TRADEMARKS!) BY THE SPORTING LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P.O. A3 SECOND CLASS MATTES VOLUME 26, NO. 20. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 8, 1898. NOT AT VARIANCE. SOUTH JERSEY©S LEAGUE The Minneapolis Triumvirate as To be Organized at a Meeting on WILL BE A FIZZLE. United Now as Ever. the lOth. Minneapolis, Feb. 4. Marcus P. Hayne, who is The South Jersey Base Ball League, which associated with Hal Watson and John Goodnow was last season one of the best paying or THE CHURCH CITY TEAM ABOUT iu the ownership of the Minneapolis Ball Club, ganizations in the semi-professional ranks, will THE LEAGUE "HARRY WRIGHT" DAY consented to talk a little yesterday concerning hold a meeting at Caindeu on the 10th inst., at the stories that have been going the rounds, which the question of Increasing the circuit to UNSEASONABLE. SETTLED ON claiming that the owners were a house divided six cities will be discussed at length. Cam- agiinst itself. den will be© taken in and probably Claytou © There is absolutely nothing in that story," and one other good ball town. said Mr. Hayne. "We are ail working in har The league at present consists of three clubs, As "Sporting Life" Predicted Few, il Twenty Men Will be Carried Mike mony©, and everything has been harmonious right namely, Millville, Brldgetou and Salem. These along. We have agreed with Air. Goodnow in clubs wanted Carnden in the circuit last sea Griffin Out ol the Brewery Busi everything he has done, arid if anyone is trying son, but the schedule was completed before Any, Clubs Will be in Shape to to stir up a row between us they will find that the latter club organized. It is probable that they cannot do it. When Mr. Goodnow came the circuit will be enlarged to six clubs. Meet ness Death of the Veteran Player home from the Milwaukee meeting be told us ings will also be held in Bridgeton, Salem Make a Respectable Showing so that Omaha had been turned down, and he was and Millville, and everything will be in readi ready to quit the controversy. We said: "All ness for the opening of the season about the Thomas Deyyr, Etc/ right. We are with you!" We have not had any middle of May. Early as April 13. misunderstanding, and while Mr. Goodnow has taken hold more than the rest of us, I am glad LIGHT AT LAST. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 5. "Editor Sport of it. I am in the law business and do not New York, Feb. 5. Harry Wright day, ing Life:" It is now practically settled pretend to be a base ball manager, and we are which was created at the annual meeting that the team which will represent. Brook glad to have Mr. Goodnow look after the details. A Tip to the World as to the League of the National League last November, lyn in the National League this season We expect to give Minneapolis a good ball team, Schedule. promises to be a huge n©asco, owing to will be made up as follows: © Pitchers, and depend upon it, there will be no friction be Washington, Feb. 4.-Of the schedule Mr. the unseasonable day set by the League Kennedy, Stine, Gumbert, Daub, Abbey, tween the owners." Young had this to say: "I have framed the committee for paltry exhibition games. The Harper and Payne; catchers, Gritu, Con Dailoy schedule on the same general lines as that of Brooklyn team c* that date, April 13, will and Bun-ell; intielders, Lachance, Tom Daly, NASHVILLE NOT SLEEPING. last year, changing the holiday dates so as to be somewhere in the South; the Bostons Bonner, Coreoran, Shindle aid Schoirh; out- give the clubs that had poor attractions last will play in an obscure New England village, fielders, Griffin, McCarthy. Andereon and Jones. year the© strongest clubs to play with this and the other ten National League club* hay« Griftm will be the captain and Foutz will be A Manager to Succeed Stallings in year. In other words, I have tried, to distribute made no arrangement for the day. the manager of the team. "View. the ©good things© in the schedule so that every NEW YORK©S HAI/TING PLAN. Nashville, Tenn.. Feb. 5. The directors of club will receive its share of the sweet as GRIFFIN -WILL PLAY. well as the bitter. The Western clubs will Here in. New York Irwin proposed to arranga Mike Griffin, captain and centre fielder of the the Nashville Club will meet, soon to look a game at the Pclo Grounds between the Giants thoroughly into the question of the selection play in the East on Decoration Day, and also Brooklyns, vvjll during the coming base ball sea on Labor Day, because those holidays are more and the Orange Athletic Club©s team, with Ward son be enabled to devote bis entire attention of a manager for the club in the event George playing second base tor the latter and Wester- Stallings decides to go to Detroit to manage generally observed in the East. Fourth of to playing instead of being bothered by other July is a great holiday all over the country, and velt pitching. It was stated the other day that business affairs. Griffin has had a one-third the team there. Among the would-be steppers the manage- of the Orange A. C.©s- refused to into the "doctor©s" shoes is Dan Sweeney. one therefore there will be a home and home ser interest in the Watertown, N. Y.. Brewing ies East and West. That Is, the Western play. Probably a picked nine could be secured, Company, and about a year ago said that he of Nashville©s catchers last season. Dan man which ©would be as satisfactory as© the Orange aged the Oshkosh team in the Northwestern clubs will play together in the West, and the would retire from tie diamond because he could Eastern clubs will play in the East." A. C. team. There a .re Ward, Hatfteld, Ger- not spare the time, during the summer to leave League the season they won the championship. hardt. Murphy. Gore, Lynch. Hornung. Crane and his Interests unprotected. Griffin, however, en The great McCarthy, now of Boston, was a few other former New York favorites, from joys base ball for the pastime itself, and this, brought out by Sweeney that, season. OUR OLD FRIEND AGAIN. whom a good nine could He formed. together with the fact that be receives a big Peck Sharp, who captained and.played second A FUTILE WESTERN SCHEME. salary from the local organization, enabled for Milwaukee last season, is also one of the Another "Big Four" Gang to Make la Cincinnati they are trying to get together President Byrne to induce him to reconsider applicants for the place. .T. F. Houseman, cap Large Offers For. such a, nine of the old time favorites, including his determination. According to a letter from tain of the Richmond (Va.) Club last season, which won the championship of the Virginia Baltimore, Feb. 4. While Hanlon was on & re "Charley" Gould. famous as the first, baseman Watertown, Griffin has sold out his interest cent visit to ©New York he was approached by of the ©original Ked Stockings; "Will" White, in the brewing company to his partners, and League, has been mentioned for the place, and "Jim" White. Reilly, Carpenter, Fullmer. Jones, says he is prepared to devote his entire atten it is understood that Con Strouthers. who play certain capitalists who are fond of the game, ed first base and captained for Detroit last who made him a rather startling proposition. It Sweasey, Leonard, and probably "Bug" Alli- tion to base ball. He will probably sign a con was nothing less than an offer to buy the Big son These former favorites are widely scat tract with the Brooklyns nest week. year w6uld not refuse if he had a chance. President Robinson, of the Cleveland Club, Four Jennings, McGraw, Keeler and Kelley tered, but an effort will be made to get them A VETERAN PLAYER DEAD. was in the city Saturday trying to purchase and one other player for a. sum of ready money together for the occasion. Thomas Devyr, one of the best base ball pitcher John Ballard from the local team. He in the neighborhood of $30,000. The name of BETTER ABANDON IT. players of his day, died recently at his home failed to make connection. the fifth player has not been disclosed. Indi The day, 13th, is unlucky, and the scbeuift in Greeupoint, and was interred in the family cations point to two of the newer members Of is unworthy of the demands upon the Na plot at Mount Olivet. When a boy he learned the team who are held in high favor and con tional League. If the magnates are wise they to play ball with the Marion Club, a junior VAN DERBECK©S IDEA. sidered certain comers. The proposition struck will afc their meeting this month call Harry organization of Williamsburg. He then Hanlon as so ridiculous that he laughed in the Wright Dav off, and, following the suggestion farmed the Eckfords, and was one of their Expects to Break Into the Big League faces of those wh:> made it, and deigned no of Messrs. *Abell and Freednmn last November, champion nine. He subsequently became a further notice of it than to reply: "Gentlemen, each open his purse and contribute to an member of the famous Mutual Club, of New in a Year or Two.
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