
Complete Local News Top Advertising Results Keep Astride All The Activities Of The Town With Your Our Family Of Over 9,000 Readers Home-Town Paper Is A Valuable Market For All Our Advertisers VOifXXXV-NO. 45 larterrCARTERET, N J.,t FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, \%1 PRfPF Skiba Says Service is 1957 Tax Rate Jumps Jlis Desire To $15.48, Increase ,,f K. Organize in ' Harmony; Praiu« Members Of 251 Points Noted ,,, i |,;]{ET — Unanimously \, president of the Board of ,,„„! ,it the organization .,,'. .], the Hl»h School Mon- Mark Brotherhood , i,I former mayor'Stephen Bf 21 , ,-.pressed the hope that the With Program Tonight^ »<•'''»«M»«* ,,v which marked the ses- CARTERET — A record tax recited by Frederick and Ju- 'J]\ (•(iiitiiiuc during his term CARTERET — Brotherhood rate of $15.48 per $100 valuation, dith Breslow, students of the Week will be observed with a ;51 points more than last year'* Hebrew School. i.rcrds Mayor Edward J. special prosrnm in the syna- ate of 112.97 was indicated in Rev. Malcolm O. Brown, v.m apparently did not, he municipal budget approved by , iw.un of Brotherhood of Loving minister of the First Presbyte- ,..,. presidency, because he he Borough Council last night ; .Inslire, in the Hill section of the rian Church will also speak. .,, i, ;h duties mi chief exccu- ,n the municipal budget approved ; Members of the Carteret Kl- .,, ;i>pistant prosecutor. borouRh at 9 o'clock tonight. iy the Borough Council last night 'f wanls Club, of which Milton ,ii\v,\, who formerly served An invitation Is being extend- m the first reading. Councllmen > Rabinowltz Is president, will at- ,' rhnol boRrd pledged to do llchard Donovan and Edmond , od to the entire community to tend, as will Rev. Orvllle N. , , i ,r Cnrteret's school sys- rbanski voted against it. > attend. Davidson, rector of St. Mark's II, I'.-nllzcd, he said, that The total general appropria- Rabbi Lewis Brenner, spirit- Episcopal Church, a member of ,i, i,,iiie time is required to tions for 1057 are $1,478,056.20 ual leader of the Hebrew com- the lnterfalth committee of the ,-]<,- Hide the school system. M compared with $1,266,147.17 In munity here will base his club, GOLDEN JliRJLKr': Committees of the two Cartcret Hebrew rnnirrentions draft final plans for the ffolden jubilpp fete to be held the previous year, an increase of i: MIVC you to the best of sermon on the theme of Broth- Refreshments will be served March 16 in observance of the organization of two synacocurs hero, Shown in the picture are: Seated, left to riitht, Mrs. Louis .211,909.03. .iuiiiy." He also thanked the erhood. There will be congre- by members of the Hebrew Sis- Brown, Mrs. Leo (inldbrrK, Mrs. Jaek Safran, Mrs. Morris T'lman, Mrs. Meyer Roscnblum. Mrs. Al Carpenter and Mrs. Sam Rosen- A public hearing on the bud- ,IT'for electlnB him to the gational readings and singing. terhood with Mrs. Sam Breslow baum. Standing, same order, Harry (hodosh, Max J. Gruhin, Dr. Miilip Chodosh, Isadore Schwartz, Rabbi Louis Brenner, Or, Leon et was set for March 21. The of- ' i The Sabbath Kiddush will be in charge. ,, chosen without oppsition Grccnwald, Herbert Harris, Harry Ginchansky and Irving Lcvitz. iclal text will appear in 'ftext Aii.im saymborskl. who will Friday's issue of the Carteret. •<•• president. Revised Rules Fixed There was no discussion on the . budget. ;. :i,;i Ellsworth O'Donncll and Chodosh Set to Makwinski Leads Red Cross anvas Tuesday Welfare Bureau , „ i pusillo were sworn in as For Hungary Parcels According to the explanatory itatement accompanying the bud- .' it placed Robert Brown, CARTERET — Postmaster Hit; Probe Asked get, this Increase is due chiefly •v,miiers by Mrs. Josephine Rebuild 3 Stores Drive; Goal Set at $4,000 For Heart Fund Lester Sabo said today that the to salary Increments In all de- ., :i secretary of the board ——— j CARTERE T—Deputy Police i He pointed out that a large per- Hungarian postal authorities .:,! Donovan and Patrick Po- CARTERET—Mayor Edward J partments as well as additional CARTERET-Robert Chodosh. chief Charles Makwinski has ac- cmia,,e of the money donated CARTERET — Volunteer solici- have set up new custom regula- all of whom did not seek Dolan last night asked that an In- salaries and wages in the police, owner of the premises at 90-92-94 ccpted the Carteret chairmanship; used wUhjn lhe ch ter tQ tors will ring doorbells in the tions for gift parcels. estigation be made into charges t.nil. treets and roads, garbage and Roosevelt Avenue, razed by f|rclof the 1957 fmvddrlve of the Pertlv borough next Tuesday night in the Articles that do not exceed made by a group of Negro resi- Hmwn revealed that he did Amboy-Carteret Chapter," Amcr"l-;|suPP°rt community services. trash removal appropriations. early Monday morning, said today Heart Day canvass for the annual personal needs of the addressee dents about a brush-off they were Other expenses were increased In , ,,k re-election because of can Red Cross. The deputy chief has Ions been and his family are duty free. fund campaign of the Heart Asso- ;iven when they appeared at the the recreation activities, streets ; t,,r's iidvice. When he gets that he is planning to rebuild The announcement was made active in civic affairs. He has been Those exceeding personal needs welfare bureau in quest of aid fol- and, roads, trash removal and r siid, he will again appeal without delay. He expects that the; by John A. Mika, general chair-; busy on drives for the Boy Scouts, ciation. will be admitted but will be as- lowing a recent fire In Mercer road construction and reconstruc- ;;, electorate to place him on Heart Fund and March of Dimes The Heart Tuesday canvass will new buildiny will be completed man. At the same time, it was an- sessed custom duty. itreet. mark the high spot of the Heart tion. withln three or four months. the goal thls Carteret residents desiring to The mayor said he was shocked ii Biowu was high In praise of and other organizations. He is a Association's February drive, Here's the way the taxe rate is will be $4,000. send gift Parcels to Hungary to hear about the poor treatment O'Brien. He cited her klnd- The fire, which caused damage member of Carey Council, 1280, made for this and last year: coun- Mr, Makwinski emphasized the Mrs, Elizabeth Touhcy will be can obtain full details about the they allege to have received in ,,:,ii iicr willingness to be of ! Knights of Columbus, Lone Star ty tax, $2.99, same as in 1956; estimated al $50,000, destroyed importance of raising this sum, In charge of the canvassers who regulations from the post of- bureau and he asked that the wel •.,:.<• which helped to make three stores and two one-family | id represents Carteret's Social and Athletic Club, City Une will start at 6:30 o'clock when local school, $5.26 as compared Wnicn he sa fice. fare department -investigate to with $4.49 an Increase of 77 points link on the board a lot easier, apartments. '-•shar—e i•n maintainini-»-i—«—g th»ue. far-flung'Sociai«. n— l and Athletic Club, Polish the fire whistle blows and con- complaint. and for municipal purposes $7.23 •'! PotocnlR repeated his rea- The store at 94 Roosevelt Ave- disaster program of Red Cross and'American Club. General Sikorski tinue until 9 o'clock. The volun- The letter was in the form of as compared with $5.49 last year, i, iui not seeking reelection, He nue was conducted by Mr. Cho- assistance to servicemen, veterans]Club and Holy Name Society of teers will bring their returns to petition signed by a dozen Negrc an Increase of 174 points. the Holy Family Church. the borough. Proper police pro- Teacher Welcomed ;.: 111 fairness to the public, he dosh as a confectionery store and': and~ "their dependents, 1 residents of the Chrome sec Another Ordinance .: nnt devote much time to news shop, Pending the recon- - — - •-• tection will be provided. Won .Copies, the petition stated An ordinance was Introduced on (iiiiol board while holding structlon, Mr. Chodosh Is tem-i «*£,»•»* » Mrs. Touhey said that persons f are being sent to the State an first reading which provides that . ;nbt I>I borough clerk. He also who by oversight may not be Back to System pporarlly located In the store of Mr. j IJSMK HOIlOrS other sources. persons moving into a new struc- w.irm In praise ot Mrs. Sold called tipow personally may make Balm at 98 HotiseVelt Avenue CARTERET - Mrs. Margaret Councilman John Hu,tnick, ture niust first obtain of the or- i;. ;i us well as the faculty. their contributions to the Heart The Local Finance Company,; member of the welfare board, sail dinance is to assure that the :; Uolan joined with the other Of Its Employes Fund simply by addressing the Conway, a former member of the whose store was at 92 Roosevelt Bidding is Brisk no mention was made of this com building to be occupied complies :;.."•]:. in congratulatory re- Avenue, Is occupying temporary envelope to "Heart" care of the Carteret school faculty, has been plaint at the last meeting of th Carteret Post Office. with all building regulations. i;. extended the three retiring quarters In Washington Avenue, i CARTERET — Ten employees CARTERET—There was spirited returned as a substitute teacher board. Four young women next week Mayor Edward J.
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