IUCN Red List version 2016-3: Table 7 Last Updated: 07 December 2016 Table 7: Species changing IUCN Red List Status (2015-2016) Published listings of a species' status may change for a variety of reasons (genuine improvement or deterioration in status; new information being available that was not known at the time of the previous assessment; taxonomic changes; corrections to mistakes made in previous assessments, etc. To help Red List users interpret the changes between the Red List updates, a summary of species that have changed category between 2015 (IUCN Red List version 2015.4) and 2016 (IUCN Red List version 2016-3) and the reasons for these changes is provided in the table below. IUCN Red List Categories: EX - Extinct, EW - Extinct in the Wild, CR - Critically Endangered, EN - Endangered, VU - Vulnerable, LR/cd - Lower Risk/conservation dependent, NT - Near Threatened (includes LR/nt - Lower Risk/near threatened), DD - Data Deficient, LC - Least Concern (includes LR/lc - Lower Risk, least concern). Reasons for change: G - Genuine status change (genuine improvement or deterioration in the species' status); N - Non-genuine status change (i.e., status changes due to new information, improved knowledge of the criteria, incorrect data used previously, taxonomic revision, etc.); E - Previous listing was an Error. IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2015) List (2016) change version Category Category MAMMALS Abrocoma shistacea Sierra Del Tontal Chinchilla Rat DD LC N 2016-2 Abrothrix illutea Gray Akodont NT LC N 2016-3 Acerodon celebensis Sulawesi Fruit Bat LC VU N 2016-2 Aeromys thomasi Thomas's Flying Squirrel DD LC N 2016-3 Ailuropoda melanoleuca Giant Panda EN VU G 2016-2 Alticola olchonensis Olkhon Mountain Vole DD EN N 2016-3 Anoura cultrata Handley's Tailless Bat NT LC N 2016-2 Antechinus bellus Fawn Antechinus LC VU G 2016-2 Apodemus gurkha Nepalese Field Mouse EN LC N 2016-3 Apomys abrae Luzon Cordillera Apomys DD LC N 2016-3 Apomys gracilirostris Large Mondoro Apomys DD LC N 2016-3 Apomys sacobianus Long-nosed Luzon Apomys DD LC N 2016-3 Arctonyx collaris Greater Hog Badger NT VU N 2016-1 Arielulus cuprosus Coppery Sprite DD VU N 2016-2 Brachytarsomys villosa Hairy-tailed Tree Rat EN VU N 2016-3 Callosciurus adamsi Ear-spot Squirrel VU NT N 2016-2 Cephalophus dorsalis Bay Duiker LC NT G 2016-1 Cephalophus leucogaster White-bellied Duiker LC NT G 2016-1 Cephalophus silvicultor Yellow-backed Duiker LC NT G 2016-1 Cercocebus atys Sooty Mangabey VU NT N 2016-1 Chacodelphys formosa VU NT N 2016-3 Chinchilla chinchilla Short-tailed Chinchilla CR EN N 2016-2 Chinchilla lanigera Long-tailed Chinchilla CR EN N 2016-2 Chiroderma improvisum Guadeloupean Big-eared Bat VU EN N 2016-1 Chiropodomys karlkoopmani Koopman's Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse EN VU N 2016-3 Chrotogale owstoni Owston's Civet VU EN N 2016-1 Conilurus penicillatus Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat NT VU G 2016-1 Crocidura baileyi Bailey's Shrew EN LC N 2016-3 Crocidura baluensis Kinabalu Shrew VU LC N 2016-3 Crocidura douceti Doucet's Musk Shrew DD LC N 2016-3 Crocidura fumosa Smoky White-toothed Shrew VU LC N 2016-3 Crocidura glassi Glass's Shrew VU NT N 2016-3 Crocidura kivuana Kivu Shrew VU NT N 2016-3 Crocidura lanosa Lemara Shrew EN VU N 2016-3 Crocidura macmillani Macmillan's Shrew VU NT N 2016-3 Crocidura orientalis Oriental Shrew VU LC N 2016-3 Crocidura telfordi Telford's Shrew EN VU N 2016-3 Crocidura virgata DD LC N 2016-3 Cryptotis obscura Grizzled Mexican Small-eared Shrew VU LC N 2016-3 Cuscomys oblativa Machu Picchu Arboreal Chinchilla Rat EX DD N 2016-2 Dasycercus cristicauda Crest-tailed Mulgara LC NT N 2016-1 Dasyurus viverrinus Eastern Quoll NT EN G 2016-1 Dendrolagus lumholtzi Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo LC NT N 2016-1 Dendrolagus spadix Lowlands Tree Kangaroo LC VU G 2016-2 Dendromus oreas Cameroon Climbing Mouse VU LC N 2016-3 Desmana moschata Russian Desman VU EN G 2016-2 Desmomys yaldeni Yalden's Desmomys EN VU N 2016-3 Eliurus danieli Daniel's Tuft-tailed Rat DD LC N 2016-3 Eliurus petteri Petter's Tuft-tailed Rat VU EN N 2016-3 Eptesicus diminutus Diminutive Serotine DD LC N 2016-3 Eptesicus guadeloupensis Guadeloupe Big Brown Bat VU EN N 2016-1 Equus quagga Plains Zebra LC NT G 2016-2 Eudiscopus denticulus Disk-footed Bat DD LC N 2016-2 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2015) List (2016) change version Category Category Eumops floridanus Florida Bonneted Bat CR VU N 2016-1 Eupleres goudotii Eastern Falanouc EN VU G 2016-1 Felis margarita Sand Cat NT LC N 2016-2 Galidictis fasciata Broad-striped Vontsira NT VU G 2016-1 Gazella cuvieri Cuvier's Gazelle EN VU N 2016-2 Genetta abyssinica Ethiopian Genet LC DD N 2016-1 Genetta johnstoni Johnston's Genet VU NT N 2016-1 Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe LC VU G 2016-3 Gorilla beringei Eastern Gorilla EN CR G 2016-2 Gracilinanus dryas Wood Sprite Gracile Mouse Opossum NT LC N 2016-1 Gymnobelideus leadbeateri Leadbeater's Possum EN CR G 2016-1 Herpestes brachyurus Short-tailed Mongoose LC NT N 2016-1 Hipposideros coxi Cox's Leaf-nosed Bat DD EN N 2016-2 Hipposideros durgadasi Durga Das's Leaf-nosed Bat EN VU N 2016-2 Hipposideros grandis Grand Leaf-nosed Bat DD LC N 2016-3 Hipposideros halophyllus Thailand Leaf-nosed Bat EN VU N 2016-2 Hipposideros hypophyllus Kolar Leaf-nosed Bat EN CR G 2016-2 Hipposideros orbiculus Orbiculus Leaf-nosed Bat EN VU N 2016-2 Histriophoca fasciata Ribbon Seal DD LC N 2016-1 Lagostrophus fasciatus Banded Hare Wallaby EN VU N 2016-1 Laonastes aenigmamus Kha-nyou EN LC N 2016-2 Lasiorhinus latifrons Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat LC NT N 2016-1 Leopoldamys neilli Neill's Leopoldamys DD LC N 2016-1 Leopoldamys siporanus Mentawai Archipelago Leopoldamys EN VU N 2016-2 Leporillus apicalis Lesser Stick-nest Rat CR EX N 2016-1 Leporillus conditor Greater Stick-nest Rat VU NT G 2016-2 Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Lesser Long-nosed Bat VU NT N 2016-1 Lepus hainanus Hainan Hare VU EN N 2016-3 Lonchophylla bokermanni Bokermann's Nectar Bat DD EN N 2016-3 Lonchophylla concava NT LC N 2016-2 Lonchophylla dekeyseri Dekeyser's Nectar Bat NT EN N 2016-2 Lonchophylla mordax Goldman's Nectar Bat LC NT N 2016-3 Lonchorhina marinkellei Marinkelle's Sword-nosed Bat EN VU N 2016-2 Lophuromys eisentrauti EN CR N 2016-3 Lophuromys rahmi Rahm's Brush-furred Rat EN NT N 2016-3 Lycalopex fulvipes Darwin's Fox CR EN N 2016-1 Lyncodon patagonicus Patagonian Weasel DD LC N 2016-1 Mastomys awashensis Awash Multimammate Mouse VU LC N 2016-3 Maxomys pagensis Mentawai Archipelago Maxomys EN VU N 2016-3 Melogale orientalis Javan Ferret Badger DD LC N 2016-1 Melogale personata Large-toothed Ferret Badger DD LC N 2016-1 Melomys rubicola Bramble Cay Melomys CR EX G 2016-2 Mesembriomys gouldii Black-footed Tree-rat NT VU G 2016-2 Micropotamogale lamottei Nimba Otter Shrew EN NT N 2016-1 Micropotamogale ruwenzorii Rwenzori Otter Shrew NT LC N 2016-1 Microtus kermanensis Baluchistan Vole EN DD N 2016-3 Microtus qazvinensis DD LC N 2016-3 Microtus schelkovnikovi Schelkovnikov's Pine Vole NT LC N 2016-3 Mogera uchidai Senkaku Mole DD VU N 2016-2 Molossops aequatorianus Equatorial Dog-faced Bat VU EN N 2016-1 Monodelphis handleyi Handley's Short-tailed Opossum NT DD N 2016-3 Muntiacus atherodes Bornean Yellow Muntjac LC NT G 2016-2 Muntiacus vuquangensis Large-antlered Muntjac EN CR G 2016-2 Murexia rothschildi Broad-striped Dasyure VU NT N 2016-2 Murina harrisoni Harrison's Murine Bat DD LC N 2016-2 Murina leucogaster Rufous Tube-nosed Bat DD LC N 2016-2 Mus fragilicauda Sheath-tailed Mouse DD LC N 2016-1 Mus vulcani Javan Shrew-like Mouse VU LC N 2016-3 Mustela itatsi Japanese Weasel LC NT N 2016-1 Mustela lutreolina Indonesian Mountain Weasel DD LC N 2016-1 Myonycteris relicta East African Little Collared fruit Bat VU LC N 2016-1 Myosorex okuensis Oku Mouse Shrew EN VU N 2016-3 Myosorex zinki Kilimanjaro Moouse Shrew VU LC N 2016-3 Myotis atacamensis Atacama Myotis NT EN N 2016-1 Myotis martiniquensis Schwartz's Myotis VU NT N 2016-1 Myotis punicus Maghreb Mouse-eared Bat NT DD N 2016-2 Myotis sodalis Indiana Bat EN NT N 2016-1 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2015) List (2016) change version Category Category Nasuella olivacea Western Mountain Coati DD NT N 2016-1 Natalus primus Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat CR VU N 2016-1 Neonycteris pusilla Least Big-eared Bat VU DD N 2016-2 Niviventer hinpoon Limestone Niviventer DD EN N 2016-3 Notomys cervinus Fawn Hopping-mouse VU NT G 2016-2 Notoryctes caurinus Kakarratul DD LC N 2016-1 Notoryctes typhlops Itjaritjari DD LC N 2016-1 Nyctalus azoreum Azorean Bat EN VU N 2016-2 Nyctalus lasiopterus Giant Noctule NT VU G 2016-2 Ochotona argentata Silver Pika CR EN N 2016-3 Odobenus rosmarus Walrus DD VU N 2016-1 Onychogalea fraenata Bridled Nailtail Wallaby EN VU G 2016-1 Ornithorhynchus anatinus Platypus LC NT G 2016-1 Palawanomys furvus Palawan Mountain Rat DD LC N 2016-3 Panthera pardus Leopard NT VU N 2016-1 Pantholops hodgsonii Tibetan Antelope EN NT G 2016-2 Paradoxurus zeylonensis Golden Palm Civet VU LC N 2016-1 Pelomys isseli Issel's Groove-toothed Swamp Rat DD NT N 2016-3 Perameles bougainville Western Barred Bandicoot EN VU N 2016-1 Perameles gunnii Eastern Barred Bandicoot NT VU G 2016-2 Petauroides volans Greater Glider LC VU G 2016-1 Petaurus australis Yellow-bellied Glider LC NT G 2016-1 Petinomys fuscocapillus NT LC N 2016-3 Petinomys lugens Siberut Flying Squirrel EN VU N 2016-2 Petrogale concinna Nabarlek DD EN N 2016-1 Petrogale godmani Godman's Rock Wallaby
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