Engines by Manufacturer

Engines by Manufacturer

mmmm 39002 10553 1272 WORK PROJECTS ADMIMISXRAIION BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AERONAUTICS Part 54 - Engines - By Manufacturer Compiled from the IUDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City This Index has been prepared for publication by workers under the supervision of the FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY V/QRK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION For the City of New York 0.P.65-1-97-21-W. P. 14 December 1939 FOREWORD This bibliography is one of a series pertaining to aero­ nautics and is published by the Work Projects Adminis­ tration with funds allotted to 0- P. 65-1-97-21 - W.P. 14 for that purpose. They may not be sold. The project, sponsored by the Mayor of the City of New York, receives the cooperation of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences which directs the research and publish­ ing staff workers. Bequest for Additional References The Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences invites cor­ rections and criticism of the bibliographies and requests that additional references be forwarded to the Institute for inclusion in the final publications. Distribution Requests Persons and organizations desiring copies may apply for theia by letter, stating the use for Y/hich they are required. These requests will be considered in the order received. Should the supply be exhausted, such requests will receive first consideration when additional copies are published. Robert R. Dexter Aeronautical Engineer Address all correspondence to: John H. Palmer Work Projects Administration 5111 R.C.A. Building New York City ABBREVIATIONS A.R.C. R. & M. - Great Britain. Aeronautical research committee. Reports and Memoranda. A.S.M.E. - American society of mechanical engineers, New York. Atti Assoc. ital. aerotecn. - Atti dell'Associazione italiana di aerotécnica. Roma. CA.H.I. - Central aero-hydrodynamical institute, Moscow. C„Ï*N.A. - Commission internationale de navigation aérienne, Genève, C. R. Acad. sei, - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des scieacesj Paris. - Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fur iuftfahrt, Berlin. F.A,I. - Fédération aéronautique internationale, Paris. H.H. Stat, off, - His Majesty's Stationery office, London. N,A.A, - National aeronautic association, Washington. N.A.C.A. - National advisory committee for aeronautics, Washington, N.P.L. - National physical laboratory, Teddington, England. pub. sclent, tech. Min. de l!air. - Publications scienti­ fiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air. Service des recherches de l'aéronautique, Paris. R.A.F. - Royal air force (Great Britain) R.A.S. - Royal aeronautical society (Great Britain) Rend. Instituto sper. aer. - Rendí conto dell'Istituto, sperimentale aeronáutico, Roma, S.A.E. - Society of automotive engineers, New York. U.S. Govt. print, off * - U.S. Government printing office, Washington. V.D.I. - Verein deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin* W.G.L. - Wissenschaftliche gesellschaft für luftfahrt, Berlin. Z.A.M.M. - Zeitschrift für angewandte mathematik und meehanik, Berlin. Z.F.X. - Zeitschrift fUr flugteehnik und motorluftschiffahrt, München. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 34 - ENGINES - BY MANUFACTÜRER A.B.C 1 A.D.C 2 A.M.Ü.A.L. , 3 Adams-Farwell - ... .3 Adler 4 Aero. 4 Aeromarine, .4 Aeronea . '...6 Airman Engineering Company . 7 Albatross .,..*..',,... , 7 Alco , . .. 8 Alfaro 8 Alf ä-Romeo 8 Allied . > .. .8 Alli son. ' .9 Alvas ton . 10 Alvis 10 Andreau ,'. — . .11 Antoinette ' lg Anzani 12 Argus ' 16 Argylls. ' 18 Armstrong-Siddeiley ... — .18 Arrow .35 Ashmusen * , • * • -25 Aspin ' .26 Aster 26 Atlas .27 Atwood. • " 27 Austro-Daimler 27 Ava 28 Avia .., 28 Aviatic Rossell. .29 Aviation Diesel .29 Avis .• 29 Avro 29 Axels on 1 29 Aztatl " '. 30 B.M.lrf - 30 Baitel ,. 33 Barimar , 33 Basse-Selve 33 Bates 33 Beardmore 33 Beatty , 35 Bechard , 35 Beck 35 Beecher .35 B ehr mann . .35 Berthaud 35 Benz See Daimler-Benz Bertin , 36 Bessler 36 Bisseil . 36 Blackburne 37 Bliss 37 Bloch 37 Boitel 38 Botali 38 Bradshaw 38 Brarao 38 Breguet 39 Brei tf eld-Danek 39 Breton 40 Brewer 40 Bristol , . 40 Broc. 52 Bronhot . 52 Brooke 52 Brownback-Light 52 Bruckert 53 Buche t ..............53 Bugattl , 54 Bulot 54 Burlat 54 C.N.A 54 Cadillac 55 Caffort 55 Call 55 Cameron 56 Canda 56 Canton-Unne 56 Carden 56 Cato 56 Caunter 57 Causon 57 Cavagnino 57 Century 57 Chaise - 57 Chenu 58 Chevolair 58 Chilton 59 Christof ferson 59 Churcii Henderson... 60 Cirrus 60 Clement-Bayard 63 Cleone 64 Clerget 64 Cleveland 66 Coatalen 67 Cochrane 67 Cole 67 Colombo., • .67 Coraet 68 Continental 69 Cosmos . .71 Cote 72 Coudert .72 Coventry Victor.... 72 Crampton 73 Cuddon Fletcher 73 Curtìss Wright 73 Cycloraotor * .88 Daimler-Benz, . , , 88 Darracq 94 Dause tte-Gillet 94 Dawn 94 Dayton. 95 Deeble 95 De Dion Bouton. 95 De Havilland . 96 Delage 100 Delaunay-Belleville .. .100 Deroont. 100 Deschamps. „ 100 Detroit. 101 Dhenain .101 Dome . 101 Dormán .101 Douglas .101 Dufaux 102 Duryea. .102 Dutheìl Chalmers 102 Duesenberg 102 E.J.C 103 E.H.V > 104 Earl 104 Easton 104 Eckert 105 Edelweiss 105 Edwards .105 Elbridge 105 • Elizalde 105 Emerson , 105 Eole 105 Erco 106 Esnault-Pelterìe 106 Esselbe 106 F.I.M.A 107 Fairchild 107 Farina Ili Farman Ili Favata 114 Fiat 114 Filtz 119 Fletcher .120 Floco 120 Foillard 120 Ford 120 Fox , 120 Franklin 120 Frederickson 121 Frontier 121 Funk 121 Fuscaldo 122 Gadoux-Crousse 122 Galloway 122 General Airmotors 122 General Ordnance 123 Globe 123 Gnome-Rhone 123 Gobron Brille 130 Godfrey Evans , 131 Goebel 131 Green 131 Grégoire 133 Guiberson 133 Gyro 134 Haacke. 135 Halford 135 Hall 135 Hallett 135 Halpin ,, 135 Hall-Scott 136 Hamilton 137 Hargrave 137 Harris. 13? Heath 137 Heibig 138 Hendee .138 Herbert Evans 138 Herdtle Bruneau 138 Herman 138 Herreshoff 138 Hess Warrior 139 Hiero , ,. ., 139 Hirth 139 Hisnano Suiaa 140 Hock 147 Eorus 147 Howard 147 Hudson. 148 Humber. 148 Hurricane 148 Huttner 148 Indian 149 Irwin 149 Isaacson 149 Isotta Fraschinì ...149 J.A.P 153 Jacobs 153 Jalbert. 154 Johnson .155 Johnson Kortright 155 Junkers - - .155 Kainz. .159 Kemp Henderson.. 159 Ken-Royce 160 Kimball 160 Kinner ... .161 King-Bugatti 163 ¿irkham 164 Knight , 164 Knox 164 Koller 164 Korting 165 Kozeluh 165 Laaje 165 Laf leur ..165 Lambert 165 Lamplougn 166 Lancia 166 Langley Manly .167 Lascelles 167 Laviator .167 Lawrance 167 Le Blond 168 Lemale . ... 169 Lemasson ' '... .169 Lenape 169 Levavasseur 170 Liberty. ,. .170 Liges. .. .- 177 Lorraine 177 Low 181 Lucas 181 Lycoming ' 181 MacClatchie 183 McDowell .184 Macoraber '. 184 Maggì-Berardi 184 Maillet .184 Marlin Rockwell ...184 Martin 184 Matten , 185 Maximotor 185 Maybach 186 Mazzini 187 Mead 188 Menasce 188 Mercedes See Daimler-Benz. Michel 191 Michigan 192 Miesse. 192 Miller 192 Milwaukee 192 Mitsubishi 195 Morris 193 Mors 193 Morehouse 193 Murray Willst 194 N.A.G 194 N.E.C 195 Napier 195 National £01 Nieuport ' 201 Nobel 201 Oerlikon 202 Opel 202 Orion 202 Orlo 202 Packard 203 Paloux 207 Panhard -Levassor 207 Parker ...., 209 Pegasus 209 Perfetti 209 Peugeot 210 Phillips Powls £10 Piaggio £10 Pipe 211 Pixie 211 Pob joy 211 Polymecanique 213 Potez 213 Poyer. 214 Praga. 215 Pratt Whitney 215 Prini Berthaud 223 Prussing-Steuerten 223 Quick 223 R.E.P 223 Ranger See Fairchild Rausenberger 224 Rausie.. 224 Redrup 224 Regnier 225 Renard 225 Renault 225 Requa Coles 231 Rhone See Gnome Rhone Rickenbacker .231 Rinek 231 Roberts 231 Robinson £32 Rochefort £32 Rogers £32 Rolls Royce £33 Rossel Peugeot 238 Rover - £39 Rowe Le Gaucear £39 Rubel £39 Rumpler - - .£40 Russki 240 Ryan Siemens £40 S.E.M £40 S.F.F.A. £40 S.H.K 241 S.N.C.M £41 S.P.E £41 Saiac £41 Salmson .£41 Salomon £47 Sanaa 24? Saurer £4? Schiske £48 Schliha- £48 Schneeweis ,248 Schoeber £48 Schubert , £49 Schwade 249 Scott - 249 Security . , £49 Seja. • £49 Selve - * 250 Sergant. 250 Shimpu £50 Siemens .250 Slmms 252 Siva .£52 Skoda 252 Sky Motors 252 Sky Roainer 252 Speer 252 Sperry 252 Statax £55 Still 253 Stuart 253 Sturtevant. 255 Sunbeam 255 Sutor 257 Szekely 257 Thames , 258 Thomas 258 Tips Sfflith 259 Train 259 Trebert. 260 Union 260 Universal £60 Ursinus . £61 Van Blerck 261 Vaslin . .£61 Velie 261 Brit Verdet , £62 Viale £62 Viking .. 262 Villiers 263 Von Behren 263 Wade 263 Wall 263 Walter 263 Warner . .266 Weir £67 Weisz . £67 Welch £67 Welles Adams 268 Western 268 Weston Hurl in 268 Wiley Post 268 Williams . 268 Winterthur 268 Wisconsin , , 268 Wolseley 269 Wolverine 271 World's 271 Wright See Curtiss Wright Zbro^ovka 271 Zeitlin .272 ZUndapp 272 AUTHOR INDEX 273 ENGINES - BY MANUFACTURER ARTICLES, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS A. B. C. British aero engines. The A.B.C. motors. (The MK. II Scorpion, 40 hp,, air-cooled, horizontally onDosed1) Fiight, London, Nov. IS, 1356, v. 50, no. 1455, p.*500. 'illus. A.B.C. Scorpion. Flight, London, Dec. 5, 1335, v. SB, no. 1406, p. 531. illus. A .B.C. motors. (Scorpion and Homes;} Flight, London, Nov . 24, 1932, v, 24, no. 48. p,1113. illus. A.B.C. Flight, London, Nov. 21, 1330, v. 22, no. 47, p. 1323. Scorpion. (Aeronautical products corporation, 100 hp., 4 cyl., inline, sir-cooled) Western flyings Los Angeles, Cai., Apr.-Sep. 1929, v. 5, 6, no. 4, 3, p. 135; 194, illus. The A.B.C. engines. (Scorpion, 2 cyl. and Hornet 32 hp., 4 cyl., horizontally opposed, air cooled) Automobile en­ gineer, London, Aug, 1329, v. 19, no. 257, p. 297. A ..B.C. motors. (Scorpion and Hornet) Aeroolane, London, July 24, 1329, v. 37, no. 4, o. 24£a. (Also Flight, London, July 18, 1929, v. 21, no. 29, p. 699-7001 The air-cooled Scorpion engine. Aero digest, New £ork, Nov.

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