Cosmos: A Space-time Odyssey Signals Special Feature — Page 8 Dr. Gulati Honored Dr. Lawrence As 2014 Ernie Explains Block Wyant Recipient Scheduling — Page 7 Signals — Page 2 University of Rio Grande/Rio Grande Community College Rio Grande, Ohio March 2014 Number 8 University Of Rio Grande Begins Search For New President plishments since unifying The commission was scheduled to University Board Chair Forms this institution under one meet on March 12 to review pro- president in 2009, but she posals from presidential search firms Presidential Search Commission absolutely will leave a and discuss forming a Presidential lasting legacy of innova- Review Committee that will include Dr. Barbara Gellman-Danley, Presi- is among the most re- tion and positive change.” representation from all Rio Grande dent of the University of Rio Grande/ spected entities within Finch, along with Rio stakeholders – faculty, staff, students, Rio Grande Community College, has higher education. To Grande Community Col- as well as members of the local com- been appointed President of the High- have one of our own lege Board of Trustees munity. er Learning Commission, according appointed president is Chair Shawn Saunders, “This is an exciting time for Rio to a statement released on March 7. an accomplishment for has formed a joint Presi- Grande. Barbara Gellman-Danley’s Dr. Gellman-Danley will remain as the entire Rio Grande dential Search Commis- appointment to the Higher Learning President of Rio Grande through family to celebrate,” sion tasked with providing Commission presidency puts Rio June, and assume her presidency with said Jack Finch, Chair Dr. Barbara oversight and direction for Grande on the national stage and re- the HLC on July 7. of the University of Rio Gellman-Danley the national search and flects positively on what we are ac- The Higher Learning Commission Grande Board of Trus- transition. complishing,” said Saunders, chair of is a nonprofit regional accrediting tees, in the March 7 The Presidential Search the RGCC Board. agency that accredits more than 1,000 statement. Commission also includes URG “We are extremely proud of all she colleges and universities with a home “Barbara Gellman-Danley has had a Board Vice-Chair Alice Dachowski, has accomplished at Rio Grande, and base in one of 19 states stretching great and positive impact as the presi- URG Board immediate past Chair so happy to see that recognized na- from West Virginia to Arizona. dent here at Rio Grande. It’s difficult Gerald E. Roach Jr, and RGCC Board tionally. “The Higher Learning Commission to summarize her numerous accom- Vice-Chair Larry Kidd. Continued on Page 4 Rio Student, Faculty Publish Book On Meigs County History University News Service quite rewarding.” 1800s and “...I never imag- RIO GRANDE, Ohio – Arcadia Tribe has authored are still here. ined I’d be a pub- Publishing’s popular Images of seven previous books It’s amazing America series has released its latest and numerous pub- that these lished author be- book, “Meigs County,” authored by a lished articles. One of buildings are fore I earned my student-teacher tandem from the Uni- his previous publica- so old, and cap and gown.” versity of Rio Grande. tions, “Rio Grande: we use them —Jordan Pickens, The book brings the rich history of From Baptists and every day, an Integrated Social Meigs County to life through more Bevo to the Bell Tow- especially in Studies Education than 200 vintage images and cap- er, 1876-2001,” also Pomeroy. … senior at Rio Grande tions. was co-authored by a The people who plans to gradu- The work features a historical over- Rio student, Abby that came ate this spring. view of the five incorporated villages Gail Goodnite. from here within the county with four primary Tribe is already who had an impact not only on Meigs focuses – economic pursuits, pillars working on other pro- County but the entire country, is of the community, transportation and jects, and he said, amazing. … Meigs County has sever- natural disasters. “one book usually al Congressional Medial of Honor “I transferred to Rio Grande be- begets another one” recipients.” Pickens proudly boasts cause of the outstanding Education regarding Pickens. on and on, sharing stories ranging program, but I never imagined I’d be Pickens admits the from the invention of the towboat to a published author before I earned idea has already been the first published African American my cap and gown,” said Jordan Pick- discussed. With the poet. But each story always comes ens, an Integrated Social Studies Ed- publication of “Meigs back to the same theme: the people of ucation senior at Rio Grande who County” coinciding Meigs County. plans to graduate this spring. with the county’s “A lot of people go all over the Pickens, a 2009 Southern High 195th anniversary, he world and still call Meigs County School graduate, said his family has is thinking about a home,” Pickens said. “Like we said been rooted in Meigs County for at second book for the in the front of the book, we dedicate “He told me he wanted to do it, and asked if I least six generation. 200th anniversary. As this book to anyone that has ever would be interested in working on it with him. It The extensive family history creat- of now, only the gen- called Meigs County home.” was quite gratifying. I’ve taught for 31 years at Rio ed a strong starting point with numer- eral idea has been The choice to go with Arcadia Pub- Grande, and then six years before that at the high ous built-in networking opportunities discussed. lishing was simple. As the leading school level in Meigs County. Having the privilege that gave the project a personal But the shear wealth publisher of local and regional histo- to work with students on such projects is quite re- touch. of material generated ry in the United States, Pickens simp- warding.” The idea, however, spawned from a through the research ly reached out with an idea. Told to fall 2012 Ohio History course with Prof. Ivan Tribe for “Meigs County” submit 10 images with captions for Professor Ivan Tribe, who earned Faculty Emeritus was inspirational for review, the idea was accepted and the faculty emeritus status in 2007. Pickens. project was on. “Jordan was one student in class gratifying. I’ve taught for 31 years at “There were just so many different, “Meigs County” retails for $21.99. who had an idea,” Tribe said of Pick- Rio Grande, and then six years before and fascinating things that I learned,” It is available at various locations ens. “He told me he wanted to do it, that at the high school level in Meigs he said. “The racial issues in this area throughout Meigs County and online, and asked if I would be interested in County. Having the privilege to work really turned my head. … Just the through arcadiapublishing.com and working on it with him. It was quite with students on such projects is buildings that were around in the amazon.com, among others. Rio Grande, Ohio March 2014; Number 8 Page 2 Campus News Mansperger Promoted to Dr. Lawrence Announces Dean of Enrollment Block Scheduling Time Frame Management At Rio Grande Tom Mansperger has been Beginning fall 2014 previous semester schedule was 15 weeks of in- promoted to Dean of Enroll- Rio Grande will imple- struction and 1 week of exams). This allows for ment Management effective ment Block Scheduling a new “J” or winter By adding 5 April 1, 2014, according to a for all its face-to-face term which is statement released Wednes- and hybrid classes, ac- scheduled for Janu- minutes to each day, March 19, 2014 by Chris cording to a statement ary 2-23. class period (to Nourse, Director of Human issued by David Law- Rio will continue meet federal re- Resources. rence, DMA, and Associ- to offer compressed Tom assumes the position ate Provost in early terms, typically 7- quirements), Rio with nearly thirty (30) years March. weeks long, per se- has also shortened of progressive experience in Below is a summary of mester for some higher education with the last how the new schedule classes in some pro- the total duration Tom Mansperger - David Lawrence, nineteen (19) years as a direc- will work, according to grams. Summer of the semester to tor of admission. Since com- Dean of Enroll- DMA, Associate the statement. terms will remain 14 weeks of in- ing to Rio in July 2011, Tom ment Manage- Provost, and Dean Dr. Lawrence, who also the same. struction and 1 has served as Director of Ad- ment . of the College of serves as the Dean of the Some advantages mission / Assistant Dean of College of Arts and Sci- to scheduling in week of exams (the Arts and Sciences. Enrollment Management where he has implemented ences, said “Most classes blocks emphasized previous semester many changes and strategies that have resulted in will be offered during in the statement re- schedule was 15 record new-student classes and increased applica- standard time blocks with around half the cours- leased by Dr. Law- tions, acceptances, and campus visits. es offered on Mondays and Wednesdays and the rence’s office are as weeks of instruc- Prior to Rio, he held similar leadership positions other half on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The re- follows: tion and 1 week of in admissions at Ashland University and Ohio maining classes will still occur on Fridays.” Class meeting exams). This allows Northern University. times are con- He possesses a Masters of Business Administra- The schedule will be as follows: sistent Mon- for a new “J” or tion degree from Ashland University and a Bachelor Monday through Thursday time blocks are: Thurs winter term..
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