MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE OF URCHFONT PARISH COUNCIL - Held on Wednesday 02 October 2013 in the Conference Room of Urchfont Village Hall Present: Planning Chairman Cllr: Holt. Cllrs: Clifton-Page, Donald, Gibb, Hill-Baldwin, Mottram, Thomas & Planning Administrator: Sandra Johnston. 8 members of the public were present and the Parish Clerk, Mr Bob Lunn. Cllr: Holt welcomed all present and opened the meeting by reminding Committee Members that they should look at planning applications within the context of the 6 criteria laid down in the new Policy Planning Document. Namely: Scale of development; Visual impact upon the surrounding area; Relationship to adjoining properties; Design - bulk, height and general appearance; Environmental/Highway impact; Car parking. 1. Apologies for absence received: Cllrs: Mitchell, Simper & Taylor. 2. Declarations of Interest: None. 3. The Minutes of the meeting held on 04 September 2013 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 4. Matters arising from the Minutes: None. 5. Plans for discussion: a) 13/03247/FUL - Full planning application for the proposed creation of Path, Amenity Area and Pedestrian Access from Crookwood Lane to Oakfrith Wood, at Crookwood House, Cuckoo Corner, Urchfont, Devizes, Wilts., SN10 4RA, for Wiltshire Council, c/o Mr Stephen Morgan. To date, 8 representational letters objecting to this application had been posted on Wiltshire Council’s planning website. All had been read in advance by members of the Parish Council. **Councillor Holt adjourned the Planning Meeting for Public Participation: The Parish Clerk gave background information as to why this application had been lodged: In 2012, the closure and sale of Urchfont Manor, and resulting loss of the permissive paths through the grounds, precipitated a Parish Council survey to ascertain all parishioner access routes to the Cricket Ground & Oakfrith Wood. The final consensus being that the public were very concerned and desired easy and safe access, to both sites, for people of all ages and abilities. The new owner of the Manor kindly agreed to re-open a permissive path through her orchard but obviously this is only a route granted by ‘grace & favour’ of any owner of Urchfont Manor and tenant farmers. Urchfont Parish Council wished to obtain a permanent public right of way, owned and managed by UPC, in perpetuity. Various and seemingly viable options for routes to the Wood, cricket ground and playing field were placed before Wiltshire Council, who in turn investigated the possibilities of widening roads, putting in pavements and finally decided that the only safe option was a pedestrian access starting between Crookwood House (still owned by Wiltshire Council) and its neighbour, ‘Poynings’: resulting in the planning application now being considered by UPC. James Monckton, owner of ‘Poynings’, whose property would abut the proposed pedestrian pathway, stated as follows; The proposed pedestrian access will be on a blind bend and have a gradual gradient going down towards the main roadway. This has serious implications for any children running, or on skateboards, scooters, etc. Farm machinery on this rural lane is of huge proportions and a constant feature, there being 2 working farmyards a short distance from the proposed entrance to the pathway. Vehicles also tend to be moving swiftly as they are either travelling into the village or speeding up as they exit the built up area. There is a definite possibility that the twice daily congestion now suffered in Blackboard Lane, caused by parental vehicles parked nose to tail, will repeat itself in Crookwood Lane and be even more of a safety issue; with adults, children and animals forced to walk in the roadway, there being no pavements. Environmental impact – Rain causes regular flooding at this point in Crookwood Lane. A gulley would be required at the bottom of the proposed path, as extra drainage would be needed to take rainwater flowing down the pathway from the newly created basin. Mr Monckton believes the plans are not entirely accurate and the ‘cutting’ will in fact have to be wider, or a retaining wall put in place. He also opined that the proposed pathway was not, in appearance, of a rural nature but more like a roadway. Finally, the proposal would have an enormous personal impact on the privacy and security of ‘Poynings’, as it already shares its rear boundary with the School driveway. Mrs Jacqui Monckton wished for an explanation as to why no amendment could be made to permit public access, at certain times, through the Blackboard Lane pathway and past the School, as had been enjoyed for the past 30 (approx) years. She also felt an opportunity had been missed, before Urchfont Manor was put up for sale, to create a new pathway using land at the edge of the Manor grounds. Mrs Clare Milanes agreed, with all fellow objectors, that for the proposed pathway to begin in Crookwood Lane was hazardous. She felt very strongly, having lived in Breach Cottage, close to the bend, for over 30 years, that Cuckoo Corner had become a very dangerous piece of roadway. Mr Patrick Wheatley opined that it is people who are a danger and the roads themselves are not: if this proposal takes place then the Council should be looking at warning signage, traffic calming and addressing the speed limit on Crookwood Lane. Mrs Brenda Potter stated that many years ago a gate had existed on Cuckoo Corner. Ironically, this had been closed by Wiltshire Council as it was believed to be in a dangerous position. Mrs Potter believed the existing footpath from Blackboard Lane, past the School, had been used safely and sensibly for 30 years, with no added expense to the tax payer. Mr Richard Hawkins agreed with all objections to date and also believed that the alleyway from Blackboard Lane was, by permanent public usage of over 30 years and with no gates and locks until recently, a public Right-of-Way. He will be questioning its ownership. ** Cllr: Holt closed Public Participation and re-commenced the Planning Meeting: Cllr Holt informed the Committee that he had asked for this application to be split, as the two components were not similar and he believed the pedestrian access to be over structured, urbanised and totally out of place in a rural setting. Wiltshire Council stated that forming the proposals into two separate applications was not an option but they would be prepared to reduce the height of the fence along the pedestrian access. It would seem a ‘Good Neighbour versus Wiltshire Council’ battle has resulted, with the Parish Council situated somewhere in between, trying to secure a safe and permanent access to the amenity area, the cricket ground and the Wood. If UPC rejects this proposal, the offer of the Northern Pathway to Oakfrith may be withdrawn and a reasonable and safe public right-of-way to Oakfrith permanently lost to the village. Urchfont Planning Committee has no objection to this part of the application. The application shows provision for safety barriers at either end of the access ‘roadway’. Traffic movement can be swift along this part of Crookwood lane and Cllrs voiced the need for additional warning signage on roadway and verges if a new School access was created. Cllr Holt had paced Crookwood Lane by foot and it was his belief there was an approx 28m sight line from the Cuckoo Farmyard side of the bend to the proposed opening of the access. Divisional Wiltshire Councillor Philip Whitehead has been requested by UPC to investigate the status of the Blackboard Lane/Top Green pathway and establish ownership. Part of this pathway is probably on school property which is owned by the diocese. There is a belief in the community that this is now a public right-of-way, having been un-gated and un-locked for approximately 30 years. The requirement for a permissive pathway is that it be inaccessible for at least 24 hours per year. After further discussion the Planning Committee found as follows: Planning Application 13/03247/FUL : Cllr: Thomas proposed that the Committee Support this application, subject to the following conditions; Replacement of the proposed Footpath between Crookwood House and ‘Poynings’ with either: 1. The reinstatement of full public access along the existing footpath between Blackboard Lane/Top Green and the present School Drive entrance, Or, 2. The construction of a new ‘Country Style Path’, around Cuckoo Corner, in the grounds of Crookwood House, from the boundary of ‘Poynings’ as far as the School Drive. Either of these options would connect with the new Northern Path to Oakfrith Wood; would save money, protect walkers and address safety issues raised by Urchfont Parish Council and members of the public. Cllr: Mottram seconded this proposal; the motion was passed unanimously. 6. Applications studied by the Small Planning Group and their response to Wiltshire Council a) 13/03216/TCA - Work to Trees in a Conservation Area to consist of the reduction of 3 x Yew trees by 25%, felling of 1 no. Holly tree & reduction of 1 no. Copper Beech by 15%; all at Urchfont Manor, Urchfont, Devizes, Wilts., SN10 4RG, C/o Mr Sean Davies, Wessex Tree Care. Support 7. Decisions received from Wiltshire Council, to date: a) 13/03216/TCA - Work to Trees in a Conservation Area to consist of the reduction of 3 x Yew trees by 25%, felling of 1 no. Holly tree & reduction of 1 no. Copper Beech by 15%; all at Urchfont Manor, Urchfont, Devizes, Wilts., SN10 4RG, C/o Mr Sean Davies, Wessex Tree Care. Approved 8. Matters for Report 13/01926/FUL - Application for the proposed erection of attached dwelling and extension to existing dwelling (resubmission of E/13/0202/FUL) at 15 Greengate Road, Wedhampton, Wilts., SN10 3QB for Mr David Morrison.
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