2020 V`K †Kªwy; Welq: Evsjv 2Q C [We‡Kl `Кєe¨ : Wvb Cv‡Ki Msl¨Vc ‡Kœi Cy

2020 V`K †Kªwy; Welq: Evsjv 2Q C [We‡Kl `Кєe¨ : Wvb Cv‡Ki Msl¨Vc ‡Kœi Cy

wm‡jU K¨v‡WU K‡jR welq †KvW:102 gK †U÷-2020 Øv`k †kªwY; welq: evsjv 2q cÎ [we‡kl `ªóe¨ : Wvb cv‡ki msL¨v cÖ‡kœi c~Y©gvb ÁvcK| GKB cÖ‡kœi Dˇi mvay I PwjZ fvlvixwZi wgkÖY `~lYxq|] mgq: 3 NÈv c~Y©gvb :100 1| (K) ÔGÕ aŸwb D”Pvi‡Yi cuvPwU wbqg D`vniYmn †jL| 5 A_ev, (L) †h †Kv‡bv cuvPwU k‡ãi D”PviY †jL: weL¨vZ, Amn¨, k•Lgvjv, bÿÎ, wekvjvwÿ, e¨envi, `ÿZv, Aa¨ÿ 2| (K) lZ¡ weavb Kx? lZ¡ weav‡bi cuvPwU wbqg D`vniYmn †jL| 5 A_ev, (L) †h †Kv‡bv cuvPwU k‡ãi evbvb ï× K‡i ‡jL: D”P¯^i, ibv½vb, ‡`uŠo, fv®‹i, `~išÍ, HK¨gZ, ¯^i¯^wZ, K‡Y©j 3| (K) D`vniYmn we‡k‡l¨i †kÖwYwefvM Av‡jvPbv Ki| 5 A_ev, (L) wb¤œ‡iL †h †Kv‡bv cuvPwU k‡ãi e¨vKiwYK kã †kÖwY wb‡`©k Ki: (i) GB iæcvwj wMUvi †Q‡o GKw`b P‡j hve (v) Zzwg Avgvi cÖ_g KweZv| `~‡i| (vi) kx‡Zi c‡i emšÍ FZz| (ii) kvevk! evsjv‡`k GB c„w_ex AevK ZvwK‡q wgM-29 `ªæZ †e‡M Pj‡Z ïiæ Ki‡jv| iq? (vii) ‡K‡U‡Q G‡Kjv wei‡ni †ejv AvKvk Kzmyg (iii) c_ nviv‡ev e‡j Gevi c‡_ †b‡gwQ| (viii) Pq‡b| (iv) P‡jv e`‡j hvB| 4| (K) †h †Kv‡bv cuvPwU k‡ãi cÖZ¨‡qi bvgmn cÖK…wZ I cÖZ¨q wbY©q Ki: 5 ‡mŠ›`h©, Ab¨vb¨, ivbœv, ‡Ljbv, ‡Pbv, ‡gvoK, evwl©K, `ªvwNgv A_ev, (L) e¨vmevK¨mn mgvm wbY©q Ki(‡h †Kv‡bv cuvPwU): nZvnZ, exi‡kÖô, feb`, cÖePb, mk¯¿, bxjKÉ, gyLP›`ª, wbjv¤^i 5| (K) evK¨ Kv‡K e‡j? A_© Abymv‡i evK¨ KZ cÖKvi I Kx Kx? D`vniYmn Av‡jvPbv K‡iv| 5 A_ev, (L) eÜbxi wb‡`©k Abymv‡i †h †Kv‡bv cuvPwUi evK¨všÍi Ki: (i) Rxeb AwZ ÿz`ª|(‡bwZevPK) (v) wZwb `wi`ª wKš‘ f`ª|( mij) (ii) gvgvi gyL jvj nBqv DwVj|(cÖkœevPK) (vi) wKš‘ eid Mwjj bv|(Aw¯ÍevPK) (iii) cwikÖg Qvov DbœwZ n‡e n‡e bv|(‡hŠwMK) (vii) GwU fvwi j¾vi K_v|(we¯§q‡evaK) (iv) wgmwµ‡qUiv K‡j‡R Xz‡KwQj Kzwji (viii) GLbB Wv³vi WvKv †e‡k|(RwUj) DwPZ|(AbyÁvm~PK) 6|(K) †h †Kv‡bv cuvPwU ev‡K¨i AccÖ‡qvM ï× K‡i ‡jL: 5 (i) GZØviv Rvbv‡bv n‡jv| (v) ¯^wkÿvi †Kvb weKí †bB| (ii) Zviv GK‡Î Mgb Kij| (vi) iPbvwUi DrKl©Zv Ab¯^xKvh©| (iii) we`¨vb‡K mK‡j kÖ×v K‡i| (vii) Zzwg, Kwig I Avwg AvR co‡Z hve| (iv) kKz‡bi †`vqvq nvwZ g‡i bv| (viii) Dc‡iv³ evK¨wU ï× bq| A_ev, (L) wb‡Pi Aby‡”Q‡`i AccÖ‡qvM¸‡jv ï× Ki: weØvb gyL© A‡cÿv †kÖôZi| G K_v cÖgvY n‡q‡Q| Rxe‡b mv_©KZv jvf Ki‡Z nB‡j cv‡V g‡bv‡hvwM nB‡Z nq| `~ie¯’v AvKv•Lvi AšÍivq| •`b¨Zv fvj bq| 7| (K) †h †Kv‡bv `kwU k‡ãi cvwifvwlK iæc †jL 10 Warrent, Verson, Surplus, Raking, public Relation, Mass-Education, Lien, Invoice, Interim, Handicraft, Fitness, Copy, Auditor, Booklet, Expert A_ev. (L) wb‡Pi Aby‡”Q`wU evsjvq Abyev` Ki: We are social beings and have to consider the effect of our behaviour on others. There are two terms to describe our social behaviour'- 'etiquette' and 'manners', 'Etiquette means the rules of correct behaviour in society. The word 'manner means the behaviour to be polite in particular society or culture. No one likes a badmannered person. 8| (K) ¯^vaxbZv D`&hvcb wel‡q GKwU w`bwjwc iPbv Kiv| 10 A_ev (L) `ªe¨g~‡j¨i Ea©¦MwZ I Zvi cÖwZKvi m¤ú‡K© GKwU cÖwZ‡e`b •Zwi Ki| 9| (K) Aemi mgq‡K Avb›`gq Kivi Dcvq m¤ú‡K© eY©bv K‡i †QvU fvB‡K GKwU •e`y¨wZK wUwV †jL| 10 A_ev (L) GKwU gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q mnKvix wkÿ‡Ki k~b¨c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ Av‡e`bcÎ iPbv Ki| 10| (K) mvigg© wjL: 10 ÿgv †h_v ÿxY `ye©jZv, ‡n iæ`ª, wbôzi †hb n‡Z cvwi Z_v ‡Zvgvi Av‡`‡k| †hb imbvq gg mZ¨ evK¨ Swj I‡V LiLoM mg ‡Zvgvi Bw½‡Z| †hb ivwL Ze gvb ‡Zvgvi wePvivm‡b j‡q wbR ¯’vb| Ab¨vq †h K‡i Avi Ab¨vq †h m‡n Ze N„Yv Zv‡i †hb Z…Ymg `‡n| A_ev, (L) fve-m¤úªmviY Ki: mvwnZ¨ RvwZi `c©Y ¯^iƒc| 11| (K) Pjgvb wek¦ cwiw¯’wZ m¤ú‡K© `yB eÜzi msjvc iPbv Ki| 10 A_ev (L) ÔRxeb †Zv GKUvBÕ wk‡ivbv‡g GKwU Ly‡` Mí †jL| 12| wb‡Pi †h ‡Kv‡bv GKwU welq Aej¤^‡b cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 K. gyw³hy× I Avgv‡`i †`k‡cÖg L. RvwZ MV‡b bvix wkÿvi ¸iæZ¡ M. AvaywbK Z_¨ cÖhy³ I evsjv‡`k N. evsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub wkí O. mv¤úª`vwqK m¤úªxwZ =0= Sylhet Cadet College Mock Test-2020 Zoospore Class –XII Sub Code: 178 Biology-First paper(Botany) (Creative) Set -Kha Time-2 hours and 35 minutes Full marks- 50 (N.B.- Answer the following five questions .The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.If necessary draw the labeled diagram of the figure.) 1.There are outer covering of a plant cell. One of these is non-living and other is living. The main structural components of one of these outer coverings are protein and lipid. a.Define autolysis. 1 b.What do you mean by sterol? Explain it? 2 c.Differentiate between the two covering mentioned in the stem. 3 d.“It is found in recent research that the covering of above cell which is made of protein & lipid acts as liquid or liquid substances.” Explain the statement. 4 2.In the biology class, the teacher said that every cell contains nucleic acid. In 1953 two young scientist proposed a model regarding the structure of DNA molecule. The teacher also said that DNA is the genetic material. a. What is nuclein? 1 b. Mention the chemical composition of nucleic acid. 2 c. How can you differentiate two types of nucleic acid? 3 d. Explain the function of that genetic material which the biology teacher said in the above stem. 4 2. Fig-A a. How lipid is produced in plant cell? 1 b. Write the difference between transpiration and translocation? 2 c. Complete the cycle with labeling and describe given figure-A. 3 d. Give a planning to eradicate the above disease from the world. 4 4. A + B Zygote Oocyst C(human body) a.What is sporozoite? 1 b.What do you mean by intermediate host? 2 c.Explain the prevailing state of A and B in mosquito. 3 d.Give a comparative study of life cycle of malarial parasite in human body and mosquito body. 4 5.In Biology practical class ,a plant root supplied to Somon and he was said to prepare a simple of L.S of it. He was also asked to observe this simple under microscope& to write five features of it. Teacher told Somon that there is no secondary growth in case of this root. a.Define pericycle. 1 b.Why the leaves of trees fall down in winter season? 2 c.Draw the labeled diagram of the sample prepared in the above stem that is observed under microscope. 3 d.Define vascular bundle. Classify the vascular bundle & explain the vascular bundle of the sample of above stem. 4 *** Set : Kha Zoospore Sylhet Cadet College Mock Test-2020 Multiple choice questions Sub Code: 178 Class-XII Biology 1st paper (Botany) Time-25 minutes Total marks-25 (N.B- Choose the correct answer.) 1.Which one is the character of Pteris antherozoid? a. two flagella b. one flagella c. no flagella d. multiflagellete 2. Rossete like Thaloid body is found is --- i..Pteris ii.Selaginella iii.Riccia Which is correct ? a) i b) ii c) iii d) i, , ii & iii 3. Cluster of sporangium is called a.Oospore b.Spore c. Sorus d. Prothellus 4. Bryophyte differs from pteridophytes in being - a. vascular b. seeded c. non-vascular d. sporophytic 6. How many spore mother cells produce of an antheridium of Pteris? a. 16 b. 20 c. 24 d. 32 5. Which of the following is round motile cell? a.zygote b. zoospore c. aplanospore d. sperm 6.Moss gametophore is one kind of- a. sporophyte b. gametophyte c. protonema d. rhizoid 7.Fern prothallus is - a. sporophytes b.gametophyte c. heterothallic d. megasporophyll Read the passage and answer the following two questions: Dr. Imran was discussing about the bacterial diseases. He said bacteria generally spread by contaminated water and food. This pathogen affected our intestine seriously. If remain untreated it would be fatal. 8. What is the name of above pathogen? a. Variola b. Vibrio cholerae c. Diplococcus pneumonae d. Escherichia coli 9. The causal organism - i. gram negative ii. creates dehydration iii. rod shaped Which one is correct? a. i & ii b. i & iii c. ii & iii d. i, ii & iii 10. Dengue fever is spreaded by - a. house fly b. female Anopheles mosquito c. female Aedes mosquito d. male Aedes mosquito a. mebendazole b. chloroquine c. inactivated vaccine d. zinc tablet 11. cambium is located in- a. cortex b. between xylem and stele c. between xylem and phloem d. between xylem and epidermis 12. How many types of simple tissue? a.

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