Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Spring 4-30-2018 Volume 53 - Issue 24 - Monday, April 30, 2018 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 53 - Issue 24 - Monday, April 30, 2018" (2018). The Rose Thorn Archive. 1192. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/1192 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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Opinions Editor target may be feasible, leaving the The first floor of the new building It seems like it's going to be hard- building to be enjoyed by current would be design space, including a er to get from say, Olin to the Bridge Dr. Conwell, Anne Houtman, and Juniors. faculty design space. A whole floor of for activities," said Dr. Olson. To an- Rob Coons gave a presentation The Rotz Lab would be torn down the building would be dedicated to swer this, it was brought up that the Wednesday at 10th hour that was a after migration of parts to the BIC chemistry labs, including an edible short 5 minute passing period will preview of what would be presented and the Bridge, to make way for more chemistry lab. likely not exist for much longer. to Rose-Hulman's Board of Trustees. exciting things. Some reorganization of space When asked about adding equip- The most immediate and impact- It’s no secret that Rose has im- would be required. Moench is opti- ment such as CNC manufacturing to ful proposal is the construction of pressive utilization of its classrooms; mized for offices, so it would become campus, Dr. Conwell deferred to Dr. “The Bridge” a co-curricular facility as Anne Houtman put it, “This is the primarily office space with fewer Kline, who noted there are some ide- much like the BIC. most full schedule I’ve seen in my classrooms. Crapo would become as about consolidating CNC equip- This would be in the space of the life. Jan Pink is working magic!” mostly classrooms. ment to a single location, and that commuter parking lot just south of A more long-term project is the The proposed construction for the promoting access to such equipment the BIC. construction of a new 60,000 square new building would begin after is a little tricky. Components from the Rotz Lab, foot academic building. This would Homecoming and complete in sum- One person asked, "How do you such as wind tunnels, would be connect Myers to Moench, in the mer of 2021. decide if we have enough money to moved here, and others, such as the space of the faculty parking lot just Additional parking has also been do this?" Rob Coons replied, engine dynamometers, would be relo- north of the water tower. proposed. Two places are being con- "Basically, two major gifts would cated to the BIC. The space is designed to be a sidered: just west of the baseball fund the academic building. It comes The construction would begin in “window into Rose-Hulman,” and field, and one of the soccer fields. down to timing of those gifts, so we June, and finish by Homecoming, will be covered in glass. The space Although this doesn't completely are looking at alternative financing to with a ribbon cutting scheduled for where the Rotz Lab is currently address the fact that parking is not fill the gap. Homecoming. would be turned into a courtyard. fully utilized, Conwell emphasized "The Bridge would cost around $2 The building is not more sophisti- that increased enforcement is re- million and the renovations to the quired, and perhaps some changes to east entrance would cost around half “The Rotz Lab would be torn how lots are assigned to people. a million. This fits in with the $2.75 The entrance to Rose-Hulman million set aside in the previous year from Hunt road may be repaved, so for capital reinvestment - so the cash down after migration of parts to that truck traffic would go through to do those projects, which would this entrance and keep the main en- happen first, is on hand. trance for cars only. When asked about parking garag- the BIC and the Bridge, to make Of course, these expansions of es, Dr. Conwell replied that such a spaces and elimination of some park- plan was grossly expensive, at around way for more exciting things.” ing raises concerns. "It's already a $8,000 a spot. Page 4: Did Thanos Get His Ass Handed to Him? The Rose Thorn Page 5: Retiring from Veganism Page 6: Doping and Abortion Meets Tuesdays Page 7: Sports! O259 5:15pm Jared Gibson gaze as we watched fellow Rose students per- form the popular musical: Legally Blonde. News Editor Perhaps you have heard of the name Le- gally Blonde from the 2001 movie starring I walk into Hatfield Auditorium a little Reese Witherspoon. past 7:30 p.m. on Saturday evening. It’s near- Indeed, this version of Legally Blonde was ly full of people, all facing curtains illuminated the one I was most familiar with, but the film by a pair of bright pink spotlights. was based off of the novel published in 2001 I had a feeling that this would not be the (also called Legally Blonde) by Amanda only time that these people, myself included, Brown. would be exposed to an unhealthy dose of It became a Broadway musical in 2007, pink, and I was not wrong. and has now come to Rose-Hulman during Almost as soon as the curtains opened, a these past two weekends of April 2018. steady stream of various shades of pink We are first introduced to our protago- poured from stage and into our collective nist, Elle Woods (Emily Dougherty), a pink- The Rose Drama Club presented several showings of Legally Blonde the Musical over the past couple weekends. Photo courtesy of riverviewfhperu.com loving, fashion design major at UCLA and over the sound of the band. President of Delta Nu Sorority with an ambi- This was a little disappointing as most of tious, Harvard-bound boyfriend. the songs contained amusing stories and We learn that her relationship with her phrases that I probably missed, not to men- boyfriend, Warner Huntington III (Michael tion some important plot details. DeBrota), is pretty serious, and that she is On the other hand, the dialogue in be- expecting a proposal sometime in the near tween songs contained plenty of humor and future. plot points for me to glean most of what was She is shocked to find out that he doesn’t lost in any songs where the band and the ac- think she is ‘serious’ enough for him, and tors fought for control of the audience’s atten- manages to get herself an acceptance letter tion. Of course, this evening could have been from Harvard Law School, determined to win the exception, and the other nights were him back. much better when it came to balancing the In her quest for love, she brings the audi- efforts of the band and the voices of the ac- ence on adventure that includes a ruthless tors. Harvard Law professor (Ethan Baker), fellow Overall, I was pleased with the acting. sorority sisters, courtroom drama, a rather Each cast member fit his or her respective attractive UPS man that goes by the name roles well (in many cases this included more Kyle (Graham Cassel), and a lot of pink. than one), and the dancing must have in- As the name suggests, much of the play volved an impressive amount of choreogra- uses music to tell parts of the story. Most of phy. this music was played by a live band hidden Legally Blonde tells us a story of a knight, from view from the audience. Elle Woods, and her quest for a treasure This was a nice touch, but from time to worth more than any amount of silver, gold, time, the band would either get too loud and or diamonds: love. make it nearly impossible to pick up on the In the process of witnessing this journey, The sisters of Delta Nu absolutely killing it out there. lyrics being delivered by the actors and ac- we meet a series of interesting characters, and tresses, or the actors’ microphones were not learn a valuable lesson about stereotypes and Photo Courtesy of Rose-Hulman.edu picking them up enough to get their voices the superficiality from which they spring.
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