This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Prange Date Submitted by Submitted by (based Control No. Date Submitted Censored Hold No. Source News Agency (Japanese) Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Censorship Action Writers Japanese Article Pages of Number Duplicate Photograph(s) Oversized 45-dis-0001 10/15/1945 11/1/1945 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon, "Atomic Bomb Untruth" (Fukuoka) publishe in Fukuoka [Stamp], 1 1 Kyushu 3/6/1946 45-dis-0002 11/8/1945 11/19/1945 熊本日日新聞 Kumamoto Nichinichi Kumamoto Nichi Japanese on the Continent Shimbun Nichi living in Hell under Soviet DI [Stamp], 3 Persecution. 3/6/1946 45-dis-0003 11/25/1945 11/26/1945 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon "…of the 3,340,000 Japanese (Fukuoka) Shimbun Fukuoka, in South Korea, only 340,000 Kyushu have been repatriated to date…In view of the present shortage of shipping, it would DI 1 take 4 years to complete the repatriation. 45-dis-0004 11/26/194[5] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi Do Not Trouble the [Stamp], DI 1 Shimbun Shimbun Occupation Troops 3/6/1946 45-dis-0005 12/1/1945 12/7/1945 中国新聞 The Chugoku Chugoku Shimbun "White Cloud Note" (Editor's Numano DI 2 Social Comment) 45-dis-0006 12/1/1945 12/7/1945 中国新聞 The Chugoku Chugoku Shimbun "Rescue Those Brethren Numano DI 2 Abroad!" 45-dis-0007 12/6/1945 12/13/1945 中国新聞 The Chugoku Chugoku Shimbun "A couple of GI Thieves" DI Yukawa 2 45-dis-0008 12/3/194[5] 12/19/194[5] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi "I Owe My Health and Fatness Kamio Shimbun Shimbun to American Soldiers"(A Talk DI 3 of a Returned Soldier). 受領證 , 1/19/1946 45-dis-0009 12/11/194[5] 12/20/194[5] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi "100,000 Japanese Anticipated Saito [Stamp], Shimbun to Perish this Winter in 3/6/1946; DI 3 Manchuria" 受領證, 1/8/1946 45-dis-0010 12/14/194[5] 12/27/194[5] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi "Escape from Manchuria Saito Shimbun Recounted" Stamp, DI 3/6/1946; 3 受領證, 1/19/1946 45-dis-0011 12/14/194[5] 12/27/194[5] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi "A Letter from Tokyo" Shotaro Saito Shimbun Nashimoto Stamp, DI 3/6/1946; 3 受領證, 1/19/1946 45-dis-0012 12/12/194[5] 12/28/194[5] 佐賀新聞 Saga Shimbun Saga Shimbun "A Large Quantity of Tobacco Kamio Was Bought from the DI [Stamp], 2 Occupation Forces" 3/6/1946 45-dis-0013 12/18/1945 12/28/1945 中国新聞 The Chugoku Chugoku Shimbun "A Daring Theft of Tobacco by Kamio DI 2 a Truck" 45-dis-0014 12/23/194[5] 12/28/194[5] 鹿児島日報 Kagoshima Nippo Kagoshima Nippo "Save Compatriots in North!" Saito [Stamp], DI 2 3/6/1946 45-dis-0015 12/21/194[5] 12/29/194[5] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi "Cartoonist Repatriate Reports Saito Stamp, Shimbun on Tsingtao" 3/6/1946; DI 受領證, 3 1/8/1946 46-dis-0001 12/18/194[5] 1/2/194[6] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichinichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi "Prince Konoye's Testament" Saito Shimbun (latter part) Stamp, DI 3/6/1946; 3 受領證, 1/11/1946 46-dis-0002 12/22/1945 1/3/1946 中国新聞 The Chugoku Chugoku Shimbun Poor Japanese Women Have Kamio DI 3 Been Released? 46-dis-0003 12/28/1945 1/3/1946 佐賀新聞 Saga Shimbun Saga Shimbun "To those Concerned over the Fate of Compatriots in Korea DI 2 and Manchuria" (An [Stamp], Advertisement) 3/6/1946 46-dis-0004 12/26/194[5] 1/03/194[6] 鹿児島日報 Kagoshima Nippo Kagoshima Nippo "To Those Concerned over the Saito Fate of Compatriots in Korea DI 2 and Manchuria" (An Stamp, Advertisement) 3/6/1946 46-dis-0005 12/26/194[5] 1/05/194[6] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichi Nichi "To Those Concerned over the Stamp, Fate of Compatriots in Korea 3/6/1946; DI 3 Hyuga Nichinichi and Manchuria" (An Digest of Shimbun Advertisement) Letter 46-dis-0006 12/26/194[5], 1/5/1946 大分合同新聞 Oita Godo Shimbun Oita Godo Shimbun Rallies to be held to Save Saito 12/27/194[5] Japanese Nationals in DI 2 Manchuria and North Korea [Stamp], (An advertisement) 3/6/1946 46-dis-0007 12/26/194[5], 1/5/194[6] 大分合同新聞 Oita Godo Shimbun Oita Godo Shimbun "To Those Concerned Over the Saito 12/27/194[5] Fate of Compatriots in Korea DI 2 and Manchuria" (An advertisement) 46-dis-0008 12/29/194[5] 1/10/194[6] 日向日日新聞 Hyuga Nichi Nichi Hyuga Nichi Nichi A Prospectus Concerning the Kiriyama Stamp, Shimbun Relief Drive for Compatriots in 3/6/1946; DI 3 Manchuria. 受領證, 1/17/1946 46-dis-0009 1/8/1946 1/14/1946 大分合同新聞 Oita Godo Shimbun Oita Godo Shimbun The Feeling of the Manchurian Kano [Stamp], DI 2 Towards Japan 3/6/1946 46-dis-0010 1/15/1946 1/16/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun ( Asahi Shimbun, Article reporting the meeting Receipt, Nagasaki) Nagasaki Edition for rescuing the Japanese from 1/22/1946 2 foreign countries. 46-dis-0011 1/11/1946 1/19/1946 大分合同新聞 Oita Godo Shimbun Oita Godo Shimbun "Crimes Increasing After the Ohata [Stamp], DI 2 War" 3/6/1946 46-dis-0012 1/17/1946 1/21/1946 大分合同新聞 Oita Godo Shimbun Oita Godo Newspaper Article requesting support for returning Okinawans from the Philippine Islands and settling 1 in Ono County, Oita Prefecture. 46-dis-0012a 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Receipt, 1 1/22/1946 46-dis-0013 1/20/1946 1/28/1946 島根新聞 Shimane Shimbun Shimane Shimbun Illicit Buying of Rice by Ohata Chinese The Farmers are also DI 2 to be Blamed. 46-dis-0014 1/27/1946 1/29/1946 佐賀新聞 Saga Shimbun Saga Shimbun A story of the Escape from 1 Northern Korea 46-dis-0015 1/27/1946 2/6/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Report of Disquiting Poster [Correspond found by MP in Kanoya City. ence], 2 2/10/1946 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Prange Date Submitted by Submitted by (based Control No. Date Submitted Censored Hold No. Source News Agency (Japanese) Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Censorship Action Writers Japanese Article Pages of Number Duplicate Photograph(s) Oversized 46-dis-0016 2/13/1946, 別府日報 Beppu Nippou Beppu Nippo "It Is Fearfu"l; "This is My DI 1 2/17/1946 Opinion" 46-dis-0016a 宇部時報 Ube Jiho Ube Jiho Informal memorandu 1 m, 2/26/1946 46-dis-0017 3/5/1946 九州文化新聞 Kyushu Bunka Shimbun Kyushu Bunka "Words for the New Issue"; Shinbun "Rocket" (Public Opinion Colum); ( c) Unlawful Exchange of Stickers (Anonymous); "Present day D, P 8 conditions and our hopes concerning them" - By people of all walks of life 46-dis-0018 3/7/1946 3/11/1946 南日本新聞 Minami Nihon Shimbun Minami Nippon "Between America and Russia" Acknowledg Shinbun (An Editorial) ement of receipt of Informal Memorand um referring to our Violation of the Press DI Cord for 4 Japan, 3/14/1946; 本社側の 日本刊行 物法規違 反に関す る非公式 通知書受 領證書, 3/14/1946 46-dis-0019 3/12/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun While admitting the difficulty of a responsible estimate, officials of the Metropolitan Police Board said data available in their hands indicate at least 14,000 CI S 1 babies strictly out of Wedlock will be born to Japanese mothers in the Tokyo- Yokohama area alone by mis- June. 46-dis-0019a 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun Informal memorandu 1 m, 3/12/1946 46-dis-0019b 宇部時報 Ube Jiho Ube Times Informal memorandu 1 m, 3/12/1946 46-dis-0020 3/13/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun In Fukuoka branch office of the war criminals investigation bureau of GHQ, in Chiyoda building, Tenjin-no-cho, Fukuoka City, they have been working since its establishment in last Nov. under auspices of Lt. Rt. Hamgrege and other S 1 American officers and Niseis with the investigation as to war criminal suspects in the former prioners caps throughout Kyushu. 46-dis-0020a 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun [correspond (Kokura) (Kokura) ence] , 1 3/15/1946 46-dis-0021 3/17/1946 3/19/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun, Conditions of Manchuria as [correspond (Hiroshima) Hiroshima Edition told by the Escapees (News- DI ence] , 3 story) 3/23/1946 46-dis-0022 3/20/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun Juichiro Matsumoto, Representative of Lower House S 1 Listed on Purge List 46-dis-0023 3/23/1946 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun Mr. Yoichi Oda, of Beppu City, reported to the police on 23 March of a case of fraud by a man, named, Shinshi Mori with his wife, claiming to be the son and daughter of Gen.
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