DIANA COOPER ascended masters DIANA COOPER ASCENDED MASTERS Page Note: The color pictures on this page are thumbnails. Click on the small picture to see the full size picture. The artist is Marie Klement . Her e mail is [email protected] Visit dianacooper.com Paul the Venetian is the Chohan or Master of the fourth ray, which is the ray of harmony through conflict. He works with Archangel Gabriel. Paul the Venetian lived in Lemuria and Atlantis and has incarnated at times of great change on the planet. He was in charge of great spiritual temples and was considered the purest of the pure - a title bestowed on very few in the history of humanity. Because his thoughts were so pure he had a direct link with God. He was a keeper of the white flame of purity and could transmute the karma of those who entered his aura and also project his thoughts to dissolve the negativity of places and people. He has been involved with Earth for a long time but is a Universal Being, one who straddles the Universes. In the past he has mastered many aspects of physical life. In Atlantis he understood the advanced technology of the times and also carried the seed secrets of beauty and art within him. He was beloved of the people because he radiated goodness and kindness. They sensed his warmth and open heart. He wore the jewel of Atlantis, a star which symbolised his connection to the vastness of the Universe. He was a light http://www.celestial7.com/amasters.html (1 of 7)10/18/2007 2:14:15 PM DIANA COOPER ascended masters bearer and when Atlantis was engulfed by the waves, he led a tribe to Israel. As Master of the fourth ray he is responsible for rerevivingviving the creativity of humanity. He transmits forms of beauty and music to the crystal codes within receptive humanity. He radiates waves of sound and through his work will come much sound healing for it helps to restore the harmony of the being. He works with St Germain, with the Violet Flame, to bring inspiration and purification through painting. He works with Archangel Chamuel to open the hearts of all through painting, music and the wonderful creativity now taking place through colour. He was responsible for impressing into the minds of the car manufacturers the vision of brightly coloured cars. He endeavours to bring colour into the fashion world, into hospitals and schools. Architects who work with Paul the Venetian bring beauty and symmetry into their work and automatically include sacred geometry in their designs without being consciously aware of doing so. He brings a return of grace, which was built into buildings in spiritually aware times. He sends waves of love to the chakras, especially the sacral, the heart and third eye so that all creativity is suffused with a higher energy. He works with Hilarion, the Chohan of the fifth ray of science and technology, so that new scientific forms and technology also allow the creative, artistic energy of humanity to expand. In the old age science derided and dismissed the creative, and in so doing did great injustice and harm to humans. It stultified them and turned them into left brain, materialistic zombies. These two great masters are working together to bring balance to the scheme of things. Paul the Venetian is a being of great devotion and dedication. He is beyond Earth and yet has held Earth in his heart for aeons. When you tune into him, rainbow frequencies of light transmit to you and he touches your very cells with the vibration of creation. This painting is channelled by Anne Vintner, who is an internationally known portrait artist, and is now available to do Psychic PortPortraitsraits for you of your guides and angels, enabling you to forge a stronger link with them. For more information write to Anne Anne@SanctuaryOfEnlightenment mailto:Anne@SanctuaryOfmailto:[email protected] or to the website www. SanctuaryOfEnlightenment.com http://www.celestial7.com/amasters.html (2 of 7)10/18/2007 2:14:15 PM DIANA COOPER ascended masters Lady Portia is one of the Lords of Karma. She holds the balance of mercy and judgement. She helps those who want to balance heart and head. She will also help those who judge and criticise others from the lower mind to raise their energy to their heart centre and be loving towards themselves and others. You may apply in meditation to the Lords of Karma for release of personal or collective karma. If you do thisthis,, ask if karma may be released on every level - physical, mental emotional and spiritual, in evey dimension and in every reality and universe. Lady Portia is one who frequently offers grace. Kuthumi is the chohan or master of the second ray, which is deep blue and governs Divine love, wisdom and truth He is a member of the Brotherhood of Golden Robe, those who take on the pain of world. He has an etheric retreat at Machu Pichu. In past incarnationincarnationss he was Pythagoras, bringing in sacred geometry and the music of the spheres. He was the wise man, Balthazar, Shah Jahan and St Francis. He works with Archangel Jophiel, and helps to touch people with wisdom & illumination, tact, foresight, consideration and friendliness. He works particularly with teachers, thestudents, artistic. architect, ambassador and http://www.celestial7.com/amasters.html (3 of 7)10/18/2007 2:14:15 PM DIANA COOPER ascended masters St Germain is the Master of the seventh ray, the Violet ray of ceremonial order, magic and ritual. He brought the dispensation of the Violet Flame of transmutation to humanity and works with Archangel Zadkiel. In past incarnations he was prophetMerlin, Joseph and he of founded Nazarus, the Samuel the Rosicrucians. He helps to bring strength, perseverance, courtesy, care in details and self reliance to leaders, diplomats, royalty, communitcommunityy organisers and high priest\priestpriest\priestesses.esses. Commander Ashtar evolved on the planets Venus and Ashtar. He is the commander of the intergalactic fleet, in charge of the airborne division of the Great White Brotherhood and represents this solar system in the council meetings of this galaxy and the universes. He works closely with the angels and with Sananda in an effort to turn humans from warlike thinking to peace. His fleet is also working to protect Earth from the influence of negative extraterrestextraterrestials.ials. http://www.celestial7.com/amasters.html (4 of 7)10/18/2007 2:14:15 PM DIANA COOPER ascended masters Jesus Christ is known as Hilarionis the Master of the fifth ray, Sananda in the inner which is orange, the ray of concrete planes. He is the Master science, knowledge and research. He is of the sixth ray, the ray helping to bring in the scientific aspect of of abstract idealism and the New Age...He is particularly teaching devotion, which is indigo. us to use our mental powers and drops During His incarnation as seed thoughts of the new technology and Jesus, He was a high scientific ideas into receptive minds. He priest in the order of Melchizedek and stands for accuracy justice, common was overshadowed during His life by sense and upright attitudes and works Lord Maitreya. He also had lives as particularly with mathematicmathematicians,ians, Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elijah scientists, inventors, musicians, and Joseph of Egypt. He works with chemists, electricians, engineers, Archangel Uriel to bring peace, surgeons and researchers. He represents brotherhood, service and freedom to the highest galactic confederation of our people. Many missionaries, lawyers, solar system in Saturn.. In a previous public servants, social workers, blue incarnation he was Paul the apostle. He collar workers, farmers and business works with Archangel Raphael. people are on this ray. Serapis Bey originally Babaji is the immortal came from Venus and is master of the Himalayas, the Keeper of the White known as the deathless Archangelflame. He worksChamuel with on the intoavatar. Kriya He Yoga was initiatedand ray of compassion and is became the greatest the only Ascended Master Siddha or Perfected Master who works with the ever known. After Seraphim. He has an ascension seat ascension he promised to stay in his Luxor. In past incarnations he was a physical body to help all humanity and priest in Atlantis and was the Pharaoh still appears to groups of disciples. Akhenaton !V and also Amenophis. He is Yogananda writes about him in the master of the third ray, the yellow Autobiography of a Yogi. It is said that ray of active, creative intelligence, you only have to say his name with helping to bring perfection, focus and reverence and you directly attract a independence to artists, musicians, blessing from him. peacemakers, philosophers and metaphysicians. Sanat Kumara is the Mother Mary is known as Planetary Logos, the Queen of the Angels apparently the greatest of and works constantly with the Avatars. He is the them on the ray of God of this Universe and compassion. She protects He oversees ascension women and children and initiations in the inner intercedes in healing. One planes. He has an of her past incarnations Ascension seat in Shambhalla, over Gobi was Isis, when she instructed initiates in Desert, where you may ask to go in the Mystery Schools. meditation or sleep. http://www.celestial7.com/amasters.html (5 of 7)10/18/2007 2:14:15 PM DIANA COOPER ascended masters Quan Yin is known as the Lord Gautama - the Goddess of Compassion Buddha, was one of the and is often depicted great enlightened ones. He riding on a dragon.
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