i ' ^ WOWDAT, 5CTTTEWB15K IIV W«T' iG E F O U R T H S Manchester Evening Herald The W eather '•Average Dally Circulation Forf«Mt of I'. S. Weather BotMu For th* Month of Angnst, 1944 The general committee t in Manchester Garden club mem­ Rain this afternoon, tonight Group D of Center olturch wo­ Foamar Aviation Cadet' Robert MlhK Janet Boyd, ’ »7. (Iftugiitci charge of the Orange Fair at V>e bers are reminded o f the meeting iind WedneMlay. Confinuod cool. men, Miss Gertrude Carrier, lead­ B. Turkjrfgton, of 76 Scarborough of Dr. aml.Mra. Howard Buyd of road.^.^onche.ster, Wa.s recently Masonic Temple, which opens F ri­ tonight at eight o’clock in Center 3Ioderate to fresh northeast to About Town Porter .street, w a s one., oL , the er: will hold its first fall get-to­ B .7 7 5 gradij^ted from the A A F Pilot day dt 6:30 p. m. for two days, Church House. Norman Ash of easterly wind*. group o f Ihlrty-mip student ntir.ses gether tomorrow evening at six Member of the Audit SchooM at Moody k'leld, Ga., and will have a final meeting to com­ Woodbrldge atreet will ahow.a. col- in the .Skidmore College School of o’clock at the home of Mrs. plete plans Wednesday, evening at lectlon of slides made by him of Pnresn of Clicnlntlons Charles S. House, Westland stfect, rppointdd Flight Officer with the Th# meeting o ! John Nursing. asMOClnted with the New eight o’clock at the home of scenes In Gilead, also slides of Hak’s rating of A^miy Pilot. A mem­ ' innher Chapter. Order of Deulo- when an outdoor potluck supper Yorlr -Piijit-Gniduate Medical ber of Class 44-H. F-O Turking- Chairman Raytnond ,S. Ames of flower arrangements made by the ■jgy bM been poetponcd fr<rtn tx>; will be enjoyed. In -case of rain it COMBINATION! (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS SoHool and Hoapltal, who roortr^eil lon wi)l be a.s.slgnod to piloting 9r Laurel atreet. members. The members are urged MANCHESTER, CONN., TUE^AY, SEPTEMpER 12, 1944 Bight until Thuniday night thehr cap* at services on' .Satur­ will be held in the church at the multi-engine aircratt such as to bring to the meeting specimen 1 Wear-Erer Ckaacra day evening. September 9, In Me­ sanie hour. VOL. LXIIL, NO. 292 I 7:30 * t the M«»onlc Tempi*. light, nlpdlum, o'r heiivy bombers; The Beethoven Glee club will re­ blooms and arrangements of any morial.- House, .Saint George's • - ^ and 1 Steel Wool traiuiport or cargo plhnes. sume its weekly rehcar.sals tonight flowers that might be o f Intereat.- > MlM,J*n* EngHuid. <h^te>- of church, at East 16th street, New Miss Olive E. Metcalf, daughter of .Mrs. .Maria J. Metcalf of 14 at 7:30 at the Emanual Lutheran ilr. «n^ W. Hwry England ■york city. The work on surgical dre.sslngs church. New members, will be A son was bom Saturday at the A I X F O R S S c Of Boat O n tar atreet and Miaa .Short street and the late Robert will be re.suniod this evening at welcome and a social time will Hartford hoapltal to Mr. and Mrs. Nafter Oealee. «laught*r o< Mr. Metcalf, who ree'enUy enlisted In Martin Barry Onodstine. .son Of the W AV E S./has reported to. ■7:30 at Center chinch. On Wed­ follow the rehearsal. Ewald Jackie of 79 Keeney street. r MM. Bierwood Henry Goalee Lieutenant Merman anci Mrs. — ---------------------------^---- 1-------- i Muntef Coll«Tlje. New York. for her nesday, »fh*m lb a. m,. to .4 :30 o f Canirch atreet, ar* attending Goodatlne of 148 Bls.sel1 street, basic tnUrufig. Miss .Metcalf was p. m , the daytime group will al*> Ooeir Junior College In New Lon- was one yeai old Thiir.sdny. Tlie Cblinter ejui)loyrd:by a Hartford insurance start on the fall season. A clean id o n , Naw Hampahlre, thU year. birthday wa.s celcbmtetl with a wa.sh dress or covcr.TlI apron bs are purtnUig couraes In lin- company. party attended by neighbors ami the only uniform required, with a •aal arta and aolences. The. rol- friends, who remembered him with white scaif that will completely Brushes I«M opcna today for Its lOSth Mrs. David Kullcr and her suitable gifts. Three birthday daughter. Mi.s.s Kaith Fuller, of conceal the hair. Little make­ year with a total atudent rtgis- cakes were made for the o( ca.sion up and no nail polish are also re­ botlen of 878. A four-day orien­ Phel|i.s road arc' spending a few $1.25 and beaulilully decorated, one by, quested. tation paogram precedes the be- days' in Now York city. Mrs. Mary PetiCi-son, one by JVIi>S. This brush is of unusually gianlng o f elaaaea on Friday. Mildred dllvei.and one hy-P.airy's Harbor O i s s A 'X soft bristles— It wlU keep Its mother.' t^ioutenant Gnodsliiie shape for years. who Is In India has never seen his little boy. Others From 39c Up. ♦ * r a n g e o il The Emblem club will hovin ,U.' Superfluous Hair Removed 6 Roosevelt GreetiN^urehill on Quebec Arrival DeUvered To T o «r Home. fan acthiUcs with a polliick sup­ per at six o'clock Wedne.sday eve­ Permanb^ntly — Painlessly —v Safely! Cannister Set ning at the Elks Home in Km k- Full Scale Thrust Two Columns Van’» Service Station Vllle. Mrs. Evelyn Keeney of that Regular 69c. Cn Hartford Boad Tel. 8866 place la (^airman of the commit­ FREE CONSULTATION N ^ ..................Set tee In charge. Known For Whrmth FoOr glass Jars with naetisl TELEPHONE 2-1264 ‘ screw ^yers. Into East Pruss:ia I Def enses to Open Miss Rena Ilalem's / General Mason K.\NGE A M ) and Quality Bathroom Stools .......... Special $2.79 FUEL OIL Is Expected Hourly Pgdded top. Assorted colors. Regular 83.29. Work Done ^ General Trunking ELECTROLYSIS SALON New Path to Berlih JAMES A. WOODS IIOOM 15 — RUBINOW BI,DG. 81.1 MAIN St. Buy Them On H^e’s \ Red Army Talrt>ls Re- A n o th e r B o m b Including chimney re­ ‘JO Pearl Street DinJ 6366 turn to Own Lines _ • pairs, plastering anti Oval ' One Spearhead Pushed After Second Expedi-j Raid KepOrteCl other mason work. Blanket Club Flkn Garrison at LeHavre > Five Miles Inside the Willow lion Behind Nazis’, 6or- , , Reich from Luxem­ J. PATELLI der; Artillery—Pound- O il P h llip p in C S Surrenders to British bourg; The Other Goes BEAUTIFUL WOOLENS A Wash ing Position for Days Across Frontier from 190 Vernon St. Tel. 8849 . V * ■ f X Carrier Planes Attack Moscow, Sept. 12— (A*>—^Back In After Giant Assault Belgium r Nazi Garri­ Baskets their own lines after a second pa­ Shortly After First t son at Mouth of Seine trol oxpedltion Into East Prussia ^■RaideraTlelurn; Other HiRh Quality Geanina Of For Your Fall Wardrobe Small Si/.e...... ........... 82.19 France,-fle air bombardment as well as Gives Up .After Attacks With Allied Force* In $2.69 to $3.98 Within three weeks, .Red Arm y • . land siege for days. Some 5,000 Heating Systems and - Larger Sizes ........................ units gave' th* Soviet command Forces Sink Ships. Sept. 12.— —The German garri- bombs were dropped on Chimneys “Important information” today for son at the great French port of L * ^Ity Sunday and perhaps an London, Sept. 12.—(^P)— Bv Leonard 5fiHlman FURNACE REPAIRING SIZE \ a full-acale thrust^, Into Oeiroan ila v r e was reported to hav* sur- ^ equal load was loosed yesterday. Two Berlin-bound American , From HALE’S “Strong-Box” for Valuables A. F. War Editor raiWered to the British at 11:30 a. The port In taei A Foal Saving Investment '' " ■ % 72xS4" “territory expected to begin at any Tokyo radio today reported I commodate vessels up to 767 feet columns which battered into B^avy metal. Regular $1.75. b Yonr PatrioUc Duty. $ 1 . 0 0 moment. American carrier planes struck at ThV^rtPort said the German i long and drawing up to 33 feet. Germany 70 miles apart wer« N d -^ ................................................................... ,.......... This second 'penetration of the .. had been b ad ly; The port has sn outer channel, F m * Full InfomaUoB OuH the Philippines a second time on enemy’s own land was made across w ^nd^d^d h*8 deputy orderedl two other port areas, two tidal ramming against the Sieg­ ROSt, itUI. the heels of the first U. rfl sea­ the Sesup* river, which forms the the s u r v iv e ^ o f the port garrison. | porta and 11 basins or wet docka fried line today. One Firat Von Comp Bros. <MliN. CIDAR 79c boundary between the Soviet borne air attack on the islands > a n s ........... Lithuanian Republic and the area which coat the Japanese 89 ships Pie.sident Franklin H. Roo.sevelt and Prime Minister Wiaston Cniurchljl fleft) exchange greetings Arr.'y spearhead thrust five TELEPHONE 5S44 an ; Red, blue, green. the railroad station in Quebec, Canada, before preceding to the Citadel of Quebec for their second of East Prussia northeast of In- and 68 pttmes. at miles inside the Beich, Iroto Quebec conference since t‘'ie.$tart of the war. (A P wirephoto)* Free InspactionsI stM'burg. ^ . In the first strike, announced Luxembourg. Seventy miles Ask to tee the Red Arm y artillery has been nop ) came lust 3 6 ^ ^ r a after the; of Grace, w m protected by ex- to the north elements an ar­ pounding this sector for days.
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