From San Franehjoe: c7 "f Sierra, An?. 24. For San Francisco rt M&t-soni- Aug. 26. 3:3 from Vancouver: Marama, Sept 9. For Vancouver: Makura, Sept. S. EditioM 'J Evening Bulletin. Est 18S2. No. r.939 Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 6378 20 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1914.-- 20 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS (a) n nn IS 111 i nl L-3- JWL mm u UU Two Importaut Victories Back To B & v oo Japan And Germany en Break: Russia How Momng Fast ii HE LEADS SUBJECTS KEEPS HE AIDS BRITANNIA miser 's Men To Be AGAINST THE ENEMY RITCHIE IN RULING THE SEAS Japan's UMmatumo ffii"Bruges Tomorrow UP ll 'GET-I-f v: jTlc?k. v ? 'i-- Germany Near Limit Rapidly Over-runnin- g Northern and Western HABITS Expires Noon Tomorrow, Tokio TimeReport Belgium, They Occupy Ghent Unopposed 'h f yt-- German Retaliation Will be to Incite Islam- - i'" and Continue Course. Is Prisoner onjSibcria but Does itic Revolutions. Associated Press service W Federal Wireless. Not Show Up When Liner Associated Press serr! ce by Federal Wireless. v ' ' Reaches! This Port LONDON, England, August 22. The immense German forces WASHINGTON, 22. ult'matum to ... D. ; v . - August Japan's , by ihe R. J. Ritchie, wanted authori - - . ' ; (f are rapidly overrunning all northern and western Belgium with- ties at Seattle ani- - other cities In the Germany, demanding the immediate withdrawal of all German es- northwest, who mide a sensational - out a Eerious check from the troops, of the three allies. The 1 ? - i warsh'ps from Chinese and Japanese waters, and the delivery of cape from the cltr and county prison t 'i v Germans will probably not hold Brussels. They are sweeping in this city, arriving at Manila, a stow- the colony and naval base at Kiaochau for restoration to China away In a United;'. States army trans- southward, continuing the'r advance on France. No strong de- port, haa again eluded the vigilance of net later than September 15, expires at noon tomorrow, Tokio i ' well-fortifie- peace officers, detailed to escort him tachments as yet are near the d city d'affaires Ber- of Antwerp. to the mainland, by decamping while time. Japan has instructed her charge to leave LONDON, England, August 22. The London Express says In custody of Capta'a R. Ix Hughes lin at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning, Berlin t?me, if Germany gives from the Pacific Mail liner Siberia a that the German forces reached Ghent unopposed and tomorrow few hours before that vessel was sche--j no answer to the ultimatum. " tfuled to sail from Yokohama for the ' w.'ll be at Brugcsf wlrch is only a few miles from Ostend 1 (Noon; Tokio time, is approximately 4:15 o'clock p. m. hero. and Hawaiian Islands. Y Y. '; Ritchie was not board Siberia the seacoast. .... Y' . the t Four o'clock, Berlin t me, tomorrow morning ia about 4:30 when the vessel berthed at Pter 7 last; evening, much to Ihe chagrin of Cap o'clock th;s afternoon in Honolulu.) v ' v tain of Detecttye. Arthur McDuffle.i "ill . Albert I, King of Belgium, foodstuffs Now Cheap In Paris : j who has' gone to, the front In who had yesterdai -- been advised that the defense of his native land the PaclSc Mallet was steaming to; PARIS, France, August 22. Meat is selling here now at the low. against the Germans. From a Hcnolu'u wrlthoutthe prisoner be'ng' enrolled on the pasfeenger )fgt DesDlte : est' prices in twenty years, recent portrait" presented ; jto JAPAHESE S U a recult of , the government's effort to n fLET Belgian . resident in Honolulu. riKia nercn iuauu oi uie vessel iaai evening . a nd todai, no trace of the j Mm " provide plenty of foodstuffs. Vegetables cheap. T are abundant and " . J much, wanted man? was discovered by Associated Press by Commercial Pacific Cable) ' : , local officers. ' Britain Calls Reservists ri"l;v;iA-lv- vi; i:vy.5'? v 'ti DRIVER Ritchie had been placed mder ar- Admlral Sir John Rush worth ,SAN FRANCISCO, Cal;, Aug. 22.-Th- e Japanese cruiser ! rest wht'e at Manljk and his return to (Jelllcoe) in. command .of the 22-Not- KD Idzumo sailed from San today, fully provisioned, '.: WASHINGTON, D. C., August ice British navy Is expected Francisco ; issued today from the Un'ted Stat6shad . ben ordered which coaled and cleared fop the Brit;$h embassy here recalls to England from the United Stat ? v action;riU: v 1Anient la.Hhe near. 1 authomies.ru4 I futare.r,rT : J " m - Tenth Division r SHANGHAI, AugJ The of the all this country. ' ? ... .;,., ; wmm .. China, 22. IhJIruHictrvjiU in . v. Cantaln Hughes had been delegated ' to take charea of the prisoner. Dur- lapanese army, 160,000 men, embarked on transports Fri- - ing the ten days re ht, Giraan Embassy Claims Victory that the Siberia CAPTAIN R1ILLER day at Kokura. The Japanese fleet, including one super-dreadnoug- , mafned at Hongkong 'Ritchie ' proved ON TRACK " WASHINGTON, D. C August 22. A brief bulletin put out by SKIDS entirely tractable andmade no trouble has sailed to cover the landing of. the Japanese for the guard who constantly watched I A:-:- : , troops on the Chinese coast and to bombard the German ; the German embassy here today states: .,;,.::v...;v--- J over his movements.- - rhe Pacific Mail DIES; CAREER A tAssociated Press by Fed. Wlreless.1 steamer called at a number of extra naval base at Tsingtau.. : second cruiser squadron from Port . 'The Germans have won a magnificent victory between ' ' Metz ro-o- i PLR1N III Ann vuria lur tea ana m eara , Q-- ' 99Whii s om-- Arthur is patrolling between Korea and Formosa. J. ;and thei Vosges mountains." No details are given. 9 mil '.j mm u:.:: r:,;: :.:: :::: instance RitcMe-- acubns me the passed here:.today, ;. e aj,. cer reason i to believe mat ne was PICTURESQUE British cruiser from Hongkong rather anxious to return fo Honolulu, WAS v ' ' driver, was almost instantly killed. northbound. "Holy As . lofn. wife." . War" Retaliation Hi car skidded and " here to 'his who" had lust overturned. suffered thrcugh loss LOOT ON, England, 22. Com- bereavement the To Bottom? August The Exchange Telegraph Cf a SOn. ; - ' - Austrian Cruiser Sent : 'Capt?in Frederick C. Miller, a resi- J (Associated Press service by Federal Wireless! ; pany says that leading Berlin da'lies are declaring that Germany is At 10 o'clock In the evenlne before many years; aged the dy rf sailing from Yokohama, dent of Honolulu, for PAEIS, Frarce, August 22. Official announcement here says . 55 years, died at Queen's hcspltal at .retaliating for Great Britain's acceptance of Japanese aid by incit- -' TODAY S MAJOR Cantaln Hughes and Ritchie were pa- 1.30 this afternoon following an opera the cruiser Zymri with her crew of 857 was sunk last week. cing the deck when Ritchie, without that ing the Mohammedan tribes in India, Egypt, Tunis, Algeria and tion performed this morning for cancer -- warning, dodged ; fnto an aeywy on magazine. of the stomach and Intestines. A French shell, it is stated, penetrated her : a:'--f'-- r Islamitic --V- LEAGUE RESULTS the deck. Hughes followed, ; Soudan' to revolutions. lowr but was unable to find a trace of the prls-- Captain Miller was an inmate of the Y (Th5s is probably the Austrian cruiser Zrinyi, of 14,226 tons and ; institution enly since yesterday after V oner, v 12-inc- Belgian Is I noon. Up to that time he had been 4 h guns.) Y ( Commander Captured NATIONAL LEAGUE. AlnnnMa tht fharla at fha flma carrying '"' At Chicago 3, enjoying his usual good health. LOOTON, England; August 22. General Leman, Philadelphia Chicago, lay several lighters and a steam cemmander of 1. The passing of Captain Frederick Beginning To Press Hard p tturg--(Fir- st city. one of Russia the Belgian forces at Liege, has been captured by the Germans and game) Boiton Hughes. Ritchie abided hi time ani Miller removes from this - . ;w Dlcturesaue Company i f fiourg o VKCono game), Baiton .""ii the most Interestine and LONDON, England, August 22. Renter's Telegtain. taken to Cologne, according to reports here. Borne days ago an 4, Pittsburg 2. characters ldentlfled w,th sWp8 and 'nearbv SvSSbuS says that the Russian general advance against Germany and Aus-tri-a auempt Wmade to capture h!m, a Ge is progressing uninterruptedly. In a fierce cavalry engagement penetrating to s room, but he escaped, it was report on Friday, the Russians captured an entire German battery. ; window with a Beliran officer and the Germans were de-dare- d to American league. ,;T.Vm" '' new TorK unicago 2, New TOfK Miller rose from the ranks of a fore Austrian Galicia the Russians are declared to have taken six : i - j ... In have been killed, y. ; !( .... ua juiuiuuig, h;nd to master of several sailing ' mast Aa M ... I aptatn McDuffie Is opinion , ' " '1 of the 1250 men. ; ; i.i officers . t yvasningiorvl ueiron wasnina. vessels, and at one time was a steamer and . LIEGE ATEOCny ALLEGED ; : ton 8. that Ritchie has had time to Dut a captain. great distance between himself and Aviators are constantly bombarding German trenches and mili- At BostonCleveland 2, Boston 4. v prominence LONDON, England, August 22. Eeuter's Amsterdam corre-- the officers of the law. Captain Miller came Into -' At Philadelphia (first game) St. in these islands as master of the tary buildings and doing much damage with their baits from the' ponden . 4, 3. quoting Rotterdam papers, says that some shooting from Louts Philadelphia (Second steamer Enterprise, the first of these ' vessels to enter the service in the clouds.
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