ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Management Plan DRAFT DRAFT Technical Memorandum No. 4 ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Subject: Management Plan Prepared For: Richard C. Slade, ULARA Watermaster Brian Dietrick, RMC Water and Environment; Romy Sharafi, Miluska Propersi, Prepared by: RMC Water and Environment Reviewed by: Margaret H. Nellor, Nellor Environmental Associates, Inc. Date: October 27, 2015; Revised December 31, 2015; Revised March 9, 2016 Reference: 0597-001.00 Table of Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 3 1 Purpose of TM ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Relationship to ULARA SNMP Draft Outline ..................................................................................... 7 3 Assessment of Need for Implementation Measures .............................................................................. 7 4 Recycled Water Projects ....................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Existing Projects ........................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Future Projects .............................................................................................................................. 9 4.2.1 City of Los Angeles (DCTWRP and LAGWRP) ............................................................... 11 4.2.2 City of Burbank (Burbank WRP) ........................................................................................ 13 4.2.3 Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (Tapia WRF) ........................................................ 14 5 Management Measures ....................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 Types of Impacts –Loading Versus Concentration ..................................................................... 14 5.2 Existing, Planned, and Conceptual Management Measures ....................................................... 19 5.2.1 Existing Management Measures ......................................................................................... 26 5.2.2 Planned Management Measures .......................................................................................... 40 5.2.3 Conceptual Management Measures .................................................................................... 48 6 Changing Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 51 6.1 Land Use and Population Growth ............................................................................................... 51 6.2 Climate Change ........................................................................................................................... 53 6.3 Drought ....................................................................................................................................... 54 6.4 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ......................................................................................................... 55 7 Management Measure Challenges ...................................................................................................... 56 8 References ........................................................................................................................................... 57 March 2016 1 ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Management Plan DRAFT List of Tables Table 2-1: Draft Outline SNMP Topics Cross-Referenced in This TM ....................................................... 7 Table 4-1: Existing Recycled Water Sources and End Uses ......................................................................... 9 Table 4-2: Future (2025) Recycled Water Sources and End Uses .............................................................. 10 Table 5-1: Average TDS, Chloride and Nitrate Source Water Concentrations (including BPOs) ............. 15 Table 5-2: Examples of Different Types of Management Measures and S/N Impacts ............................... 19 Table 5-3: ULARA Existing, Planned and Conceptual Management Measures ........................................ 20 Table 5-4: ULARA Existing, Planned and Conceptual Management Measures (continued) ..................... 23 Table 5-5: ULARA Existing, Planned and Conceptual Management Measures (continued) ..................... 25 Table 5-6: Extraction Rights by Basin and Agency (AFY) ........................................................................ 33 Table 6-1: Current Land Use ...................................................................................................................... 51 Table 6-2: LADWP Demographic Forecast ................................................................................................ 52 Table 6-3: ULARA Cities’ Demographic Forecast .................................................................................... 53 List of Figures Figure 5-1: Conceptual Examples of Management Measures with Loading and Concentration Impacts on TDS .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5-2: Conceptual Examples of Management Measures with Loading and Concentration Impacts on Nitrate ................................................................................................................................................. 18 March 2016 2 ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Management Plan DRAFT Acronyms and Abbreviations µg/L micrograms per liter AF acre-feet AFY Acre-feet per year AWS Automatic Water Softener AWT Advanced Water Treatment BMP Best Management Practice BOU Burbank Operable Unit BPO Basin Plan Objective BSBPO Basin Specific Basin Plan Objective BWP Burbank Water and Power BWRP Burbank Water Reclamation Plant CAO Cleanup and Abatement Order CCP Conservation Credits Program CCR California Code of Regulations CDPH California Department of Public Health CECs Constituents of Emerging Concern CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CH&SC California Health & Safety Code Cl Chloride CR Colorado River CRA Colorado River Authority CUWCC California Urban Water Conservation Council CVWD Crescenta Valley Water District CWA Clean Water Act CWC California Water Code CWH Council for Watershed Health DCE 1,1 Dichloroethene DCTWRP Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant Delta Sacramento‐San Joaquin Bay Delta DPR Direct Potable Reuse DWR California Department of Water Resources March 2016 3 ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Management Plan DRAFT EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency GAC Granular Activated Carbon GLAC Greater Los Angeles County GOU Glendale Operable Unit GSIS Groundwater System Improvement Study GW Groundwater GWP Glendale Water and Power GWR Groundwater Replenishment HSG Hansen Spreading Grounds IRWM Integrated Regional Water Management IW Imported Water LACDPW Los Angeles County Department of Public Works LADWP City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power LAGWRP Los Angeles-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant LAR Los Angeles River LARWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles LASAN City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation LF Lineal Feet LID Low Impact Development LVMWD Las Virgenes Municipal Water District MCL Maximum Contaminant Level MCY Million Cubic Yards mg/L milligrams per liter MGD Million Gallons per Day µg/L micrograms per liter MM Management Measure MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MWD Metropolitan Water District of Southern California n/a Not applicable NdN Nitrification/Denitrification NHOU North Hollywood Operable Unit NO3-N, N Nitrate as nitrogen March 2016 4 ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Management Plan DRAFT NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPR Non-potable Reuse NWRI National Water Research Institute OWTS Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Panel National Water Research Institute’s Independent Advisory Panel PCA Potentially Contaminating Activity PCE Tetrachloroethylene ppm Parts per million PSG Pacoima Spreading Grounds PWP City of Pasadena Department of Water and Power RW Recycled Water RWAG Recycled Water Advisory Group RWC Recycled Water Contribution RWP Recycled Water Policy S/Ns Salts/Nutrients SB Sylmar Basin, Senate Bill SCAG Southern California Association of Governments SCSC Southern California Salinity Coalition SFB San Fernando Groundwater Basin SNMP Salt and Nutrient Management Plan SRWS Self-Regenerating Water Softener SW Stormwater SWP State Water Project SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board SWRCB-DDW State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Drinking Water TCE Trichloroethylene TDS Total dissolved solids TM Technical Memorandum TMDLs Total Maximum Daily Loads TOC Total Organic Carbon TSG Tujunga Spreading Grounds ULARA Upper Los Angeles River Area March 2016 5 ULARA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Management Plan DRAFT USBR United States Department of the Interior – Bureau of Reclamation USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UWMP Urban Water Management Plan VB Verdugo Basin VOCs Volatile organic compounds VPWTP Verdugo Park Water Treatment Plant WDR/WRR Waste Discharge Requirements/Water Recycling Requirements WQOs Water Quality Objectives WRF Water Reclamation
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