2011 Income 2011 Education 2011 Housing 2011 Labour Force 2011 CWB 2011 Global Non‐ Type of 2011 NHS CSD Code Census subdivision (CSD) name Score Score Score Activity Score Score Response Province Collectivity Population 1001105 Portugal Cove South 67 36% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 160 1001113 Trepassey 90 42 95 71 74 35% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 545 1001131 Renews‐Cappahayden 78 46 95 82 75 35% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 310 1001144 Aquaforte 72 31% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 90 1001149 Ferryland 78 53 94 70 74 48% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 465 1001169 St. Vincent's‐St. Stephen's‐Peter's River 81 54 94 69 74 37% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 315 1001174 Gaskiers‐Point La Haye 71 39% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 235 1001186 Admirals Beach 79 22% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 85 1001192 St. Joseph's 72 27% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 125 1001203 Division No. 1, Subd. X 76 44 91 77 72 45% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 495 1001228 St. Bride's 76 38 96 78 72 24% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 295 1001281 Chance Cove 74 40% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 120 1001289 Chapel Arm 79 47 92 78 74 38% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 405 1001304 Division No. 1, Subd. E 80 48 96 78 76 20% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 2990 1001308 Whiteway 80 50 93 82 76 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 255 1001321 Division No. 1, Subd. F 74 41 98 70 71 45% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 550 1001328 New Perlican 66 28% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 120 1001332 Winterton 78 38 95 61 68 41% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 475 1001339 Division No. 1, Subd. G 78 42 95 78 73 43% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 2030 1001343 Old Perlican 87 58 95 83 81 48% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 630 1001352 Small Point‐Adam's Cove‐Blackhead‐Broad Cove 74 40 96 74 71 42% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 390 1001361 Salmon Cove 87 47 96 82 78 32% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 695 1001370 Carbonear 82 57 97 75 78 38% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 4460 1001379 Harbour Grace 79 50 93 68 73 35% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 3205 1001394 Bishop's Cove 59 35% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 165 1001396 Spaniard's Bay 76 57 97 74 76 49% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 2690 1001409 Bay Roberts 81 51 95 77 76 32% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 5785 1001415 Division No. 1, Subd. L 86 42 98 83 77 48% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 955 1001426 North River 84 59 86 67 74 41% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 670 1001441 Division No. 1, Subd. N 75 25 92 77 67 26% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 335 1001446 Brigus 79 51 93 88 78 39% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 590 1001461 Conception Harbour 80 62 87 82 78 48% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 720 1001464 Avondale 87 63 95 73 79 49% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 635 1001485 Conception Bay South 89 61 97 86 83 26% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 24475 1001504 Portugal Cove‐St. Philip's 93 65 94 86 85 37% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 7345 1001505 Pouch Cove 81 61 97 85 81 40% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1965 1001507 Flatrock 88 61 99 89 84 37% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1495 1001509 Torbay 91 67 98 88 86 38% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 7330 1001511 Logy Bay‐Middle Cove‐Outer Cove 97 72 99 90 89 38% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 2070 1001512 Bauline 81 61 90 92 81 17% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 260 1001517 Paradise 95 68 99 90 88 22% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 17545 1001519 St. John's 91 68 96 84 85 29% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 103905 1001542 Mount Pearl 90 64 97 86 84 24% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 24105 1002001 Division No. 2, Subd. E 75 14% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 215 1002002 Lewin's Cove 83 55 97 82 79 42% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 555 1002005 Burin 86 46 96 78 76 36% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 2410 1002006 Division No. 2, Subd. F 78 42% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 120 1002008 St. Lawrence 76 46 87 76 71 36% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1215 Page 1 of 70 2011 Income 2011 Education 2011 Housing 2011 Labour Force 2011 CWB 2011 Global Non‐ Type of 2011 NHS CSD Code Census subdivision (CSD) name Score Score Score Activity Score Score Response Province Collectivity Population 1002011 Lawn 87 46 93 77 76 22% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 670 1002012 Lamaline 67 43 95 55 65 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 250 1002013 Lord's Cove 72 44% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 205 1002014 Point May 53 23 68 59 51 45% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 255 1002018 Fortune 77 37 92 71 69 30% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1455 1002019 Grand Bank 80 39 97 68 71 30% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 2320 1002022 Division No. 2, Subd. D 77 26% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 255 1002023 Winterland 78 54 98 91 80 37% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 365 1002024 Marystown 84 54 96 74 77 39% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 5440 1002025 Fox Cove‐Mortier 76 40% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 360 1002027 Bay L'Argent 71 27% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 315 1002030 Grand le Pierre 72 23% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 145 1002031 Division No. 2, Subd. C 79 38 96 72 72 40% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 575 1002033 Rushoon 99 50 95 74 80 29% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 290 1002034 Parkers Cove 79 39 95 62 68 44% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 445 1002036 Terrenceville 70 47% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 530 1002037 Red Harbour 77 18% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 190 1002040 Baine Harbour 75 0% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 90 1002041 St. Bernard's‐Jacques Fontaine 77 33 95 76 70 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 470 1002055 Little Bay East 59 12% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 130 1003003 St. Jacques‐Coomb's Cove 75 35 97 71 69 40% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 620 1003004 Belleoram 71 21 95 71 64 36% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 260 1003005 Pool's Cove 69 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 115 1003008 Harbour Breton 80 45 95 82 75 46% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1690 1003010 Seal Cove (Fortune Bay) 72 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 260 1003011 Hermitage‐Sandyville 78 34 93 78 70 28% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 450 1003012 Gaultois 63 35% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 180 1003014 Division No. 3, Subd. D 80 27 96 68 68 42% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 265 1003018 Milltown‐Head of Bay d'Espoir 86 44 98 74 76 30% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 785 1003019 St. Alban's 76 39 94 73 71 40% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1385 1003020 Morrisville 69 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 115 1003021 Division No. 3, Subd. E 66 37% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 175 1003024 Division No. 3, Subd. F 71 33 94 42 60 29% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 385 1003026 Ramea 81 42 96 78 74 27% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 315 1003028 Burgeo 79 33 95 60 67 19% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1395 1003031 Division No. 3, Subd. H 79 49 94 70 73 37% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 725 1003032 Isle aux Morts 76 36 95 59 67 13% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 625 1003033 Burnt Islands 81 31 99 65 69 20% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 685 1003034 Channel‐Port aux Basques 79 39 97 74 72 34% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 4100 1003038 Division No. 3, Subd. I 68 12% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 80 1003042 Division No. 3, Subd. J 72 33 91 67 66 18% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 390 1003045 Rose Blanche‐Harbour le Cou 60 33% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 100 1003801 Samiajij Miawpukek 68 51 95 79 73 3% Newfoundland and Labrador First Nation 920 1004001 Division No. 4, Subd. A 81 39 95 67 70 41% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1795 1004011 Division No. 4, Subd. C 69 32 90 55 61 42% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 725 1004013 St. George's 78 50 94 64 72 30% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1205 1004016 Division No. 4, Subd. D 80 45 91 76 73 46% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 830 1004018 Stephenville Crossing 73 42 94 62 68 48% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1825 Page 2 of 70 2011 Income 2011 Education 2011 Housing 2011 Labour Force 2011 CWB 2011 Global Non‐ Type of 2011 NHS CSD Code Census subdivision (CSD) name Score Score Score Activity Score Score Response Province Collectivity Population 1004019 Stephenville 80 54 94 74 76 22% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 6615 1004020 Kippens 89 65 98 81 83 36% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1760 1004021 Port au Port East 75 59 94 65 73 47% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 600 1004022 Division No. 4, Subd. E 68 36 90 62 64 25% Newfoundland and Labrador Non‐Aboriginal 1940 1004033 Cape St.
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