J - ■ * rflOITW ELVB A u irb fBter Sttrabio S fn db MOM^AT. fEBIVABT AVCBAOB DA0.V OlRCmjiTlON The 'executive commutes of Ull* The Amaranth Sewing club will Amatad aftar, mcoording to Um ter Uw^jtaatk ef Jammry, Itie Peraeaaf e f O. B. WeuUier Bi wor|h-Comell Post, American Le> meet tomorrow afternoon with report, a car ba eraa driving on Fftetory Ctoseout 1*S00 Odd B alls AMXj^WN gkm, ail] meet this evening at 7:30 Royal Matron Mr*. Viola Trotter of Demtaig atredt at 10:46 a. m., yaa- 16 Bigelow street. terday atniek another car, MltcheD 6,172 Cloudy, followed hy rata ar i in the State Armory. Mealier ef Um AodH Snaact Rcbakah tiods* wlU open J. Zadroxny o f 100 Mlltbury street, Tuesday A t HALE*S lata lialgkt ar Wedweeday. ita buaincaa meatlng; tonlfht at 7:30 Several of the local Methodist Fred E. Werner gave a Valentine Worcester, was notlllad by Police­ TIOGA CREVENNA YARN Bmeun wt CIroataUeM ahaip la Odd Fallowa hall. A public ministers attended the meeting in party yesterday afternoon for 30 of man Harold V. Heffron to appear In MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHAKM brldsa party will follow. Stafford Spring! today of ministers his young pupils from this town and court tonight on a count of viola­ tion of rules of the road. It was D R U G D E P T . Regakrljr 65c. of the Norwich dlatiict. > Rockville. They gathered In Orange (tlaaeUled Adverttotag ea Paga IS) MANCHESTER. CONN.. ’niESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1M6 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE fHREB CBf TIm HlUe aon born at Manchrater hall where they had ample room for stated that tha Zadroany car VOL. LVin., NO. 121 UeaMiial boapital, Saturday, Feb* Donald and Barbara Hubbard, of games and stunts. Children who swung Into Doming street and ran Special! BaU 35c Laco Sham poo .......................................... 2 9 c into tne auto of Stanley Oohn of ruary 11, to Ur. and Mrs. Arthur 181 Main street, celebrated their won prlfes Included Eleanor Me. 2 0 c 50c W oodbury's Race Pow der ....!.. 3 9 c Monaghan of Talcottville, has been birthdays Saturday aftemocm by en­ Kcnna, Jean Henry and Ernest Roxbury, Maas, 'piera was slight named Ronald Frailer MonaRhan. tertaining their young friends at a Krltahmaeher. .Mrs. Emil Werner damage. One Week Only! 3 0 c - 6 0 c M u m ............... ............................... 2 9 c - 4 9 c Result of Fantastic Train Crash party. I^nald, who was eight years assisted In serving the refreshments. 75c I^sterine .... .... .. 5 9 c Ths Just I 'l club will meet to­ of age on February 16, entertained Mr. Werner announced a beginners' TTie bowling team of Mona-Yprea This Is an exceptional v^ue. The Famous Tioga HOUSE ELIMINATES morrow evening with Mrs. Fred nve playmates and Barbara, who recital for .Monday evening of next Aiixlllaiy will meet tomorrow night Crevenna in 80 smart shades. W e o f course cannot 15c K le e n e x ..........................................2 fo r 25c EIGHT NAVAL PLANES Manning of Maple street. was 10 years old on February M, week at 8 o'clock In Center church at the West Side Rec at 7:30 for entertained seven girl friends. house. practice. guarantee that each ball of each color is from the same 50c C alox T ooth P o w d e r ..............................39c Mrs. Mary Wolf of Bolton heads Games were enjoyed from two 1" the committee In charge of the fo<Ml five o’clock and refreshments were dye lot. For dresses, blouses, skirts, and sweaters. 35c Cashmere Bouquet Lotion Both EXEMPTING CLAUSE sen’ed, sale which the Quanyville lAdiea 20c Cashmere Bouquet Lotion for 36c Aid Society will conduct tomorrow A dress would require about 16 balls. A hand knit CRASH IN DENSE FOG;: ■psming from 9 o'clock on In Hale's Archie Haugh, of Hemlock dress fo r .13.20. A few of the many colors: White, 35c Brmno Q u inine .......................... 2 4 c „ street, lost a pockatbook containing black, canieo rose, fem m ist green, peacock blue, Bel- IN DUAL JOBS BILL a sum of mooey and some valuable 50c Phillips' M ilk M agrnesia ................. .. Tbs Ladles t'athoUe Benevolent papera while ebopping In a local grare blue, chalet red, redwine, navy, town grey, etc. sodaty will meet tomorrow night market Saturday afternoon. He be- LORES BLONDE CL'BLS llevea he either laid It iliuvn while TWO DIE, SIX ESCAPE with tbs secretary. Mrs. Mary Double Green Stamps Given With Votes To Strike Out Prori* BECADRE OF CL'RIOSITV Parekanhara of IClro street. selecting some articles or that It tH— was dropped when picking up his Double Green StampB Given Cash Sales Tuesday. Denver. Feb. 21 — (A P ) — PRO W IXR .\T PLANT A son, William John, was born yea- packages. He Is offering s reward Keeping Present Three-year-old Elaine Nybord ONI.V NIGHT WATCHMAN for Ita return. Sion Stodent Fliert Bail O il h tsrday at the Memorial hospital to With Cash Sales Tu^ajr. Headquarters for G. E. Appliances. lost most of her blonde curls be- I FRENCH ENVOY Ur. and Mrs. Russell L. Remlg ol cause she was too curious about York. Pa.. Feb. 31.—(A P ) — Dr. George A. Calllourlle will be iflfHlmMembers In Jobs; Only her Mother's electric batter First P in d in te Jm i s S Oak Place. The baby Is the first the speaker at a meeting of Camp- Police sped to an Industrial sec­ (randcblld of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. hell Council, Knighls of ( ''iliimhiis, mixer. H iU C O N n iW E tion when a night watchman at Itsraif of 87 rtne street and Mr. and at 8;30 o’clock tonight at the Cniin- Wmehester Man Opposes "I heard the baby scream." a factory telephoned that a man Di r i i « RoiMiM T ia iH l Mra. John H. Elton of Jacksonville. cll rooms. Mrs. C. A. Nybord said. "I waa prowling aroiini. an adjoin­ Florida. The JWHAU COM tIm J W . H ^ 6 coaR turned around and saw the bowl, ing plant. The officers spied the AtANCHiSTUi COMW the batter, the mixer and the SPAN ^ TALKS prowler, advanced cautloiuily, and The Hustler's Group will meet at M A S C H i a T W C o m m * state Capitol. Harttord. Keb. 31— Flight; Single-Scnter B e^ Large amosints of sand which the South Methwllsl rhiireh tomor­ baby all on the flimr. nabbed him. have been needed to soften the Icy row morning at 9 o'elork to work on (A P )—The House voted today to “Before I could do anything He was tha plaiit'a night surfacea of the town roada during salting peanuts. The hostesses will strike out from the controversial the mixer bad pulled moat of the Foreign Minister Instmcts watchman. ingi, With High L a i A i i tha past cold weather Is now pre- be Mr*. Lewis isipe and Mrs. Harold Given With Cosh Sales In dual job bill a provision exempting hair off Elaine's bead. —wttfig a drainage problem Itself In Symington. legislators now holding other jobs. Speed Not E m e i W H i i some places. Rlfta of sand are form­ Emissary To Go Ahead ing bi the gutters, and will be re- TTie vote was 256 to 1 , with nine Both These Stores All Day m-mbers absent or not voting. nMtved by the highway department. FOR TUESDAY The sole, opponent was Repre­ With Negotiatioas For P R E M e A S K S Radio Conm nnkatiiilr Warm, aprtngllke weather today ATLAMIC sentative Manchester (R.), of Win­ TOTAL OF $50,000 This twisted mass of metal bmight death to two trainmen and injuries to 33 persons, when a veritable heought rsports of crocuses bloom­ Tuesday chester. pilotless juggernaut backed through a siding near Harlan, la., struck freight cars of Ita own train, lunged After the exemption had been Diplomatic Recognition. Penaaoola, Fla., P*b. XI— (A P )— . ing, soogbMs having been seen, and SHOPPERS forward out of (X>ntroI, jtriU n g a grain car and driving it heod-on down four miles of straight main-line LIMIT RAISED stricken out Meade Alcom, House grmmd muddy and soft with thaw Rayolite PAID IN CHECKS track Into an oncoming passenger train. FImnan and engineer of the pilotless engine were driven out Trapped In a dense (eg. eight Nati Ing front. The official first day of Republican leader and. chairman of by an explosion. It Is beUeved the first crash threw the throttle wide driving the runaway engine 60 to plaaea were w m ked and two ; spring Is still over a month away. Judiciary Committee spoke in fa,ror 75 miles an hour Into the passenger train which was said to be travelmg 60 miles an hour. Idlled oa a routias tralataff of the bUl’s passage saying that B D IX C riN I ON BO^OWING R a n g e O il NOT M O V E D Paris, Feb. XI— (A P )—Far- last night. lArge numbers of local men were ThdJW sHAUcoiui Governor Baldwin, the Republican Self party and a majority of the people elirn Minister Boaaet waa to- Rain waabsd away tha Cgg at ths municipal building this 'mom- GalloR mahcmistiii omh The Origtiwl In New Euglaad! C * of the state were behind It. ported today ta have Iwwed ta dawn today, dloeloriFC tha (n il 1 big for IntendewB with WPA in 100 gal.
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