ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROGRAM FINAL REPORT DECEMBER 2004 – MARCH 2010 FEBRUARY 2010 This publication was produced by Development Alternatives, Inc. for the United States Agency for International Development - Indonesia under Contract No. 497-M-00-05-00005-00 Photo Credit: Nugroho Andwiwinarno/ESP Jakarta After five and a half years of field activities and programming across the Indonesian archipelago, the USAID-funded Environmental Services Program (ESP) culminated its close- down through a one-day workshop themed “Melanjutkan Jejak Perubahan”, or “Continuing the Footsteps of Change”, at Hotel Sultan, Jakarta on January 20, 2010. Multi-stakeholders were the driving force behind the workshop, sharing experiences, lessons learned and commitments to future collaborative work. Pictured here, multi-stakeholder representatives from various HPPs received Gandaria seedlings from ESP in appreciation for their dedicated work and to serve as a symbol of sustainability. For more about this, please read the Cover Story on page x. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROGRAM FINAL REPORT DECEMBER 2004 – MARCH 2010 Title: Environmental Services Program Final Report December 2004 – March 2010. Program, activity, or project number: Environmental Services Program, DAI Project Number: 5300201. Strategic objective number: SO No. 2, Higher Quality Basic Human Services Utilized (BHS). Sponsoring USAID office and contract number: USAID/Indonesia, Contract number: 497-M-00-05-00005-00. Contractor name: DAI. Date of publication: February 2010. USAID's Environmental Services Program (ESP) promotes better health through improved water resources management and expanded access to clean water and sanitation services The Environmental Services Program is implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc. In collaboration with: The Urban Institute Hatch Mott MacDonald Johns Hopkins Center for Communications Programs FIELD Indonesia John Snow, Inc. Rare Center for Tropical Conservation PERPAMSI/FORKAMI Social Impact CO2OL-USA Kleiman International Consultants, Inc. Evensen Dodge International Mayflower Partners LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ..............................................................................................................................IV COVER STORY ..........................................................................................................................X INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ..................................................................................... 13 PENGANTAR DAN RINGKASAN ............................................................................................... 13 THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROGRAM ........................................................................................... 15 PROGRAM LAYANAN JASA LINGKUNGAN (ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROGRAM).............................. 15 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACHIEVEMENTS ............................................................................................. 25 RINGKASAN PENCAPAIAN PROGRAM............................................................................................................... 25 ESP REGIONAL UPDATES.................................................................................................... 48 ACEH FINAL REPORT...................................................................................................................................... 49 NORTH SUMATRA FINAL REPORT ............................................................................................................ 56 WEST SUMATRA FINAL REPORT................................................................................................................. 64 JAKARTA FINAL REPORT............................................................................................................................... 67 WEST JAVA FINAL REPORT........................................................................................................................... 75 CENTRAL JAVA FINAL REPORT ................................................................................................................... 83 EAST JAVA FINAL REPORT............................................................................................................................. 90 PAPUA ADD-ON (APA) FINAL REPORT .................................................................................................... 97 EASTERN INDONESIA EXTENSION FINAL REPORT........................................................................... 103 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT & NATIONAL COMPONENTS ........................................ 114 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................... 115 PROGRAM OPERATIONS............................................................................................................................. 115 SMALL GRANTS............................................................................................................................................... 117 GENDER............................................................................................................................................................. 119 MONITORING & EVALUATION................................................................................................................. 121 WATERSHED MANAGEMENT & BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (WSM).................................. 125 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DELIVERY (SD) ........................................................................................ 134 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FINANCE (FN)......................................................................................... 144 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION FOR BEHAVIOR CHANGE (STRAT COMM) ........................... 156 PROJECT MONITORING & EVALUATION...................................................................... 163 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 175 APPENDIX A: SHORT-TERM TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (THROUGH MARCH 2010) ............... 176 APPENDIX B: REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS ...................................................................................... 183 APPENDIX C: SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM (THROUGH MARCH 2010)............................................... 190 APPENDIX D: SUMMARY OF ESP ACHIEVEMENTS BASED ON PMP............................................... 195 ACRONYMS The following is a list of acronyms commonly used in this report and on the project as a whole. APBN Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara / National budget ADB Asian Development Bank AF Agro-Forestry AFTA Yayasan Alumni Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas AIT Asian Institute of Technology Amerta A local NGO in Cianjur AMPL Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan / Drinking Water and Environment Health APBD Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah/ State Budget APHI Asosiasi Pengusaha Hutan Indonesia Apotik Hidup A ‘living pharmacy’ garden of medicinal plants APA Aceh-Papua Add-On APR Annual Progress Report ASPENTA The North Sumatra Tree Nursery Association ATW Akademi Tirta Wiyata (Technical University, based in Magelang, Central Java) AusAid Australia Agency for International Development Bapedalda Badan Pengendali Dampak Lingkungan Daerah Baplan Badan Planologi Departemen Kehutanan / Plannology Office of Ministry of Forestry Bappeda Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah / Regional Board of Development Planning Bappenas Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan National / National Board of Development Planning BEST Bina Ekonomi Sosial Terpadu BM Benchmarking BHS Basic Human Services Office of USAID BKKBN Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional BKSDA Balai Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam BORDA Bremen Overseas Research and Development Agency BP DAS Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai BRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia / Bank of Indonesian People (local bank) BPD Badan Perwakilan Desa BPKH Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan BTNGP Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango CB Capacity Building CBO Community-Based Organization CBS Community-Based Sanitation CB Watsan Community-Based Water and Sanitation CBSWM Community-Based Solid Waste Management CDIE Center for Development Information and Evaluation CFCD Corporate Forum for Community Development CGH Clean, Green, and Hygiene CI Conservation International CKNet Collaborative Knowledge Network Indonesia (network of 10 universities) CP Corporate Plan CRSP Collaborative Research Support Programs COP Chief of Party CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSS City-wide Sanitation Strategy CSS Customer Satisfaction Survey CSSP City-wide Sanitation Strategic Plans CWPP Community Watersheds Partnerships Program DAI Development Alternatives, Inc. Danareksa An Indonesian Investment Corporation DAP Development of Assistance Program DAS Daerah Aliran Sungai / Watershed Area DBE Decentralized Basic Education – a USAID Program DCA Development Credit Authority DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DEWATS Decentralized Waste Water Treatment System DEWATS-CBS Decentralized Waste Water Treatment System – Community- Based Sanitation Dinas KLH Dinas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup Dinkes Dinas Kesehatan DPRD Dewan Perwalikan Rakyat Daerah / Local Parliament ECO Asia Environmental Cooperation Asia – a regional USAID Program EIE Eastern Indonesia Expansion Program ESP Environmental Services Program – a USAID Program FA Field Assistant/Assistance FFI Flora and Fauna International FGD Focus Group Discussion FHI Family Health International FKK Forum Kesehatan
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