ELLIOTf LEGTURES nay Fever Opens With Stellar Cast ON CONSTITUTION Cowa rd Comed y Portrays Profe ssor Was Dire ctor Joseph P. Kennedy Eccentri c Theatr ica l Part y War Production Boar d By Norice Mahoney To Address Seniors Saturday, the twenty-sixth of Ap- William Yandell Elliott, Professor ril , is the date of the presenation of of .Government at Harvard University, At Commencement of "Hay Fever" by Powder and Wig. will speak at 4 P. M., Thursday after- "Hay Fever," written by the popu- The noon in the Women's Union. lar Noel Coward, is a hilarious comedy Professor Fullam's fourth speaker in Authority , en Administration concerning an aging actress and her 4 lecture series his sub- Government. , unpredictable family. ' The tale un- ''The Need for Constitu - ject will be, Advised President Roosevelt folds in three acts, with laughs from tional Reform." beginning.to end. Professor Elliott is reputed to be Betty Scalise has the lead an outstanding.American liberal. He . , taking the part of 'Judith Bliss, was one of the " leading advocates of who finds refuge from the trials of ordinary life intervention after the beginning..of hy.constantly reliving the roles of her the European War—one of the com- bygone stage career. Betty, parative few who saw clearly what has been prominent in Powder and course we must follow and dared to Wig throughout her college years publicly announce his views. He wag , both in directing and acting. The theatre also a friend and adviser of the late is her chief ambition, and besides her President Roosevel t, serving as con- stage activities at Colby, she has play- sultant on the Presidential Commis- ed in summer stock, and taken courses sion of Administration Management, , in dramatics at Connecticut College the. National Advisory Defense Com- Shown above , are t he principals in " Hny Fever." Left to 'right: Bob for Women during the summers. mission, the Ofilce of Price Adminis- Tonge, Dixie /Roundly, Betty Scalise. Fred Hubbard . "Dixie tration, avuV aa director of the Stock- " Roumly, as Sovel Bliss pile and Transport Division of tire is the daughter of the house who tries War; Production Board. desperately to make her arty family . appear Graduated from Vanderbilt Uni- Colb conventional. "Dixie" is a per- y Family Landscapes ennial in the dramatic club and has versity in 1917 ,, Dr. Elliott served as h a lieutenant in A'. E.' F.",""nn'd received assisted with tho direction of many of 1923, He the play*. his Ph. D. from Oxford in Colby Collogo students and facul- has taught at . Vanderbilt University Bob Tnnge is" a newcomer at Colby ty members will exchange textbooks and at the University of California graphy -Exhibit and in Powder and Wig ns well, He Photo nnd fountain pens plnys and . has been Professor of Govern- for shovel* and "Simon " in "Hay Fever," and nienit at Harvard since 1929. Ho wheelbarrows Thursday in celebration handles Iris role of a young sophisti- contributes frequently to periodicala JOSEPH P. KENNEDY Begins on May 2d of Mayflower Will Arbor Day which cate admirably. ' and Iras written several books includ- has- boon prnc-Uiime d by President J. Guy Smith , who hails from Bethle- gmatic Revol t in Politics," Joseph P. Kennedy, f ormer ambas- hem , Pennsylvania ' ing, "Pra By Beverly Bonner fJoelyu Bixler. , portrays the be- "The New British Empire," "The sador to Britain , will be the com- wildered Sandy Tyrell, protege of Ju- The Navy exhibition of official pho- Need for Constitutional Reform" .and mencement speaker for the gradua- Sponsored by the men 's and 'wo- dith. Guy has acted in productions tographs of Naval aoa and nil- action, the "City of Man." tion exercises to be held on Monday, men 's student councils , the idea arose both in high selrool and at Moravian "Power in . tho Pnci lie," will open in from nn emergency ' created hy tiro College which lie attended June 17th, the Department of Pub- . before tho Womcn 's . Onion on Thursday, the arrival of. two cm-lends of young mir.s- coming to Colby. licity announced Inst week., second of May .for a three weeks' ory trees for the now campus. The Fred Hubbard appeared in- "Pano- War Artist Pays visit ¦ showing, under tho auspices of tho Mr. Kennedy, whose name is well available labor being insufficient l;6 rama of Drama ," produced by Pow- ¦Co]by Camera Club.- This is the fi rst known in the diplomatic service circle, dig al. once l.ho 200 holes necessary, der and Wig in March, 1.945. As Da- To Own Exhibition Here showing . of the exhibition north of has also been, active in corporation the college authorities pub the situa- vid , .'luditl i 's husband , ho is an intel- Boston. It will be open to the pub- tion nil to tiro, student leaders. The lectual writer , finance, tho Securities Exchange Com- not at all disturbed by By vNnncy Jucobsen in this area ns well ns to Colby stu- resulting plan culls for a program his family mission as Chairman' of the United of 's antics. Willard Gumming.^ whoso exhibit dents. nut-uf-dnni- work by students nnd fac- Cloyd Aarseth appears States Maritime .Commission, nn d has on the stage of crayon ftortrnits is.now on display From hundreds of thousands of of- ulty alike. for l.ho second boon appointed to the Board of Di- time this year, first in the Women 's Uni o n , will be en- fi cial Navy, Coast Guard , and Marine "The work day will begin at S in :i Negro folk-comedy, rectors.' of several banking (Inns in " nn d now ns tertain ed at; n ton' this t'oming'Suiulny Corps photographs of our wnr in tho A. M. whon lames and professors' cars Richard (irnetluim Boston nnd vicinity. in "Hny Fever." . mftei'iiofon in tho-Smitli Lounge of the Western seas, tho mon who light will call for students on file down- lintl i .lafl' e portrays In 1 1137 he wns nppointod Ambas- tho temptress Women 's Uni on", The entire com- it, and the weapons thoy use—ships, town campus and take them to May- in the current play, and ns Judith's sador to Britain for .'a five year term, munity is invited. guns, airplanes—Captain 13d ward J. flower Hill. There, squads will lie rival; has some excellent scenes, but resigned' in November of 1940, _ Most • of tho crayon portraits on Stoichen , USNR , mndo i.ha• final se- assigned 16 different work projec ts, Temiv K aplan , h promising frosh- " ¦ Recently ho has boon working oil a b ' -woro done while Mr. Cum- lection of photographs which, arrang- Resides' tire tree planting, crows will ¦n mn , handles exhi it project for the development of indus- the ruin of ingenue mings stationed in ' Alaska, as n ed In dramatic soriuonco , make up tho clour up underbrush help install tho Jackie Coroyton. wns try in Now England. mem ber of tiro War Art Unit. In tho exhibition. Now oil a nation-wide water suppl y to l.ho new veterans' See you al. eight o' Educated-, at Boston Latin School clock on Satur- lino of duty, ho visited remote Aleu- . tour «,0' nuiaoiimB nnd_collogos, tho h ousing 'project nnd perforin oilier day to wiifcli the star-studded cast and Harvard University, Mr. Kennedy tian outposts (ind sketched activities. exhibition is circulated by tho Muse- jobs to help beauti fy the ' mav cam- perform. hns received honorable degrees from He arrived on Kiulcn the day after our um of-Modern Art, Now York, for tho pus. A picnic lunch will lie served al; Catholic University, Oglethorpe Uni- troop ' landed nnd miulo drawings oi United States Navy. • . noon, s versity, tho University' of- Notro Damo, .Tapnnoso installations for official use. In acknowledging the cooperation the National University of Dublin Prosidont-Kniei-itus Vrnnklin W. Mr. Camming- wont- Ipto tho nor- of tire Navy, Monroe Wheolcr Direc- Trustee Boar d Announces . (Ireland)*, and tho Universities of Ed- , Johnson , who hns made the May flower yicb in 1942. , Ho wns stationed n't tor of Exhibitions fob tlie Museum ' of. s inburgh , Manchester, Liverpool, Bris- Ulll Inndscnping program his lrnhby, g Fort Bolvoir Vn„ in tho Art' Project Resi nation of Averill , tol, and Cambridge iii England. Modern Art sold : , will superintend the whole project. which Irad ns Its. object the decoration "Those lunatorful views of unvnl Tho participating si. ml out organiza- ' of Recreation Halls. Ho Inter vo- action nnd tho men responsible for II ;, tions will be headed by Carl Wrigh t The Colby Collogo Board, of Trus- coivod hta cbirimisBion thoro. Ho was aro almost miraculous in their , power and Nancy Jneohson. ''In carte of vain tees !ms announced that it accepted assigned to do portraits of Lt, Gon. to ' brin g the iioncomba'tnnl; close to lie held the resignation of Dr. George G, Ayo- ' New Office rs of Stu 6. on Tlrnradny, classes will ns McNniiy Lt; Goiv Mark Clark , nnd the tli-rillin g actualities of tho war In usual and tho work program will bo rill ns its Chairman al. a mooting hold others ¦while stationed at' tho Army Will Attend Conference tho Pncihc.1;. enrriod' out on Friday. In Portland last Saturday. His suc- Wnr Collogo. Ho organized tho All- , The pictures have boon taken by cessor is to be Noil Leonard ofi Bos- Sohlior Art Show which had its final The annual Student Government enlisted mon nnd oiIIcovh of the Navy, ton, exhibition In th o National, Gallery.in , mid Marino Corps hy CAIVIERA CLUB MEETING • Conference will bo held at Rhode Conot Guard Dr.
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