paper on ink and watercolour , 2016 2016 , City World Lost Kregar, Gregor : Front cover Front what choices you would have made if you were the judge.” the were you if made have would you choices what Director | Kaitohu | Director with New Zealand ceramics, and that you will all argue for for argue all will you that and ceramics, Zealand New with Clifford Andrew hope that you will share the pleasure I had in engaging engaging in had I pleasure the share will you that hope collective energy continue. energy collective “I offer you my choices, a varied and eclectic mix, and and mix, eclectic and varied a choices, my you offer “I that call this dynamic landscape home. Long may this this may Long home. landscape dynamic this call that Zealand. Janet DeBoos writes, DeBoos Janet Zealand. in West Auckland alongside the diverse communities communities diverse the alongside Auckland West in 19 November 2016 – 12 February 2017 February 12 – 2016 November 19 a glimpse of the diversity of practice that exists in New New in exists that practice of diversity the of glimpse a 19 November 2016 – 26 February 2017 February 26 – 2016 November 19 that celebrates our own 30th anniversary of working working of anniversary 30th own our celebrates that Ceramic Awards exhibitions, this year’s selection provides provides selection year’s this exhibitions, Awards Ceramic of Auckland, Centre for Art Studies. Art for Centre Auckland, of exhibition in late November alongside an exhibition exhibition an alongside November late in exhibition forward to sharing these stories over the coming year. coming the over stories these sharing to forward exhibition from a total of 234 entries. Like previous Portage Portage previous Like entries. 234 of total a from exhibition 11 November 2016 – 5 February 2017 February 5 – 2016 November 11 McCahon House Trust with support from the University University the from support with Trust House McCahon runs for most of the summer period. We opened this this opened We period. summer the of most for runs of significant events and milestones, and we look look we and milestones, and events significant of artist and teacher, who has selected 52 works for the the for works 52 selected has who teacher, and artist Curated by Linda Tyler. Presented in association with with association in Presented Tyler. Linda by Curated Yi-Ming Lin and Helen Yau. Helen and Lin Yi-Ming , which which , One’s Own: the Creative Life of Anne McCahon Anne of Life Creative the Own: One’s documentation. Visitors may have their own memories memories own their have may Visitors documentation. 2 December 2016 – 12 February 2017 February 12 – 2016 December 2 The 2016 judge is Janet DeBoos, an influential ceramic ceramic influential an DeBoos, Janet is judge 2016 The Chuck Joseph, Paul Winspear, Madeleine Child, Mel Ford, Ford, Mel Child, Madeleine Winspear, Paul Joseph, Chuck A Table of of Table A 10th anniversary with the special exhibition, exhibition, special the with anniversary 10th three decades through publications, ephemera and and ephemera publications, through decades three from the all purpose family table. table. family purpose all the from modeled and cast in lead crystal glass and bronze. bronze. and glass crystal lead in cast and modeled Kirsty Gardiner, Susannah Bridges, Janna van Hasselt, Hasselt, van Janna Bridges, Susannah Gardiner, Kirsty possibilities. future as term partners, McCahon House, to celebrate their their celebrate to House, McCahon partners, term year with a slice of history sampled from the last last the from sampled history of slice a with year to find their mother packing away illustration materials materials illustration away packing mother their find to another process where they are meticulously hand hand meticulously are they where process another Cooper; and recipients of honourable mentions, Maak Bow, Bow, Maak mentions, honourable of recipients and Cooper; well as field, the in directions current of showcase known We are also delighted to be working with our long- our with working be to delighted also are We as a Hotel. This exhibition launches our commemorative commemorative our launches exhibition This Hotel. a as children would tell, in which they recall arriving home home arriving recall they which in tell, would children mass-produced toys. These sculptures then go through through go then sculptures These toys. mass-produced Susannah Bridges, Mark Goody & Emily Siddell and Jim Jim and Siddell Emily & Goody Mark Bridges, Susannah best- country’s the are awards the 2001, in Established day after Lopdell House itself first opened in Titirangi Titirangi in opened first itself House Lopdell after day work. The exhibition title comes from a story her her story a from comes title exhibition The work. and is curated by Ian Wedde. Ian by curated is and usually symbols of power and evolution, become cheap, cheap, become evolution, and power of symbols usually work by prize-winners Caroline Earley, Greg Barron, Barron, Greg Earley, Caroline prize-winners by work Zealand. New in practices ceramic of state the on update and Cultural Centre in Lopdell House, 56 years to the the to years 56 House, Lopdell in Centre Cultural and supplementing the family income through illustration illustration through income family the supplementing was commissioned by the Asia Society Hong Kong Kong Hong Society Asia the by commissioned was to unexpected. In this case, prehistoric dinosaurs, dinosaurs, prehistoric case, this In unexpected. to This year’s Portage Ceramic Awards exhibition features features exhibition Awards Ceramic Portage year’s This annual an offers exhibition Awards Ceramic Portage The Society (now Te Uru) opened the Waitemata City Arts Arts City Waitemata the opened Uru) Te (now Society 1953-59, running the household, hosting guests and and guests hosting household, the running 1953-59, , which which , Photography of Brian Brake and Steve McCurry Steve and Brake Brian of Photography monumental to fragile, mythical to kitsch, or familiar familiar or kitsch, to mythical fragile, to monumental On Wednesday 19 November 1986, the Lopdell House House Lopdell the 1986, November 19 Wednesday On as McCahon House, where the family lived from from lived family the where House, McCahon as Picturing Asia – Double Take: The The Take: Double – Asia Picturing the major exhibition, exhibition, major the meaning through subtle changes in form, shifting from from shifting form, in changes subtle through meaning Anne was a significant presence in what is now known known now is what in presence significant a was Anne be working with the Auckland Arts Festival to present present to Festival Arts Auckland the with working be materiality. He enjoys creating sculpture that changes changes that sculpture creating enjoys He materiality. hit with ‘Room that Echoes’. that ‘Room with hit stronger community connections. So we are excited to to excited are we So connections. community stronger RDS 2016 RDS A AW understanding of objects through scale, repetition and and repetition scale, through objects of understanding ‘Absolute Beginners’ and Peking Man had a major local local major a had Man Peking and Beginners’ ‘Absolute Woollaston, and her soon-to-be husband, Colin. Colin. husband, soon-to-be her and Woollaston, Uru operates, allowing bigger shared ambitions and and ambitions shared bigger allowing operates, Uru Kregar is known for works that playfully question our our question playfully that works for known is Kregar released ‘Slice of Heaven’, David Bowie released released Bowie David Heaven’, of ‘Slice released trips with fellow artists Doris Lusk, Toss and Edith Edith and Toss Lusk, Doris artists fellow with trips MIC A ER C GE A PORT Collaboration plays an important role in the way Te Te way the in role important an plays Collaboration well as escaping into the gallery. Based in New Lynn, Lynn, New in Based gallery. the into escaping as well Ferris Bueller famously took a day off. Dave Dobbyn Dobbyn Dave off. day a took famously Bueller Ferris scene, often venturing into the countryside on painting painting on countryside the into venturing often scene, series, as as series, World Lost also the year of the Chernobyl disaster and the year year the and disaster Chernobyl the of year the also by works from Gregor Kregor’s Kregor’s Gregor from works by 1915-1993) emerged as part of a lively South Island art art Island South lively a of part as emerged 1915-1993) HEAT, which you can read about in this newsletter. this in about read can you which HEAT, 1986 was the UN International Year of Peace. It was was It Peace. of Year International UN the was 1986 Over summer, our front window space will be taken over over taken be will space window front our summer, Over Trained in the 1930s, Anne McCahon (nee Hamblett – – Hamblett (nee McCahon Anne 1930s, the in Trained is presenting a satellite programme in February named named February in programme satellite a presenting is for info. Meanwhile, in association with TEMP, Te Uru Uru Te TEMP, with association in Meanwhile, info. for HON Ca C M ANNE ANNE Maak Bow, major event in March – see www.tempauckland.org.nz www.tempauckland.org.nz see – March in event major TER A L RS A YE 30 of the first fruits of this collaboration will presented at a a at presented will collaboration this of fruits first the of SS A L G ORLD W OST L TIVE LIFE OF OF LIFE TIVE A CRE THE communicate the implications of climate change. Some Some change. climate of implications the communicate Diverstiy Within Conformity (series vessels) three HOW: S RY A ANNIVERS THE OWN: ONE’S OF DESK A R: A REG K REGOR G artists together to find new ways to understand and and understand to ways new find to together artists the ongoing TEMP initiative has brought scientists and and scientists brought has initiative TEMP ongoing the Our collaboration with Corbans Estate Art Centre on on Centre Art Estate Corbans with collaboration Our Gregor Kregar, Kregar, Gregor courtesy Carr Family Collection Collection Family courtesy Carr Anne McCahon, biggest, most urgent challenges humans have faced.
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