Case No. 18/01603/REMMAJ Item No.03 Location: Land Off Ripon Road, Killinghall, North Yorkshire, , Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale under outline permission 18/03162/DVCMAJ for erection of up to 73 dwellings with access considered. Applicant: Strategic Team Maintenance Co Ltd _ Yorkshire Housing Limite Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file Reason for report: This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the development is for more than 49 dwellings. SUMMARY The proposal would contribute to meeting the District’s housing land supply and assist in maintaining the supply of open market and affordable units. Subject to the accompanying Section 73 application having been approved and the matters relating to landscape to having been resolved and internal highway arrangements having been confirmed as acceptable, no adverse harm arises that would significantly or demonstrably outweigh the benefits identified when considered against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole. The proposal therefore forms sustainable development and does not conflict with the development plan that are not out of date. Material considerations in weigh in favour of the scheme; including the provisions of the Framework and paragraph 11 in particular, warrant approval of the application subject to the completion of a S106 addressing matters including open space provision and maintenance. RECOMMENDATION: Defer and Approve subject to conditions and a S106 Agreement 18/01603/REMMAJ 1 18/01603/REMMAJ 2 18/01603/REMMAJ 3 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 1.1 This is a site of 3.2ha to the east of the existing built form of Killinghall, north from Crofters Green / Nidd House Farm to a point around 20m from the access to Hazlecroft / Hamilton Grange. A former cricket ground, the land form is gently sloping down north eastwards towards the River Nidd. 1.2 To the south east are the land and buildings at Nidd House Farm where outline planning permission for 75 dwellings was allowed on appeal in December 2016. The north west to south west side of the site is adjoined by the existing built form of the village; primarily residential properties with the boundaries to their gardens formed by hedgerows and fenced boundaries, there is also a public house whose car park lies next to the boundary formed by a close boarded fence. To the north east is open countryside with native hedgerow boundaries and occasional trees in hedgerows. 1.3 The application site has a short frontage to the A61 Ripon Road of 23m set between York Place and no.60 Ripon Road. This is the point of access as approved on 30 August 2017 by an outline permission for up to 73 dwellings. 1.4 A Section 73 application has been submitted to vary the original outline application to permit the felling of two trees that otherwise affect the highway access to the site, and the non-provision of an ecological wetland due to a piped drainage system. 2.0 PROPOSAL 2.1 This application seeks approval on the basis of the Section 73 application of the reserved matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale along with access within the site. 2.2 73 dwellings are proposed, of reconstituted stone, render or brick with grey roof tiles. Some brick properties have sections of render to their first floors. 2.3 29 (40%) being affordable and consisting of:- 18/01603/REMMAJ 4 . 4 no. 1 bed affordable quarter houses. 26 no. 2-bed semi-detached properties of which 18 are affordable dwellings. 14 no. 2-bed detached dwellings of two different types. 10 no. 3-bed semi-detached dwellings of which 7 are affordable dwellings. 13 no. 3-bed detached dwellings of two different types. 6 no. 5-bed detached dwellings. 2.4 Parking provision is indicated as . 1 bed properties – a parking space each. 2 bed 71.7 sq.m. and 3 bed 86.1 sq.m properties - two parking spaces each largely arranged either as frontage parking or driveways. The remainder have two or three parking spaces largely arranged as side driveways and, with one exception, a garage. 2.5 A swath of open space is shown as passing through the site. At its southern extent by a pair of existing oak trees and encompassing further existing trees (another oak and an ash). 2.6 The application is also accompanied as required by the outline permission by a revised Design and Access Statement, noise report (Noise Impact Assessment), a detailed mix of open market housing (Market Housing Statement), and a detailed ecological mitigation and enhancement scheme (Biodiversity Management Plan). 3.0 APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING INFORMATION 3.1 The application is also supported by the following documents; . Affordable Housing Statement 18/01603/REMMAJ 5 . Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement . Badger Survey . Geoenvironmental Appraisal . Highway Philosophy . Remediation and Validation Strategy 4.0 RELEVANT HISTORY 4.1 16/00545/OUTMAJ Outline application for the erection of up to 73 dwellings and formation of associated landscaping with access considered (Site Area 3.2 ha). Approved 30.08.2017. 4.2 18/01828/DISCON Details of Land Contamination Remediation. Approved 04.06.2018. 4.3 18/01829/DISCON Details of Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement. Approved 04.06.2018. 4.4 18/01831/DISCON Details of Archaeological Investigation. Approved 02.07.2018. 4.5 18/03162/DVCMAJ Variation of condition 5 to allow removal of trees T3 and T4 to facilitate site access and non-provision of SUDS Wetland due to alternative drainage strategy of planning permission 16/00545/OUTMAJ. Pending Consideration at the time of the writing of this report but expected to be determined before the committee meeting. 5.0 NATIONAL & LOCAL POLICY 5.1 National Planning Policy 5.2 The National Planning Policy Framework July 2018 (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. Planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The National Planning Policy Framework is a material consideration in planning decisions. 18/01603/REMMAJ 6 5.3 At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. 5.4 Core Strategy Policy C1 Inclusive communities Policy EQ1 Reducing risks to the environment Policy EQ2 The natural and built environment and green belt Policy SG1 Settlement Growth: Housing Distribution Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact Policy TRA1 Accessibility Policy TRA2 Transport infrastructure Policy TRA3 Travel management 5.5 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, As Altered 2004) Policy HD20 Design of New Development and Redevelopment Policy C2 Landscape Character Policy H5 Affordable Housing 5.6 Supplementary Planning Documents Biodiversity Action Plan Biodiversity Design Guide Landscape Character Assessment of Harrogate District House Extensions and Garages Design Guide 5.7 Other material policy considerations: National Planning Practice Guidance 18/01603/REMMAJ 7 6.0 CONSULTATIONS 6.1 Heritage Unit of NYCC – Have no objections. Advises the development area has been subject to an earlier archaeological field evaluation and as the results of that were negative there is no justification for further archaeological works. 6.2 NYCC Highways And Transportation – Have no objections. 6.3 Police Architectural Liaison Officer – Has no objections. Commends the design and layout as a number of ‘Designing out Crime’ features are incorporated. 6.4 EHO Contaminated Land – Agrees with the submitted Noise Impact Assessment that an acoustic fence is required on the boundary of Plot 1 due to noise from the A61 and that also that property has double glazed windows with trickle vents. 6.5 Yorkshire Water – Drainage details are acceptable. 6.6 Housing Department – Support the proposal. Consider the floor layout plans of all the affordable types to be acceptable, and note that the affordable homes are well distributed around the site. 6.7 Environment Agency - Dales Area Office - No comments received. 6.8 DCS - Open Space - Require contributions for the enhancements of off site open space provision totalling £32,747.75; Outdoor Sports Facilities at Killinghall Cricket Club £22,316.45 Natural and Semi-Natural Urban Greenspace (including Urban Woodland) – Grange Quarry £10,431.00 6.9 NYCC Lead Local Flood Authority (SuDS) – Have no comments. 7.0 VIEWS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 7.1 Do not object to or support the application. Make comments in respect of 18/01603/REMMAJ 8 . Drainage protection at boundary with Ripon Road properties. Lack of 4 bed houses . Quarter houses, poor quality of light, no natural provision of light from 2 aspects (object) Not sociable. Location of sub station. Fence heights – concerned over trip hazard and ability to grass cut presented by knee high rails . No indication of street lighting 8.0 OTHER REPRESENTATIONS 8.1 Representations received from 3 authors. The full individual representations may be read through public access and are summarised as follows:- . Affordable housing should be prioritised . Materials and house designs poor . Proximity to existing property . Public transport should be prioritised . Too dense, limited green space 9.0 ASSESSMENT 9.1 The main issues in the consideration of this application are as follows: - . Housing land supply . Affordable housing . Public Open Space . Reserved Matters Layout Scale Appearance Landscaping 18/01603/REMMAJ 9 . Residential amenity . Highways . Trees . Ecology 9.2 Sustainability 9.3 Sustainability is the golden thread running through the National Planning Policy Framework, and proposals for sustainable development should be approved without delay. There are three strands to sustainability, social, economic and environmental. 9.4 SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 9.5 Housing Land Supply 9.6 The Council’s Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) provides information on objectively assessed housing need.
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