natstand: last updated 28/11/2014 URL: www.natstand.org.uk/pdf/ReevesWW002.pdf Person: Reeves, Walter Waters (1819 – 1892) Description: Herbarium specimens Herbarium: Scarborough Museums Trust Extraction date: 2014 October Annotated by: Richard Middleton Notes: Chronologically arranged list of Herbarium specimens. Date Plant Collector Locality vc 1840 9 0 Cyclamen hederifolium Reeves, W.W. Alderdown Farm, 15 Sandhurst, Kent 1841 0 0 Eriophorum vaginatum Reeves, W.W. Fisher's Castle, 16 Tunbridge Wells 1841 0 0 Sibthorpia europaea Reeves, W.W. On Waldron Down, 14 Sussex 1842 0 0 Erodium maritimum Reeves, W.W. Near Farnham, Surrey 17 1842 8 0 Pseudorchis albida "Mr Edward xxx. & Ashdown Forest, near 14 W.W. Reeves' Nutley, Mansfield, Sussex 1843 8 0 Elatine hexandra Reeves, W.W. Frencham Pond near 17 Farnham 1843 8 0 Elatine hydropiper Reeves, W.W. Frensham Pond near 17 Farnham, Surrey 1844 7 9 Eriophorum gracile Reeves, W.W. & Whitemoor Pond 17 Jenner, E. between Guildford and Woking, Sur 1848 0 0 Carpinus betulus Reeves, W.W. Sussex 0 1850 7 0 Cerastium cerastoides Reeves, W.W. Ben Nevis, Inverness 97 1850 9 0 Cyperus fuscus Reeves, W.W. Eel-brook Meadow, 21 Walham Green, Chelsea, Middles 1851 8 0 Verbascum lychnitis Reeves, W.W. Arundel Park, Sussex 13 1866 6 0 Trifolium resupinatum Reeves, W.W. Lower Sydenham, Kent 0 1870 0 0 Centunculus minimus Reeves, W.W. Chiselhurst Common, 16 Kent 1872 0 0 Carex flacca Reeves, W.W. Between Tunbridge 16 Wells & Frans, Sussex 1872 0 0 Carex montana Reeves, W.W. Eridge Road, Tunbridge 14 Wells, Sussex 1872 0 0 Carex pilulifera Reeves, W.W. Tunbridge Wells 16 Common, Kent 1873 7 26 Sonchus palustris Reeves, W.W. Plumstead Marsh, Kent 16 1874 0 0 Carex elongata Reeves, W.W. Tunbridge, Kent 16 1874 6 0 Cephalanthera Reeves, W.W. Box Hill, Surrey 17 damasonium 1875 0 0 Fumaria parviflora Reeves, W.W. Boxley Hill near 15 Maidstone, Kent 1875 0 0 Polygala calcarea Reeves, W.W. Blue Bell Hill near 15 Maidstone, Kent 1875 0 0 Vaccaria hispanica Reeves, W.W. Near Darenth Wood, 16 Kent 1875 7 0 Pulicaria vulgaris Reeves, W.W. Shepperton, Middlesex 21 1875 8 0 Gentiana pneumonanthe Reeves, W.W. Cawthorne Bog near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1875 8 0 Typha angustifolia Reeves, W.W. & Slapton Lees, Devon 3 - 1 of 61 - natstand: last updated 28/11/2014 Ward, F.H. 1876 0 0 Asperula Reeves, W.W. Near Darenth Wood, 16 Kent 1876 0 0 Bupleurum tenuissimum Reeves, W.W. Ealing Common 21 1876 0 0 Carex arenaria Reeves, W.W. Littlehampton, Sussex 13 1876 0 0 Carex divisa Reeves, W.W. Woolwich 16 1876 0 0 Centranthus calcitrapae Reeves, W.W. Eltham, Kent 16 1876 0 0 Cerastium arvense Reeves, W.W. Epsom Down, Surrey 17 1876 0 0 Eleogiton fluitans Reeves, W.W. Whitmore Common near 17 Guildford, Surrey 1876 0 0 Elytrigia atherica Reeves, W.W. Southend, Essex 18 1876 0 0 Frankenia laevis Reeves, W.W. Shoreham, Sussex 13 1876 0 0 Galium tricornutum Reeves, W.W. Leatherhead, Surrey 17 1876 0 0 Helleborus foetidus Reeves, W.W. Boxley Hill near 15 Maidstone, Kent 1876 0 0 Hornungia petraea Reeves, W.W. Eltham, Kent 16 1876 0 0 Juncus gerardii Reeves, W.W. Southend, Essex 18 1876 0 0 Lepidium ruderale Reeves, W.W. Bank of Thames near 16 Northfleet, Kent 1876 0 0 Persicaria mitis Reeves, W.W. Walton-on-Thames, 17 Surrey 1876 0 0 Prunus cerasus Reeves, W.W. Frant Forest, Tunbridge 14 Wells, Sussex 1876 0 0 Ranunculus baudotii Reeves, W.W. Between Littlehampton 13 & Bognor, Sussex 1876 0 0 Ranunculus parviflorus Reeves, W.W. Chiselhurst Common, 16 Kent 1876 0 0 Scrophularia vernalis Reeves, W.W. Chiselhurst, Kent 16 1876 0 0 Silene conica Reeves, W.W. Climping near 13 Littlehampton, Sussex 1876 0 0 Trifolium suffocatum Reeves, W.W. The Green, 13 Littlehampton, Sussex 1876 0 0 Triglochin palustris Reeves, W.W. Thames Bank near 16 Woolwich 1876 0 0 Trollius europaeus Reeves, W.W. & Ayselby Woods near 62 Turner, W.N. (Rev.) Pickering, Yorkshire 1876 0 0 Vicia lathyroides Reeves, W.W. Chiselhurst Common, 16 Kent 1876 0 0 Vicia sepium Reeves, W.W. Near Leatherhead, 17 Surrey 1876 0 0 Vulpia bromoides Reeves, W.W. Near Guildford, Surrey 17 1876 0 0 Vulpia fasciculata Reeves, W.W. Clempiny, near 13 Littlehampton, Sussex 1876 5 0 Myosotis discolor Reeves, W.W. Near Leatherhead, 17 Surrey 1876 6 0 Damasonium alisma Reeves, W.W. Headley Common, 17 Surrey 1876 6 0 Viola lactea Reeves, W.W. Frant Forest, Tunbridge 14 Wells, Sussex 1876 8 0 Empetrum nigrum Reeves, W.W. Cawthorne (on the 62 moor) near Pickering, N Yorksh 1876 8 0 Pinguicula vulgaris Reeves, W.W. Cawthorne Bog near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1876 8 0 Ribes alpinum Reeves, W.W. & Near Helmsley, N 62 Turner, W.N. (Rev.) Yorkshire 1876 8 0 Schoenus nigricans Reeves, W.W. Cawthorne Bog near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1876 8 0 Vicia sylvatica Reeves, W.W. Middleton near 62 - 2 of 61 - natstand: last updated 28/11/2014 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1876 8 1 Scilla verna Reeves, W.W. Tenby, Pembrokeshire, 45 S Wales 1876 9 0 Elatine hexandra Reeves, W.W. & Cut Mill Pond near 17 Dowson, Dr. Godalming, Surrey 1876 9 0 Elatine hexandra Reeves, W.W. Cut Mill Pond near 17 Godalming, Surrey 1876 9 0 Elatine hydropiper Reeves, W.W. & Cut Mill Pond near 17 Dowson, Dr. Godalming, Surrey 1876 9 0 Mentha villosa Reeves, W.W. Shalford Common, 17 Surrey 1877 0 0 Aster tripolium Reeves, W.W. Bank of the Thames 16 below Woolwich 1877 0 0 Blysmus compressus Reeves, W.W. & Mitcham Common, 17 Ward, F.H. Surrey 1877 0 0 Brachypodium Reeves, W.W. Under Box Hill, Surrey 17 sylvaticum 1877 0 0 Bromus Reeves, W.W. Near Leatherhead, 17 Surrey 1877 0 0 Carex divisa Reeves, W.W. Below Gravesend 16 1877 0 0 Carex paniculata Reeves, W.W. Caterham, Surrey 17 1877 0 0 Carex remota Reeves, W.W. Thames Ditton 17 1877 0 0 Catapodium marinum Reeves, W.W. Littlehampton, Sussex 13 1877 0 0 Catapodium rigidum Reeves, W.W. Littlehampton, Sussex 13 1877 0 0 Elymus caninus Reeves, W.W. Between Woking & 17 Guildford, Surrey 1877 0 0 Erophila verna Reeves, W.W. Near Littlehampton, 13 Sussex 1877 0 0 Fumaria capreolata Reeves, W.W. Sinnington near 62 Pickering, Yorkshire 1877 0 0 Lathyrus tuberosus Reeves, W.W. Canvey Island, Essex 18 1877 0 0 Myosurus minimus Reeves, W.W. Near Eltham, Kent 16 1877 0 0 Phalaris canariensis Reeves, W.W. Canvey Island, Essex 18 1877 0 0 Ranunculus omiophyllus Reeves, W.W. Esher Common, Surrey 17 1877 0 0 Rosa rubiginosa Reeves, W.W. Box Hill, Surrey 17 1877 0 0 Trifolium fragiferum Reeves, W.W. Near Railway Station, 18 Leigh near Southend, Essex 1877 0 0 Trifolium squamosum Reeves, W.W. Canvey Island near 18 Southend 1877 0 0 Vicia hirsuta Reeves, W.W. Box Hill, Surrey 17 1877 6 0 Carex binervis Reeves, W.W. Ashdown Forest, Sussex 14 1877 6 0 Ceratophyllum Reeves, W.W. Hampton Court Garden 21 demersum 1877 6 0 Herminium monorchis Reeves, W.W. Box Hill, Surrey 17 1877 6 30 Sagittaria sagittifolia Reeves, W.W. Watford, Hertfordshire 20 1877 7 0 Agrostis curtisii Reeves, W.W. New Forest, Hampshire 11 1877 7 0 Carex depauperata Reeves, W.W. Near Great Bookham, 17 Surrey 1877 7 0 Gladiolus illyricus Reeves, W.W. & New Forest, Hampshire 11 Trimen, Dr. 1877 7 0 Lemna trisulca Reeves, W.W. Plumstead Marsh, Kent 16 1877 7 0 Lepidium didymum Reeves, W.W. Lymenster Lane 13 between Littlehampton & Arundel, 1877 7 0 Pilularia globulifera Reeves, W.W. West-end Common near 17 Esher, Surrey 1877 8 0 Avenula pubescens Reeves, W.W. Middleton near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire - 3 of 61 - natstand: last updated 28/11/2014 1877 8 0 Callitriche platycarpa Reeves, W.W. In the Costa River near 62 Middleton, Pickering, N 1877 8 0 Carex extensa Reeves, W.W. Near Whitby, Yorkshire 62 1877 8 0 Carex flava Reeves, W.W. Near Cawthorne Camps 62 near Pickering, N. Yorkshir 1877 8 0 Danthonia decumbens Reeves, W.W. Middleton near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1877 8 0 Drosera anglica Reeves, W.W. Cawthorne Bog near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1877 8 0 Drosera intermedia Reeves, W.W. Ashdown Forest near 14 Forest Row, Sussex 1877 8 0 Gentianella campestris Dowson, Dr. & Sampford Spring near 62 Reeves, W.W. Whitby, Yorkshire 1877 8 0 Lycopodium clavatum Reeves, W.W. Ashdown Forest, Forest 14 Row, Sussex 1877 8 0 Parnassia palustris Reeves, W.W. Near Whitby, Yorkshire 62 1877 8 0 Rhynchospora alba Reeves, W.W. Ashdown Forest near 14 Forest Row, Sussex 1877 8 0 Rosa mollis Reeves, W.W. Middleton near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1877 8 0 Trifolium campestre Reeves, W.W. Near Pickering, N. 62 Yorkshire 1877 8 1 Koeleria macrantha Reeves, W.W. Middleton near 62 Pickering, N Yorkshire 1877 9 0 Cyperus fuscus Reeves, W.W. Shalford Common, 17 Surrey 1878 0 0 Agrostis avenacea Reeves, W.W. Southend, Essex 18 1878 0 0 Agrostis stolonifera Reeves, W.W. Near Blackheath, Surrey 17 1878 0 0 Brachypodium pinnatum Reeves, W.W. Box Hill, Surrey 17 1878 0 0 Campanula glomerata Reeves, W.W. Box Hill, Surrey 17 1878 0 0 Carex echinata Reeves, W.W. Near Woodford, Essex 18 1878 0 0 Carex vulpina Reeves, W.W.
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