O0nanttnt SATURDAY'S TIDES Base dad #aper was Lo won dA= CHINFO veeif e-#waid WATER CONDITION Charlie III HIGH LOW U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA STORAGE ASHORE 9:35 a.m. 5:04 a.m. 11:17 p.m. 3:46 p.m. Phone 9-5247 Date FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Senators Level Criticism PHAM DANG LAM, chief negotia- At Pentagon Policies tor for South Vietnam, has WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)--Grow- left Paris for ing Congressional criticism of Saigon which the Pentagon surfaced in the some observers usually friendly Senate Armed .view optimisti- cally hoping Services Committee yesterday. But Sen. Barry Goldwater, that he will (R.-Ariz.), sharply criticized return to Paris what he called "repeated at- with permission tacks on the uniform by some to negotiate of our left wing press" and with the .NLF. said that while the military shouldn't have the final Pen- tagon say, "I don't think the Washington Post and the New York Times should run it ei- ther. Chairman John Stennis, (D- Paris Breakthrough Possible Miss.), said he agreed that civilian control was necessary. SAIGON (AP/AFNB)--Ctiief South Vietnamese negotiator Pham Goldwater, without saying Dang Lam returned to Saigon yesterday to report to President specifically to what he re- Nguyen Van Thieu. The trip spurred hopes that a breakthrough ferred, said "The American in the deadlocked Vietnam Peace Conference in Paris was immi- public is entitled to the nent. truth. The insinuations being Lam flew to Saigon only 24 hours after the leader of the Vi- made in the press aren't et Cong's National Liberation Front delegation announced the truthful.", NLF was "ready to engage in discussions with the other parties The Washington Post declined to make the conference move to comment. forward." Sen. Stuart Symington, (D- Previously the Viet Cong had Mo.), an opponent of President pressed for bilateral negotia- Gains Nixon's Safeguard antiballis- tions between the front and PARIS (XP/AFNB)--The key Re- tic missile proposal, led cri- the United States and virtual- publican Independent Party has ticism of Pentagon procurement ly ignored the presence of the voted unanincusly to support policies in general. South Vietnamese delegation at former Premier George Pompidou He also criticized the cost the conference. in his bid for President of of the C5A transport plane and South Vietnamese delegation France. the reappointment of Gen. Earl officials had not even hinted All the Gaullist and the al- G. Wheeler for a sixthyear as that Lam was considering ano- lied groups have now rallied chairman of the joint chiefs other return trip to Saigon. to Pompidou within three days of staff. Saigon officials said he was of theresignation of former The committee aporoved an- returning to Saigon to report President De Gaulle. A split other term for Wheeler. on the oeace talksA is opening ul between leftist factions. The Bank of France has an- U.S. Holds Underground Nuclear Tests nounced that the country lost YUCCA FLAT (AP/AFNB)-- Two atmosphere at the Nevada test another 42-million dollars du- underground nuclear tests were site. ring the last week. The franc detonated simultaneously yest- The two tests were triggered was down slightly and gold erday, and one leaked a *mall at 10 a.m. PDT in the Yucca prices dropped for the second -aoult of radiation into the Flat area. straight day. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, May 2, 1969 LONDON (AP/AFNB)--Europe's May Day celebra- CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP/AFNB)--Attorneys for 98 tions took on a new look yesterday, more sub- demonstrators arrested during a six-week-old dued in Communist capitals and unusually workers' strike in Charleston fought against tense in the West. their contempt trials yesterday in a state ci- The Soviet Union dropped the display of mil- rcuit court and.before a South Carolina Sup- itary hardware which in the past preceded the reme Court Justice. mammoth parade of workers and other civilians Meanwhile, in Columbia, Gov. Robert E. Mc- past Lenin's tomb in Moscow's Red Square. Nair said he was considering declaring a state With the exception of East Germany, other na- emergency in Charleston and imposing a curfew tions in the Soviet Bloc followed Moscow's ex- on the city. amole. "We don't know what to expect from moment to Fearful of another outburst of anti-Soviet moment and day to day," McNair said at a news feeling Czechoslovak authorities strengthened conference. "The situation grows more serious police forces in Prague with army troops. The each day." workers' parade was called off, and factories Circuit Judge Clarence E. Singletary, who urged workers to spend the traditional holiday issued the injunction under which the demon- in the country and avoid large gatherings. strators were arrested, convened court in In the West, authorities from London to Ath- Charleston and listened to arguments over whe- ens also prepared for trouble. ther he followed proper procedure. As expected British - workers went on **0*** strike for 24 hours yesterday to protest the WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)--Nixon administration Labor Government's plans to curb wildcat strategists say the latest Peking developments strikes. The walkout was expected to fall show Communist China still a long way from a short of the general strike its promoters friendly entry into the community of nations. wanted, but union leaders said up to a million The Washington assessment includes a study o:t of the country's 24.5--million work force of the 24,000-word report delivered by Deputy would be involved. Chairman Lin Piao to the recently concluded The French interior ministry banned the us- Chinese Communist Party Congress. Lin Piao, ual Paris parade, charging that some leftist designated successor to Chairman Mao Tse Tung, extremist groups planned to use the occasion said among other things: "The truth that for a day of "revolutionary combat." The 'political power grows out of the barrel of a Communist-led General Confederation of Labor gun' is being grasped by ever broader masses and the French National Students Union also of the oppressed people and nations." canceled plans for May Day demonstrations, Mao's apparent heir went on to denounce both seeking to improve the Communists , image for U.S. imperialism and Soviet Revisionist Social the coming presidential campaign. Imperialism and praise "the National Libera- In Spain, extra police on horseback and on tion Movement" in "armed struggles of the people. foot patroled strategic points in Madrid and Barcelona to guard against threatened demon- strations against the Franco regime. Police reported small skirmishes with students but no major trouble. Guantanamo Gazette *****. KATM'NDU, NEPAL (UPI/AFNB)--Five American mountaineers and two of their native guides ComNavBase RAda J.B. Hildreth have been killed while attempting to climb the Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach 26,975 foot Himalayan peak, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Editor JO3 Larry Long the Nepalese foreign office reported yesterday. Associate Editor JO3 Mike Nash The assistant leader of the 10-man expedi- Layout Supervisor JOSN Phik Jordan tion, William "Al" Read of Moose, Wyo., repor- Staff Writer JOSN John Bell. ted himself and the four other survivors in The GUANTANAMO 'GAZETTE is published according to tne good condition. Details of the accident, how- rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers ever,were sketchy. as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of ****** the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed W'\SHINGTON (UPI/4%FNB)--The House Commerce four days a week at government expense on government Committee will wind up hearings today on what equipment. The opinions oi statements in news items started out as a study of how much to control that appear herein are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- cigarette advertising. ment of the Navy. Committee members have heard contradictory Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours evidence and most admit confusion on the issue. of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m, MON through FRI only and will be VATICAN CITY (AP/AFNB)--Pope Paul VI today published in Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. called on the entire Roman Catholic Church to No ads or notices except command notices will be pub- lished more than once a week nor will -they be run -in work "untiringly and without fear" to fight Friday's naner. economic exploitation of man and work for the betterment of the world's poor. "Development is the new name of peace," the Pontiff declared in a May Day speech closing three days of consistories in which 33 pre- lates from 19 nations were made Cardinals. Pages Missing or Unavailable Friday, May 2, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7 B VACANClES 1T0 POSITION (U.S. CITIZENS) LOCAL TION CLOSING DATE Supvy. Budget Analyst, GS-ll PWC WHEN FILLED Position Classification Specialist, GS-11 NAVSTA WHEN FILLED Electronics Technician, GS-11 NAVSTA WHEN FILLED Accounting Officer, GS-11 NSD WHEN FILLED Supply Systems Analyst, GS-9 NSD WHEN FILLED Personnel Management Specialist, GS-11/12 NAVEBASE KINGSTON WHEN FILLED Machinist (Marine) SRD WHEN FILLED General Foreman (Struct Shops) I SRD WHEN FILLED Foreman (Leadingman) Ordnanceman (A&E Misc) NAVSTA WHEN FILLED Structural Engineer, GS-11 PWC WHEN FILLED Card Punch Operator, GS-3 NSD WHEN FILLED Supply Clerk, GS-4 NSD 05-07-69 Supvy. Staffing Clerk (T), GS-4/5 IRO 06-07-69 POSITION (NON-U.S. CITIZENS) LOCATION CLOSING DATE Automotive Equipment Operator PWC WHEN FILLED Clerk (Typing), GS-3 PWC WHEN FILLED Diesel Electric Plant Controlman PWC WHEN FILLED Pumping Plant Operator PWC WHEN FILLED Electrician (Telephone) II PWC WHEN FILLED Auto Accessories Mechanic I PWC WHEN FILLED Firefighter (Structural), GS-3 NAVSTA WHEN FILLED Stockman NAS WHEN FILLED Short-order Cook MARBKS WHEN FILLED Multilith Operator PRINTING OFFICE WHEN FILLED Policeman, GS-4 NAVSTA WHEN FILLED Dcse interested in applying for the above positions.can do so at the Industrial Relations Office on Bay Hill.
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