ARMY SERVICSERVICE FORCESFORCES MANUALoMVANUAL C'j - '1 I x I I ~-C---- ~-P -- a~C~-----C- - -L__-- I - - I - --I I CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK GERMANY SECTION 2F: GERMAN MILITARY GOVERNMENT OVER EUROPE THE NAZI PARTY INOCCUPIED EUROPE I - -I I r RESTRICTED Dissemination of restricted matter. - The information con- - tained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United r States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press -I except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 18b, AR 380-5, 28 Sep 19142.) -C----l - HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES, 18 JANUARY 1944 --- I-l--l-L--111-_-l ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUAL M356-2F Civil Affairs ""-- --- -~LY I------ - -~---CP- -- ^~^--~--~---------r~e. Is~---- II I - I C CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK GERMANY SECTION 2F: GERMAN MILITARY GOVERNMENT OVER EUROPE THE NAZI PARTY INOCCUPIED EUROPE ~-U - CI ~r~a --F ---L----F------- 4 --.a~---~--~- -~ ---~-- I- - - - - I I I- - HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES, 18 JANUARY 1944 -- --~a~----~----- -a~- --- -- -i~--- -a~s I~--------r - ~----- ~ , , , Dissemination of restricted matter. -'The information con- tained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 18b, AR 380-5, 28 Sep .1942.) NUMBERING SYSTEM OF ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUALS The main subject matter of each Army Service Forces Manual is indicated by consecutive numbering within the following categories: Mi - M99 Basic and Advanced Training M100 - M199 Army Specialized Training Program and. Pre- Induction Training M200 - M299 Personnel and Morale M300 - M399 Military Law and Enforcement, Organizations, Civil Affairs M400 - M499 Supply and Transportation M600 - M599 Fiscal M8OC - M99 Procurement and Production M700 - M799 Administration M800 - M899 Miscellaneous M900 up Equipment, Materiel, Housing and Construction * * * HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES, Washington 26, D. C.., 1.8 January 1944 Army Service Forces Manual M 356-2F, Civil Affairs Handbook - Germany: 2F - German Military Government over Europe - The Nazi Party in Occupied Europe, has been prepared under the supervision of the Provost Marshal General, and is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. SPX 461 (21 Sep 43).] By command of Lieutenant General SOMERVELL: W. D. STYER, Major General, General Staff Corps, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General, Adjutant General. This study on German Military Government over Eurone - The Nazi Party in Occupied Europe was prepared for the- MILITARY GOVERNMENIT DIVISION, OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL by the RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS BRANCH, OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Offiders using this material are requested to make sggestions and criticisms indicating the revisions or additions which would make this material more useful for their purposes. These criticisms should be sent to THE CHIEF OF THE LIAISON AND STLDIES BRANCH, MILITARY GOVERNMiENT DIVISION, PMGO, 2807 MUNITIONS BUILDING, WASHINGTON 25 D.C. NOT Purposes of the Civil Affairs Handbook. The basic purposes of civil affairs officers are (1) to assist the Commanding General by quickly establishing those orderly conditions which will contribute most effectively to the conduct of military operations, (2) to reduce to a minimum the human suffering and the material damage resulting from disorder and (3) to create the conditions which will make. it possible for civilian agencies to function effectively. The preparation of Civil Affairs Handbooks is a part of the effort to carry out these responsibilities as efficiently and humanely as nossible. The Handbooks do not deal with plans or -olicies (which will denend upon changing and ufpredictable developments). It should be clearly understood that they do not imply any ivyen official rnogr-m of atinr. They are rather reedy reference source books containing the basic factual information needed for planning and policy making. This handbook on the Nazi Party in Occupied Europe is one of a series of studies covering German Military Government over Europe. The following outline indicates the -lace of this handbook in the series. GERMAN MILITARY GOVREPTMITT OVER TUROPE. Civil Affair? Handbook No. A. Princinles of Nazi Occupation. .. M 356 - 2B B. German Controls in Occupied Europe . 1. The German Army in Occupied Europe . .. M 356 - 2C 2. The SS and Police in Occunied Europe . M 356 - 2D 3. Military and Police Tribunals in Occupied Europe. .. M 356 - 2E *4. The Nazi Party in Occupied Europe . .M 356 - 2F 5. Technical and Economic Troops in Occupied Europe. S . M 356 - 2G 6. Economic Controls in Occupied Europe. S. M 356 - 2H 7. Labor Controls in Occupied Europe. M 356 - 2J 8. Propaganda in Occupied Europe. M 356 - 2J C. The Nazi Occupation of Individual Regions 1. German Military Government - Belgium M 351 - 2A 2. German Military Government - Czechoslovakia M 363- 2A 3. German Military Government - France M 352 - 2A 4. German Military Government - Greece M 351 - 2A 5. German Military Government -Netherlands M 357 - 2A 6. German Military Government Norway M 350 - 2 7. German Military Government - Poland M 364 - 2A The study of German Military Government over Europe 1939-43 is a study of the methods and organization of controls which the Nazis have established for the subjugation ani exploitation of conquered countries. The emphasis of the study was laid upon the agencies and institutions which the Nazis have been using. The results which were produced by the Nazis in the various countries are only touched upon as far as they illustrate practices of Nazi administration. CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOKS TOP I CAL OUTL I 1. Geographical and Social Background 2. Government and Administration 2F- German Military Government over Europe - The Nazi Party in Occuvied Europe 3. Legal Affairs 4. Government Finance 5, Money and Banking 6. Natural Resources 7. Agriculture 8, Industry and Commerce 9, Labor 10. Public Works and Utilities 11, Transportation Systems 12. Communications 13. Public Health and Sanitation 14. Public Safety 15. Education 16. Public Welfare 17. Cultural Institutions This study on German Military Government over Europe - The Nazi Party in Occupied Europe, was prepared for the MILITARY GOVERNMENT DIVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL (NERAL by the RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS BRANCH of the OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES. U- TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION: THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PARTY IN THE REICH 1 A. General 1 B. Regional Organization 1 C. Functional Organization 2 D. The Foreign Organization of the NSDAP 3 1. Historical Survey 4 2. Organization and Activities 6 a. Regional 6 b. Functional 8 II. THE NSDAP IN OCCUPIED EUROPE 10 A. Special Party Units 10 B. The Perty in Annexed Territories 11 C. The Party in Territories under Civil Administration 11 1. Sphere of Operation (Arbeitsbereiche) of the NSDAP 12 a. General Government 13 b. East (Ost) 15 c. The Netherlands 18 d. Norway 21 e. The Protectorate 24 D. The Party in Territories under 1ilitary Administration 27 1. Belgium 27 2. France 29 3. Serbia 30 4. Greece 30 E. Thp Party in Denmark 31 F. Folk-Groups (yolksgruppen) 32 1. Rumania 35. 2. Hungary 3b 3. Croatia 37 4. Slovakia 38 5. North Schleswig 39 6. Serbia 40 I. INTRODUCTION: THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PARTY IN THE REICH A. General The organization and the activities of the National Socialist Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiteratrpartei, NSDAP) in occupied terr- itories reproduce, in large measure, the patterns of its domestic structure and functions. In order to describe the activities of the NSDAP in oc- cupied Europe, it is necessary to begin with a brief survey of the Party organization in Germany itself, especially of that department of the NSDAP which plans and supervises foreign activities. The Party is organized both regionally and functionally. The regional organization follows the geographical subdivisions of the Reich and of the annexed or occupied territories. The functional organization, cutting across regional boundaries, is based upon the various types of activity engaged in by the Party. The whole organization is unified by the leader- ship principle in the person of the Fuehrer and the Reich Leadership (Reichsleitung) of the NSDAP--the heads of the main offices and chief formations of the NSDAP. B. Regional Organization The largest regional Party unit is the Gau. This is subdivided into Counties (Kreise), Local Groups (Ortsgruppen), Cells (Zellen), and Blocks (Blocks). Following the organizational pattern of the Reich Leadership, these units have a Gau leadership (Gauleitung), County leadership .(Kreisleitung), etc. Also represented are the technical and functional offices and de- partments of the Heich Leadership, as well as the subsections of the Party - 2- Formations and of Affiliated and Supervised organizations. Of the forty-three Gaue, eleven are called Reihsae. These admin- istrative units were formed after the annexation of Austria Sudetenland, and parta of Poland. They are characterized by a much closer coordination between government and Party administration than prevails in
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