Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases Blinded by the Light FOCUS 1 piece of blue color filter or plastic wrap Reflection, absorption, and scattering of light in the 1 piece of green color filter or plastic wrap ocean 1 piece of magenta* filter 1 piece of cyan* filter GRADE LEVEL 1 piece of yellow* filter 9-12 (Physical Science) 1 red marker 1 blue marker FOCUS QUESTION 1 green marker How is it possible for a fish to look one color in deep water and a different color above the water 1 yellow marker in bright sunlight? 8” x 11” white copy paper, 3 pieces per group of students LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1 red apple Students will recognize that the colors they see are 1 green apple a result of the reflection of light and that other col- 1 banana ors of light are absorbed. 1 blueberry 1 lime Students will predict what color an object will Any other colored fruit/object appear when light of different colors is shined upon * If you do not have access to these filters in it. your physics laboratory, they can be purchased from Arbor Scientific, POB 2750, Ann Arbor, MI Students will predict what color(s) will be produced 48106-2750, 1.800.367.6695 (Product ID 33- when different colors of light are mixed. 0190, Category Light and Color, Color Filters Kit, Students will identify the three primary colors and $12.00) three secondary colors of light. A/V MATERIALS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TEACHERS OF DEAF STUDENTS None Words listed as key words have no formal signs in American Sign Language and many are difficult to TEACHING TIME lipread. The activity itself is very visual and should One 90-minute class period be very easy for deaf students to follow. SEATING ARRANGEMENT MATERIALS Groups of 2-3 students, depending on available 1 piece of red color filter or plastic wrap materials 1 Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases - Grades 9-12 (Physical Science) Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases - Grades 9-12 (Physical Science) Focus: Reflection, absorption and scattering of light in the ocean oceanexplorer.noaa.gov oceanexplorer.noaa.gov Focus: Reflection, absorption and scattering of light in the ocean MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS LEARNING PROCEDURE Varies depending on available materials 1. Pose this question to students: “What color will an apple be in the dark? Some will most likely KEY WORDS answer red! Ask students to consider why the Wavelength apple appears that particular color. Lead a dis- Primary colors cussion of why we see colors and how pigments Secondary colors reflect and absorb colors. Reflection 2. Now, pose this question to students: “What color Absorption will an apple look under red light?” Discuss why the apple reflects red light. This is the reason it BACKGROUND INFORMATION appears red. Many students will claim that an apple will appear 3. Now, pose this question to students: “What color red even in the absence of light. This is a common will an apple look under blue light?” Discuss misconception. This activity is designed to help why the apple absorbs all other colors than red. students fully understand why they see the colors The apple should appear black. they do. White light or light from the sun or a light bulb consists of all wavelengths or colors. Students 4. Give each group of students three pieces of may be familiar with ROYGBIV, which stands for white copy paper. Have them cut each piece red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and vio- into 3 pieces so they have a total of nine smaller let. However, students are not often familiar with pieces of paper. On three of the smaller pieces the concept of primary and secondary colors of they should write the word “Red” using the red light. The primary colors of light are red, green, marker. Remind them to be sure their letters are and blue. The secondary colors of light are yel- fairly large. Have them repeat this process with low, magenta, and cyan. Secondary colors are the blue and green markers. produced by combining two primary colors. For 5. Now students should take the red, green, and example, to produce yellow, green and red are blue color filter or plastic wrap and place one combined. To produce magenta, red and blue are red, blue, and green word from Step #4 under combined and to produce cyan, green and blue the red, green, and blue color filters. Students are combined. should now observe the colors they see. The words that match up with the color filter should Objects appear certain colors because of the col- appear that color. For example, the red filter ors they either reflect or absorb. For example, a should allow you to see the word red as red. blue racquetball appears blue because it reflects However, the words blue and green under the blue wavelengths of light and absorbs all others red filter should appear black. Students may not (red and green). Objects that appear white appear immediately recognize this and you may need to so because they reflect all wavelengths of light point this out to them. and objects that appear black appear so because 6. Students should now place each of the three they absorb all wavelengths. This is why black is colored words under the magenta, cyan, and sometimes defined as the absence of color. Under yellow filters. Since these are secondary colors, blue light, an apple will appear black because two of the colored words should appear the color it absorbs the blue light and has no red light to of the filter and one should appear black. For reflect. In contrast, if magenta light is shined on example, under magenta the red and blue words the apple, it will appear red because magenta light should appear the appropriate red and blue, but is comprised of red and blue light. The blue light the green word should appear black. will still be absorbed, but the red will be reflected. 2 3 Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases - Grades 9-12 (Physical Science) Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases - Grades 9-12 (Physical Science) Focus: Reflection, absorption and scattering of light in the ocean oceanexplorer.noaa.gov oceanexplorer.noaa.gov Focus: Reflection, absorption and scattering of light in the ocean 7. Students should predict what color a word writ- EVALUATION ten in yellow (a secondary color) will appear Provide students with one piece of paper having under each of the colored filters. After they have pictures or words of different colors (try to stick predicted, they should test their predictions. to primary and secondary colors). Ask them to 8. Now, have the students predict what color each predict what color(s) will be visible under each of of the fruits will appear under each of the six the six color filters. Be sure to have them identify colored filters. It may help to place the fruits in a when a particular color is reflected and when one shoebox and then place the fruit in the box with is absorbed. the filter on top. 9. Have students discuss the answer to the Focus EXTENSIONS Question from Page 1 of this activity (How is Have students research how the eye is able to it possible for a fish to look one color in deep detect color and the intensity of light using rods water and a different color above the water and cones. in bright sunlight?). Give them the following example: A fish was recently discovered in deep RESOURCES water off the coast of South Carolina. Under http://www. oceanexplorer.noaa.gov water, the fish was white with black bands, how- http://www.biolum.org ever when the fish was brought to the surface, it http://www.bioscience-explained.org was white with red bands. Ask students why the bands would appear black in deep water, but NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS red on the surface. HINT: Red light has the low- Content Standard E: Science and Technology est energy of all colors and is therefore absorbed • Abilities of technological design by water near the surface. The light that has the • Understandings about science and technology highest energy is near the blue range and, there- Content Standard B: Physical Science fore, penetrates much deeper. The red bands • Structure and properties of matter absorb the blue light that reaches them and are • Interactions of energy and matter unable to reflect any red light because no red light reaches this particular depth in the ocean. FOR MORE INFORMATION Paula Keener-Chavis, National Education THE BRIDGE CONNECTION Coordinator/Marine Biologist http://www.vims.edu/bridge/chemistry NOAA Office of Exploration http://www.vims.edu/bridge/physics Hollings Marine Laboratory 331 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412 THE “ME” CONNECTION 843.762.8818 Ask students to design a fish or marine organism 843.762.8737 (fax) that would look one color when found in deep [email protected] water and another color at or near the surface of the water. Remind students that colors having ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS low energy (red, orange, yellow) are absorbed by This lesson plan was produced by Jeff Walker, water first and that colors having high energies Hanahan High School, Charleston, SC for the (violet, blue, indigo) penetrate much, much deeper National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. into the water. If reproducing this lesson, please cite NOAA as the source, and provide the following URL: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER SUBJECTS http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov Physics/Chemistry, Art 2 3 Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases - Grades 9-12 (Physical Science) Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases - Grades 9-12 (Physical Science) oceanexplorer.noaa.gov Focus: Reflection, absorption and scattering of light in the ocean oceanexplorer.noaa.gov Focus: Reflection, absorption and scattering of light in the ocean Student Handout Student Handout Data Sheet Name __________________________________ Fill in what color each appears under the particular filter.
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