No. 137 January 1987 PUBLISHER Jean·Pierre Tadros EDITOR Connie Tadros _ ---'A=SS=ISTANT EDITOR Jose Arroyo CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Michael Dorland __-----'- R.EPORTERS ___ Kathryn Allison (Vancouver) John McClyment (Toronto) John Timmins (Montreal) COLUMNISTS Kathryn Allison Michael Bergman Stacey Bertles Stephen Challis George L. George Chris Majka Joyce Nelson B. Sternberg Pat Thompson Chief Executive officer of CKVU·TV in Vancouver, Daryl Duke ART DIRECTION Claire Baron Cover photo by Doane Gregory TYPESETIING Suzanne Gauthier Margaret Vien Canadian Films Musings Grierson '86 An Audience SUBSCRIPTIONS Meet The Press on Video with Duke Marjorie Bannister Magnus Isacsson analyzes the 12th Grierson Docu· Daryl Duke has had an . ADVERTISING Do critics make a difffer· Are they postmodern? impressive 30-year career. ence? When? How? Jamie Michael Dorland looks at mentary Seminar and the Lynne Gaetz As a fllmmaker, he has won Gaetz and Dr. Brian Lewis the videos screened during state of the documentary (514) 277-5018 an Emmy, a Genie, the compile the results of their the International Festival of today. Program notes and a (514) 272·1058 student's view of Grierson National Society of Film examination of Les Bons New Cinema Marcia Hackborn '86 by Dave Douglas Critic's Award and many (416) 596-6829 debarras, The Grey Fox, and Video. 27 other prizes; as a broadcast- Scanners and The round out the coverage. 6 er, he is tough and aggres· Decline of the sive; as a critic of bureau­ CINEMA CANADA American Empire. 15 cracies, outspoken. Duke, Founded by the Canadian SOCiety of Cinema· Chief Executive officer of tographers. is published by the Cinema Canada Magazine Foundation. Pres i den~ Jearr Pierre CK.VU· TV in Vancouver, Tadros ; Vice-President George Csaba Koller ; talks with Kathryn Allison Secretary· Treasurer, Connie Tadros ; Director, George Campbell Miller. about the state of Canadian Broadcasting 10 SUBMISSIONS All manuscripts, drawings and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a self· News addressed stamped envelope. While the ed~ors Western filmm.akers form caucus .............. 37 will take all reasonable care. they will not be lVO gets French channel ...•........................ 43 held responsible for the loss of any such sub­ If the Government in Ottawa miSSions. Opinions expressed within the NFB and equal rights ................................... 38 magazine are those of the author and not ne­ Quebec's labour woes .................................. 41 gets its way, cessarily those of the editors. Cinema Canada is indexed in the Film Uteralure Indll (Albany), B.C. builds big studio .................................. 37 the CaRldlln Periodicalla'il (Ottawa) and the they may take this magazine Internalional Index 10 Film Periodicals. Cinema On Location Canada is a member of the Canadian Periodical rightout~fyourhands Publishers' Association. No part of this maga· Hit and Run by Marian MacNair .........•.•.•.•.... 5 Tit" Crml D"prt'ssiOIl; tl('O I{'()rld H'flrX, {l SlI1all,lprcdd-ouf popllllltwn; zine may be reproduced or transmitted in any Marie s'en va-t-en ville by Greg Clarke 5 form or by any means electronic or mechanical, rt'assions, ill!lilfimt; m~'n('''<,lming CtJl1lpetitionfi'ol11 the us ~ II(//ll ' at including photocopying, recording or by any Ihl'.'t' c, ndd kIll em/min" ma,l;tl:ill(,S , infonnation storage and retrieval system, with· Eastern Wave by Chris Majka ................•.•...... 48 • /Jut tit" cu/"rml Cm'('mlni'n! in Off<m'lljltst m(e,hl. out permiSSion in writing from the publisher. Shoot Alberta by Stacy Beetles ...................... 47 Cinema Canada Magazine Foundation is a norr profit organization : Canadian Charitab le Fronts West by Kathryn Allison ..................... 46 Organization no. 044·1998·2213. Published Legal Eye by Michael N. Bergman .................. 45 wilh the financial assistance of the Canada On (Experimental) Film by B. Sternberg 51 he Gm'l'fltnlt'nl is considering dellllllhhillg the Jdicat~ ,trut'­ Coum,!!, and the Ontario Arts Council. T tur~ 01 pelslill, tantl itlld L.IX -reliltt'tl ult't'IIU ves tl1,l1 helps keep the Bookshelf by George L. George .•.•................. 36 Second CI.ss Mail, Registration no. 3081. (.lnatiidl1 1I)<lg.lzillt' industry ,tllI'l\ lf this 11.IPPt'IIS , J1lJIIY Cl11adian 111i1gazi nt's will d He' ISSN 0009·7071. Letters .•................................................•.•.•..... 36 T1HlSt' Ihal surVive WillUlst Illort' to rt',llit:rs ,lilt! puhlt sht·rs OFFICES Production Guide ...............................•.•••.•... 53 itlld will he mort> vuln"wbk Ih,ln evcr t(l compl'tlti()11 from fort'l)!:'l Administrative and editorial : Classifieds ..................................................... 60 n1JI'.1Z!11t'S tll.lt h,IVt' lIlt' ,1lIv'lIIt.l g~s of hllgl' pfl'ss·rUlls ,mt! lowl'r 834 Bloomfield Ave., pt'r-nlpy «)Sh, Montreal (Quebec) H2V 3S6 Film Reviews Those 111 ,\1 surviVt' will h~ less prufitdbk .lIlli, there fo r\? , mort' Telephone : (514) 272-5354 The Sword of Gideon by Joyce Nelson 30 likely to SliCClIlllb to adwrse el'llrllllllir Toronto : Les Traces du reve by Marika Czabo .•.......•..• 31 circumst.1llt't'S ill the futurt' 67 A Portland Street Bach et Bottine by Mary Alemany Galway 31 Toronto (OntariO) M5V 2M9 The Birth of Language by Joyce Nelson 32 Telephone : (416) 596-6829 Remembering Mel by Brendan Kelly............ 33 MIlling Address : \ '\\ ,\Pl,';\' PI 1m II 11\ ,\j 1'1\ ' 1 :I,;11 "',H H~ ', ," ""11\ !'\ Ht 1,\ 34 2'j I W"WI ' t RIl l 11)1~(l~li)~ I 'L\lHn\I'+\ ' Hln P.O. Box 398, Outremont Station, Mini-reviews by Pat Thompson ............•...••.•. Montreal (Quebec) H2V 4N3 . Video Tales by Geoffrey Shea ••••..••.•.•.•..•••••••. 35 January 1987 - Cinema Canada/3 It Taltes a Lot of Very Dedicated People To Malte Moving Pictures... Karmel Ally. Gerry Arbeid. Martin Ashbee. Alejandro Azzano. Miranda Bain. Jonathan Barker . • Linda Beath • France Plessis-Belair. Ernie Belyea. DicI{ Benner. Marc Blais. Micheline Blais • George Bloomfield. Micheline Bonin. Peter Bray. Rex Bromfield. Jamie Brown. Jamess Bruce • Liz Butterfield. Rudy Buttignol • Nancy Button. Trish Carney. Rudi Carter. Bill Caywood • Jean Chabot. Rene Chenier. Nicolas Clermont. Ursula Clarl{son • Wayne Clarkson. Ronald Cohen. Harry Cole. Robert Cooper. Neil Court. Ken Dangerfield. Brian Damude. Doreen Davis • Simon Delwimple. Michael Devine. John Dimon. Paul Donovan. Robert Dostie. Wayne Drury • Guy Dufaux • Denise Dusseault. Jan Dutton. John EcI{ert • Bob Ennis. Steven Ehrlicl{ • Joy Ewing. Jean Findlay. Joan Fisher. Francine Forest. Bob Foster. Ilana Franl{ • Roger Frappier • WarwicI{ Freeman. Harvey Frost. Efram Gaertner. Pierre Gendron. David Gerrard. Michael Gerard. Kevin Gillis. Dorys Girard. Jaems Grant. Zvi Grossman. Fred Guthe. Nathan Hal{eini • Peter Haley. Yves Hebert. Edward Higginson. William E. Hinl{son • Michael Hodges. Paul Hogan. Bill House. Esther Israelsld. Gwen Iveson. Rob Iveson • Franl{ Jacobs. George James. Daniel Jobin. Nigel Jones. Pieter Kroonenburg • Roy Krost • Jean-Claude Labrecque. Nicole Lamothe. Bernard Lamy • Jean-Claude Lauzon. Louis Laverdiere. Neil Leger. Michael Levine. Steve Levitan. Marl{ Lewis. Denis Lewiston. Arvi Liimatainen • Bob Linnell. Paul Lynch. Wendy Mackeigan • Lorne MacPherson. Terry Marl{us • Terry Marshal. Martin McGrath. Naish McHugh. Susan McKibbon. Doug McLellan. Dan McMullen. Roman MelnicI{. Robert Mercieca • Madelaine Meredith. Richard Michna. George Campbell Miller • David Mongeau. Glenys Moss • Henia Muller. John Muller. Susan Murdoch. Michael D. Murphy. Dianne Neufeld. Allan Nicholls. Dan Nyberg. Rene Ohashi. Peter O'Brian. Bruce Olawson • David Patterson. Jenny Patterson. Barry Pearson. Peter Pearson. Andre Picard. Bruce Pittman. Michael Prupas • Graham Quigley. Roger Racine. William Reid. Ted Remerowsld • Stuart B. Rel{ant • Ed Richardson. Lisa Richardson. Julian Roffman. Les Rose • Norma Rose. Pierre Rouleau. Virginia Rouse. Ray Sager. Vic Sarin. Paul Saltzman. Ralph Scobie. Frank Seres. John Sheppard. Louis Silverstein. Peter Simpson. Jeff Sniderman. Gerald Soloway. Victor SolnicId. Brenton Spencer • Robin Spry. Ron Stannett • Tom Sawyer. Les Steiner. Peter Steinmetz. Barry Stone. Richard Strafehl • Richard Stringer. Stan Swan. Elizabeth Syme • Jacques Taillefer • Harold Tichenor. Jill Troyer. Warner Troyer. Mathias Vanesse • Kevin Ward. Allan Wargon • PatricI{ Watson. Judy Watt. Bob Wertheimer. Belinda Williams. Arthur Winlder. Sheldon Wiseman. Phil Wylly • Charles Zamaria • Arnie Zupursl{y • To the Producers, P.M. 's, Directors, DOP's, Lawyers, Banl(ers - to all the people we've worl(ed with in 1986 - our best.wishes for a successful 1987. MOTION PICTURE GUARANTORS LTD. CINEGARANTIE LTEE Robert Vince Jacquie Ross Eva Bjurstrom Beryl Fox Doug Leiterman Montreal (514) 481-8233 Melbourne (03) 529-8852 14 Birch Avenue, Toronto, Canada M4V lC9 Telephone (416) 968-0577 Telex 065-24697 4/Cinema Canada - January 1987 .
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