THE BEST PLACE TO BUY CLOAKS IS» AT JOHN HICKS’. The Clinton Independent~ —.......... *' "T" 1 ■ ' .-157f\ VOL XXXI.—NO. 1 ft. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21 > 1897. WHOLE NO FROM A STROKE OF APOPLEXY. that effect. ‘‘But I will feel better if I Brevities. ANOTHER SUCCESS. In Our.Remnant Baskets. have it in my possession, ” she replied. See call on our editorial page for Ladies blessed with small feet can TOOK HIS OWN LIFE! He finally induced her to go down stairs John Koepplinger, Father of Mrs. Harry Democratic state convention. “Judas Maccabeus” Repeated to a Crowded find plain toe shoes for every day wear without it, and that he would go to Mack, ef This Village, le Dead. —J. E. Warner, of Lansing, delivered House Saturday Last. at 93c. Original price from $2.00 to sleep and that it would be all right. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Mack, of this his popular lecture. “Curiosity Hunting The drama, "Judas Maccabeus,” $4.00. Woodruff & Tromp , tor Barnum,” at Wacousta last Mouday The Shoe Dealers. Tragic Death of Louie Wolcott, She did so, and with much anxiety wait­ village, were summoned to Saginaw, evening. was repeated, by request, at Newton their former home, last Monday morn ­ Hall last Saturday evening. Every seat of This Village. ed. She finally heard a noise, and al­ ing, by a telegram informing them of —There will be a union young peo ­ was occupied and it became necessary Buy Cloaks most simultaneously with it a call for the sudden demise of their rather, the ple's meeting held in the Methodist to place chairs in the aisles to accommo ­ At John H ick ’s. her. On reaching his room he said to full particulars of which, and a brief church next Sunday at 4:45 p. m. All date all. We believe this is the first 1 lot, sizes 3 to 5, ladies’ warm house SHOT HIMSELF THKOl'GII THE HEART her: "Mother, I have shot myself,” bistory of the life of the deceased, we young people invited to attend. time that an entertainment has ever WHILE TEMPORARILY INSANE. extract from the Saginaw Evening News —Don ’t fail to see “The World been repeated in this village to a slippers worth from $1.00 to $1.50 for to which she replied : "Louie Wolcott, of January 18th: Against Her,” by the famous Agnes crowded bouse. It was with renewed 59c. Another lot 33c. In the remnant you have done nothing of the kind.” Wallace Villa at Newton hall, January interest that many witnessed this play baskets. Woodruff & Tromp , "John Koepplinger, for 43 years a re­ The Shoe Dealers. Impaired Nerve*, Affecting the llratn, As­ "Yes I have,"he replied,and at the same spected citizen of Saginaw, died very 26. Admission 25 and 35 cents. for the second time. While the first time exhibited to her the bullet wound suddenly last evening about 8:15 o ’clock —Frank Knapp, while skating on the production gave the best of satisfaction F. A. Pereey’s Locals. signed hm the Prime Cause from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy. ice last Monday, fell heavily, striking to everyone and was conceded to be the in his left breast. The shot was well best drama ever produced in St. Johns, The 20c Coffee is a repeater. Deceased has been apparently enjoying on his face. He remained in a partly My other bulk Coffees at 25c, 28c, 30c, directed to his heart. She directed the tbe most perfect health and his demise dazed condition for several hours. the work in every part last Saturday night was improved upon, and the large and 35c are just as good value as the 20c About 5 o'clock on Monday afternoon little daughter, who was the only per­ was a great shock to. his family with —Mrs. S. W. Gibbs, whose life has Coffee. son. besides herself and Louie, iu the whom he had been conversing very audience greatly appreciated the splen­ last our citizens were terribly shocked been despaired of from the effects of did efforts of the players. Before the Does the Molasses that you are get ­ house at the time, to go to the w'ater pleasantly but a short time before. catarrhal pneumonia for several days at the public announcement of the fact It appears that be went across the curtain arose on the last act, an opal ting from your grocer satisfy you? If works, across the way, and ask for aid, past, was no better at the hour of going not, try a gallon of my Porto Rico at 50c f that Lewis Wolcott, youngest son of street from bis home, 1320 Genesee ave- to press. ring with diamond settings was given and to ask those in charge to telephone to the young lady voted by the audience per gallon. It will surely please you. Joel S. Wolcott, of this village, aged 22 nuenue, to his store, about 6 o ’clock, just —Myron McPhersou, the designer and My Pure Sugar Syrup is sweet and for a doctor, which was done, while Jas. after he had iiis supper, remarking that to be the most popular one present. years, had shot and killed himself at his sainter, who has been living and doing Miss Alice Malthouse, with Mrs. W. II. good. Besley hurried to the scene of the trag ­ he would soon be back as he wanted to You can buy new Hand Picked Beans home iu the north part of the village. see that the lights were all right. Frank business here during the last few Hartigan a close second, secured the About live years ago Louie, as he was edy, Louie died within a very fewT months, has made arrangements to go prize. A ring^ was also presented to at 2c per pound, or 25c per peck. J. Wolfarth and other neighbors drop ­ to Chicago. You can buy new Pop Corn at 2c per familiarly called by his friends, of which minutes after the fatal shot was tired, ped into the store and chatted with him Miss Maudie Krepps, who succeeded in The Farmers’ Institute, which was selling the greatest number of tickets pound, or 15c per peck. he had many, entered the drug house of and thu3 terminated the life of one of and he evidently had no premonitions of illness of any kind at that time. advertised to be held at tbe court house for the entertainment. Travis «& Baker, this village, for the the brightest young men in our midst. today and tomorrow, is being held in The work of Mrs. Hartigan, as Ma- Children's School Shoes. Sizes from About 8:15 o'clock C. W. Crawford hap ­ 8 to 11 at 83c. Iu the remnant baskets. purpose of learning the business, and Mrs. Shields met Mr. Wolcott, the fath­ pened to call at the store to have a talk Newton Hall on account of the circuit hala, mother of the seven sons, was es­ er, on his way home, and broke the r_.d with Mr. Koepplinger. whose sociability being in session. pecially pleasing, and that the audience Woodruff & Tromp , within eight months from that time he appreciated her efforts was evident The Shoe Dealers. passed a most thorough examination be­ intelligence to him. made him a great favorite, and when he —Agnes Wallace Villa will appear at entered he found him sitting in his chair Newton hall, Tuesday evening, Janu­ from the large complimentary vote given Best Place to Buy Cloaks fore the State Board of Pharmacy. lie At the inquest held before Justice breathing his last, the vital spark de­ ary 26, in the drama, "World Against her in the ring contest. proved to be a very apt student and Severance on Tuesday morning, the ver­ parting within five minutes after his Her.” Reserved seats on sale at Mr. Hartigan, as "Judas Maccabeus” Is at John H icks ’. very warm social and business relations dict of the jury was : " The deceased arrival. Dr. Duncan, who lives close by, Aldrich’s book store. and "Eleazar,” was heartily applauded, was summoned and was quickly on and his work was conceded by all to be For Sale Cheap, sprang up between him and his employ ­ came to his death by his own hands, —The January crop report says that beyond criticism. baud, but deceased was past all medi­ wheat has not suffered during Decem­ On easy terms, or will trade for Clinton ers and their patrons, especially was from a bullet fired into his breast.” cal aid, aud tbe remains were then re­ The net receipts from the two enter­ county property, 160 acres of land with­ ber from any cause. Compared with tainments were about $80. this true with Mr. Travis. lie was ac­ Louie was of a very nervous temper- moved to his home, which he had left January 1,1896, there has been an in­ in one-half mile of Sickles, Gratiot Co.. such a short time previous looking so Mich., frame .house and barn, well of tive, prompt, reliable, honest, and pos ­ manent, and it is the general opinion crease in the prices of all farm products. MAUD’S SIXTEENTH BIRTHEAY. that the excitement brought on by the cheerful and well. water, 130 acres improved, good soil. sessed all the elements which enter into Mr. Koepplinger was born in Bavaria, —Mrs. C. E. Gorchy, of Victor town ­ Inquire of J. II. Fedewa, St. Johns, or the making of a successful business talk which he had with his parents un­ Germany, and would have been 60 years ship, this county, died at the home of Twenty-Four Handsome Young Mia*e* and F.
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