RECYCLING CENTU Home of the News localicn-Date-Time Below. CANS Amttl",n Con Co" 16$1 I, 7 Milo Rd, ~r.hlvrdor, 10 .,m, I. 4 p,m. ECO.L1NE 879.' 333 ews Monda ....McIor, 10 A,m. 10 3 p.m. ross~ Pointe t5c Per Copy Vol. 33 -No. 31 le.oo Per Year 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section Ono ',', New Members of School Board Take Oaths l:lrimary Election El~ctorat~ HEADLINES I WIll Reply WEEK Set for Tuesday; On Sept. 7 AI Compiled by the All Urged toVote Board Unanimously Ap. Groue Pointe Newt I proves Superintendent ______ Anderson's Recl)m. G J::~;:68;[' :1~~o2JERN, Township to Ballot for Officials: National, State I mendation Democratic nominee for the and County Offices and Propositions By Pepper Whitelaw oIfice of President of the on Ballot United States, said that be The electorate will will stick by his running As the Tuesday, August 8, primary approaches, be al!ked to approye a mate Sen. Thomas Eagleton I Pointers have an opportunity to vote fo~ .numerous 1.~4 School OperatiO~al even though telegrams were offices, two proposals and two proposItions. And Ml11a.ge at the special pouring in asking him to pick the important point is to get out and be "heard." I electIOn slated for Thurs. a new vice.presidential can. Voters may cast their bal-'\) . ,day, September 7. The didate. Sen, McGovern com; lot for the following: U.S. T P recommendation was mented that he was 1,000 . 1 h S . d t percent behind his choice Senator,. CongreSSlona . re~. rustees U t made y upermten en despite reaction to Eagle. resentative, representatIve m . Theos 1. Anderson at a ton's revelation that he had the State Legislature, Pros. BusingStand special public meeting twice undergone sl1or~ treot- ecutin.g Attorney, Sheriff, t: held on Monday, July 31, ment for nervous b!':Jakcown. Counly Cle~k, County Treas- I R d at North High School. Ii' 01< • url!r, Register of Deeds, Drain Commissioner COWl. nto ecor The SIX. members of the Fridll~, Jo1Y 28 'd t (Will' PRESIDENT NIXON ac- ly Auditor, County Commls- boa r presen , la~ cused UN Secretary General sioner, Ch~rte~ Commission. Clarify Misunderstand. Adamls was abdsenDt),Aundam. Kurt Waldheim of a "hypo- er and a CIrcuIt Court Judge I mo~s y approve ;. n er. critical double slandard" in for a six.year ,term. ing Created by Artic e 1 son s recommendation. Waldheim's support of com. Township to Elect Printed in Detroit Dr. Anderson said the munist criticlsms of United In addition, GP Township News figure was based on an esti. States bombing of North will elect a supervisor, -treas. I mated enrollment of 12,715, Vie t n a m, while ignoring urer, clerk, 1rusteeand four By Pepp(',r Whitelaw some Bl~ !ewer students ~han . constables. the offlc1al fourth Fnday H an 0 i'g "barbarous mva. The two proposals l'n~lude Four s c h 0 0 1 boa.rd count for 1971.72 and ap. sion" of the south. Mr. Nixon ~ b t th 1 told newsmen the Secretary Proposal A, 'a proposed con. mem. ers a e specla proximately 600 !ewer st~. General has taken a one.sid. stltutional -amendment to meetmg of the Board of dents t h a n estimated In ed view of the war and has The newest trustees on the Grosse Pointe Schools; RAY MacARTHUR, ,Director of Busi- allow trial by a jury of less Education on M 0 n day, March of 1972. He indicated "seized upon this enemy.in. Board of Education, elected to four.year terms, ness and Finance and School Elections; MRS. than 12 jurors in all pros. July 31, asked that state. that the enrollment drop reo spired- propaganda." The were photographed during a ,brief swearing.in EDWARD C. HANPETER (JOAN) of Berkshire ecutions, in all courts, for ments be read into the fleets th~ results of lhe cur. President referred to the in. ceremony. Pictured, Geft to right), are DR. road; and MUIR B. SNOW III of Touraine road. ~!~d~meanors punishable by record to clarify a mis- rent busmg ~ontroversy. significant portions of the THEOS 1. AND E R SON, Superintendent of ImprISonment for not more understanding that reo State A1d Reduced north's system of dikes, I ------ than one year; and Propo. suIted from are c e n t He said that Ute latest reo which he said received minor. sal D, a Metro Park Propo. daily newspaper article port, dated July 25, fr()m the damage through accidental sal. b "; slate revlialed that Grosse ParkF.:sh:ng... ., " AntI- -Busl-ng Proponents StudY!AIw County Proposition B, a on usmg. , Pointe will receive 38 per. bombings. tax limitation proposition, Robert D. Warner satd, cent instead of 60 percent of " ~ $ Rode Set Claim 5 000 Signatures ToReguwte asks II the county continue "At the school board meet. the grandfather clause ap-' SAI~b~d~6i~~s 2~urned 0 , , for five additional years, ing on July. ~o, I was asked proprlation. (The g ran d. , F A 5 0 P - - f Griff- B S (1975-1979), Ute one.mill ap. by an tItdlVldual from Ute father clause is an allowance back counter attacking North or ug n etltlons or .....,. oat torage proved In 1968 tol' tivcyean, a\ld~en"e lJ. 1. wowd, alter 'alven' w .• el>OO\"dUs\r~,*,,~o'~ ofVi~tn;&mese",withip.300the government commnnd;YArds, ., ,- .. ,' ...... 19701974- , to prov ide var Ious all legel means were. ' ex.- ma int'amt hite r sta e al'd a"t' county services. hausted, bus my chl1dren if present levels when their. post in U~~ recently recaptur. All Resident Youngsters Freedom for Quality Education Group Hoping to House Traile~, Mobile Meanwhile, County Home ordered to do so. Unfortun- state aid formula has been: ~: :~:tr~~~:~nhf:h~:~.S~~ 5 to 16 Eligible; Must Get Senator as Speaker for Man Meeting; Homes and Campers Rule Proposition C asks if atelr, my answe.r as report. reduced). This reduces state; another action, South Vietnl.. R' t t p Movement Snowbals Also to be 'n eluded in the c,~unty elect a charter e.d m the Detroot News ar- aid some $36,000. It provides, egis er 0 ar- commISsion to irameand ticle of July 11, character- $61.66 per student as com~' ~~: )~~a~~~e:; ~~th~~~: tic:ipate By Pepper Wbltela" Woods Ordinance submit to the electorate a izerl ~e. JlS !'upportive 01. pared to last year's $97.97' Tri, moved 15 miles south. '-- The "Bust Busing" movement led by Leon county home rule charter cross-dlStr1ct busmg. This is per student. west and tried to eliminate The Park's ann u a I Sehoyan is snowballing into one of the biggest anti-' By Roger A. Waha ~nder fthMe.choinstitution and nO,t'Btrue, f th' The, 1972.73 tax rate also a Red threat to the govern. Fishing Rodeo will be Ibusing groups as yet organized in The Pointe. Mr. Aroun.d 90 Woods re~- aws 0 !C gan. ecause .0 e Impor. reflects the .25 mlll reduction ment's month old counter held Saturd~y, August 5, Sehoyan's organization, Freedom for Quality Educa. ldents filled the councIl . Candidates ~n TV lance of thiS issue, I feel due to the tax allocation offensive, it was disclosed from 8 a.m. to 1 p.~., tion, has in a two-week period secured over 5,000 chambers Monday,. Ju.ly Pomte~s also will have an compelled .to formally reo board's decision to provide by military spokesmen. After according to Val a r 1 e signatures on anti.busing petitions which Mr. Sehoy. 17, to express their dls- opportunity to see 14th Con- spon.d to thi~ article so. f.Mt this amoWlt of mll1age to the Communist attack was Thomas and Margaret an plans to personally present to Senator Robert P. pleasure with the pro- (Continued .. Page 2) I ,mIght clarify my position. Wayne County Community h lt d t B S th d d' t ----- Bound by Oath College a e a ong on, e Spindler, recreation co. Griffin. 1:---------- p~s.e or ma~ce 0 pro- FO d B" H 1 "As an elected official, I ' North Vietnamese were reo ordinators .. The Rodeo is Mr. Sehoyan has al.so ar.ils no danger involved, either hlblt the outSIde st~rage In S 19 au am sworn tJ uphold the con- Dr. Anderson said the l.~ ported holding about one. open to chl1dr~n between ranged for bumper sticker~'1 physical or education.wise, of boats, boat tral1ers, In Parked Car stitution. I cannot order the i~crease would restore the eighth of t~e ~~w~. the ages of flVe ar.d 16 badges and pledges. It 1S in open housing, but busing house trailers, mobile I employes of this system to high schoo~s and middle inclusive, who are Park hoped these will ~over legal is a different slor)'. homes, vacation campers take any unlawful actions or schools to SIX hour days and Sunda)', July 30 i I -- THE HIGHEST PAID residents. expenses for Pomters w~o I "I challenge those pro.bus. and other equipment for I City police r e eel ve d a I' willIully disobey a court I restore programs. there to RANS01\1 in the record of All t t ls' '.11 . I have refused to 'bus theIr. in" advocates to send their temporary or mobile liv_llarCeny from a car report order.
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