University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 1-25-1980 Central Florida Future, Vol. 12 No. 18, January 25, 1980 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 12 No. 18, January 25, 1980" (1980). Central Florida Future. 384. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/384 University of Central Florida Vol. 12 Friday, January 25, 1980 No.18 New dorms Officials to be built to examine ne_ar VC dental aid by Barbara Cowell Haoclate editor by Diane Taylor UCF is expected to appropriate a ataffwrtter $4,834,000 !Oan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to The UCV dental aid program is build a new dormitory complex east of taking its final exam this quarter. the Villa.ge Center, according to Direc­ After a three-quarter period, the tor of Un i v~rsity Operations p~ogram is undergoing evaluation by Operations Analysis, William Morris. an unbiased committee, under the Additional financial papers are now direction of Dr. Alan Fi~kett, special ... in review by HUD. A favorable assistant to the president. response is expected by February, he "The eva1uation will determine said. whether students really want the "Architects and engineers had to program. The committee will conduct come up with basic plans and contract a student survey, to determine if there plans had to be okayed by HUD," said is indeed a demand for the program, Morris. the effect it has had thus far, etc.," said The interest rate on the bonds will be Fickett. set at 3 percent, which is to be paid The main concern of President within 40 years. Morris sai·d, "The Trevor Colbourn, who originally loan will be paid back, with the expec­ suggested the evaluation, is whether or ted revenue from the dorms. For not "Student Government might be example, the room rents and vending overextending itself" in such a large machine monies will be used. Rents investment for a program which hasn't from conferences held over the sum­ yet been thoroughly ~valuated. mer and breaks will also go toward During the Jan. 15 Student Senate p.aying back the loan." meeting, a bill allocating $2,000 for During the financial review UCF the purchase of a teeth-cleaning had to prove it can take in 125 percent High ~ Kickers Brtan t.aPeter/Future .m~chine was postponed "indefjnitely," of the money it needs for the loan. until the evaluation is completed. Morris explained, "For every dollar Cindy McCarthy ·is ~ne of many UCF. students kicking up their heels According to Fickett, it will be com­ they lend us, we must prove we can during this year's Roaring Twenties homecoming celebration. See pleted "very soon-definitely before the take in $1.25. Our expectations are far page I 0 for more information. end ot the quarter." · Dorms, page 7 The first committee meeting will be held today at 10:30 a.m. in VC 211 to discuss evaluation plans. Committee State schools·need more financial aid members include Dr. Thomas Men­ denhall of the Sociology Department, by Diane Taylor "I heard from an unofficial source that winter enrollment student Senators Dena Kollarik and staffwrlt~r . : . - is up higher than fall. Sixty percent of whoever came to our Emi.lie French, and student Greg Kim- Flonda is not gettmg its fair share of student financial hool wound up with some form of financial aid," said brall. · aidf, according to Donald Baldwin, director of Financial sBc ld . a wm. There was some controversy over the Ai.~ at UCF. , "We're.in a year where the Title IV legislation, is ceasing. delay in the evaluation. Fickett stated ~he .Federal Aid Program and Title IV policy we re We have two-year budgets, and they are coming to an end. that "it was originally scheduled for . talkmg i~ter~s of, are developed from counts of. students · Title IV runs out as of June 30, and between now and then, the end of the fall quarter." enrolled m h1g~ school ~?d .those th~. t are projected to the financial aid groups and legislature are going to hammer According to Student Body President graduate from high school, said Baldw1i:. out another law. That's what we're looking at right now," Armando Payas, the evaluation was to U.S. Census data is used to create a formula, which deter- Baldwin said. • have taken place early in the fall quar­ mine~ ~ow m~ch money each state receives. Title IV says the budgets will be set every two years. ter, "but Dr. Fickett never got around This is the first year of a two-year budget. The way money Last year (fiscal 1978-79) 4 800 students received some to doing the evaluation. He said ~liat he was allocated this particular time hurts UCF. The problem form 0 £ financial aid for a 't;fal amount of $6,820,475. didn't have enough data to go on, and·I with t~is syst ~ m according to Bald~in is tha~ it does~'t Baldwin said projection~ for 1979-80 year include aid for think he was just busy and didn't have recog.mze that~ lot of people are movmg to Flonda, bu~ still 5800 students amounting to $8,412,800. enough time · to get the evaluation remam logg.ed mother states by the Census Bureau, ~ntil the An article in the Jan 7 issue of the Chronicle of Higher going." · ne~t ce~sus 1s. taken. Education reported that the U. S. Office of Education is Before the recent bill allocating fun­ We re bei~g penalized m the sense that we are takmg conducting an overhaul of student-aid allocations. The ds for the teeth-cleaning machine-was care of transit people that move down here from other proposed changes would primarily affect National Direct scheduled to be· considered on the states," said Baldwin. Student Loans College Work-Study, and Supplemental senate floor, Colbourn called a con­ "It'~ good if you maintain y~ur status ~r los~ people.up to a Educational O~portunity Grants (SEOG). ference with Payas and asked him to c~r~a.m percentage, ~mt UCF is on the htg~ side. We re.~ub- The proposal would reduce the allocations to 90 percent of delay the legislation until after the s1~1zmg other Flonqa areas tha~ are losmg students, he previous expenditures for colleges already participating in evaluation. said. the programs. Colbourn said, "There was . The squeeze has put the Financial Aid Office m a bad · "As far as UCF is concerned. this cutback isn't a lot of our definitely a breakdown in com­ p~sition .. and they ~re f:eling the pre·ssure of trying to main- money. It's less than $1 milli~n out of our total program,.' ' munication." tam service, Baldwm said. said Baldwin. Payas added that "Dr. Colbourn was _.. The i~crease in enrollment this year will generate more "There is a little shakedo~n in some of the programs, but I worried that we (Student Government) financial aid, however. - Financial Aid, page 6 Dental Aid, a e 6 oday's Future Ca.noeing concern Strange bedfellows First season loss Paddling miles along the east Florida After fifteen consecutive wins, the UCF shoreline, an ambitious young environ­ UCF welcomes Jimmy Carter and the Knights lose by a narrow six point mentalist emphasiz~s his concern ov~r Ayatollah Khomeini to its Homecoming margin to Florida Southern College. For preservation of U. S. coastal areas. Its festivities. Anything can happen at the a full account of the game, see Fred Lee's all a part of the "Year of the Coast." See annual Bong Show. See page 10 for story. story on page 12. page 6 for interview. ,- Page 2 . - Future - JaPuary 25, 1980 UCF Newsfrouts · Women in Science group to hold follow-up discussion Sentinel Star to hold bike ·ride The Women in SCience will hold an open meeting Tan. 30 to discuss the ways in from coast to coast in April which the Women in Science Careers' program might best serve the needs of science students. The meeting will be held at 2 p.m. in CB 115. The Orlando Sentinel Star will spm1sor a 340 mile bike ride from New Smyrna This meeting is a follow-up to the Science Careers for W?men <;:onfe.rence hel~ on Beaeh on the Atlantic coast to 1'aples on the Gulf coast. campus Nov. 3·. All interested students majoring in physical, biological, medical, : The ride will be called the Sentinel Star Safari. It will start at 7:30 a.m. on the environmental social and behavioral science are invited to attend. day after Easter and conclude the following Saturday. There will be five over­ There will be a short program based on interviews of .two n.ationally-known night stops, including a stay at the Seminole Indian Reservation near Brighton. female scientists: Dr. Betsy Anker-Johnson, presently Associate _ Directo~ of Argon­ O,ther stops will be at Apopka, Poinciana, Avon Park and Lehigh. ne National Laboratory and former Assistant Secretary for Science and The longest ride of the trip for a single day will be about 65 miles.
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