The membership newsletter of the Historical Society of Alberta Box 4035 Station C No.2 Calgary, AB. T2T 5M9 April 2004 Telephone: 403-261 - 3662 ISSN 1205-0350 Fax: 403-269-6029 PMA #400 I003 1 e-mail: [email protected] From Fort to the Future: In this issue Celebrating Edmonton's Centennial 1904-2004 HSA Conference & AGM 1 Come to Fort Edmonton Park to cele­ select one of four bus tours offered President's Report 3 brate Edmonton 's centennial. Picture which begin at the Park 12:30 pm and Tributes to Wes Johnston 4 yourself living in Edmonton 80 years return by 4:30 pm. The bus tours are the ago by spending three days at the Hotel "Historic Sports Tour" guided by Bruce Mary Finlay: A Mother for Strangers 5 Selk irk in Fort Edmonton Park and Ibsen ; "Historic Fine Arts" tour of Empress of Ireland 6 trave l back in time. Edmonton theatres; Historic Alberta Centennial History Society 7 In 2004 Edm onton celebrates its Francoph one visits Edm onton 's "French History Teacher Tips 7 100th birthday and the Historical Quarter." or Historic Beginnings. the history ofAlberta and its ca pital which Heritage Issues 8-12 Society of Alberta joins the celebrations with its Annual General Meeting from includes "high tea" at Rutherford House. Little Chicago 13 May 28 to 30. Host is the Edmont on the home of Alberta's first premier. (tour Books & Websites to Try Out 14-15 and District Historical Society partnering details are on page 18). Barons Centennial 2004 16 with Fort Edm onton Park , Saturday eve ning is the Awards The Hotel Selkirk is a circa 1922 Banqu et at the Alberta Aviation Elementary School Archaeolog ical Museu m. Come to visit the museum, Program at UofC 18 reconstruction located on the come r of 1905 and 1920 Street in Fort Edmo nton have cocktails at 5:30 pm and listen to Chapter Reports 16-19 Park . Representing a con tinuity from the big-band so und of the C-Jammers. HSA Calendar of Events & the 1905 settlement era to the 1920 Dinn er will follow at 6:30 pm. Th e Crossword 20 metropolitan era. the Hotel is fully guest speake r is Edm onton author functional (28 rooms. 2 suites, Myrna Kostash who will give a talk John son's Cafe and the Mahogany Bar) entitled "Reading the River." The author with locally-made furnishings to replicate of Baba s Children and The Doomed HSA Pin 1920s Mission furniture. The Hotel is Bridegroom will expl ore her research into Alberta' s history. particularly her The wheel-chair acce ssible and rooms are work on her upcoming book The Historical equipped for internet (but not televi­ sion) use. The cos t is $ 129 a night (plus Literary Compan ion to the Society of tax) for Conference delegates. Saskatchewan River. An article based on Alberta pin that work is featured in the The wee kend's acti vities begi n with is available. Novem berlDecemb er 2003 issue of registration at the Hotel Selk irk from You can pick it Canadian Geographic. 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm. and the official up from the office launch, with a wine and cheese recep­ Sunday morn ing begin s with break ­ or mail your cheque or money order in tion. is from 6:30 to 9 pm . Special fast (7-8:30 am) at the Hotel Selkirk. the amount of $5 plus $.50 postage and gue sts will attend and rag-time music is followed by "Edmonton Sports History handling to: pro vided by local piani st. Mitch Spratt. Through the Eyes of an Archivist." a The Historical Society of Alberta short present ation by Bruce Ibsen. City The Annual General Meeting of the Box 4035, Station C Archivist. Also. from 8:30 to 10:30 am HSA is set for Saturday 8:30- 10:30 am. Calgary, AB. TIT 5M9 there is a silent auction. On Saturd ay afternoo n delegates may Phone: 403-261-3662 Alternative accommoda tion is offered Fax: 403-269-6029 wander through Fort Edm onton Park or at Edmonton House Suite Hotel located E-mail: [email protected] take a guided tour at 2 pm. Or you may in downtown Edmonton. Welcome to new members The Hist ori cal Soci et y of Alberta is a registered charitable organization. Theresa Voigt & Famil y, Calgary Faye Nelson, Lethb ridge Phyllis Malanchuk, Thorhild Howeard Forsyth, Lethb ridge Donations are gratefully received to Darlene Paly, Thorhild Nanton Thelm a Fanning Library, Nanton help further the work of the Society Bev Taylor, Thorhild Joyce Middlestead, Red Deer which includes the publication of Mertie Beatty, Calgary Wendy Bush, Banff Doran Degenstein, Lethbridge Douglas 1. Misfeldt . Calgary Alb erta History and this newsletter, Debb y Gregorash, Coaldale Alan & Irene Hiles, Calgary History Now. Donations are tax lill Kotkas, Lethbridge Michael & Elizabe th Thain, Red Deer deductible and will be acknow ledged in James Haney, Lethbridge George Tremaine, Grande Prairie History Now, unless otherwise requested. l im Douglas, Montreal, Quebec Learning Technolog ies Branch, Alberta Douglas R. Law, Edmonton Learning, Barrhead History No w is publ ished qu arterl y. Bruce Paterson, Edm onton Susan deCaen, Calgary We welcome information about your Leduc Composite High School, Leduc Jean-Pierre Deco rby, Edmonton upcom ing or past eve nts, activities, Crow foot Branch Library -Periodicals, Robert D. Cormack, Calgary publ ications, etc. They should be in the Calgary Karen Simonso n, Edmonton Rocky Mountain House Publi c Library hand s of the edito r prior to deadline . Lucy l ean Michaud, Calgary Evelyn & Paul Luzi, Calgary Dr. Johan Dorrnaar, Leth bridge Submission deadlines: David & Sandy Powers, Airdrie Mara Green, Dewberry Mar 1 for Apr-Juri issue Linda Giesbrecht, Calgary Danece Workm an, Red Deer lun I for Jul -Sep issue Barbara McMoriand, Calgary Ecofor Consulting Inc., Fort SI. l ames, BC Sep I for Oct- Dec issue Mary Elaine Godfrey, Calgary Hans-luergen Hermens Helen Bickford , Red Deer Dec I for Jan-M ar issue Marion Brister, Calgary l ack & Christine LaMarsh, Calgary E.lane Ming , Red Deer Send copy to: Lawrence W. Barany, Taber Barbara Clarke, Lethbri dge Sherring Amsden, D. M. & Harold K. Coutler, Nanton Janay Nuge nt, Lethbridge Editor, History Now, Sylvia Gibson, Calgary Boise State Universi ty, Boise, ID Historical Society of Alberta Thom as Sheehan, Grande Prairie Pat Rodriguez, Calgary Box 4035, Station C Beth McMu rchie, Leth bridge Calgary, ABT2T 5M9 Phone: 403-261-3662 Fax: 403-269-6029 Members of Council 2003-2004 Thank You for Your Donation to the HSA and/or Chapter President Don Hepburn Catherine Sm ith Lois Barr 1st Vice President Jean Johnstone l ean l ohnstone - (2) Denni s E. Lewin 2nd Vice President Tony Rees Bev Leggett - (2) Reginald Beere 3rd Vice President Frank Norris Gordon Franson Muriel Collard Treasurer Bever!y Leggett Fred Holberton Louis & Lorene Frere Secretary David Smith Roberts Ryckm an, In Me mory of Diana Sim Barbara & Carlton Stewart Past President Ron Williams Stephany Proudfoot Robert & Norma Sparrow, In Memory of Directors David Jones, Liliane Don Hepburn - (3) Lorraine Kerkegi Coutu Maisonneuve, Dale & Pat Brar Sandra Thomson DougRae Roberta Stephen Wince Chau-Mah, In Memory of Lorrai ne Lonn ie Tate Kerkegi Committees: J. E. Mac htmes Antoinette Grenier Alberta History Editor Hugh Dempsey Betty K. Daly Alice Williamson History Now Editor Sherring Amsden Edward Bredin [an Hay Lionel Singleton Bruce & Peggy Ferguson, Q.c. For information contact: [an Getty Myrtle Seguin & Famil y Offic e Coo rdinator Peter Goruk Malcolm MacCrimm on Th e Historical Society of Alberta Hon. Marjorie Bowker Marg Welch, Donation In Kind #320 Barron Building M. Farhrner Legacy 2003 Ca m paign 6 10 8th Avenue SW Dr. & Mrs. R. G. Williams Arthur Jones Calgary, AB. T2 P IG5 Robert D. Cormack Legacy 2004 Ca mpaign Phone: 40 3-261-3662 Mr. & Mrs. William Smy th Fax: 403-269-6029 S. Robert Elliot Donations to the Legacy 2004 Campaign will be published in the Octobe r 2004 Issue e- mail: albertahistory@ telus.net George Malcolm of History NOW as well as the Autu mn 2004 website: www.albertah istory.org Evelyn A. Nielsen Issue of Alberta History President's Report by Don Hepburn This is the time of year for our annual pleasure, at the February meeting of the report to the Alberta Historical Central Alberta Chapter, of awarding Resources Foundation. AHRF provides editor Hugh Dempsey the Society's a substantial grant to our Society each Volunteer Service Medallion for his year to assist us in carrying out our many years of devoted service. Hugh programs, and in return we provide an has edited the journal for most of its provincial. to further the cause of history accounting of how the money has been fifty years. and heritage preservation in our province. spent. Preparing the report provides an Society members have been active in Taken all together, it is a very excellent opportunity to review - and book publication as well. The Alberta impressive picture. It is something to be amazed by - the amount of work Records Publication Board' s latest celebrate. I hope you will take the done by our members. volume, The Moun taineerin g Diaries of opportunity to do just that by attending This year's report shows a total of Marga ret Flemin g, is now available (see the Annual Conference of the Society to 18,405 volunteer hours, the equivalent of page 14 for details). The Lethbridge be held in Edmonton, May 28 to 30. nearly ten full-time jobs, which is an Chapter published its Sweetgrass Hills "From Fort to the Future: Celebrating impressive figure.
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