UNVEILING OBAMA’S ELOQUENCE ▶ OPINION, PAGE 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org Thursday, February 21, 2008 The Student Voice Since 1967 SAN DIEGANS Undergrad TA Contract: Teaching the Wrong Lesson? Following UC, union JOIN DEBATE contract ratification, UCSD undergraduate TAs OVER DISPUTED remain excluded from key fee-remission provision. By Matthew McArdle TOLL ROAD Senior Staff Writer LOCAL NEWS For the past two years, Revelle College senior Jonathan Kommemi has By Peter Feytser diligently served as an undergraduate Senior Staff Writer teaching assistant for the mathematics department, working alongside gradu- Orange County’s toll road agency ate students, leading discussions, hold- announced last week that it was asking ing office hours and grading exams. the U.S. Department of Commerce So after the University of California to reconsider a Feb. 6 decision by the and the United Auto Workers — the California Coastal Commission that union representing TAs systemwide decisively halted construction plans — agreed to contract provisions outlin- for a toll road through San Onofre ing quarterly fee remissions for under- State Park. graduate TAs last October, Kommemi Heading north, the proposed eagerly approached his boss with a sim- toll road would begin south of San ple question: When would he be eligible WILL PARSON/GUARDIAN Clemente, about 40 miles north of La to receive his fee abatement? Undergraduate teaching assistants such as Jonathan Kommemi remain excluded from contractually bound fee remissions because UCSD labels them tutors. Jolla, and run 16 miles to cut across the Kommemi was told that the con- San Diego/Orange County line. tract did not apply to him because he receive remission — UCSD employs through codes 2311 or 2310, but Scott all qualified undergraduate TAs simply The commission made its final 8- did not, in fact, serve as a TA. Rather, he them under a tutor code, 2860, which is Rollans, the undergraduate program because of “tradition,” and that he feels 2 decision at the end of a 12-hour was hired as a tutor, so he would not be not granted a fee exemption. officer for the mathematics department, his work should be recognized as equal meeting attended by nearly 3,500 offered a remission of educational and “It’s tradition at UCSD to hire said that as recently as Fall Quarter 2007 to that of graduate students’, who receive Southern Californians at the Del Mar registration fees, which amount to more undergraduate teaching assistants he noticed several undergraduates had fee remission and are paid about four fairgrounds. San Diegans have paid than $2,200 per quarter this year. under [2860],” Trofemuk said. “I don’t been grouped under 2310, mostly by times as much for doing the same type particular attention to the roadway Kommemi’s case is not unique. know why.” the biology department. of work he does. because San Onofre is a common vaca- According to UCSD Labor Relations The contract, hailed by UAW as “I was surprised that there appeared Currently, Kommemi teaches two tion destination and the nation’s fifth Director Lori J. Trofemuk, the contract “nationally precedent-setting” for to be some hired under that category,” MATH 10C sections, and three gradu- most visited state park. does not apply to undergraduate TAs at undergraduate TAs, came after months he said. ate students split the remaining eight Many panelists sided with UCSD because of a simple discrepancy of negotiations. But currently, accord- Mark Whelan, a student affairs offi- sections. In the past, Kommemi has Chairman Pat Kruer of Rancho Santa regarding job codes drawn by the UC ing to UCSD spokeswoman Dolores cer in the biology department in charge led four sections to a graduate student Fe in finding the toll road inconsistent Office of the President under which Davies, only UC Davis and UC Berkeley of hiring teaching assistants, refused TA’s two. with California state laws regulating TAs on this campus are hired. employ undergraduate TAs under the to comment, and instead referred all “To call their behavior shady would development along the coastline. Rather than hiring undergraduate codes specified for remission. inquiries to Trofemuk. be an understatement,” Kommemi said. UCSD’s A.S. Council passed a reso- TAs under codes 2311 or 2310 — titles Both Davies and Trofemuk said Kommemi said he is outraged that lution last year voicing opposition to that are contractually mandated to that UCSD never hires undergraduates UCSD has refused to offer fee relief for See CONTRACT, page 3 the project, which was submitted by then-Eleanor Roosevelt College Junior Senator Kerry Kassam. “I think it’s important to preserve what’s left of our natural beauty in Bill Puts Immigrant Aid on Chopping Block Campus Web San Diego,” Kassam said. “San Onofre, especially Trestles Beach, is one of the New legislation could more than any guard in the nation — most gorgeous places that students can they fight fires, floods, earthquakes RETHINKING PRIORITIES visit to camp, swim, surf and indulge in provide free college and wars abroad. It’s due time that we Team Battles a little bit of calm.” properly compensate them for their AB 1758 QUICK POINTS John Muir College senior Kenna tuition for National service.” Crouch attended the meeting in Del Guardsmen, cut earmarks DeVore’s bill, titled AB 1758, seeks • Repeals AB 540, which Technical Issues Mar, and said she agreed with Kassam’s to repeal AB 540, legislation passed in grants in-state tuition to concerns. for illegal immigrants. 2001 that granted illegal immigrants eligible illegal immigrants. “I think that Southern California eligibility for in-state tuition if they is already an urban jungle,” Crouch By Deepak Seeni graduated from a California high for New Features • Waives tuition at state said. “There are so many people Contributing Writer school and agreed to legalize their By Sarah de Crescenzo with a special connection to [the resident status if given the oppor- colleges and universities Senior Staff Writer park]. It would be morally wrong to In the wake of the state’s $14.5- tunity. for National Guardsmen. destroy it so that people can drive billion deficit, a state assembly- The Legislative Analyst’s Office As UCSD’s new Web site continues faster.” ALIFORNIA TATE SSEMBLY man recently proposed legislation estimated the cost of in-state resi- SOURCE: C S A its metamorphosis, users will witness The state park holds several that would provide members of the dency waivers, granted primarily to developments in coming months that endangered species and an untaint- California National Guard with free illegal immigrants, to be $117 million who is to say these people are going include a feature allowing students ed stretch of San Mateo Creek. In tuition at state colleges and universi- in 2005-06. to stay here?” to change their major online, more addition, it houses the San Mateo ties while simultaneously repealing Flanigan said that the annual Flanigan explained that tying the department-specific pages and general Campground and several archaeo- legislation that would allow some $3-million cost of covering national National Guardsmen issue to the costs alterations that hope to accommodate logical sites, including the Juaneño illegal immigrants to qualify for in- guardsmen is a wiser allocation of of funding education for illegal immi- the results of usability surveys. American Indian village of Panhe. state tuition. resources, compared to the $117 mil- grants would put economic issues into Web sites linked to the campus’ Opponents of the $875-million, six- Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R- lion spent on in-state residency waiv- better perspective for taxpayers and the main site will eventually boast fea- lane project say it would destroy natu- Irvine) estimated that the cost of cov- ers for illegal immigrants, especially Democrat-controlled state Legislature. tures and graphics similar to the main ral habitats, wetlands and public rec- ering tuitions for all persons serving when considering the state’s budget “The state chooses to reward peo- TritonLink page. reation areas, including the renowned in the California National Guard to deficit. ple who are here illegally with $117 “We’re actively developing a mini- surfing spot at Trestles. Surfers claim be about $3 million. “When we are in a budget deficit million, yet is unable to cover guard Web site that will provide campus enti- the road would block the sediment “We are the only state in the and we are cutting vital services like members when it only costs $3 mil- ties with everything they need to adopt deposits that create the waves there. nation that doesn’t cover our national Medicare among other things, why lion a year,” he said. “Taxpayers need the new UC San Diego web brand,” Encinitas resident Troy Brajkovich guardsmen,” said Robert Flanigan, a aren’t we cutting this?” Flanigan said. to ask themselves, ‘Is this a wise allo- Brian E.C. Schottlaender, Audrey senior consultant for DeVore. “These “This should be the first to go, and as See ONOFRE, page 7 men and women are called upon far as investing in our state’s future, See BILL, page 7 See WEB, page 12 HIATUS SPORTS INSIDE WEATHER No Cigar Currents ................................2 Hollywood Bash Poorly Drawn Lines ..............2 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Hiatus lets loose the Academy’s ugly stepchild Softball dominates to make it to championship game, New Business .......................3 H 59 L 49 H 58 L 47 with the sixth annual Anti-Oscars. but ends up with second place in Phoenix tourney. Letter to the
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