Devoted to the Interests of A CLEAN, FEARLESS Belmar and Wall Township F A M I L Y WEEKLY (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH IS THE COAST ECHO) VOL. XXII, No. 29 B E L M A R , N. J„ F R I D A Y , I U L Y 18, 1913 THREE CENTS 11132861 GORDON- PHILLIPS EN­ TAXPAYERS WILL :::::::AGAIN THREATENEDstrike GAGEMENT ANNOUNCED DEMAND PROGRESS ''pHE fellow who digs gravel Belmar Entitled to Free Mail Delivery Mr. Wilson Alexander Phillips Will w ith “will” power soon At a meeting of the Taxpayers’ As­ Managers Charged With Act­ Lead Miss Frances Harlan sociation here, plans were made for strikes soft clay. extending the board walk to Spring ing lit Bad Faith. _ TTCVim'i Gordon to Alter This Fall Lake and for obtaining free mail de­ livery. The improvement In the ‘ —Homely -5 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gordon, of board walk will not start this year, New York, July IS.—If the eastern ! 917 West State street, Trenton, but as the proJect means an investment railroads stand by their m anagers in i who spend the summer in Belmar, an­ of more than $20,000, which is more iiisisliiig that the grievances of tlie nounce tiie engagement of their oldest than the borough can appropriate at - X- railroads l.e considered at tiiis time by daughter, Miss Frances I-Iarland Gor­ this time. The officers and directors tlie nrl»itrators who e o u s iile r the de­ don, to Wilson Alexander Phillips, son are as follows: President, Dr. J. W. mands of tile trainmen and eomiuetors of Mrs. Phillips, of the Talbert apart­ then tli’ere will lie 110 arbitration at all. Ha.ssler; vice-president, Abram Roths­ ments, North Clinton avenue. but it strike that will cripple tiie child; second vice-president, James .'freight and passenger traffic on all Miss Gordon is a talented and JOSEPH RICE DIES IN KILLED BY PROPELLER Hall; treasurer, R. G. Poole; secre­ the lines north of tlie Ohio river and charming girl, who has hosts of tary, H. R. Cooper; directors, Peter east of tlie Mississippi river. Tills AVON TAYPAYERS MEET HOME NEWS friends in Trenton and this place. BELMAR Egenola, II. S. Pierce, George Titus, She is a graduate of the State Model AS BOAT CAPSIZES was the statement made last night by J. F. Kelly, J. D. Boschen, H. F. Cox President W. (I. Lee of tlie Brother­ BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST school, class of 1908, and also of tho and Charles Meehan. hood of Railroad Trainmen, and lie Eleet Officers, Also Committee S tate N orm al school, class of 1910, Buried at Greenwood From Trenton I Thos. Heyes Victim of Odd Accident spoke not only for himself and ids own Miss Cecilia Bauer of Brooklyn, is and since that time has been teaching brotherhood, but for President A. B. the guest of Miss A. Bartels at The On Borough Finance at the Parker school. Following a short illness, Joseph Thomas Heyes, a retired merchant PLUNGED INTO RIVER AFTER CRABS Gnrretsou of tlie Order of Railway Con­ Columbia. ductors. To tlie same.effect was a pre Miss Gordon ip a talented musician, Rice a prominent Trentonian and ro- of New York, and for many years a Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moon, have Miss Lillian Gilbertson, of Ocean diction made yesterday by many others Is Arranged possessing a voice of rare culture, and tired merchant, died Monday after­ prominent resident of Brielle, lost his taken a cottage at Belmar for the Grove, and Miss Hazel Fonks, of As­ familiar with the wage controversy. is also an excellent pianist, being a noon at his summer home here. He life in the waters of tha Manasquan The Avon Taxpayers’ association summer and expect to occupy it bury Park, had an unexpected bath The managers' intention to attach pupil of Miss Caroline Edmond. She was in the 79th year of his ago. inlet Monday. His death, according shortly. in Shark river while trying to catch eight stipulations of their own to tlie held its annual meeting last Friday is a member of the Contemporary club, Mr. Rice had been complaining for to an opinion of Dr. Ralph H. Her­ matters submitted to arbitration was night at the Avon Casino and elected Tonight will be held the first of the crabs. Miss Gilbertson was leaning and takes an active part in the Sunday some time, but was able to be about bert, was due to inJuries received implied by Elisha Lee. the chairman of officers for the year. There was a regular Friday night card parties at school of the First Presbyterian too far over the boat, when she slip­ their conference committee, as long until several days ago, when he was when the propeller blade on the boat good attendance at the meeting which the Hotel Columbia. church of Trenton, being superintend­ ped and plunged headlong. The water ago as Monday afternoon, but it was taken to his bed. He passed away struck him as he sank in the water. was enlivened by several speakers. Mrs. H. R. Burnet and daughter, was shallow and Miss Gilbertson walk­ not until Wednesday night timt such ent of tlie infant department. about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the He was 65 years old. Edward D. Stout was elected president, Mrs. William B. Apgar, are at Belmar. Mr. Phillips is a rising young busi­ ed ashore. In much the same manner intention was made definite by a plain members of his family being at his In a little 18-foot, flat bottomed mo­ succeeding Theodore S. Miller of New­ Two large eels were caught in the ness man. He is connected with the Miss Fonks went over the side of the statement and the issuance of tlie list bedside. tor boat, Mr. Heyes took a trip to sea of eight proposed changes in the rates ark, one of the prime movers in or­ dredge that is working here on the Independent Brick company, of Tren­ boat after what she said was the Services over the remains were Monday. An enthusiastic boatsman of pay and tlie working conditions. ganizing the association, who re­ inlet. One of the eels was nearly four ton, and is a member of the Trenton smallest crab in the river. held at the mortuary chapel of Ivins and an able navigator, he did not feel Tlie substance of this communication signed on account of press of busi­ feet in length. Country club and a thirty-second de­ & T aylor, 225 E ast S tate street, T ren ­ alarmed over the chance of a rough did not reach the brotherhoods' com­ ness. W hile unable to hold office, Mr. Miss Mildred Gordon has returned gree Mason and Lodge 105 of Elks. mittee of a hundred until yesterday ton, yesterday afternoon, a t 1.30 sea. In crossing the bar in front of Miller will continue an active member from a brief visit to Somerset, N. J., He was a m em ber of the class of 1909, Gov. Fielder at morning, and it increased the bitter o’clock. Interment was mado in the the inlet on the return, the boat was of the association. where she was the guest of Mr. and of the University of Illinois, ness of tbe men to the highest point at­ Greenwood cemetery. swerved from its course, and Mr. Hey­ Thomas O’Reilly was elected first Mrs. Louis P. Lawton. The marriage of this popular young “Little White House" tained in tiie present dispute. es, losing his balance, was thrown vice president, Marcus Powell, second Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koster and family couple will be an event of the late fall. The deceased is survived by three The anger first shown by the brother into the water. He sank directly be­ hood leaders did not abate ns the day vice president; Frank V. Bodine, sec­ are at Mt. Kisco, N. Y., for a few days. daughters and a son—Mrs. Abo Slogel Last Saturday afternoon Governor neath the boat and it is believed that wore on. nnd last evening the two retary and Dr. Ferdinand G. Angeny, Miss Marie Cooper of Trenton, is and Mrs. Lewis A. Fuld, Trenton; and Mrs. Fielder entertained the the whirling propeller struck his head chiefs, Garretson and Lee. were ready treasurer. Those who were elected to among the prominent guests at the Mrs. B. Straus of Newark and Alex­ Judges of the New' Jersey Court of GIRLS MAKE CAMP and chest. with their reply, a long letter to Elisha serve on the board of directors, which Hotel Brunswick. ander Rice of Trenton. Another son, Errors and Appeals at a luncheon in Leo, copies of which were not only positions are held for three years, A. P. Maloney and family of Phil­ ON MANASQUAN Jonas R. Rice, who was associated The body came to the surface im­ the Executive cottage. About twenty distributed to the newspapers but adelphia spent the week-end here. with him in business some years ago, mediately and floated into the inlet covers were laid. mailed at once to President Wilson, to were William Gordon and Charles A. Finding the protection of man super- died a month ago. with the tide until James Mount and the secretary of state, to the railroad Maurice. Thomas Shepard and Paul Coster, On Tuesday night the first of the Jr., of New York., were among the flous with Moccasin and Tarbaby, two a neighbor of the dead man, pulled him presidents and to every member of the A committee has been appointed on Mr.
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