Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 7-9-1951 Spectator 1951-07-09 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1951-07-09" (1951). The Spectator. 437. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/437 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. "CURIOUS SAVAGE" HERE SeattleSpectatorUNIVERSITY Volume -Will SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY U, 11)51 .( 2fi New English Requirements Applicable to All Departments "The habit nf writing good Env,li;.li ort llk- i>:irl ot oui generally "n i-oihl- ;is <i result of a concerted puhev IQWBV<J Ibflt pnd OH the part of all departments of the- muviT'.ily," recently BJIDOUOCO i Pr. A. B. Corrigan, 'loan of studio. In view of these facts, ii program of miiuinuiii ittiiureinenl:; for the use of the English language atSU hasbeen set up, which gouInto riTwt irnini.iiLiU'ly. Tbf following requi- Iskvi been eottipilKi In w- Experiences cordsnoe withsuggestionsmade bj Rich ihe Jesuit Education Association, tst w.-ll ;,:; SU tUCUIty, for the im- provement ol the general usage of Figure inPast of ' !■ ,ii 111 .icsmt colleges: 1. Every instructor is ao"vUr<l to New Instructor rr.jrct any written work of a slud- which in Judgment, "Maiminv a bookstore In New i-nt. his rails to York wn fun. but it didn't pay a meet this requirement of clear and living wai;r." remarked Miss .11- correct (jijjliwli. anil to deny such berU Bitsoii, xunieuliiit ruefully. work a pa.-^ine grade. Previous tv her recent appointment 2. Every' instructor is nclviiccl to a» supervixor of rlrmrntary prac- correct atudmffl mlstokes in re- ttue tr:ti'tilnc at BUi 1>TI»» Bcoson citing and in data d ai as a bum betd n variety uf luterfNtln/: nOdßfl] help to the student in hi:: ■Mwitioak. use nf spoken Enßliiih. A: a member of Fi Keller's :i. Thr> tnitrnetor is not obliged to specify the particular n:i ill1 in New York, she did \p for which any wnt.ten work tWBtV* TeSßOt' I if thr oeuMa «" txtfoUtti.H» muy ii chapters in the recent publication "■ paper, or specilic "CoCflara That Change the World." liiH's, iii which mistakes occin. y\ One oX her tasks was the transla- .-.turl«-iit. is expected to have ■oflt- tion of scientific terms concerninu et«nt critical ability to rficofnlze are, atomic energy into language that fuiidamcutal errors in thr. use nf Krnilinc ovrr the script for clir nomine plus "The CurlouH SAVuge" left to rieht: I'r. Leo L.wi- (or the ordinary citizen could comprc- Enrflish himself. phler. Jaekle Wadesou, Alau R«ynold». Tom Galt^n. Eileen Wagner. Janet Douglas Marshall KiU- "ix well n*n survey of all the 4. SprriiiraM.v. the rejection or C'beKhlrr, Sxrernry. rcinld. Ruth and Ann penre-time applications of atonic any wrltteuwork is juntified InUie energy. case ul' uny one. of the followlnx Her work on the chapter dealing ri.i-.Miu.Hi.iuv of error: Ruth Cheshier Plays 'Savage' New Offices for with college teuuhing was not half m. A«ioUlile Ui-k of clearneas of so diMcult, as she had the wealth thought; In Summer of her ownpersonalexperiencesto b. A notiblernrrlossneas or dlo- Guild's Production ROTC Unit Staff rl raw upon, in additionto research "The Curious Savage," a comedy by John Patrick, will be pre- d;ila. Miss Beeson taught at SI! C. More than one scntrncc-rrror sented by University the Seattle Drama Guild, UUdtt tlie direction of tVnir year? ago as well as at Ml. (period i.\iill, comma fault, fused Fr.LeoLauphler,Iv thfc Little Theatre, July 27-28-29 and August 3-4-5. In Construction Angel College in Mt. Angel, Ore. si-ntcncc, eto.): Fresh from n successful run on Broadway, the play stars Ruth Workmen are busily hammering "One of my most memorable d. More thanone instance of bad Cheshlur as Ethel Savage, the role made famous by LillianGish. Other ;m<l painting in Vets' HaJl. prrpiii- rUkiM-s consistedof all of the disci- players are: ing proppr office socoramodfttloni pline problems of a hirer California p. Three mlssiiollcd words (or Florence Janet Douglas Tor the ROTC staff which will hielt MchiMil." Khe rct'.iillcil. and her one mlspelled to everylift)' words). Hannibal Alan Reynolds ".'miiTieriei- activities hern tbll l.ill. expressive bazel eyes twinkled as Combinationsof these errors af- Fairy May Jackie Wadeson Summer Faculty Walls between three ol' the Cor- she spoke <>i dm 6'S" "dblurbing ford all the more reason for rcjeu- Jeffrey Tom Gahan nier darn rooms have been re- factors"sitehad to enpr with. (Miss Mrs. Paddy Anne Sweeny moved to provide laiffiSß 'tin' B. Is very slight and diminutive.) 5. Instructors arc urivLsed, in the Includes Religious stall, Titus Bob Marier cp«ce tor t)u nrtht-man "My job wa.s to teach them Eng- case mi' nny stxident who cannot Samuel Steve Allen which indtiilus live etili.sted BJfin lish, and tench them Idid!" she qualify in his written work accord- Lily Belle Sally Malone And Lay Visitors and thixic olllcor.t. announced with an of triumph. ing to the üboVL', to continue to ) air Miss Wilhelmina Eileen Wagner The Key. John Lynch Irotn Wes- in- hagrrucnt of tiio engineering Specializing in English, language deny such a studpnt n passing grade Dr. Emmett Marshall Fitzgerald ton College, Wcston, Mass., and huililinn as well, is behm convert- arts, and drama, Miss Beeson re- and to report )ns Inability to the The action takes place in a Siftw iiniitii, acting clofin, College ed Into rla.iNr<ii>ms and offices, nnd ceived lier master's degree from dean for poKsibk- rxtru help. target range being up quaint rest home for the "mentally oi PaUa, beadlliuthe a Is set In tho University 6. In term pjipcrs, in- Gfreal vl*lUn« building. of Soutliern Cali- unless the tired" ... (the words "crazy" and l(n.ult.v list at SU this r.innm(>!- buck iif Die The rxpectrd fornia structor or department provide* p used) enrollmento( theunit at Sl', which 'unbalanced" are never ... Futhor Lynch tenches morol tho- "The exciting part about living manual <<t special direction for nr- called Cloisters. Mrs. Savage r,u>Ky (or p.m. i* undrr the direction of Lt. Col. rangement. the sitters al 1 on Tues- and working hi New is and form, the current has been committed to this institu- days atid Thursdays. Sister George J. Si-hlll. Is about 500. York the text, Judith, opportunities for Composition XI should be tion by her money-mad family be- unlimited it affords carefully. a curiculum consultanttor Catholic to intensely apostolic groups. followed cause she to University America, meet intended distributeall of conducts a as those connected with '"Integ- of her dead husband's wealth to cowse entitled"Curriculum Work- Reas, Foley, and rity,"' Hospitality Hotue, >lioij" rUiil.y ;ii EVlend- charities, instead of disbursing it 10 n.m. The class is ship Mouse, nnd & W;ird':: among Shccfl her kith and kin. designed for Sisters and Catholic publication liouso. Instuction To Be Strangely enough, Mrs, Savage BChoaJ i:. based on Beeson toManage nefedl OUd thn "Ishall never t a meeting I Uikls real peace and happiness Cfiri;;lian Social Livin? Series de- forte ;Ihese "unusual" peoplr who volnpod at Catholic University. Department attended in connection with Fr. Given in Use of nrp so sincere and human in com- Visitlw: .Jesuit faculty also Ed. Itanlrlon's movement, at which In- present representative* parison With the hardness tint! cludr Rrv. YVilllum I'c.isrh 5..1.. Mr. Ifarbert Reas, edumtion in- wi-rr of all I'ulths, r-.iithii.sh hypocrisy in the worlH slip has Irft. frnni Alma,Calif, teaching Uiroloty structor, duties of scehlne to busln Art Equipment will assume the tliettutelves, M.iM.v situation of Mass; Rev. uuderatandlncit aniont four-clay ["nurse » humorous the Mnrtln Borbcr.k. tiiit'ctinu theeducation department (listßuxxion." A art mui-.-ri.il: iiri.ifs during her ittay there; for S.J.. Srwarrt. \l:i>kj, gen- upnn thedepartureof Rev.William thruuich will Lit mode available toachtnv of to all E<lu- instance, aiirr her dramatic jii- eral ethics:Krv.l.oui* O'Calluffhun. Codd, actingdean, next Father The results this and subse- ->uly 10-19, by fall. quent discussions have not yet CBtion Btodsota the lunwpanmt that nhe has hiddenall S.J.. Mount St.Michael's, Spokane. Codd willstart work onhis doctor's a« Blnoey-Smlth Art Supply Co. of the money, the family scurries James MoOuleaii, university. brcn ::ummari7.«Hl by the group, but The clukmcx, ktflc! Rev. S.J.. dissertation at another smilingly wliirli will b* held madly about on a wild treasure St. Louis, Mo,, special elhiotf, and Myrclie Lecture is also lcav- Bi Miss Beeson put It, from l-.'i p.m.. afford Mr. disagree Instruction hunt. iS'»iiuxll.v t«ll of their rffortH Key. John MoCluxkey, S.J., SJirrl- inj! position "They didn't on any- SU for a with the thing." In the iisv of various art and rrnft are futile, etince the rather wise rian, OrrKHii. t^iirhhiß :ilrcl»m. Shnrrlino Public Schools. A nnw- material*, which arc nowan etracn- Mrs. Savafc li:i\ her rirhe* neatly From Seattle thert n; Dora Lea- comer. Mr. Andrew Foley, will net tlul part of the snlf-contalnedchuuc "<""« n into the triiri.v bear which in vtlt, head librarian, secondary us supervisor of secondary teaching high school, and college students room method.
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