SKIRT AND SWEATER FUN AT THE PROM TONIGHT FIELD HOUSE TONIGHT FOR EVERYBODY THE SPECTRUM FOR EVERYBODY =IN v'uLUME L"7. Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940 NUMBER 23 Tuxedos. Won't BISON PICTURE Eversull, Sevrinson, Beyers Madrigal Club To Be SCHEDULE Cafeteria Will Monday Convo Feature To be taken in the YMCA Work At Frosh auditorium. - Represent AC At St. Louis Professor Hywel C. Rowland's Serve Turkey Watch Old Main bulletin board Among nearly 12,000 educators as- in student participation in college gov- Madrigal Club from the University Prom Tonight for notices of group pictures to sembled at St. Louis, Feb. 24-29, were ernment, faculty committees, and of North Dakota will make its an- For All-College be taken next week. three NDAC faculty members, Pres. other administrative activities." nual appearance at NDAC in con- vocation, Monday at 11:20. This Field House Scene Of All senior proofs must be re- Frank L. Eversull, Dean C. A. Sevrin- Dean Sevrinson was particularly Finnegan To Announce famous choral group comes to turned to Voss and all fraternity son, and Dr. Otto J. Beyers. The pleased with the convention theme, Freshman Frolic; Novel Fargo to the Plymouth Con- New Basketball Captain and sorority glossy prints must be occasion was the seventeenth annual "What Is Right with the Schools ?" Grand March Featured brought to the Bison office by convention of the American Associ- which he observed, "approached edu- gregational church Sunday eve- At Dinner Tuesday Night ning at 8 p. m. and will be housed By BUD DeCAMP March 15. ation of School Administrators, a de- cation from a positive and not a ne- partme•t of the NEA. gative angle." The convention sum- in homes of church members and Early Tuesday afternoon at Ceres Informal formality will be the key- mary stated that there is a great deal in fraternity houses Sunday night. hall cafeteria cooks will begin final note of the Skirt and Sweater prom, Sevrinson and Eversull, when quiz- more right than wrong with the The chorus is composed of 35 mem- steps in the preparation of the 200 when that swing session is called to zed, expressed satisfaction with the schools today in spite of the critics bers, specializing in folk and re- order in the Field House tonight at convention, Dr. Eversull has missed pounds of turkey to be served at the who are oblivious to the profound so- ligious music, sings a capella. nine o'clock. Le Gallienne only three since 1922, but it was Sev- All-College night sponsored by the rinson's first. cial changes effected thru the schools. Rudolph Jenson and Mary Betty "On Our Way", a dramatic revue Bison Brevities. Punton will lead the parade of rug- Impresses Three important aspects of the on the purposes of education, also Every sorority on the campus has cutters in the most novel grand 1940 convention were noted by was praised by Sevrinson. Takes Band On Tour been asked to have its trio partici- march ever witnessed in this vicin- President Eversull. "First," he Both the educators agreed that St. pate on the program which will last ity. They will be followed by Dan AC Students said, "was the approach of educa- Louis was pretty well crowded — from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. Feature Stine and Joyce Kundert; Virgil De- tion to youth's problem in a more By BARBARA GWYTHER "largest meeting" commented Ever- musical number is to be the presen- Camp and Alice Larson, and the fin- real manner . .. vocational aid, Up the stairway of Old Main to- sull. Sevrinson mentioned that 12 tation of a pep song written by Gerry est array of typically dressed stu- safety education, curriculum ad- pullman cars were used as hostelries Wisehart and dedicated to this year's dents on the campus. ward The Little Country Theater she justment, and the like. Second, by a number of delegates. team. Miss Wisehart has written There will be six formal program walked, a slender figure clad in gray the tendency toward counting Accompanying Dr. Eversull was much of the music to be used in The dances, and the rest of the numbers, all experiences of life as educati- and black. Her flat-heeled oxfords Mrs. Eversull. Also in attendance Blue Key Turns. A section of the will be as novel as Babe Scott's boys onal. meeting the worn wood of the stairs from Fargo were Supt. H. H. Kirk, Brevities orchestra will play while naturally are. Third, and what impressed me Cass County Supt. Caroline Evingson, Ernst VanVlissingen leads community Feature attraction of the evening made no sound, and her beautifully most," he added, "was the need of and M. E. McCurdy, NDEA secreta- singing. will be entertainment by the differ- modulated voice rang oddly through conserving the democratic processes ry. Parts of the program will be broad- ent sororities. Among the numbers the quiet room and in the ears of a will be a novel arrangement of An cast by KVOX, Margaret Calhoun, di- handful of persons too long accus- rector of the Brevities, said. apple for tke teacher," by one of the tomed to harsh mid-western speech. groups. Naval Officers Pick Honored guests of the Bison Brevi- Gravely she acknowledged a brief Rotary Honors ties staff will be persons who have Ken Kennedy, chief judge in the March birthdays and members of the best dressed couple contest, has in- introduction, her vibrant voice linger- 5 For Preliminary basketball squad. March births will structed Helen Roith and Carl Ror- ing mellow in the room. Turning she ROTC Units rate a 'piece of the special birthday vig, his assistants, to pick the couple followed up further stairs, leading Air Corps Training Representative student members cake for the occasion. Team mem- that are typical of real college life. toward the Lincoln Log Cabin. More Officers of the Naval Reserve Air bers will likely be presented with Following the regular theme of of NDAC's ROTC and auxiliary units introductions — and impulsively she corps, who conducted physical exami- gold basketballs for winning the this prom, and running contrary to were guests of the Fargo Rotary nations in the health clinic Wednes- North Central conference co-champi- all formal functions given before, stepped forward to take proffered day and Thursday, announced late Club at Wednesday noon luncheon in ionship, and the new captain will be the grand march will form at the hands, casting aside momentarily the DR. C. S. PUTNAM Thursday they had chosen five out the club's Chamber of Commerce announced. south door of the Field House, cir- cloak of faint reserve surrounding of about 55 examined up to that rooms. Lt. Col. John R. Menden- The turkey dinner will be served cle the floor once, and then come her. Her voice which swelled and time for preliminary training in the Band To Begin First down the center of the building from hall, Rotary leader on this campus, by the management of the cafeteria faded as she was shown through the Navy Air corps. the stage. spoke to the group, explaining the for 35 cents. Another menu is of- cabin rooms, expressed genuine in- Those approved are Einar Mickel- Chaperones for the evening are ROTC. Talks were also given by Tour In 17 Years; fered for 25 cents. Both meals will be terest. Her grey-blue eyes and son, Victor Hultstrand, Ronald Hock- Col. and Mrs. J. R. Mendenhall and students, and the Crack Drill Squad cafeteria style, Mrs. L. W. Roen, ca- straight red mouth belied the intense ing, Frank Murphy and Floyd Meis- Maj. and Mrs. E. F. Boruski. performed with a manual of arms Departs March 19 feteria manager, stressed. pallor of her face, and brief waves of ner, who was co-captain of the Con- drill. Brevities talent will participate in hair peered carelessly from beneath cordia college football team last fall. Under the direction of Dr. C. S. few programs after Tuesday when the black krimmer toque. Students who spoke on the various Putnam, the NDAC concert band will Others may be added to the list later. they will appear at the All-College Students approved in the rigid organizations within and auxiliary to start its first tour in seventeen years No, no lunch—she had eaten an night and at 10:15 p. m. will broad- Degrees Given physical tests go to Wold-Chamber- the ROTC, with their subjects, are on March 19. Before leaving on this early dinner, as was her custom. cast from the Powers coffee shop lain field in Minneapolis for a William Ames, Boys' Rifle Team; Da- trip the band will present a concert She must leave for her dressing room over WDAY. Charles Bjornstad, month's preliminary training, then vid Brown, Gold Star Band; Einar at Fargo high school on March 12. to start makeup for Hedda. ventriloquist with the show, partici- To FFS Grads to Pensacola, Fla., for further in- Mickelson, Crack Drill Squad; Clar- With Sgt. and Mrs. L. L. Detroit Out on the campus in its evening ence Van Ray, Scabbard and Blade; pated in a program at the North Certificates were awarded to the struction. They will receive their as chaperones, 55 students will make quietness . Arthur Lahlum, Organization of the Dakota Winter show in Valley City first graduates of the two-year orders about June 15. the trip. There will be no guest solo- "North Dakota ? I like it very Regiment; Delores McDowell, Gui- Wednesday. course offered in the NDAC Farm The officers found it impossible to ists, but several feature numbers will much, what I have seen of it.
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