Thought for the week: c “I am free of all prej- 50 udices. I hate every- Irving one equally.” -- W.C. Fields RamblerRambler January 15, 2011 “Irving’s weekly community newspaper” Beer and wine sales ignite passions once again By Jess Paniszczyn residents. Kroger contributes signifi- “This particular store is down in with you that this variance is a big support, all from Irving residents The sale of beer and wine has cantly to the city through charitable year to year sales and identical store factor in the future of our store. And who shop at this store and use it al- a long history of controversy with organizations. We also contribute sales are behind last year, while our we are not averse to closing under most every day. All these letters were passionate voices on each side. significantly to the tax base. Our 6th other Irving stores have increased performing stores. Your decision to- collected at our 6th and MacArthur Those passions came to the forefront and MacArthur store alone brought their identical store sales. night is a major factor in the success store. So this support reflects the once again during the City Council in over $500,000 to the City of Ir- “As you make your decision of this valued neighborhood asset. meeting on Jan. 13. A zoning case ving through both property and sales tonight, I want to share very candidly “We have almost 300 letters of See COUNCIL, Page 4 was brought forward on behalf of taxes. the Kroger grocery store located at “Our store at 6th and MacArthur 515 South MacArthur Boulevard re- is not reaching our profit expecta- New resource for Ratteree Center questing a variance that would allow tions. I am here tonight to ask you for the store to sell beer and wine. Under a variance at our 6th and MacArthur the current ordinances, the Kroger store. This variance is critical for our property is too close to John Haley success in the future. Elementary School to sell beer and “The nearest full serve super- wine. market is Minyards where beer and “Our North Texas Kroger head- wine is sold. But we understand that quarters is right here in Irving along Minyards has announced they intend with our bottling plant, America’s to close their store. This means our Beverage, where we bottle Big Kroger store at 6th and MacArthur K and Kroger Water,” said Gary will be the only full service grocery Huddleston Director of Consumer store within that part of the city. Affairs for the Southwest division “It is increasingly difficult to of Kroger. “So anytime you drink maintain stores and open stores Kroger Water, you are drinking in working class neighborhoods Irving water. especially in this economy. We are “We employ over 600 people consistently evaluating each store, in Irving, and many are Irving its potential and its profitability. Students from the automotive technician field of study at Ratteree are joined by Dr. Rick Sorrells Gasoline prices rise (back row, left), Dallas County Schools superintendent, joins Dr. Dana T. Bedden, IISD superintendent By Jess Paniszczyn causing gasoline prices to be where of schools; Wes Cagle, diesel tech teacher; and John Walker, IISD transportation manager, as Dallas Over the past few months, the they are now, $2.92 to $3 per gal- County Schools donates a school bus to the diesel technician program at Ratteree Career Development price of gasoline has increased cost- lon. Center. Source: Irving ISD ing motorists more to fill up their “Crude oil is two-thirds the vehicles. As higher gas prices cause price of the cost of gasoline. So 66 Accounting firm completes review a ripple effect through our economy, percent of what we pay for gasoline it is becoming more apparent that is directly tied to the price of oil. the gasoline is a global commodity More oil and gasoline are being with the demands of other nations as used in developing countries whose of entertainment center expenses well as those of America impacting economies are growing. An independent accounting firm Manager Tommy Gonzalez. “As we has been pleased with the oversight its price and availability. “We are looking at an increase concluded a review of expenses move forward, an expanded devel- and transparency provided by the “Oil prices in August were in the price of oil in the commodi- reimbursed to the Las Colinas opment team will ensure compre- staff development team and this in- $72 per barrel,” said Dan Ronan, ties trade. Commodity traders are Group for work on the Las Colinas hensive integrity in all processes.” dependent review asserts substantial Manager-Corporate Communica- buying oil now on futures contracts Entertainment Center project. The “This voter approved project excellent performance throughout tion AAA Texas/NM. “Now we are at a higher price. They are anticipat- entertainment center is a 600,000 is now completely designed and this predevelopment stage.” at $91 to $92 per barrel. There has ing higher oil prices, because of an square foot facility that would be construction ready,” said Mayor Source: City of Irving been a $20 increase over a period of improved US economy,” he said. anchored by a 5,200 seat concert Herbert A. Gears. “Our City Council four to five months. That is what is The future price of gasoline re- hall as well as restaurants and other mains difficult to predict, according amenities planned for land adjacent to Dr. John Felmy, chief economist to the city’s new convention center. WE CARE ABOUT YOU for the American Petroleum Insti- “We received full cooperation tute. from the Beck Group and the Las & YOUR FAMILY “Oil was trading earlier today Colinas Group while conducting (Jan. 12) at over $92 per barrel. our review,” said Jim Smith, manag- ing director of the Dallas CPA firm 972-253-4200 PERIODICALS Trading hasn’t closed yet on the 972-253-4200 IRVING TEXAS IRVING POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE PERMIT #024981 PERMIT New York Mercantile Exchange, but Smith, Jackson, Boyer & Bovard. www.mscitx.com it will make it the highest level we “We spent a number of days in the Office Hours: Las Colinas Group offices and they have seen since October 2008,” Mr. Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–5:00 PM Felmy said. were very open and helpful as was Beck in helping us complete our After Hours Clinic: Lab & Radiology: “The future price of oil is going No appointment necessary to be very much a function of supply review.” Mon-Fri 7:30 AM–5:30 PM Mon-Fri 5:00 PM–9:00 PM Not available for After Hours Clinic and demand conditions worldwide. Expenses were reviewed based Sat & Sun 9:00 AM–4:00 PM What we are seeing now is strong on whether they are reimbursable under the Texas Brimer Law (which Main Location: demand outside of developed econo- 2021 N. MacArthur Blvd, Irving, 75061 mies in areas like China, India and allows cities to sell bonds for certain the Middle East. That will be the projects), the legal and development Other Locations: agreements between the Las Colinas first factor. The second is how will Baylor MOBI: the supply situation change? Group and the city, and covenants 2001 N. MacArthur Blvd. #425 “Demand has increased in the for the bonds sold to finance the Valdez Clinic: Las Colinas: USA. It is up a couple of percent so entertainment center. 3501 N. MacArthur Blvd #400 6750 N. MacArthur Blvd. #250 far year to date for 2010. It appears Of the $22 million in expen- Tuscan: OB/GYN: to be up a little bit for the first part of ditures, the accounting review de- 701 Tuscan Dr #205 6750 N. MacArthur Blvd. #255 The Irving Rambler Box 177731 P.O. TX 75017 Irving, 2011. Since the USA is a large con- termined that $132,000 should be sumer, any increase has an impact, disallowed as per the development but it is much less than what you are agreement, Brimer law and bond seeing in areas like China. covenants. The vast majority of the “It looks like we will have to see $22 million reimbursements to the how those conditions come together. Las Colinas Group and the Beck As I like to say, it is a cloudy crystal Group to date have been for archi- ball. tectural work, project management, Irving Rambler $0.50 “For readers to have a good legal and financial services. “Staff is always looking at ways See DRIVERS, Page 7 to improve processes,” said City Page 2 January 15, 2011 www.IrvingRambler.com The Irving Rambler POLICE Aggravated Robbery: 01-09-11 as well. Both structures appear to a shooting victim. The victim told of- in route, a call came in of a shooting at 8 p.m. Two male suspects Structure Fire: 01-09-11 at 8 p.m. be total losses. The Red Cross ficers that he was walking to the Stone victim at the 5400 block of. N. Mac- entered Wendy’s and displayed a An AC/heater unit caught fire in responded to assist the family from Hill Terrace Apartment Complex from Arthur Blvd. inside the Valero Gas pistol. The suspects’ faces were the 2300 block of Penn and the the second mobile home. behind the Chevron Gas Station lo- Station. Officers located the victim covered with bandanas and they fire spread a mobile home. Both cated at Northgate and Beltline when lying on the floor inside the Valero had socks on their hands. They occupants were able to exit safely. Burglary of a Habitation: 01-10-11 he heard gun shots.
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