June 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1281 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO RAQUEL SHIVDAT his Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion, 17th tonight and every night because of heroes like Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. Louis Niedermeier who sacrificed all for the HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS He died just 2 weeks short of his 21st birth- love of country and the love of freedom. OF NEW YORK day. Mr. Speaker, a grateful Nation said thank Louis was a soldier’s soldier. He wanted to you today to a courageous soldier and I join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enlist in the Army immediately after the events all my colleagues today in expressing our sor- Monday, June 20, 2005 of 9–11, but he was only 17. His day came row and our thanks for the life and the service Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to though as soon as he graduated from Pinellas of Louis Niedermeier and to the strong and honor an outstanding leader, Raquel Shivdat. Park High School in 2003. He followed in his loving family and friends he leaves behind. His Ms. Shivdat may not have a very visible father’s footsteps and enlisted in the Army and was a life that was all too short in time but full personality, but behind the scenes she is one a year later found himself serving in Iraq. of love and grace. As a scout, Louis served on the front lines, of the biggest influences in the explosion of f Caribbean music entertainment in New York providing critical targeting information to our City. As Promotion and Marketing manager of air and artillery forces. He served with pride JUNETEENTH AFRICAN-AMERICAN the JMC Entertainment Inc. (which includes and with courage to bring about freedom in a INDEPENDENCE DAY JMC records, JMC Trevini band and Rum Jun- land far from home. The true testament of gle Bar and Restaurant), Ms. Shivdat’s re- Louis’ service as a soldier came from the re- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL membrances of three soldiers from his unit sponsibilities range from the promotion of OF NEW YORK who served side-by-side with him in Iraq. The shows to the management of music record- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES three were wounded in combat and were ings. After more than twelve years in the en- stateside at the time of Louis’ death. They Monday, June 20, 2005 tertainment industry, Ms. Shivdat has become drove 36 hours nonstop from Fort Carson, a defining force. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Colorado to be with Louis and his family this Ms. Shivdat rose through the ranks in the commemorate an African-American day of afternoon. They said they did it because if the family’s business, starting as flyer designer at celebration of freedom and justice. Juneteenth roles had been reversed Louis would have JMC Records and later working at the family’s marks the end of slavery for African-American been there for them. Roti Express diner. Additionally, Ms. Shivdat communities around the country. It is a day to Louis’ parents Edward A. Niedermeier and embrace our freedom and equality, to reflect managed to pursue a degree in Fashion Mar- Denise A. Hoy were proud of their son. They keting at Berkeley College in New Jersey, on the progress we have made as people, and were proud that he chose to serve his Nation to ponder our future role in this country. while managing her household as a wife and in uniform. They were proud that he served Despite the signing of the Emancipation mother of two boys, Tyler and Shane. with distinction to defend the principles of free- Proclamation in January 1963, it took two and At Rum Jungle, Ms. Shivdat produces at dom and democracy. And they were proud a half years—June 1965—for the liberation of least one concert every month involving artists that despite the fact that he served halfway all slaves in the United States to occur. For from the West Indies. The biggest names in around the world, first in Korea and then in 140 years now, African-Americans have cele- Soca and Chutney music are regular per- Iraq, that he never forgot to remember his brated the final attainment of their freedom on formers at the club. Ms. Shivdat also brought family and friends back home. the legendary Indian performers Babla and Both Ed and Denise marveled this afternoon the 19th of June. Tradition has it that it is the Kanchan to New York. that before they knew it Louis had grown from date when news of emancipation from slavery Ms. Shivdat also makes regular contribu- a boy into a man. They recounted Louis’ love was finally delivered to slaves in Texas, the tions to charitable organizations and com- of family and country. And they emphasized furthest point from Washington where slavery mittee projects in New York and has done that if Louis had it to do over again, they are existed. The most accepted explanation is that fund raisers at Rum Jungle for the Prime Min- convinced he would not have changed a thing. the delay was caused by the primitive commu- isters of Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana. Army Sergeant First Class Charles Welsh nications of the day, but some historians be- At 32 years old, Ms. Shivdat has become a also attended today’s services. He not only lieve that the news of emancipation was delib- key member of the JMC Company and she had the honor of serving with Louis in Iraq, but erately denied to slaves. says that she always draws inspiration from he was Louis’ uncle. He recalled the day Louis On this Juneteenth, African-Americans her father Mohan Jaikairan who owns the came to him and told him he had enlisted in across the country will contemplate the impor- business. the Army as one of the proudest moments in tance of their freedom compared to their an- Mr. Speaker, Ms. Shivdat, a wife, mother this young man’s life. cestors. They will reflect on their ability and and entrepreneur, is both passionate about The price of freedom is great and in the rights to hold a job, to ride a bus, to own prop- her chosen field of music and her community. case of Louis it was a life cut way too short. erty, to live unencumbered by the government, Thus, we proudly recognize her today. It was also the tragic interruption of a life to- and to make decisions about their own lives. f gether Louis had planned with his fiancee Some will think about the obstacles that re- Sarah Hatley. Sarah and Louis were high main in their way of achieving the ‘‘American TRIBUTE TO ARMY SPECIALIST school sweethearts who both volunteered to dream.’’ Others will ponder the future of their LOUIS NIEDERMEIER serve their Nation in uniform. Sarah is a Sea- children and the opportunities ahead of them. man serving aboard the U.S.S. Fitzgerald, sta- I, for one, would think both about how far HON. C. W. BILL YOUNG tioned in Yokosuka, Japan. Her ship was un- we have come as a country and how much OF FLORIDA derway off the coast of Australia when she further we need to go to erase racism and dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES learned of Louis’ death. crimination from our society. Once the slaves Mr. Speaker, our Nation said goodbye to of plantation owners, African-Americans now Monday, June 20, 2005 Specialist Louis E. Niedermeier today at Ar- can freely move about the country, hold jobs Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise lington National Cemetery. We said goodbye and careers of importance, marry their chosen to pay tribute to Army Specialist Louis E. to a brave soldier who proudly wore the uni- partner, provide for their families, raise their Niedermeier of Largo, Florida, who gave the form in defense of freedom here and through- kids, and live in true freedom. African-Ameri- last full measure of service to our nation while out the world. We said goodbye to a good cans are graduating from college at increasing serving in Iraq. son, a good nephew, and a good friend to so rates; receiving medical, professional, and Our nation buried Louis with full military many people. And we said goodbye to the doctoral degrees; working in major corpora- honors this afternoon at Arlington National love of a young girl’s life. tions and businesses; and making decisions Cemetery following his death by sniper fire in As the day draws to an end, we can take about the future of this country. We have Ar Ramadi, Iraq on June 1st while serving with solace in the fact that America sleeps better come a long way in our struggle for equality. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:30 Jun 21, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.001 E20PT1 E1282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2005 Nonetheless, we have far to go. Less than TRIBUTE TO MR. ROBERT L. service to our Nation will be missed, he has half of African-American families own their PANEK left a legacy of high standards and superbly own homes and they are twice as likely to be trained professionals in his wake.
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