PROFILE PROFILE Profile of Junying Yuan Jennifer Viegas, Science Writer Cell biologist Junying Yuan vividly remembers the moment when, during her second year of graduate school at Harvard University in 1983, a thin, restless Huntington’s disease patient was wheeled into her “Neurobiology of Disease” class. “I was appalled that modern medicine could do little for him,” she says. “He and others suffering from neurodegenerative dis- eases made a lasting impression on me. I became emotionally motivated to try to help these patients.” Over the subsequent three decades, Yuan and her team have made major discoveries concerning the molecular mechanisms regulating cell death involved in normal development and a wide range of disorders. Her achievements include discovery of the regulated necrotic cell death pathway termed “necroptosis” and its key mediator, the kinase receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein 1 (RIPK1). She and her col- leagues also discovered the evolutionarily conserved role of caspase enzymes in regulating mammalian ap- optosis. Elected to the National Academy of Sciences Photograph of Junying Yuan. Image courtesy of Aaron in 2017, Yuan reviews her team’s research on RIPK1, a Washington for Harvard Medical School. kinase that is now a pharmaceutical target, in her In- augural Article (IA). takers in science in Shanghai. Yuan attended Fudan University, where she majored in biochemistry. Cultural Revolution Challenges Yuan was born in Shanghai, China, to a family of Curiosity About Cell Death scholars. Her father and mother were both professors The China-United States Biochemistry Examination at Fudan University Shanghai Medical College. Yuan’s and Application (CUSBEA), which lasted from 1982 to paternal grandfather Kaiji was an organic chemistry 1989, enabled top students from China to attend professor at the college. graduate schools in select universities in the United During China’s cultural revolution, a sociopolitical States and Canada. Yuan scored second out of all of movement from 1966 to 1976, universities closed and the top graduates who took the test in 1982. She was many textbooks were burned. The period adversely among the first CUSBEA students admitted to grad- affected Yuan’s family, and Yuan thought factory work or farming was her only vocational option. Her high- uate studies in the United States. Her choice was school teacher Zhaiyang Lu, however, recognized her Harvard, where she was initially mentored by neuro- ’ talent and urged Yuan to press on with her education. biologist Edward Kravitz. He taught Yuan s Neurobi- Since the only local science textbooks, dated to be- ology of Disease class, among others. The courses fore the Cultural Revolution, were locked in the school piqued her curiosity about cell death. She says, “Cell library, Lu procured the books for her. Before returning death was not even a field, but it was known that up to them, Yuan pored over the math, physics, and chem- 50% of neurons die during normal development. I was istry curricula that she previously had not learned. When intrigued by the possibility that disease-related cell China reinstituted college entry examinations, she death could be related to certain mechanisms placed at the top of more than 100,000 other test in development.” Published under the PNAS license. This is a Profile of a member of the National Academy of Sciences to accompany the member’s Inaugural Article on page 9714 in issue 20 of volume 116. Published online May 20, 2019. 11564–11566 | PNAS | June 11, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 24 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1906915116 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Yuan learned about developmental cell death in inflammatory form of cell death that most often occurs the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans during a under pathological conditions (12). 1983 lecture given by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) biologist H. Robert Horvitz. Yuan Discovery of Regulated Necrosis says, “A lightbulb went off for me. I realized that C. In 1993, Yuan was promoted to assistant professor of elegans was a perfect organism for the study of cell medicine at Harvard. The position ended three years death using genetics.” Because no one at Harvard was later when she moved her laboratory to Harvard’s studying cell death, she asked Kravitz for permission to Department of Cell Biology, where she became an spend time in Horvitz’s laboratory at MIT. Horvitz be- assistant professor and, later, an associate professor came her PhD thesis advisor, although she remained a and a full professor. Today, Yuan is Harvard’s Elizabeth student at Harvard, where she earned her doctorate in D. Hay Professor of Cell Biology. neuroscience in 1989. In 2005, Yuan led a landmark study that identified a vertebrate-specific necrotic cell death mechanism that Discovery of Mechanism of Apoptosis she named “necroptosis” (13). Unlike apoptosis, Shortly before Yuan’s work with Horvitz, he and which was first discovered during genetic studies of C. graduate student Hillary Ellis determined that muta- elegans, necroptosis was revealed via small molecules tions in the genes ced-3 and ced-4 prevent nearly all identified from cell-based screens. The screens led to programmed cell death in C. elegans development the discovery of necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) as a small- (1). Horvitz asked Yuan to investigate ced-3 and ced-4 molecule inhibitor of necroptosis. Nec-1 has been as part of her doctoral thesis. Using genetic mosaic widely used to characterize the role of necroptosis in analysis, she showed that the genes act autonomously human diseases. within cells to cause programmed cell death (2). The Her findings overturned the traditional dogma that findings revealed the cellular suicide mechanism. Two necrosis is only passive cell death, and opened the additional articles coauthored with Horvitz elucidated possibility of developing therapeutics for the treat- ment of diseases involving necrosis. For this and other the cell death machinery (3, 4). A third, co-led by fel- pioneering discoveries concerning molecular mecha- low graduate student Shai Shasham, demonstrated nisms in the regulation of apoptosis and necroptosis, that ced-3 in C. elegans is similar to the human pro- Yuan was elected as a fellow of the American Acad- tease interleukin1-β converting enzyme (ICE) (5). emy of Arts and Sciences (2007) and the American The achievements contributed to Horvitz, along Association for the Advancement of Science (2017). with colleagues Sydney Brenner and John Sulston, receiving the 2002 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physi- RIPK1: A Key Mediator of Inflammation and ology. Yuan traveled with the team to Stockholm for Necroptosis the award ceremony, where Horvitz highlighted her While exploring the mechanism of Nec-1, Yuan and contributions during his Nobel Lecture (6). her team identified its target, RIPK1 (14). They addi- tionally showed that two other necrostatins target Evidence for Mammalian Caspases RIPK1 in the necroptosis pathway. The team wrote Choosing to skip a postdoctoral stint, Yuan accepted that the “data establish RIPK1 as a new target for an instructor of medicine position at Harvard in 1990 therapeutic drug development for human diseases and became an assistant geneticist at Massachusetts involving necrotic tissue injury, and they establish ’ General Hospital s Cardiovascular Research Center, necrostatins as first-in-class potent and selective in- where she set up an independent laboratory. Her hibitors of RIPK1.” Shortly thereafter, they identified a ’ team s first two articles established ICE, later named set of 432 genes, which are part of a cellular signaling caspase-1, as a functional homolog of ced-3 in con- network that regulates necroptosis (15). trolling the apoptosis of mammalian cells (7, 8). The Yuan and her colleagues next investigated RIPK1’s seminal studies launched the molecular era in cell theorized contribution to human neurodegenerative death research. More than 95,000 articles concerning disorders (16–18). They noticed the signatures of ac- apoptosis and caspases have since been authored by tivated RIPK1 in mouse models and human post- her team and others. mortem pathological samples of multiple sclerosis, Yuan and her colleagues have also demonstrated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer’s the roles and mechanisms of other members of the disease. The studies demonstrated that inhibiting mammalian caspase family in regulating apoptosis. RIPK1 pharmacologically can help to reduce disease- For example, they found that two isoforms of Ich-1, related damage to central nervous system axons and later named caspase-2, can function to mediate or neurons in animal models of neurodegeneration. antagonize apoptosis (9). They showed that the proapoptotic protein BID mediates mitochondrial Link Between Aging and Neurodegeneration damage induced by caspase-8, which is activated by Age is a known primary risk factor for nearly all neu- the death receptor complex associated with the cell rodegenerative disorders, but the molecular link be- membrane (10). Yuan and her team additionally un- tween aging and neurodegeneration has long eluded covered the essential role of caspase-11 in the activation scientists. In 2018, Yuan and her team shed light on of caspase-1 to promote inflammation and cell death the connection by revealing that aging provides a sen- (11). Caspase-11 is a critical mediator of pyroptosis, an sitized background for RIPK1 activation in the central Viegas PNAS | June 11, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 24 | 11565 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 nervous system (19). This background cooperates with RIPK1 to be an important pharmaceutical target for the genetic defects to allow activation of RIPK1 to promote treatment of human inflammatory and degenerative the onset of neurodegeneration. diseases. Small molecule inhibitors of the kinase have Yuan and her colleagues found that two protein ki- been advanced beyond Phase I human clinical trials for nases, TAK1 and TBK1, work together to suppress the the treatment of ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid activity of RIPK1.
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