stone narratives heritage, mobility, performance Edited by Katja Hrobat Virloget, Irena Weber ◆ Daša Fabjan, Andrej Preložnik stone narratives S T O N E N A R R A T I V E S Heritage, mobility, performance Edited by Katja Hrobat Virloget, Irena Weber ◆ Daša Fabjan, Andrej Preložnik koper 2015 Večavtorska znanstvena monografija / A Multiple-Author Scientific Monograph Stone narratives. Heritage, mobility, performance. Urednice in urednik izdaje / Edited by ■ dr. Katja Hrobat Virloget, dr. Irena Weber ■ mag. Daša Fabjan, Andrej Preložnik Recenzenta / Reviewers ■ dr. Aleksandra Brezovec, dr. Jaka Repič Prevod / Translation ■ Anica Jaković, Višnja Morić, Snežana Smolić, Ivka Šimunović Lektoriranje / Proofreading ■ Martina Zajc, Mina Morrgan s.p. Oblikovanje, prelom in priprava za izdajo / Design and typesetting ■ dr. Jonatan Vinkler Fotografija na platnici / Picture on Front Cover■ Rafael Marn, Ad Pirum Izdala in založila / Published by ■ Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Titov trg 4, si-6000 Koper, Koper 2015 Glavni urednik / Editor-in-Chief ■ dr. Jonatan Vinkler Vodja založbe / Managing Editor ■ Alen Ježovnik isbn 978-961-6963-95-4 (http://www.hippocampus.si/isbn/978-961-6963-95-4.pdf) isbn 978-961-6963-96-1 (http://www.hippocampus.si/isbn/978-961-6963-96-1/index.html) isbn 978-961-6963-97-8 (printed version, not for sale) Tisk / Print ■ Grafika 3000, d. o. o., Dob Naklada / Print-run ■ 500 izvodov/copies © 2015 Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press Publikacija je rezultat projekta KAMEN-MOST - Kamen Krasa, Istre in Kvarnerja – ohranjanje dediščine in ozaveščanje o tradicionalnih tehnikah, pridobivanju in uporabi kamna, ki se je izvajal v okviru Evropskega teritorialnega sodelovanja OP Slovenija-Hrvaška 2007-2013. Projekt je bil delno financiran s strani Evropske skupnosti, Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. ◆ Publikacija je rezultat projekta KAMEN-MOST - Kamen Krasa, Istre i Kvarnera – očuvanje baštine i osvješćivanje o tradicionalnim tehnikama, eksploataciji i uporabi kamena, koji se provodio u okviru Europske teritorijalne suradnje Slovenija-Hrvatska 2007-2013. Projekt je djelomično financiran od strane Europske unije preko Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. ◆ This publication is one of the results of the KAMEN-MOST project (Stone of the Kras, Istria and Gulf of Kvarner – Heritage Preservation and Traditional techniques of stonemasonry; Obtaining and Using Stone). The project was approved within the European Territorial Cooperation OP Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013 and was co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 39(497.4):552(082)(0.034.2) STONE narratives [Elektronski vir] : heritage, mobility, performance / edited by Katja Hrobat Virloget ... [et al.] ; [prevod Anica Jaković ... et al.]. - El. knjiga. - Koper : Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015 Način dostopa (URL): http://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-6963-95-4.pdf Način dostopa (URL): http://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-6963-96-1/index.html ISBN 978-961-6963-95-4 (pdf) ISBN 978-961-6963-96-1 (html) 1. Hrobat Virloget, Katja 281170176 Content figures 7 katja hrobat virloget, irena weber Stone narratives. Heritage, mobility, performance: Introduction 9 jasna fakin bajec Interpretations of stone in the Karst yesterday, today and tomorrow 13 špela ledinek lozej Fireplaces in the Vipava Valley 27 bojan baskar Planting, growing and breeding stones 45 katja hrobat virloget Mythical tradition in the stone: The snootyBabas as elements of rites of passage and social control 55 petra kavrečič Visiting the Karst underground: development of cave tourism in Slovenia 65 nigel t. w. mills Public presentation of stone monuments 77 maja frencl, boštjan žvanut Versatility of mosaics: psychological, sociological, aesthetic and organizational aspects 101 irena weber »Wanna walk under the Rock?«: Land art, time, and tourist passages 113 5 stone narratives abstracts 129 povzetki 133 sažetci 137 authors 141 index 143 6 Figures jasna fakin bajec ■ interpretations of stone in the karst yesterday, today and tomorrow Figure 1: Kopriva, Quarry Kremenjak in the 1950s 15 Figure 2: Kobjeglava, part of stone window frame incorporated into a house wall 20 Figure 3: Škrbina, stone portals of the Karst courtyards in front of new buildings constructed in the 1990s 23 špela ledinek lozej ■ fireplaces in the vipava valley Figure 1: Fireplace at the homestead of Bežajevi, Podbreg 30 Figure 2: Illustration of a fireplace in the monthly Družina 37 katja hrobat virloget ■ mythical tradition in the stone: the snooty babas as elements of rites of passage and social control Figure 1: Baba monolith drawn by Majda Peršolja as she remembers it from childhood 56 Figure 2: Baba in the shape of a woman carved in the stone under the well on the entrance of Grobnik by Rijeka 57 Figure 3: The stone called Mati (Mother), Matjušk by the road Gropada-Basovizza -Bazovica 58 nigel t. w. mills ■ public presentation of stone monuments Figure 1: The Roman Frontier Gallery – theme 1 – Britain and the Empire 88 Figure 2: The Roman Frontier Gallery – theme 2 – Ebb and flow of the Frontier 90 Figure 3: The Roman Frontier Galle – themes 3 & 4 – Britain, an Imperial Province 94 Figure 4: The Roman Frontier Gallery – theme 5 – the Living Wall 96 7 stone narratives maja frencl, boštjan žvanut ■ versatility of mosaics: psychological, sociological, aesthetic and organizational aspects Figure 1: Mosaic as a team building tool 103 Figure 2: Mosaic construction as a children’s game 105 Figure 3: Mosaic as a tool for the activation of citizens and institutions in the creation of the environment 107 Figure 4: The role of mosaic in personal development, meditation and stress management 109 irena weber ■ »wanna walk under the rock?«: land art, time, and tourist passages Figure 1: Placed/displaced 115 Figure 2: Michael Heizer in his Double Negative, 1970 117 Figure 3: Levitated Mass at the LACMA 2015 117 Figure 4: My family posing under the rock 122 Figure 5: The rock posing with a palm tree 122 Figure 7: Strolling 124 Figure 6: Purposive walk 124 Figure 8: Underlined passages 126 Figure 9: Workspace 126 8 Stone narratives Heritage, mobility, performance Introduction Katja Hrobat Virloget, Irena Weber The monograph is one of the deliverables of the Kamen-Most Project (Stone-Bridge) car- ried out within the framework of the European territorial collaboration Slovenia–Croatia 2007‒2013. The aim of the project has been to help preserve and promote thestone herita- ge, the traditional knowledge of the exploitation and use of stone, the construction and re- storation techniques of dry walls and other similar constructions in the area of Karst, Is- tria and Kvarner. Some of the articles are extended discourse studies derived from a selection of papers presented at the international conference Stone & Story (Slovenian: Kamen pripoveduje, Croatian: Kamen priča), held on 27 and 28 September 2014 in the Encuentros Centre of the University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies in Portorož-Portorose. Besides the authors of the conference papers, other experts have also been invited to contribute their re- flections on the meaning and use of stone. The objective of the monograph is to combine diversestone narratives from different geographical regions, though the predominant geographical focus stems directly from the abovementioned research project. Thus in addition to the examples from Slovenia and Cro- atia, the narratives include comparative analyses from Great Britain, Romania, Brazil, Ha- waii, the Caribbean and the United States of America. As part of cultural traditions, stones are considered within the conceptual framework of contemporary understanding of heri- tage, constructed, contested, commodified. The mobility concept on the one hand perta- ins to the ability of stones to move and be moved (by natural forces, animals and humans). On the other hand, it refers to the historical and contemporary mobility of travellers and tourists engaged in natural and cultural tourism. Thestone worlds hold the potential of su- blime experiences, whether in the from of the ancient monuments or »natural« awe-inspi- ring stony landscapes. One such landscape is described by Petra Kavrečič discussing the 19th century travellers to three caves in present day Slovenia, Vilenica Cave, Škocjan Caves, and the best known among contemporary tourists, Postojna Cave. Drawing on historical docu- ments, travelogues and diaries, she looks into the perceptions and motivations of travellers in order to critically analyse the potentials of cave tourism. 9 stone narratives In addition to the sublime stone world, at the other side of the scale there are playful performances of tourists collecting pebbles, stacking the rocks, designing the paths by li- ning the stones, throwing stones in rivers or wishing wells. They sit under the rock and they walk under it. One such example is presented in article by Irena Weber who discusses a bi- ography of a particular rock that was imagined as a concept in the late 1960s and realized as an art sculpture at Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Belonging to the tradition of American Land art, the rock embodies several strands of temporality, geological time, hi- storical time, personal time and kairic potential of cultural tourism. Other papers discussed the stone in the broader aspects of its public interpretati- ons and its various meanings from former to contemporary times. The various perceptions of stone from past to contemporary times are discussed by four ethnologists and cultural anthropologists. In the paper »Interpretations of stone in the Karst yesterday, today and tomorrow« Jasna Fakin Bajec analyses the various roles and meanings of stone from the past to nowadays in the region of Karst, which were changing in dependence to the proces- ses of identity constructions (political, national, regional etc.): from the stone as the main building material through the symbol of poverty to today’s symbol of the regional identi- ty. Stone as a building material of fireplaces is the base of the paper Fireplaces» in the Vi- pava Valley« of Špela Ledinek Lozej.
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