;xO c ? o p. 5s —: ?; ►n [.i. Connecticut Daily Campus C- oo Serving Storrs Since 1896 C H c O MC Hi VOL. CXVI, No. 52 MONDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1961 STORRS. CONNEt ncUT W A Pacifist View: ?• HI w Social Pro Ordered t- l-J Dr. Breck Talks en s On War Problem For Sigma Phi Epsilon K Committee, eighty per cent of the BY MADGE ENGLISH Sigma Phi Epsilon, has been in the event leading to social pro- being involved in the incident population would be wiped out placed on social probation for In commemoration of Pearl if the attack were in the range bation has been placed on dis- leading to social probation. Even Harbor and the United States of 3000 megatons. Ralph Lapp, i violation of university drinking ciplinary probation. He explain- though some of flie brothers were entry into World War II, Dr. consultant for the Atomic Energy policies, John Dunlop, assistant ed that this did not mean that not participants, it was decided I dean of students in charge of any of these men have ben re- by the fraternity that all of the Allen Breck of Goucher Univer- Commission, has stated that Rus- 1 sity addressed a group of students sian nuclear capability is about men, announced Friday. quired to give. up positions in names would be submitted. and faculty Thursday evening on 7500 megatons. In this case there This brings the total number extra-curricular activities, how- The presidents of the other two '•Pacifism as a Political Alter- would be no survival. The civil of houses on social pro to three. ever, since disciplinary probation nouses now on social probation native". His talk was part of I Earlier in the semester, Zeta Psi consists of varying degrees of were not available for comment. defense movement has been in- severity. the Public Forum Series which tensified to create an aura of 'and Kingston, House were both Two more cases of social pro- is sponsored by the University nuclear credibility which was | charged with violation of drink- One Comments bation are now pending. Dunlop Christian Fellowship. necessitated by the Berlin crisis. ing rules. According to the president of revealed Friday. He refused :o Or. Breck opened his lecturo All in all it is evident that the According to Dunlop, all three one of the fraternities involved, name the houses involved Undl by noting that in recent years warfare state has significantly houses were placed on social pro- the name of every brother has a definite decision has been there has been an increasing in- curtailed our freedoms. It com- bation for a period of three been sent to Dunlop's office as reached. terest in Civil War History. He mits the citizen to an ideological months. Only actual school days accounts for this as a wish fulfill- bias and a policy of nuclear de- are counted towards fulfilling this ment on the part of the reading ferents. three month period, vacation days audience. They like to look back The central question of our are not counted. USA Elects New to a time when war was a useful era is, "Would you push the but- No Functions implement. Today war must be ton?" If you answer in the neg- redefined. It is no longer a dis- ative, your choice implies disarm- Dunlop defined the purpose of play of galantry on the battle- ament. There are positive steps social probation as a period to field, but rather the massive an- that each person can take in "prevent that house from hold- Slate Of Officers nihilation of civilian nopu'ati0115 working for an atmosphere which ing functions involving mixed will be conducive to the possibility groups either on or off-campus". The Officers of the United.Stu- second vice-president: George War Geared of disarmament. To be effective During the time that a house dents Association were elected Hine. treasurer; Jan Esnor. re- In answer to what war would men must take aclear cut stand is on social probation, no women Thursday night at the annual cording secretary; Liz Lewis, cor- bo like today, Dr. Breck stated on the issue. They can not take guests are allowed in the house USA Convention, amid speeches responding secretary; Burton that most authorities agree that murder and violence for granted. at any time. The house involved stressing the party remain united, Goldfarb. seargent-at-arms; and it would be an all out nuclear may hold no social functions, 'for only united could they be James R. Stark, historian. The sanctity of human life must successful." engagemennt. One conservative be reaffirmed and take its place either on or off-campus. Those elected to the Executive writer for the New York Time* 'ITio.se officers elected, all by as the ultimate value and meas- In addition, if six or more White ballot, were Joel Hirschom. Committee were Pete Kaplin, recently pointed out that troop urement of action. Dr. Breck members of the house involved training and military installations specifically urged support of the president: Dick Poudrier. first Kathy Hawkins. John Hutehins, and their dates hold any type of vice- president; Beverly Ruoff. and Andy Bamiak. in Europe are geared to a nuclear United Nations as an alternative function either on or off-campus, war. Conventional war could only to unrestrained nationalism. exist for a short time since its it will' be considered a violation objective would be to knock out Beck's Rebuttal of the rules of social probation. nuclear stock piles in enemy ter- Dr. Curt Beck of the Uconn Contrary to popular belief on ritory. Air Force Chief of Staff. political science department of- campus, social probation does Christmas Concert Curtis Lemay. has insisted that fered a friendly rebuttal to Dr. not prevent a fraternity from this country must be prepared to Breck's remarks. rushing. A fraternity on social initiate a nuclear attack if we are pro may still conduct a full rush Dr. Beck began by informing program, but may not have any threatened by aggression or sup- the audience that he had already Presented Tonight female guests in the house dur- pression. signed a statement criticising ing a rush aprty. The University Chorus, Concert Choir and University Singers, As if. stands now our choice lies the current civil defense plans. He Dunlop stated that every mem- not only agreed with Dr. Breck under the direction of Mr. John Poelein. will present their annual between mutual destruction and ber of a house who participated Christmas Concert tonight at S:15 in the Jorgen.sen Auditorium. defensclessnoss and for most |>eo-! on the menace of a nuclear war, pie this decision is an unbearable but said that he would go even The Concert will include the one. If we inquire into the pur- farther in pointing out the ab- Chamber Orchestra and p'ianists pose of war, tlie most reasonable surdity of our civil defense opera- Carol MacMillan and Lois Otka. •nswer will be that it it a defense tions. l.n rj;.- Kunge of our freedom. Dr. Breck asked However, since he felt that The University Chorus will sing What has happened to these free- war was basically caused by fear, mi.st of the songs included in the doms today and what is their a policy of immediate unilateral concert. The songs range from Chance of survival after a third disarmament might only increase slow reverent pieces to fasl peppy world war. Already there • is a the insecurity of the public and numbers, covering the typos >f definite loss of. psylological free- drive them to acts that they music sun., in Germany and Eng- dom. Men are obsessed with would not rationally undertake. land during the Christmas sea- thoughts of the bomb. Fear and Dr. Breck later answered that son. desperation take hold of the so- he was not in favor of unilateral ciety. Witch hunts and loyalty disarmament either. "The Twelve Days of Christ- oaths abound. The government ma.s," an English Carol will i>e The United States has lost the- sung by a combination ol the begins to lie to the people. One luxury of deciding when and if it three groups: soloists from tlie of the biggest lies is civil defense. will get involved with war. This Dr. Breck presented a recent Singers, quart) ts from th< fact has also increased the gen- cert Choir and background mus- issue of Life magazine as an ex- eral feeling of helplessness. Even- ic by the Chorus. ample. The .cover reads that in tually wo must learn to live a the e\ent of a nuclear attack "9" dangerous life as England has The Tin ■ • Carols: Tarlej Tar- out of 100 can ho saved . ". done. low. Baluiaiow. ;mci The Syca- The article inside never explained - Berlin Position more Tree, lively, rhythmic songs. how this could be done. Which originate i In G 'rmany, Perhaps credibility really has 'wflrbp'siin- by the Chorus, ot- I Ml ge LAN* hel|>ed to strengthen our position her songs include the evei popu- on Berlin. Kennedy's hard\ line According to the statistics pub- may have convinced Khrushchev lar: •'Carol ol the Drum." Also lished this year by the Ilaliliol.l of the (utility of continually offer- will he sung three reverenl pieces: T\M> in Latin "Hodie Christus ing ultimatums. NatUfl Ksf' and O Magnum" Few wars have ever achieved Mysterium" md one In English, Inside Pages their objectives, but they have •To Cod on High iw Glory." often been necessary to stop men PRACTICE SESSION: The University Chorus and Concert like Hitler.
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