US 20150.060952A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0060952 A1 Takulapalli et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 5, 2015 (54) FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR, DEVICE Publication Classification INCLUDING THE TRANSISTOR, AND METHODS OF FORMING AND USING SAME (51) Int. Cl. GOIN 27/214 (2006.01) (71) Applicants: Bharath Takulapalli, Chandler, AZ GOIN33/543 (2006.01) (US); INANOBIO LLC, Tempe, AZ (52) U.S. Cl. (US) CPC ........ G0IN 27/414 (2013.01); G0IN33/54366 72) Inventors: Bharath Takulapalli, Chandler, AZ USPC (2013.01); G0IN 27/4145257/253:438/49 (2001) (US); Abhinav Jain, Tempe, AZ (US) " ' " s (21) Appl. No.: 14/391,661 (57) ABSTRACT (22) PCT Filed: Apr. 9, 2013 (86). PCT No.: PCT/US2013/035852 The present disclosure provides an improved field effect tran S371 (c)(1), sistor and device that can be used to sense and characterize a (2) Date: Oct. 9, 2014 variety of materials. The field effect transistor and/or device including the transistor may be used for a variety of applica Related U.S. Application Data tions, including genome sequencing, protein sequencing, bio (60) Provisional application No. 61/621,966, filed on Apr. molecular sequencing, and detection of ions, molecules, 9, 2012, provisional application No. 61/802,235, filed chemicals, biomolecules, metal atoms, polymers, nanopar on Mar. 15, 2013. ticles and the like. - 33. 8 : Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 s sa SSSS Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 2 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 s Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 S & & as & isss. isYY Sas was SS s S S sis& & RS SS s wS was & S. ES ai & R XY Asas SS yxas S & & S&S SSas SS s ss sy S& SS& & SS XXXX S. RS s &s S& s's SYS Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 4 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 s w SSS Sy S. S. & S. S.S a- N SS S S. s & N. & s w is a ser S xx & S. s KS S S. S. a & s & Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 & SS Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 & x s 8 S. & 8 S. : & : 8 & &. & Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 7 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 f & y &. sodoueN N is odd peenis Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 8 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 9 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 & &y Patent Application Publication Mar. 5, 2015 Sheet 10 of 10 US 2015/0060952 A1 SNS & & s' & S SSS Šy S S ŠS SS & x &Sas s & s US 2015/0060952 A1 Mar. 5, 2015 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR, DEVICE translocation of few million bases per second in Solid State INCLUDING THE TRANSISTOR, AND nanopores and up to 100 million bases per second in graphene METHODS OF FORMING AND USING SAME nanopores. 0006. A low cost, high quality solution to whole genome CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED sequencing is generally desirable. Such a technology at low APPLICATIONS cost could lead to true personalized diagnostics and person alized therapeutics. Various technologies aim to provide just 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi Such a solution utilizing various technology approaches. sional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/621,966, entitled However, such systems are generally expensive and therefore FIELD EFFECTNANOPORE DEVICE AND CHEMICAL out of reach for many patients. Accordingly, a device and STOP NANOPORE ETCHING FOR GENOME method where the total cost, cumulative of devices, instru SEQUENCING, PROTEINSEQUENCING AND OTHER mentation, reagents, time-cost and other resources, is rela APPLICATIONS, and filed Apr. 9, 2012 and U.S. Provisional tively low, i.e., a desktop sequencer that will enable monitor Patent Application Ser. No. 61/802,235, entitled FIELD ing of mutations in a tumor over a period of time, and avails EFFECT NANOPORE TRANSISTOR DEVICE METH genome sequencing even to poorer countries, are desired. ODS OF FORMING AND USING THE SAME, and filed Mar. 15, 2013, the disclosures of which are incorporated SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION herein by reference to the extent such disclosures do not conflict with the present disclosure. 0007. The present invention provides an improved field effect transistor and device that can be used to sense and GOVERNMENT LICENSE RIGHTS characterize a variety of materials. The field effect transistor and/or device including the transistor may be used for a 0002 This invention was made with government support variety of applications, including genome sequencing, pro under grant number 5R21HG006314 awarded by NIH. The tein sequencing, biomolecular sequencing, and detection of United States government has certain rights in the invention. ions, molecules, chemicals, biomolecules, metal atoms, poly mers, nanoparticles and the like. For example, the device can FIELD OF THE INVENTION be used for detecting un-modified proteins, DNA and other 0003. The present invention generally relates to field biomolecules or proteins, DNA, biomolecules that have been effect transistors and devices including the transistors. More modified with chemical tags or metal atom tags, nanoparticle particularly, the invention relates to field-effect transistors tags, hybridization markers, or the like. suitable for detection of various materials, to devices includ 0008. As set forth in more detail below, exemplary devices ing the transistors and to methods of forming and using the in accordance with various embodiments of the invention, transistors and devices. take advantage of one or more of field effect transistor trans duction mechanism and electric field focusing (e.g., at a bi BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION feature, e.g., conical or pyramidal sub-1000 nm to sub-10 nm nanopore). The field effect transistors and devices described 0004 Various sensors can be used to detect and character herein can be operated in accumulation, depletion, partial ize materials. Such as biological, chemical, and/or radiologi depletion, full depletion, inversion or Volume inversion mode. cal materials. For example, nanopore or nanochannel sensors 0009. In accordance with various embodiments of the dis have been developed to detects and characterize biological closure, a device includes a Substrate, an etch region formed materials. In recent years, nanopore based sequencing within a portion of the Substrate, an insulating region formed approaches for detecting and characterizing biological mate proximate the etch region, a source region overlying the insu rials have gained interest because such techniques offer two lating region and a first Surface of the Substrate, and a drain distinct advantages over other technology platforms, includ region formed overlying the insulating region and a second ing: (i) point transduction capability and (ii) high speed nan Surface of the Substrate. In accordance with various exem opore translocation. Methods of nanopore based sequencing plary aspects of these embodiments, the device is capable of of biological material include: ion current blockade technique sensing and differentiating biological, chemical, and/or and more recently, transverse electron transport techniques. radiological species. The Substrate may include conducting While these techniques hold promise to deliver a solution that material. Such as metal, semiconducting material, and/or is able to read-out the three billion base pairs at low cost and insulating material. The device may include an additional in a reasonably short period of time, they suffer from few semiconducting, metallic, or insulating layer proximate the fundamental limitations. insulating region. In accordance with further aspects, the 0005 Ion current blockade techniques are limited by rela Substrate is selected from the group consisting of silicon, tively low ion mobility in aqueous Solution, when measuring silicon on insulator, silicon on Sapphire, silicon on silicon ion-current across a nanopore. A recent study shows a current carbide, silicon on diamond, gallium nitride (GaN). GaN on response over a time period of 10 micro seconds for a step insulator, gallium arsenide (GaAs), GaAs on insulator, ger input applied and measured across a nanopore device, poten manium or germanium on insulator. In accordance with fur tially limiting the rate of sequencing to below 1000 bases per ther aspects, the etch region includes a shape selected from second. Transverse electron transport measurements on the the group comprising conical, pyramidal, spherical, or that other hand are limited in sequencing-speed by quantum has a cross section in the shape of a circle, rectangle, polygon, mechanical noise. In bothion current blockade and transverse or slit. In accordance with yet further aspects of the disclo electron transport techniques, these limitations result in fail sure, the device further includes a dielectric layer overlying a ure to exploit the most significant advantage of high-speed portion of the source region and/or the drain region. In accor DNA translocation in nanopore. Researchers have thus used dance with yet further aspects, the device includes thin-film methods to slow-down the DNA, from its natural high speed coating of material (e.g., organic, inorganic, or biological US 2015/0060952 A1 Mar. 5, 2015 material) to facilitate detection of one or more chemical, 0012. In accordance with additional embodiments of the biological, and/or radioactive materials. The thin-film coating disclosure, a method of forming a device includes the steps of may cover a portion of the device Surface. Such as the Surface providing a substrate (e.g., a semiconductor, conductor, or within the etch region. The device may include a nanopore, insulator), etching a portion of the Substrate to form an etch having a diameter of from about 1 nm to about 1000 nm, region, and forming a layer selected from the group consist through the etch region.
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