QUARTER DECK In 1995, past Commodore Ian Lorimer deeded a It must be time to perpetual trophy – The Fishing Bay Challenge Tro- phy – to be awarded to recognize the boat or boats go sailing: chosen to represent the club in interclub competi- The 2007 Yearbook and tion through a competitive selection process. Over Sailing Events books have the last several years, team racing has emerged as arrived, the Scots are back the primary venue for Fishing Bay sailors to repre- from St. Pete, and Dixon is sent FBYC in competition with other clubs. Last back from a well deserved year’s team was undefeated, and under the leader- vacation. The ramp is fixed, ship of Mike Schmidt, 2007 promises to be another the main clubhouse is good year. (Any ideas for a team mascot?) This spruced up, the race committee boats are outfitted, year, for the second year in a row, the Fishing Bay race committees have been trained, and crew pros- Challenge Trophy will be awarded to FBYC’s first pects are being courted and trained. By the time you string team racers. Mike is working on developing read this, spring clean up will have happened, the the selection format and all interested in carrying cruisers will have held their opening dinner, you’ll club colors in competition, or just in getting involved have finished (well, almost) getting your boats in team racing, are encouraged to get in touch with ready, and the swallows will be back in Capistrano. him and get on the ladder. Definitely time to go sailing. Speaking of sprucing up the club, the question What better time than the beginning of the sea- gets asked from time to time by members admiring son than to get a refresher on basic safety and sea- some new improvement – that’s nice, but how can manship? George Burke has put together a faculty we afford to do it? The simple answer is planning of experts from all over to spend a day covering the and restraint. The planning starts with identifying basics of meteorology, coast guard rescue, medical long term needs through the long range planning and fire emergencies on the water, sharing the water process, prioritizing them and projecting target with commercial shipping, and preparation of your dates for completion. The annual budgeting process boat and crew: All with a view to preparing us to allows us to develop conservative projections of field the curves the Chesapeake and coastal waters available revenue and expected operating expenses, can throw even the most careful cruiser or racer. based on recent experience. Annual financial plan- George and his crew have even lined up sponsors to ning then considers what might be available, if reve- bring and demonstrate safety equipment to supple- nue and expense projections hold, for tackling capi- ment the program. All this happens April 14th at the tal improvement projects. (continued on page 3) main clubhouse. Reserve a spot early, as space is limited. FBYC Business Junior Corner Events Cruzan April Schedule Opening Day Page 2 Page 4 Page 7 Page 7 Page 11 Page 10 A p r i l 2 0 0 7 • w w w . f b y c . n e t • p a g e 1 FBYC BUSINESS TREASURER – Chip Hall HOUSE – Wes Jones has ob- FBYC BOARD reported that the major capital im- tained an estimate for painting the MEETING provement expense for February other third of the clubhouse where was for metal cladding installed on the metal cladding could not be HIGHLIGHTS the outside of the clubhouse. He used. also reported on the February 17 DOCKS – Alex Alvis will March 8, 2007 meeting in Fannie’s House with the schedule the inspection of the dry Meeting called to order at 6:05 Community Advisory Board sail hoist and will discuss mainte- p.m. by Commodore Allan Hey- (“CAB”). The major topics for dis- nance to the Seacraft hoist with ward. cussion were the events to be held Dixon Cole. REAR COMMODORE – R. at the club in 2007 over and above GROUNDS – Because drivers NOEL CLINARD the normal events and the club’s are bypassing the speed bump in SECRETARY – Steve Gillispie plans to extend the Fishing Bay front of Fannie’s House by driving presented the names of the 13 de- pier. Also, there is a lot of concern onto club property, Mayo Tabb will linquent members to the Board. among the group about traffic on have Dixon install some PVC pipes 2007 Fishing Bay Road as well as people on club property in line with the OFFICERS not obeying the speed limit. The speed bump. The tops of the speed club and the Stove Point Improve- bumps will also be re-painted and COMMODORE ment Association are working to- two “Slow – Children” signs in- Allan M. Heyward, gether on this issue and may ask stalled. Jr the local Sheriff’s office to help en- MEMBER-AT-LARGE – Lud force the speed limit. The club has Kimbrough is trying to coordinate VICE agreed to keep the group better in- getting one of the Jamestown boats COMMODORE formed this year and a second up for the John Smith Shallop Richard A. Bauer, meeting of the CAB is tentatively Rendezvous. Jim Reid will present Jr. scheduled for the fall. Jere Denni- the shallop boat oar, purchased son advised that the Leukemia Cup through contributions by Past REAR committee has decided to move the Commodores, to the club at the COMMODORE Auction and Gala events during the March 31 Cruising Division dinner. R. Noel regatta weekend from FBYC to WEBMASTER – The new Log Clinard Stingray Point Harbor because of banner was used for the March Log. concerns about the impact of hav- There are at least 1,375 Member SECRETARY ing several large, traffic-producing Role Preferences based on member C. events at FBYC over a short period entries on My FBYC. Strother Scott Stephenson Gillispie, Jr. of time; however, the racing activi- advised that a complex code needed ties associated with the Leukemia to produce the online Volunteer Cup Regatta will, as usual, be Sign Up Sheet has been finished, TREASURER headquartered at FBYC. With fewer which means we are getting closer Charles E. Hall large club events on the horizon to having the ability to record and next year, the Leukemia Cup Com- capture the names of volunteers in mittee and FBYC may reconsider a “user friendly way.” LOG STREAMER hosting the Auction and Gala at the VICE COMMODORE – James Morrison club in 2008. RICHARD A. BAUER, JR. A p r i l 2 0 0 7 • w w w . f b y c . n e t • p a g e 2 FBYC BUSINESS FLEET CAPTAIN – Jay Buhl withdrawn the dock permit request. maximum return for the money we announced that the Fishing Bay He also advised that the ramp re- spend. This is a discipline that has Yacht Club Training Day is April 15 pair work is underway and should been evolving for many years, and and will be held at the club. In- be finished soon. resulted in our having cash reserves structors are Paul Howle – Mr. NEW BUSINESS – Allan sufficient to allow us undertake two Roberts operator training, David Heyward discussed needed pool major investments back to back. Lee – race committee training, Lud maintenance work that must be The same planning and restraint Kimbrough – mark boat training, done this year and Mason Chap- have enabled us to meet the in- and David Hazlehurst – crew train- man explained how the pool sur- creased operating expenses of our ing. face would be repaired. Since the expanded facilities, without sacri- ONE DESIGN DIVISION – dock project is off the table for ficing needed maintenance of bulk- Five FBYC boats competed in the 2007, Mason advised that the heads, docks, and ramps, without Flying Scot Mid-Winters in St. Pe- budget would cover the repairs. A sacrificing our commitment to re- tersburg with Travis Weisleder hav- motion made to have Noel Clinard tire the land debt within seven ing the best overall finishes in the proceed with contracting to have years (so we can get back to build- group. the pool work done was unani- ing our reserves) and without rais- CRUISING DIVISION – The mously approved by the Board. ing dues for the last three years. It first Cruising event will be a pot- David Hazlehurst stated that has taken persistence, creativity, luck dinner on March 31 at the he felt the membership should be and a lot of hard work by a lot of club. Sponsors are being lined up brought up-to-date on the status of very capable people, but the end for the April 14 Safety at Sea pro- the club’s plan to pay off the debt result is worth it. We are not mort- gram. for the new property within seven gaging our future to look pretty for JUNIOR DIVISION – Eric years. Allan Heyward’s April Quar- the sake of looking pretty today, we Powers reported that Junior event terdeck article will cover this. are working overtime to make sure registration could now be made on- There being no additional busi- not a penny of the money you pay line. Housing for the two Junior ness, the meeting was adjourned at in dues and fees is wasted, and that coaches is needed. Also, Eric is 7:20 p.m we keep our priorities straight. looking for qualified replacements Before I let you go, I have a fa- Membership Updates for Tommy Coleman and his father vor to ask. Those books we all got because they will not be available RESIGNATIONS: in the mail recently look decep- Mr.
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