1360 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 51 Now, therefore, We do hereby ex-tend until the 30th day of 161th Field Regiment, RNZA Septemlber 1964, the time within which you are s,o required to Captain J. McK. Ross, M.B., CH.B., RNZAMC, relinquishes report without prejudice to the continuation of the· liberty the appointmentt of R.M.0. and resigns his commission. Dated conferred upon you by Our said Warrant to report your 1 April 1964. proceedings and findings from 1time to time if you should judge it expedient to do so: ROYAL N.Z. ARMOURED CORPS And We do hereby ,confirm Our said Warrant and .the Commissrion thereby constituted save a:s modified hry these Territorial Force presents: 2nd Armoured Squadmn {rWA:'LK1ATO) R'NZiAC And it is hereby declared that these p1:°esents are issued Lieutenant G. L. A. Allan resigns his commission. Dated under the authority of the sa,id Letters Patent of His late 25 June 1964. Ma;jesty, pursuant .to seotion 27 ,of the Ovil Li:sit Act 1950, and under ·the a,uthority ,orf and sulbject to the Commissions oif The New Zealand Scottish Regiment, RNZAC Inquiry A:ct 1908, 1and with rthe advice and consent of the Tlre commission of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) G. tP. Lewis, Executive Council .of New Zealand. B.SC., is oonrfirmed. In witness whereof We have caused these presents to be 2nd !Lieuternanit Graham rPhilip 1Lewis, n.sc., is transferred to issued and the Se3.!l ,o;f New Zealand to be hereunto affixed ;the Reserve of Officers, General List, Royal N.Z. 'Armoured at Wellingtion 1this 19th day of 'Augusit 1964. Oorps, in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 1 June 1964. Witness Our Right TruS'ty and WeJll-'beloved Cousin, Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, Knight Grand Cross of the ROYAL N.Z. CORPS OF SIGNALS Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michae:l iand Safat George, Knight Grand Cross in the Royal Victorian Territori1al Force Order, Companion ·of the 'Distinguished Service Order, 1:st Infantry ,Brigade Giioup Sr~gnal Squadron, RNZ Si,gs Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the Briitish Captain L. C. MoCalman to ibe temp. Major. Daited 1 Match Empire, Brigadier on the Retired List of Her Majesty's 1964. Army, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in 2nd Lieutenant D. R. Simpson to he Lieutenant Da1ted and over New Zealand; acting ,by and with the advice 23 February 1964. and consent of the Executive Council of New Zealiand. rBERNARD FERGUSSON, Grovemo1r-General. 3rd InfaD1try Brigade Gmup Si1gnal Squadron, RNZ Sigs By His Excellency's Command- Lieutenant V. E. MoKay 'tio be rtemp. Oap:t!ain. Da!ted 14 June KEJi11H HOLYOAiKE, ,Prime Minister. 1964. Approved ·in Council- T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. ROYAL N.Z. INFANTRY REGIMENT Regular Force Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. iK. Ainge tis 1appoin1ted 00, 2nd Appointing Members of the Spe'Cial Town and Country Baititalion ,(Oante:rbury and Nelson - Marlbrot1ough and w,e1st Planning Appeal Board C01ais't), RNZIR. Da.'ted 22 lTuly 1964. BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General Territorial Force WHEREAS, pursuant to a Warrant dated the Wth day of January 1 1 1%4 and published in the Gazette of 30 Janua,ry 1964, at page Oapitain ( temp. Major) G. C. Marinkovic rel:inquished the 85, and :a Warrant da:ted the '151th ·ckty of July 1964 and appointmen1t of CO, The No.r4thland Reg:imenlt RN!Z Inf. published in the Oazeitte of 16 July at page 1141. Daited 1 April '1964. ' Cuthbert Hargreaves Taylor, Esquire, of Wellington, being a Barrister and 'Solicitor of the Supreme Court of iN ew 3rd Bartitalion {Auckland (Oountess of Ranfutly's Own) and ,Zealand; Northland), RN!ZIR Leslie Poiiter Blunt, Esquire, of Kaikoura, being a person Captain (temp. Major) G. C. Marinkovic to be Major. nominra;ted hy 1the ExecuJtive Oommiittee of the New Zea­ Dated 22 May 1964. Land Oounties 'Association 'Incorporated; Captain R. G. :Brown to be temp. Major. Dated 1 April Ewart Somers, Esquire, of Christchurch, hieing a person 19'64. nomina:ted by the Executive Oommivtee ,of the Municipal As1s1ociation ,of New Zealand Incorporated; and 5th BatitaHon (WeUington Wesit Ooast rand Taranaki), RNZIR Rex Ryerson Beaumont, Esquire, of Lower Hu:Vt, B1arvis:ter Lieuteoont John RIO'ss Arms:trong ,ceases to be seconded 1to and Solicitor Heia;dq:u,a,rters, 2nd J:nfan1try Brigade Grioup and is 'transferred to were appointred members ,of the Special 'Down and Country the Reserve of Officers, General Lis1t, Rioyal N.Z. Infantry Planning Appeal iBoa11d for a pe'riod terminating ·on the Regiment, in the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 26 Jurne 1964. 14th day of August 1'964. LieutenanJt Norman 'WHliam fack is itmnsferred to the And whereas it is desired to re~constitute 1the said Speci1al Re1serV'e of Officers, General List, Royal IN.Z. infantry Town and Country Appeal Board fm !the purpose of comple!t­ Regiment, in the mnk of lJierutenant. Dated 22 June 1964. ing the hearing .of an app!eal partly heard; <Now therefore, pursuant 'to ·sec:ti:on 39 A of rthe Tiown and 7th Hat'tali1on, (,WeHingiton ('City of Wellington's Own) and Country ,Plianning Act 1953, I, 1Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Hawke's ;Bay), RNZIR Ferguss·on, the Governoir-General of New Zealand hereby Lieutenanlt A. W. Hall resigns his oommission. Dated 1 July appoint the aforesaid 1%4. Cuthbert Haiigreaves Taylor; Leslie ·Porter Blunt; ROYAL N.Z. ARMY MEDICAL ICORPS Rex RyeflS1on Beaumonlt; and Regular Force iEwart Somers to be members of the Speci1al Town and Country ,Planning Major Kenneth Edgewort Ussh.er, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.P.i(EDIN.)' o.T.M and H.'(LOND.), i1s transferred Ito lthe Reserve of Officers, Appeal Board for a 1period commencing on the 1st day of September 1964 and terminating ·on the 3rd day of Sep1tember General !List, Royal N.,z. Army ,Medic1al Oorps, in the rank of 1964; and •I hereby appoint Cuthbert Hargreaves Taylor ito he Major. Dated 1 August 1964. Chairman of the ,Special 'Jlown and Oountry .Planning Appeal Captain T. R. King, M.B., CH.B., is re-engruged for the period Board. 3 August 1965 to 2 Febmary '1'966. Captain G. iF. J:?avis, M._P.s., P'h.c., M.{N.z.)s.c.1(Inc.), As wiitnesrs the hand •of His Exoellency the Gov·emor.,General is granted an exitensmn of h1s ·enga,gement on ia month rto this 22nd day of Auguslt 1964. month basis as f11om 6 lT uly 1964. [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 32/9,239/4) Territorial Force Captain J. McK. Ross, M.B., CH-.B., lately R.'M.O., 16th Field Regiment, RN2'JA, resigns his comm1ission. Dated ·1 April 1'964. Appointments, Pr,omot,i1ons, Transfers, Resignations, and . Reitirements of Officers of the New Zealand Army 9th iMohile Bacteriological Labora·tmy, RNZAIMC 1PVRSlJANt to section 16 of the New ZeaLand Army Aidt 1950, Ma1jor 1fohn Arthur Reginald Miles, M.A., M.D. B.CHIR. His E:x:cellenicy ·'the Goverri!or-Genera1 has been p1eased 'to (CANTAB.), is posted 1to lthe Retired Lisit. Dated rl Aughst 1964. a:pprove of the fol110wi11g appoin1tments, promotions, transfers, 2nd Lieutenant J. D. R. Morgan 1to he Ueufo.:orant and is resignaJtions, 1and retririeme'l1'ts of officers of the New Zealand 1appioinJt1ed :acting OC. Da'tred '29 foly 1964. Army: ROYAL REOIMENT OF N.Z. ARTILLERY ht Ffold Ambuliance, RiNZiAMC Terrftorial Force Capfain fon Philip 'Broad, M.B., CH.B., is transferred t10 1the Reserve of Officers, General List, Royal N.Z. Army Medical 3rd Held Regiment, RNZA Oorps, in 1the rank of Oapioain. Dated 26 June 1'964. 1Lieutenant K. L. Doolan resigns his commission. Da'ted 23 Captain Robert William Reid Archibald, M.B., CH.B., is July 1964. tmnsiferr·ed to !the Rese'rve of Officers, General iLisrt, Royal '2nd Lieutenant ,J. F. Oven's to be Lieutenant. Dated 23 N.Z. Army Medical Corps, in rthe rank 10,f Oapitain. Dated February 1'964. 6 1June i1964. .
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