UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS INTERPRETATION OF THE CODES FOR SUBJECT AREAS: ACCT Accounting 203 COURSE LISTINGS AFSC Air Farce Science 203 AGED Agricultural Education 204 AGEG Agricultural Engineering 204 AGRI Agriculture 204 ANSC Animal Science 204 ANTH Anthrapology 205 IFST445 Pa_.L!. !')I ~ ARAB Arabic, 207 Emphasis an techniques in working and communicating with parents, understanding par- ARSC Arts and Science 207 ent-child relationships and effectively utilizing parent, teacher, home, school and commu- ART Art . 208 nity resources ARTC Art Conservatian 212 e ARTH Art History 214 PREREQ: IFST 101 ••.••-----~. A BAMS Black American Studies 217 CO REG: IFST 459 or EDDY 400 •• W BISC Biological Sciences 218 BUAD Business Administration 221 BUEC Business and Economics 222 IFST 449 Internship in,Community Services 3-9 PF CGSC Cagnitive Science 222 On-the"iob experience in a community ond family service agency CHEG Chemical Engineering 223 CHEM Chemistry and Biochemistry 224 RESTRICTIONS: Requires permission of instructor - ••----8 CHIN Chinese 226 " CIEG Civil and Environmental Engineering 227 CISC Computer and Information Sciences 230 1 Subject area and course number CMLT Comparative literature 232 COMM Commun ication 233 2 Course title CPEG Computer Engineering 234 3 Credit hours CRJU Criminal Justice 235 a When only one number is printed it is a fixed credit hour course CSCC Center for Science and Culture 236 b When two numbers are printed it is a variable credit hour course The EAMC Early American Culture 237 lower number is the minimum number of credits that a student may ECON Economics. 237 EDCE Counselor Education take in a section of this course in a semester The higher is the maxi- 239 EDDV Educational Development 240 mum number of credits that a student may take in this course in a EDST Educational Studies 242 semester A department may choose to offer a variable credit hour EDUC Education 245 course as fixed in a particular semester, as long as the number of EGGG Engineering, Graphics and General 246 credit hours is within the range of the minimum and maximum for the EGTE Engineering Technology 246 course ELEG Electrical Engineering 247 ENGL English _ 248 4 Grade types: ENTO Entomolagy and Applied Ecology 252 a When blank the course is a letter graded course FINC Finance" .. 254 b Course for which the grade is either pass or fail FLLT Foreign languages and literatures 254 c R, RP- Not for baccalaureate credit FOSC Food Science 255 d NR -- No grade required FREC Food and Resource Economics 257 FREN French 5 Brief description of the course 258 GEOG Geography 260 6 Prerequisites may be satisfied by the course or courses indicated or by GEOL Geology 262 equivalent preparation GREK Greek 264 7 Corequisite course or courses should be taken in the same semesteras the GRMN German 264 HEBR Hebrew 265 course HIST History .. 265 8 Special requirements for the course HPER Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 270 HRIM Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management 274 Interpretation of course numbers: HURE Human Resources 275 IFST Individual and Family Studies 275 001-099 Below baccalaureate degree. ITAL Italian 277 100-199 Introductory· level courses JAPN Japanese 278 JWST Jewish Studies 279 200-299 Introductory and intermediate courses, usually requiring some pre- LATN latin, . 279 vious knowledge or experience in the discipline LEST legal Studies 280 300-399 Courses with a more concentrated focus on the subject matter in a LING Linguistics 280 particular discipline. MALS liberal Studies 282 MASC Materials Science 282 400-499 Advanced courses for majors and other qualified students MAST Marine Studies 283 500-599 Graduate-level courses for the nonspecialist MATH Mathematics 284 MECH Mechanics 287 600-699 Graduate-levelcourses,also open to advanced undergraduates MEDT Medical Technology 287 800-899 Graduate-level courses MEEG Mechanical Engineering 288 900-999 Ph D.-level courses MLSC Military Science 289 MSST Museum Studies 290 X66 Special problems and independent study MUED Music Education 290 X67 Experimental course (may be offered twice) MUSC Music . 290 NTDT Nutrition and Dietetics 294 NURS Nursing 296 Courses numbered 500 to 599 may not be taken for graduate credit in a ORES Operations Research 297 student's major.. With the approval of the graduate student's major depart-, PHIL phi1osophy 298 ment, 500-level courses taken outside the student's major may be counted PHYS Physics and Astranomy 299 toward graduate degree requirements PHYT Physical Therapy 301 Courses numbered 600 to 699 are graduate-level courses also open to PLSC Plant Science 302 qualified advanced undergraduates with the consent of the instructor There PORT Portuguese f 303 should be a single standard of expectation and grading for all students regis- POSC Political Science 303 tered at this level PSYC Psychology 306 RUSS Russian 308 In those few cases where the number of either undergraduate students or SCEN Science 309 graduate students does not permit adequate offerings of both a 400-level SOCI Socialogy 309 and a 600-level course, a graduate 600-level course may be combined with SPAN Spanish 311 a separately numbered 400-level undergraduate course in the same section. STAT Statistics. 314 The graduate component must then be offered with a graduate standard of TDCE Textiles, Design and Consumer Economics 314 expectation and grading THEA Theatre 316 The appropriateness of 600-numbered courses for undergraduate credit is UNIV University Course 320 URAF Urban Affairs . subject to review by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies 320 WOMS Women's Studies 322 PA~E 202 / UNIVERSITY OF DELA WARE 1996-97 CA TALOG AIR FORCE SCIENCE ACCT 383 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING 3 ACCOUNTING Describes the functions of international accounting; foreign currency transactions, finan.. cial statement translation, inflation, auditing and taxation Current issues are covered as ACCT 207 ACCOUNTING I 3 appropriate An introduction to finonciol occounting Topics: the occounting cycle, merchondise PREREQ:ACCT207 occounting, occounting procedures for cosh, receivobles, poyobles, inventories, plont ond equipment, stocks and bords ACCT 395 SEMINAR: INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING 3 RESTRICTI(),NS:Not open to Freshmen Seminar on selected topics in international accounting Combines lectures and visits to -"~""-'-~~--"._~~~ local organizations ACCT 208 ACCOUNTING II 3 PREREQ:ACCT207 An introduction to managerial accounting Topics: manufacturing accounting, cost,·vol- RESTRICTIONS:Taught abroad ume-profit analysis, job-order accounting, budgeting, standard costs and variance analy .. sis, contribution approach to decision analysis, absorption and direct costing ACCT 413 INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING 3 PREREQ:ACCT207 Analysis of recent revenue acts; useof federal law and regulations to determine tax liability RESTRICTIONS:Not open to freshmen PREREQ:ACCT315 RESTRICTIONS:Requires junior status and a grade of Cor beffer in ACCT 315 ACCT 260 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS I 3 Introduction to computers: components ond operations Introduction to monogement ACCT 414 FEDERALINCOME TAXATION: RESEARCHAND PLANNING 3 information/decision support systems and the systems development process Emphasis Introduction to tax research and corporate and partnership tax laws Introduces research on microcomputers ond software packages used in business tools useful for analyzing tax issues Student uses acquired skills to explore corporate and partnership taxation concepts ACCT 261 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS II 3 PREREQ:ACCT413 Introduction to manogement information systems. Structured programming techniques for problem solving with business productivity tools and software Emphosis on business ACCT 415 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 3 opplications Introduction to branch accounting, consolidotions, partnerships, fund accounting for state PREREQ:ACCT260 and local governments, and accounting for international transactions Other relevant top- ics may olso be covered ACCT 302 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3 PREREQ:ACCT3 16 Accounting informotion and its place within an orgonizotion's overoll management infor- motion system Emphosis on information ond document flow, internol control, dato orga- RESTRICTIONS:Requires senior status and a grade of C or beffer in ACCT 316 nization, ond the onolysis, 'design, development, ond audit of computer.bosed accounting systems Includes some computer work ACCT 417 AUDITING 3 An introduction to the standards and procedures underlyins contemporary auditing. Top- PREREQ:ACCT20B, ACCT260 ics include ethics, legal liability, internal control, audit evidence, audit reports, statistical RESTRICTIONS:RequiresJunior stotus sampling, the audit of computerized systems, operational auditing, other engagements and services ACCT 313 FEDERALTAX.ESFOR MANAGERS 3 PREREQ:ACCT316 Explores taxable entities, tax aspects of selecting a business form, income concepts, busi- ness deductions, tax factors in the acquisition, use, and disposition of fixed assets, non- RESTRICTIONS:Requires senior status and a grade of C or beffer in ACCT 3 16 taxable transactions, capital gains and losses, and tax planning ACCT 466 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1-6 PREREQ:ACCT207 RESTRICTIONS:Not open to Accounting majors ACCT 614 FEDERALTAX RESEARCHAND PLANNING 3 Introduces the master's student to the techniques and tools of technical tax research ACCT 315 INTERMEDIATEACCOUNTING I 3 Using these developing skills, the student begins exploration of the corporate and part- In-depth coverage of financial
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