Bagatell Kartellbekanntmachung Vom 2 Juni 1970. [Schriftenrhe

Bagatell Kartellbekanntmachung Vom 2 Juni 1970. [Schriftenrhe

SAtEB (MOHAMMAD ALI TABRIZI). --- [Kolliyat. Ed. by Amiri Firuzkuhi.] [Pers.] n.p. [1954.] .891551 Sale. SACHSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. See LEIPZIG. SÀCHSISCHE AKA-F DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. SÁCHSISCHE WELTCHRONIK. - -- (And Fortsetzungen.) Hrsg. von L. Weiland. [Deut. Chron. 2.] Hannoverae, 1877. F .9(43) Mon. SACKER (FRANZ JURGEN). - -- Zielkonflikte und Koordinationsprobleme im deutschen und europäischen Kartellrecht; kritische Bemerkungen zum Regierungsentwurf der Kartellgesetznovelle vom 28 Mai 1971 und zur EWG - Bagatell Kartellbekanntmachung vom 2 juni 1970. [Schriftenrhe. d. Betrieb.] Dusseldorf [1971.] C.E.G.S. SAECULUM. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte. Bd. 1- 1950 - Freiburg. Per. .9 Sae. SAcEDI (GHOLAMHOSSEIN). - -- [cAgebat-e galam farsa,'i.] [By Gouhar Murad, i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1976.] .891552 Sae. - - [Á.y--e bi kolá,h, ay-e ba, kolalz.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1978.] .891552 Sae. - -- [Behtarin baba-ye donya.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [n.p., n.d.] .891552 Sae. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS SA°EDI (GHOLAMHOSSEIN). [°Aaadaran-e beyal.] [Pers. 12th ed.] [Tehran, 1978.] .891552 Sae. SAcEDI (GHOLAMHOSSEIN) [continued]. - -- [Chub be- dastha-ye varzil.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [Tehran, n.d.] .891552 Sae. --- [Diktah va Zaveyyah.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [6th ed.] [Tehran, 1978.] .891552 Sae. - - [Gur va gáarah.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1975.] .891552 sae. - -- [Janeshin.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [3rd ed.] [Tehran, 1978.] .891552 Sae. --- [Khanah roushani, va 4 numayishnameh digar.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [3rd ed.] [Tehran, 1976.] .891552 Sae. -- [Mah-e casal.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1978.] .891552 Sae. - - [Panj namayeshnameh az inqilab-e mashrutiyat.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [2nd ed.] [Tehran, 1972.] .891552 S. - -- [Tup.] [Pers.] [6th ed.] [Tehran, 1975.] .891552 Sae. - - [Vay bar maghlúb.] [By Gouhar Murad i.e. G.S.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1975.] .891552 Sae. A11)f1'1l)Nti SAcEDI (GHOLAMHOSSEIN). -- [Gáv. ] [Pers. 5th ed.] [Tehran, 1975.] .891552 Sae. --- [I1kh4.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1979.] .89155:.572(55) Sae. SAEED (MIAN MUHAMMAD). -- The Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur; a political & cultural history. With a preface by A.L. Basham. [Karachi] 1972. .9(5425) Sae. SAEKI (P.Y.). --- The Nestorian Monument in China. (And Syro -Chinese text of the Nestorian Inscription and Translation). With an introductory note by Lord W. Gascoyne -Cecil and a preface by A.H. Sayce. 2nd impr. Lond., 1928. .2818 Sae. SAELDN (Der) Hort; alemannisches Gedicht vom Leben Jesu, Johannes des Täufers und der Magdalena ... Hrsg. von H. Adrian. [Deut. Texte des Mittelalters, Bd. 26.] Berlin, 1927. RI.12. SAEMISCH (THEODOR). -- See GRAEFE (ALFRED) and S. (T.). SAEMUND. *** For editions of the Edda collected by S. see EDDA. [Continued overleaf.] SAEMDND [continued]. - -- See KERMANNSSON (HALLD6R). Samund Sigfússon and the Oddaverjar. - -- See MAGNUSSON (ARNI). Vita Saemundi Multiscii. SAEMUNDSSON (BJARNI). - -- fslensk di-L.. 3 vols. Reykjavik. LL.104.3.111-3' *** Blöndal Collection. 1. Fiskarnir. Pisces Islandià. 1926. 2. Spendrrin. Mammalia Islandige. 1932. 3. Fuglarnir. Aves Islandia. 1936. - -- Kenslubók f landafrgei ... 5. útgáfa. Reykjavik, 1945. LL.105.4.49 *** Blóndal Collection. - -- Oversigt over Islands Fiske med Oplysninger om deres Forekomst, vigtigste biologiske Forhold og ¡ókonomiske Betydning. [Skr. udg. of Komm. for Havundersßigelser, No. 5.] Obenhavn, 1908. LL.104.3.15. *** Blöndal Collection. - -- Sjórinn og saZvarbúar. Reykjavik, 1943. LL.104.3.12. *** Blöndal Collection. - -- Um lá() og lög ... Reykjavik, 1943. LL.107.7.15. *** Blöndal Collection. ADDITIONS SfEMUl`dDSSON (BJARNI) . - -- Icelandic Malacostraca in the Museum of Reykjavík. [Vísindafélag 2slendinga, Rit, 20.] Reykjavik, 1937. LL.103.5,520. ** Blöndal Collection. - -- Synopsis of the fishes of Iceland. [Vísindafélag 2slendinga, Rit, 2.] Reykjavík, 1927. LL.103.5.52. Blöndal Collection. - -- Um manninn ... [Námsbekur fyrir Barnaskóla.] Reykjavik, n.d. LL.105.4.41. xxx Blöndal Collection. SniMUNDSSON (JOHANN) . - -- Mannslikaminn og störf hans. Reykjavik, 1940. LL.105.4.50. * ** Blöndal Collection. - -- See BLONDAL (JON) and S. (J.) SAnMUNDS SON ( SAMM[TNDUR) . - -- See HAGALfN (GUDMUNDUR GÍSLASON). Virkir dagar. Saga Sgèmundar Sázmundssonar skipstjóra skrá eftir sögn hans sjálfs. SAEM[TNDSSON (TÓMAS). - -- Bróf Tómasar SaZmundssonar gefin út á hundr0 ára afmaeli hans 7. júni 1907. B1112; hefir til prentunar J. Helgason. Reykjavik, 1907. LL.107.7.16. *** Blöndal Collection. SÄNGER (MAX. - -- and HERFF (OTTO VON). - -- eds. Encyklopädie der Geburtshülfe und Gynäkologie ... 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1900. *U.9.9 -10. SÄNGER (SAMUEL) . - -- John Stuart Mill; sein Leben und Lebenswerk. [Frommanns Klass. d. Philos. 14.] Stuttgart, 1901. Zm.7. royohologioal -and 000ial faetero-4.a ottudemt drop eat. Amot rdam, 1970. Udue. Cci. Lib. SÁENZ (ANTONIO. - -- See FASOLINO (NICOLÁS). La fundación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. la parte. Vida y obra del ... Doctor A.S. ADDITIONS SADMtJNDSSON (MATTHÍAS VT)AR) . Mynd nútimamannsins; um tilvistarleg vi.fhorf i sögum Gunnars Gunnarssonar. [Stud. Islandica, 41.] Reykjavik, 1982. .839693 Gun. Sae. *** With a summary in English. SIIM[TNDSSON (TOMAS). --- Feröabok Tomassar Saemundesonar. J. Benediktason bjo undir prentun. Reykjavik, 1947. LL.107.7.17. **'* Blondal Collection. - -- Another copy. LL.108.6.33. --- See HELGASON (JÓN) Bp. T.S. ... SÄNGER (FRITZ). - -- Politik der Täuschungen; Missbrauch der Presse im Dritten Reich: Weisungen, Informationen, Notizen, 1933 -1939. Wien [1975.] .0701(43086) Sän. SÄNGER (MONIKA). - -- Die kategoriale Systematik in denvMetaphysischen Anfangsgrunden der Rechtslehre "; ein Beitrag zur Methodenlehre Kants. [Kantstud. Erganzungshft., 114.] Berlin, 1982. .1932/S12 San. SAENZ ( GERARDO). - -- Luis G. Urbina; vida y obra. [Col. Studium, 31.] Mexico, 1961. Span. Lib. SAENZ ( MOISES). - -- Sobre el indio ecuatoriano y su incorporación al medio nacional. Mexico, 1933. .572(801)04/1 - -- Sobre el indio peruano y su incorporación al medio nacional. Mexico, 1933. .572(801)04/1 SÁENZ DE AGUIRRE (JOSEPH) Card. - -- Philosophia rationalis novantiqua, sive disputationes selecta, in logicam et metaphysicam Aristotelis. 4 tom. Ex Ducali Campidonensi typographeo, per J. Mayr, 1722-23. N* 18.46-49. SÁENZ ECHEVERRÍA (CARLOS). - -- Piezas de teatro de C.S.E. y J.M. Lleras. [Bibl. Aldeana de Colombia, Teatro, 93.] [Bogotá 1936. .86899(861) Sae. SAERCHINGER (CESAR). - -- Artur Schnabel. With a tribute by Clifford Curzon. Lond., 1957. .7800712 SchR. Sae. SAERNOW (MARTINAS). - -- See TRILLER (DANIEL WILHELM) praOs. SÄUGTHIERE (Die) in Abbildungen nach der Natur. See SCHREBER (JOHANN CHRISTIAN DANIEL). AUDI l IVIV SÁENZ (HILARIO). - -- and TEALE (LLOYD DUANE). - -- Vida gaucha. New York, 194t. Span. Lib. SÁENZ (JIMENA). - -- Genio y figura de Miguel Ángel Asturias. [Genio y Figura, 29.] [Buenos Aires, 197).] .86899(7281) Ast. Sáe. SAETER (MARTIN). - - and SMART (IAN) eds. - - The political implications of North Sea oil and gas. See POLITICAL (The) implications of North Sea oil and gas. SAEWDLF. - -- Saewulf (1102, 1103 A.v.) (The pilgrimage of Saewulf to Jerusalem.) Tr. by Canon Brownlow. [Palestine Pilg. Text. Soc. 21.] Lond., 1892. .248(569)06 Pal. Conder Collection. RI.6. --- Another copy. SAEXINGER (JOHANN VON). mit Text. - -- Gefrierdurchschnitt einer Kreissenden ... Drei Tafeln Tübingen, 1888. Zo.Window.8. SÁEZ (EMILIO). - -- and ROSSELL (MERO). - -- Repertorio de medievalismo hispánico, 1955 -1975. 1-1- Barcelona. Ref. .9(4601- 03)016 Sae. 1976. 1. A-F (1-1768). 2. G-M (1769-3674). 1978. SAEZ (FRANCISCO A.). and - -- See ROBERTIS (EDUARDO DIEGO PATRICIO DE), NOWINSKI (W.W.) S. (F.A. ) ADDITIONS SÁEZ (EMILIO). - -- and ROSSELL (MERCÉ). - -- Repertorio de medievalismo hispánico, 1955 -1975. 3. Barcelona. Ref. .9(4601- 03)016 Sae. 3. N - R (3675-4885) 1983. , r t o k - 6-6 SÁEZ DE MEI,GAR (FAUSTINA) . La cruz del olivar ... Estudio de A.G. Andreu. [Anales Galdosianos, Anejo.] Middlebury, 1980. .86359 Sae. SAFA (HELEN ICKIEN). in development and inequality. - -- The urban poor of Puerto Rico; a study [Case Stud. in Cult. Anthropol.] New York [1974.] .301441 (7295) Saf. --- See DU TOIT (BRIAN M.) and S. (H.I.) - -- and DU TOIT (BRIAM M.). for ethnic identity - -- eds. Migration and development; implications and political conflict. [World Anthropol.] The Hague [1975.] .32508 Saf. SAFA (PEYAMÌ). baski. - -- Dokuzuncu hariciye kogu ?u; roman. 6. Istanbul, pr. 1958. .894353 Saf. Nu. 14; Edebi - -- Fatih, Harbiye; roman. 2. baski. [Otuken`tayinlari, Eserler Ser. Nu. 5.] Istanbul, 1968. .894353 Saf. ADDITIONS SAFA (HELEN ICKEN). - -- ed. Towards a political economy of urbanization in third world countries. (The result of a panel on Urbanization in developing areas ...) See TOWARDS a political economy of urbanization ... SAFÁ (ZABIHOLLÁE). [Pers.] - -- comp. Gana- i- soxan; anthologie de la poésie persane ... 672.] 3 tom. [Teheran, Univ. Pubi. Nos. 598, 653, Téhéran. .89155108 Saf. *** Each tom. has also a Persian title -page. 1960. 1. De á Anwari. 1961. 2. De Nizami áami. 1961. 3. De Faghani á Bahar. [Teheran, Univ. --- comp. [Ganjinah -ye sokhan.] [Pers.] 3 vols. Publ. No. 12381 -3.] Teheran, 1969. .89155108 Saf. 1. Az Abu Mansur Mu'ammari to Hujvairi. 2. Az Abu al -Fazl Baihaqi to Abu al -Futuh Rázi. 3. Az Abu al -Hasan Baihaqi to Majm al -Din Rázi. [Continued overleaf.] SAFÁ (ZABIHOLLAH) [continued]. - -- A

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