t h e l is t e r in stitu te o f p r e v e n t iv e m ed ic in e The White House, 70 High Road, Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire WD23 IGG REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 December The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine is a company limited by guarantee (England 34479) and a registered charity (206271) Errata Page 5 The reference to the Statement of Financial Activities at the foot of the page should be to page 19 (not 18). Page 13 The reference to Note I in the first paragraph should be to page 21 (not 20). Pages 19 and 20 Reference is to be made to the Notes on pages 21 to 24 (not 20 to 24). The cover portrait of Lord Lister is reproduced by courtesy of the Royal Veterinary College THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE THE GOVERNING BODY for the year ended 31 December 2001 Dr Anne L McLaren, DBE, MA, DPhil, FRCOG, FRS, Choir Peter W Allen, MA, FCA, ClMgt, Hon Treasurer W Lawrence Banks, CBE G James M Buckley Professor H John Evans, CBE, PhD, FRCPE, FRSE C Edward Guinness, CVO (until June 2001) Hon Rory M B Guinness Professor Sir Alec J Jeffreys, DPhil, FRS Dr AlanJ Munro, PhD Professor Richard N Perham, ScD, FRS Professor J G Patrick Sissons, MD, FRCP, FRCPath Professor Anne E Warner, PhD, FRS Secretary, and Clerk to the Governors: F KCowey, MA, BSc, DAS Address of principal office of the charity: The White House 70 High Road Bushey Heath Hertfordshire WD23 IGG Professional advisors Bankers Investment Advisors Messrs Coutts & Co ) P Morgan Fleming Asset Management Ltd St Martins Office Finsbury Dials 440 Strand 20 Finsbury Street London WC2R OQS London EC2Y 9AQ Solicitors Auditors Macfarlanes PricewaterhouseCoopers 10 Norwich Street I Embankment Place London EC4A IBD London WC2N 6HR THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE GOVERNING BODY for the year ended 3 I December 2001 The Institute is a company limited by guarantee Future operations and has charitable status. The Trustees of the It is expected that during the financial year 2002 Institute are the members of the Governing Body. a further three fellowships will be awarded. Six members of the Governing Body are appointed by the members at the Annual General Changes in fixed assets Meeting. Up to four members are co-opted by the The movements in fixed assets during the year Governing Body, although there are currently only are set out in note 9 to the financial statements. three such appointees. One member is Lord Iveagh’s representative and the final member is a Financial issues and investments representative of the Royal Society. The Institute, which does not seek to raise funds from the public, depends primarily on investment The Governing Body presents the financial returns to meet its pension payments, administra­ statements of the Institute for the year ended tive expenditure and charitable objectives. The 31 December 2001. A separate Report of the last are achieved through the award of senior Governing Body is prepared. research fellowships. Costs tend to increase year by year due to inflation and other salary changes. Results The Institute’s investment objective is to develop The results of the Institute for the year ended and maintain its financial resources through the 31 December 2001 are set out on page 5. selection of investments. The Governing Body The net deficit for the financial year is £70,000 wishes to award in perpetuity as many fellowships (2000: net deficit £940,000). to candidates of an appropriate standard as it can The value of the Institute’s cash and invest­ prudently grant. Therefore it seeks to maximise ments has decreased in aggregate by £5.1 million its investment return by prudent management during the year (2000: £2.24 million decrease). consistent with an acceptable level of risk. The The governors confirm that sufficient funds are Institute has appointed investment managers to available to fulfil the obligations of the Institute. administer its funds on a discretionary basis, within the following overall limits: Principal activities % The object of the charity is to further knowledge Equities................................................... 70-90 into preventive medicine. The income of the UK equities............... 55-75 Institute is utilised to support medical research, Overseas equities... 15-25 through the award of fellowships assessed by the Fixed interest and cash ....,................ 10-30 Scientific Advisory Committee who are appointed UK bonds................... 5-25 to advise the Governing Body on these fellow­ Overseas bonds..... 0-5 ships. Five fellowships have been awarded during Property...................... 0-5 2001. C ash............................ 0-5 Consideration of risk The performance of the investment portfolio is The Institute carries out an annual review of the reviewed by the Investment Sub-Committee risks that the organisation faces and reviews the which has at least three meetings each year with effectiveness of the controls necessary to mitigate the investment managers and which receives and monitor these risks. detailed monthly valuation and transaction 2 th e lis te r in s titu te of p r even tive m ed icin e Financial report of the Governing body (continued) for the year ended 3 I December 2001 reports. The investment policy is reviewed on an proper accounting records which disclose with annual basis by the Governing Body. reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Institute and enable them to Reserves policy ensure that the financial statements comply with Reserves are necessary to safeguard the Institute the Companies Act 1985 and the Statement of against any shortfalls of net income which may Recommended Practice (SORP), “Accounting and arise and to enable the Institute to continue to Reporting by Charities” published in October award fellowships, each for five years. The 2000. The governors are also responsible for reserves are also needed to authorise the safeguarding the assets of the Institute and hence occasional extension of fellowships and, in some for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and years, to award additional fellowships. detection of fraud and other irregularities. The policy of the Governors is to maintain adequate financial resources to provide income Auditors to meet current and future commitments as they A resolution to re-appoint Pricewaterhouse- fall due and ensure that sufficient funds remain Coopers as auditors to the Institute will be available to enable them to award Lister Institute proposed at the Annual General Meeting. Research Fellowships in perpetuity. The reserves policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the W vn^ Governing Body. DR ANNE L McLa r e n Governing Body Chair The members of the Governing Body who served 25 June 2002 at any time during 2001 are shown on page I . Governors’ responsibilities The governors are required by United Kingdom company law to prepare financial statements for each financial year that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Institute as at the end of the financial year and of the income and expenditure of the Institute for that period. The governors confirm that suitable accounting policies have been used and applied consistently and reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates have been made in the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001. The governors also confirm that applicable accounting standards have been followed and that the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The governors are responsible for keeping 3 THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE REPORT OF THE AUDITORS to the members of The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine We have audited the financial statements of Basis of audit opinion The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine (“the We conducted our audit in accordance with Institute”) which comprise the Statement of Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing Financial Activities, the Balance Sheet and the Practices Board. An audit includes examination, related notes, as set out on pages 5 to 12. on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial state­ Respective responsibilities of governors ments. It also includes an assessment of the and auditors significant estimates and judgements made by the The governors’ responsibilities for preparing the governors in the preparation of the financial annual report and the financial statements in statements, and of whether the accounting accordance with applicable United Kingdom law policies are appropriate to the Institute’s and accounting standards are set out in the state­ circumstances, consistently applied and adequately ment of governors’ responsibilities. The Institute’s disclosed. governors also act as trustees for the charitable We planned and performed our audit so as to activities of the Institute. obtain all the information and explanations which Our responsibility is to audit the financial we considered necessary in order to provide us statements in accordance with relevant legal and with sufficient evidence to give reasonable regulatory requirements and United Kingdom assurance that the financial statements are free Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing from material misstatement, whether caused by Practices Board, and our profession’s ethical fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming guidance. our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy We report to you our opinion as to whether of the presentation of information in the financial the
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