURE TO FORM - 1 CHIMNEY Note: Any Applicant knowingly giving incorrect information or suppressing any information thereto shall be liable for action under the provisions of the Act. While filling this Annexure the applicant shall for such of the items not pertaining to his activity shall state not applicable against the relevant item and shall not leave it blank. 1. (a) Full name of the applicant with address: Sri CH Krishna Prasad (b) Name and Telephone No. of persons incharge of the premises: 2. (a) Full name of the industrial plant with address: GRANULES INDIA LIMITEDSy. No. 160/A, 161/E, 162 and 174/A, Gagilapur Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, Medchal Malkajgiri District, Telangana (b) Full name and address of the occupier (defined in Sri CH Krishna Prasad Granules India Limited the Act ) as Registered with the Director of Factories & Sy. No. 160/A, 161/E, 162 and 174/A, Boilers of the State or with any other competent authority Gagilapur Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, of the state. : Medchal Malkajgiri District, Telangana 3. Give revenue / city survey number of land/ premises for which the application is made stating District/ Mandal and Village. (a) Mandal : Quthubullapur (b) Village : Gagilapur . (b) Magisterial Jurisdiction of the industry (premises) for purposes of prosecution case under the Act and also the name & address of the Police station under the industry (Premises) falls for all criminal cases connected with the Water Act, 1974 or Air Act, 1981. 4. State month and year in which the industrial plant was 22/04/2002 actually put into commission or is proposed to be put into commission/or the month and year from which the local body is functioning 5. (a) State the civil/Military Defence/Industrial Estate Collectorate etc., under. Whose administrative jurisdiction the occupiers industrial plant is situated. 6.Elevation above mean sea 7.Present use of the Land 8.Indicate the nature of topography Plains Surrounding Plains the site. 9.(a) State whether the industrial plant has been declared Not-Selected as prohibited area. (b) If Yes, State the name of the authority and furnish a certified copy of the order which the area has been declared as prohibited. 10 Which of the following features exist within 20 kilometers radius of the site.: Feature Name Distance(in Km) Crops paddy,Ground Nut,Maize 3.2 Forest Dundigal RF 4 Forest Kishtapally RF 6 Stream ChinnaVagu 5.1 Settlements Gagilapur 5 11. Is the industrial plant of the occupier closed on Not-Selected Sunday/Holiday 12.State working season per year of the Industrial plant. From Date To Date Jan Dec 13. Climatological & Meteorological Data (1).Indicate the climatic conditions at the site(eg Arid, Semi Arid etc.): (2).Precipitation, yearly average range: (3).Temperature, Seasonal ranges: (4).Average annual speed and direction of wind Humidity/Solar radiation: 11.Raw material used Sl. No. Name of Raw- Existing Proposed Total capacity Units Material Capacity Capacity after change of product mix 1. Acetaminophe 22500 22500 22500 Kg/day n / Paracetamol 2. Guaifenesin 1900 1900 1900 Kg/day 3. Metformin 23665 23665 23665 Kg/day 4. Ibuprofen 13500 13500 13500 Kg/day 5. Methocarbam 1660 1660 1660 Kg/day ol 6. Tablets 12000 12000 12000 Kg/day (Metformin,Ib uprofen, Acetaminophe n/ Paracetamol) 7. Tablets 24000 24000 24000 Kg/day (Metformin,Ib uprofen, Acetaminophe n/ Paracetamol, Methocarbam ol) 8. Naproxen 0 602.794 602.794 Kg/day sodium 9. Loratadine 0 100 100 Kg/day 10. Cetirizine 0 28.5 28.5 Kg/day 11. Doxylamine 0 80.616 80.616 Kg/day succinate 12. Gabapentin 0 754.7 754.7 Kg/day USP 13. Ranitidine HCl 0 672 672 Kg/day 14. Rifaximin 0 550 550 Kg/day 15. Ibuprofen 0 280 280 Kg/day 16. Ibuprofen 0 280 280 Kg/day Pseudoephed rine CPM 15(a) Products /waste material Sl. No. Name of Existing Proposed Total Units Name of Quantity Units No. of The Quantity Quantity Quantity the Stages Product after starting change of raw product material mix 1. Paracet 36 11 25 Tons/d Acetam 22500 Kg/day 8 amol ay inophe Granul n / es Paracet amol 2. Guaifen 10 8 2 Tons/d Guaifen 1900 Kg/day 8 esin ay esin Granul es 3. Metfor 15 10 25 Tons/d Metfor 23665 Kg/day 8 min ay min Granul es 4. Ibuprof 10 5 15 Tons/d Ibuprof 13500 Kg/day 8 en ay en Granul es 5. Methoc 5 3 2 Tons/d Methoc 1660 Kg/day 8 arbamo ay arbamo l l Granul es 6. Tablets 12 0 12 Tons/d Tablets 12000 Kg/day 5 (Metfor ay (Metfor min,Ibu min,Ibu profen, profen, Acetam Acetam inophe inophe n/ n/ Paracet Paracet amol) amol) 7. Tablets 24 0 24 Tons/d Tablets 24000 Kg/day 5 (Metfor ay (Metfor min,Ibu min,Ibu profen, profen, Acetam Acetam inophe inophe n/ n/ Paracet Paracet amol, amol, Methoc Methoc arbamo arbamo l) l) 8. Naprox 0 1 1 Tons/d Naprox 602.79 Kg/day 8 en ay en 4 Sodium Sodium 9. Loratidi 0 1 1 Tons/d Loratidi 100 Kg/day 8 ne ay ne 10. Cetirizi 0 0.5 0.5 Tons/d Cetirizi 28.555 Kg/day 8 ne ay ne hydroc hloride usp 11. Doxyla 0 0.5 0.5 Tons/d Doxyla 80.616 Kg/day 8 mine ay mine succina te 12. Gabap 0 1 1 Tons/d Gabap 754.71 Kg/day 8 entin ay entin 6 USP 13. Ranitidi 0 1 1 Tons/d Ranitidi 672 Kg/day 8 ne ay ne HCl 14. Rifaxim 0 1 1 Tons/d Rifaxim 550 Kg/day 8 in ay in 15. IBU 0 0.5 0.5 Tons/d Ibuprof 280 Kg/day 8 Pseudo ay en ephedri ne 16. IBU 0 0.5 0.5 Tons/d IBU 280 Kg/day 8 Pseudo ay Pseudo ephedri ephedri ne ne CPM CPM 15(b) By-Products /waste material Sl. No. Name of Existing Proposed Total Units Name of Quantity Units No. of The By- Quantity Quantity Quantity the Stages Product after starting change of raw product material mix 16.Complete flow chart giving description and-chemical process if any as per Annexure-I 17. Fuel Consumption in T/day S.no. Types Daily Calorific Ash Content Sulphur Other Specify Consumption Value % Content % in Tonnes 18. Furnaces/Cupolas/Boilers/Others Stack Name Used for Type of Date of Capacity Purpose Method of Quantity of Furnace/cup installation used Fuel Fuel used in olas/Boilers/ charging in Boilers Others Boilers 19. Emission control equipment for air pollutants Stack Used For Status Not Nature of Efficienc Capacity Details of Give Any Name Existing the Air y Air detailed other Pollution pollution specificat monitori Equipme Control ions of ng nt System cyclones, facilities Electro available. static Precipita tors, Scrubber s, Sag Filters etc. 20. Atmospheric Emissions (Stacks Details) Stack attached to D.G Stack height Gas Quantity (Units) Fuel Gas temprature Are any Standard of Set Emission prescribed for or adopted by your Industry? 6TPH Coal * fired 140 Yes Boiler 6TPH Oil Fired 160 Yes Boiler 3 x 1010 KVA DG 310 Yes Set ** 2 x 750KVA DG 280 Yes Sets** Fire Hydrant D.G. 300 Yes Pump*** (a) Fuel Gas Emissions Stack Used For Type of C fuel/hr Ash % NOx SO2 HCL CO Particulat Name Fuel e matter (b) Atmospheric Emission for Process & Fugitive Sources S.no Stack Name Stack Temperature( Expected Proposed Air Are any Height(in 'C) Quantity Pollution Standard of mtr) Control Emission System prescribed for or adopted by your Industry? (c) Process Emissions Stack Name SO2 CO2 CO NOx Hydrocarbon Particulars Others specify (d) Particulate analysis Stack Name Chemical Give details of Flue Give details of Is there sufficient composition gas sampling Laboratory facilities space available for arrangements available for installing Air analysis of emissions Pollution Control Equipment 21. Solid Wastes Nature Quantity Mode of Disposal Dust Collectors &Floor 475 Kg/day Sent to Authorized Cement Sweeping Industries/ TSDF, Dundigal Discarded granules from Lab 150 Kg/day Sent to Authorized Cement Industries/ TSDF, Dundigal Discarded Tablets from Process 200 Kg/day Sent to Authorized Cement Industries/ TSDF, Dundigal ETP sludge 125 Kg/day Sent to Authorized Cement Industries/ TSDF, Dundigal Used Oil and Waste Oil 182 LPM Sent to authorized recyclers Used Lead Acid Batteries 24 NPA Returned back to dealer/manufacturer on buy back basis Used Chemicals Containers 500 NPM Sold to vendors Cargo rated Boxes 200 Kg/day Sold to vendors Used LDPE/ polythene liners 800 Kg/day Sold to vendors Used Chemical Bottles 60 NPM Sold to vendors Used PPE -Disposal Hand 100 Kg/day Sold to vendors Gloves, Nose Masks, Head Caps & Shoe Covers, etc., Fused off / damaged tube lights 30 NPM Sold to authorized vendors Damaged / discarded Insulation 5 Kg/day Sold to authorized vendors waste Fiber drums 300 Nos/da Sold to vendors 22.
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