AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • JUNE 1, 2008 • $2.50 The 52nd Episcopal Musician's Handbook 2008-2009 Edition (Begins Nov. 30, 2008) Lectionary Year B For more than half a century, The Episcopal Musician's Handbook has been the trusted resource of choice for choirmasters, organists, and other Episcopal Church music leaders. The Handbook is the essential music planning guide for the church year, for both the Revised Common Lectionary and the Prayer Book lectionary. New This Year: Plainsong psalm settings for congregational use in Advent and Lent {Year B, RCL), pointed by Canon Joseph Kucharski Order today: Lectionary Year B edition is now shipping One copy $27 REGULARshipping {4-6-week delivery), $32 PRIORITYshipping {7-10 days) Multiple copies also available at a discount. The 2007-2008 Edition - Lectionary Year A (Now through Nov. 27) - also available . $32 PRIORITYsh ipping . Hurry! Supplies are limited . Order with MC/VISA by calling 1-800-211-2771. EM H52A THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVINGCHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independentweekly serving Episcopalianssince 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. DavidA. Kalvelage Executfre Ed'itor Betty Glatzel THIS WEEK General Mmwger John Schuessler Managing Editor Steve Waring News Editor Amy Grau Graphic Artist TheCover Tom Parker Advertising Manager Bishop Larry Benfield of Arkansas dedicated three wind Thais Jackson turbine generators at St. Thomas' Church in Springdale Fulfillnwnt Manager on April 7. The wind turbines, which will generate about Renee Weber Marketing!ProrrwtionDirector 15 percent of the church's electrical needs, cost about MichaelO'Loughlin $40,000. St. Thomas' received several financial donations, Director of Associated Publications including an evangelism grant from the diocese . BOARDOF DIRECTORS The Rev. Steve Thomason, former rector of St. Thomas', The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser was shocked when he came to the parish four years ago. Riverside,Ill. (President) Located on a bluff off Interstate 540, the property is MiriamK. Stauff almost constantly exposed to wind. With help from data Wauwatosa,Wis. (Vice President) compiled by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Daniel Muth it was detemtined that St. Thomas' was suitable for a wind St. Leonard, Md. (Secretary) turbine. HowardM. Tischler Albuquerque,N.M. (Treasurer) Fr. Thomason, who resigned in May to enter bivocational The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong ministry as a hospice physician, said he hopes that the Franklin, Tenn. church's prominent location will inspire other Christians The Rev.Jay C. James in northwest Arkansas to join the green movement. Raleigh,N.C. "It really lets the community know that we are interested The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson in sustaining creation," he said. Alexandria, La. Ernest Archer I St. Thomas ' Church photo Richard Mammana,Jr. Stamford, Conn. Thomas Riley Vienna,Va. MissAugusta D. Roddis Marshfield,Wis. Editorial and Business offices. 816 E. Juneau Avenue Features Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 Mailing address: P.O. Box 514036 10 Wave and Particle Opinion Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 Contemplating the divine Telephone: 414-276-5420 Editor's Column Fax: 414-276-7483 and human natures of Jesus 12 The Good and Bad of Blogs E-mail: [email protected] BY SALLYCAMPBELL www.livingchurch.org MANUSCRIPTSAND PHOTOGRAPHS:THE L11- IN<; CHlTRCH cannot. assume responsibility for the 13 Editorials return of photos or manuscripts . News TH~: LI\'JNU CHLIBCH is published every week, Good Decisions to Attend dated Sunday, by the Living Church Foundation, Inc., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, \:VI 5 California Canons 5:3202. Periodicals postage paid at h-1ilwaukee, \\'I, Revamped 14 Reader's Viewpoint and at additional mailing offices. Ordained to Train Others SUBSCRIPTIONRATES: .$42.50 for one year: $62.U0for 18 months ; $80.00 for two years. BY JOHN F. MAHER, JR. Canadian postage an addir.ional$29.18 per year; Mexicanrate $55.42;all other foreign,$4427 per :vear. OtherDepartments POSTMASTER:Send aclclresschanges to THELJ, "'' C1nr1<c11,P.O. Box 514036.Milwaukee . \\15.3203a34:36. 15 Letters Subscribers , when submitting address changes. 4 Sunday's Readings please allow 3-4 weeks for change to take effect . Not About Change THE Ll\1NG CHURCH (ISSN 0024-5240) 1spub­ lished by THE LIVINGC HURCHFOUNDATION, 1 7 People & Places INC., a non-profit organizat.ion serving the Chw-ch. All gifts to the r'oundation are tax-deductible . ©2008 The LivingChurch Formdation.Inc . Alltights reserved. No repro::.luctionin whole or part can be made'hitl10ut pennissionofTHE Ll\lNG CinW'H. Volume 236 Number 22 ILINE l. 2008 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 DEDICATEDTOSTAINED SUNDAY'S READINGS GLASSEXCELLENCE FORMORE TI-lAN A CENTURYROHLFS Likea Rock & THEPAYNE '.. all have sinned and fallen short of the STIJDIOHAVE BEENCREATING glory of God' (Rom. 3:23) & CONSERVING TheThird Sunday After Pentecost(Proper 4A), June 1, 2008 STAINEDGLASS BCP:Deut . 11 :18-21,26-28; Psalm 31 or 31 :1-5,19-24; Rom. 3:21-25a,28; Matt. 7:21-27 WINDOWS RCL: Gen. 6:9-22 ; 7:24; 8:14-19 and Psalm 46; or Deut. 11 :18-21, 26-28 and WORLDWIDE. Psalm 31:1-5, 19-24; Rom. 1:16-17 , 3:22b-28 , (29-31); Matt . 7:21-29 Many Episcopalians were delighted me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the king­ FORMORE INFORMATION & UTERATURE PLEASEWRllE, FAX , PHONEOR E-MAIL TO: when infidelity and deceit brought dom of heaven , but only the one who down several prominent televangelists does the will of my Father in heaven" RohlfsStudio Inc. some years back, believing that those (Matt . 7:21). "Everyone then who 783South . 3rd.Ave. hypocrites got precisely what they hears these words of mine and acts on MountVernon, NY I 0550 .,,U\~... deserved. them," moreover, "will be like a wise FAX- 914-699-7091 Posthumous revelations of similar man who built his house on rock ... 800-969-4106 infidelity and deceit on the part of a [B]ut it did not fall, becaus e it had ,o-s o , prominent Episcopal Church leader , been founded on rock" (24-25). Sad BE SURETO /, \ however, have brought many among though it is, even a cursory introspec­ : . = VJSITOUR WEBSITE us not delight, but instead a profound tion shows that each of us is severely ~ ~ ~ www.Rohlfstudio.comsense of sadness. It's even now being lacking in putting our money where ,,:1; ~~.::·:;~ e-mail:[email protected] asked in our midst, "Why drag a dead our Christian mouth is. Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations man through the mud?" Each of us promised at our baptism We react rather differently to the to "proclaim by word and example the hypocrisy of those with whom we dis­ Good News of God in Christ." Yet how agree on almost everything than we do often do our words and actions pro­ Advertisers to that of someone with whom we claim anything but a loving Savior? We Don't forget share a professed faith in common . vowed to "seek and serve Christ in alJ "Outsiders" getting tripped up in lies, persons , loving our neighbor as our­ these special issues! after alJ, justifies their lack of status in selves," yet we frequently use other our own eyes from the very beginning. people as means to our own selfish JULY 13 An "insider" in the same situation, ends. We undertook to "respect the One of your favorites! however, necessitates personal intro­ dignity of every human being," but we spection. That's never a welcome generally look out for No. 1. Indeed, ETIREMENT-4th Annual process, and it goes far in accounting we "al] have sinned and fallen short of for our sadness. the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). Ads Due: 6/17 Our Lord, in this Sunday's gospel, Faithfulness to God's command­ tells us nothin g we don't already know. ments contains no room for gloating It's never enough for any of us simply over the shortcomings of others . AUGUST 10 to talk a Christian talk. Each of us is Instead, it involves accepting God's BRAND NEW and really cool! calJed, day by day, to walk the Chris­ grace and striving to become ever tian walk. "Not everyone who says to more Christlike ourselves. ARCHITECTURE LookIt Up & CHURCH What are Chiistians taught about judging others in Matthew 7:1-5? RESTORATION ThinkAbout It Close: 7/11 Ads Due: 7/15 How does regular self-examination and even sacramental confession assist us in living Christian lives? For more information: NextSunday Call: (414) 276-5420 The FourthSunday After Pentecost (Proper SA), June 8, 2008 or E-mail: BCP:Hosea 5:15-6:6; Psalm 50 or 50:7-15; Rom. 4:13-18; Matt. 9:9-13 [email protected] RCL:Gen. 12: 1-9 and Psalm 33: 1-12; or Hosea 5: 15-6:6 and Psalm 50:7-15; Rom. 4: 13-25 ; Matt. 9:9-13 , 18-26 4 TH E LIVING C HURCH· JIIN E I. 2008 NEWS Bishop Marc Andrus (second from left) confers with officers of the Diocese of California's special convention May 1O. Tm1otlly RobN lS photo SpecialConvention Revamps California Canons The Diocese of California has over­ The actions of the special conven­ nance committee that produced the hauled its canons in order to make its tion at Grace Cathedral, San Fran­ recommendation warned that the operations more transparent and its cisco, will replace a legal entity called change would cut in half the represen­ leaders more accountable. a "corporation sole" that gives entire tation of the laity on the current dioce­ At a special convention May 10, del­ control over diocesan property to the san council, which has two lay egates voted to eliminate the bishop's bishop.
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