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The delighted excerpt of a letter received right after Rosh grandparents sent us a CD of the bris! HaShanah this year! A group of some 25 E-mail from Flushing NY: ... I had asked "older" girls had sponsored a number of you to daven for 5 things: My son Y hit it big branches. By Rosh HaShanah, 10 had with a couple of striking deals. My son M already found their bashert!! did a 1soo turn and started taking his Pesach 5766 - a CD arrives in our mailbox! Yiddishkeit seriously! My daughter P got The story: a couple had been married for 5 engaged to a wonderful boy. My daughter Y years ... The parents sponsored a cent in had a child two months ago. My health has each child's learning... One year later - Purim improved, even though there is still a long afternoon - a healthy baby boy was born! 8 way for improvement... I don't know days later the bris was held (at the how to thank Hashem ... Call now to reserve your branch 7:18-301-9795 or mail your support to: Avos Ubanim For special inquiries contact Rabbi Naftoli Falk: 972-57-3112-613 or Email: [email protected] P.O.B. 163 Monsey, N.Y. 10952 and don't forget to call us when you have good news (after your mother, of course .•. )! I I ---- "~--- 1 !'HE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 002Hl615 !S Pt:IH.JSl!ED MONTHLY, LXCEP.1 JULY & At1(;US'l IN THIS ISSUE ,\l'>D A COMBINl'.D lSS\1E f'OH J;\NllAlff,fEBIUIAHY. IH fHF. .AG11DAfH ISRAEI. OF AMHllCA, 42 illlOADW.'\Y. NEW YOHK, NY !0004. 6 ISRAELIS LOOK AROUND AND WITHIN, AND DoN'I l'ERJODICALS POSTA<W l'AID IN Nr.w YOHK, NY• .'il 1BS( !HPTION Sl!5.00/1TAR; 2 Yl·:A HS, 5411.oo: 3 YE,\ RS, 569.00. LIKE WHAT THEY SEE, Rabhi Yonoson Rosenb!u1n 0\JTSIDJ·: OF THE UNITED STATES (US HJNDS DRAW"' ON A lJS BANK ONl.Y) S15.oo Sl!RCHAR(;E PER YEAR. S!NGLf: 1:0rY SJ.SO; 01 1·1stDE NY All EA 53.95; 12 THE GERRER REBBE, RABBI YISROEL ALTER, THE FOREIGN 54.50. POSTMASTER: BE!S Y1SROE!. 'r~r, ON His 30TH Y AHRZEIT, Rabbi SEND ADURFSS CHANGES TO: THF JLW1s1-1 OnstoilVEH: 42 BROADWAY. NY. NY 10004 1~vrohon1 Birnbaun1 TEI 212-797-9000, FAX 646-254.-1600 l'HINTE]) JN TH~; liSA RAnBI NrssoN WOLPJN. l:Jitor l'.d1toria/ /Joord RABBI JOSEPH i":J.JAS. C/mirmon PURIM REFLECTIONS RABBI AnBA Bm_IDNY JOSEPH FHIFDENSON RAHl)l YrsRou. MUR KrRZN"li AMALE!K: NATION AND NOTION, Rabbi Avi Shafran R,\Bllr NossoN Scnu{MAN 18 !'HOF, AARON TWl':HSKJ Frmnrlcn 26 UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY, Rabbi 'fisroe! Greenvva!d Dii. !·:HNST I.. Bont:NllE!MEI{ Z .. I. RAIHH MOSHE Sllt:R~.fl Z"I. 35 WHO STOLE THE COOKIE FROM THE COOKIE JAR?, ,\fonoqcmcn/ l'ioard NAFTOU HIRSCJJ. ]SJ\A{; K!IU.NER, RABBI 5HUJMO l.ES!N, !\//rs_ Chan1 Kurtz DAVID Sl"i(;J.:!~. NACllPM STFJN \ti{S. LI·>\!! ZA(;U.B>\UM. Adnrlr';mg lHa11119cr PliBLlSll!CD BY Al;!JDA I"!! JS RAU. OF AMFH!CA 37 SHEM/RAS HALAS/JON SNE'EtLA HOTLINE, lJ.5. THADE IJL~J"Hlll\iTOfl FU.DH"IM P111U.ISHUl5 t,;Jrs Bay/a S_ Brenn('r i!llll Airport 1-irni/t\'f' lhrk Nmwrt. l\'Y 10.954 BRITISH RFl'Rl:St:NTATIVE 39 THE M!SUNDERSTOOD CHILD, hlfrs_ Rifkc:l Schonfeld M.'[ Bl BELMAN Groncnor \\hrk1 Mount P/cmrmt I fill 41 THE CHAZON lsH: THE MAN AND His VISION, flmdo11 /'.;,.<JN!:. f}'iGl.rVWJ HU.r«Cl! HEl'nESl-:N-!ArJVF Sh!on10 Lorincz, prepared fo1 RA!HU BAMHFJH;ER PART !V, Rabbi 21 l>nulcnml /t11\hm11 '>7000 Metz. 1-'RAi•,'CI' Rabbi '(_1Jnoson Rosenb!urn IS!lc\l.J.l REl'llES!'NTAT!VF ]KTNL. MFDIA PLACEMloNT 1'013 71.'J.'i I .'!7 Ja/fi1 Noad }em.w/1w .'14.140. ISIV\FI STATEMENT OF POLICY T111·. J1-:w1s11 OHS!-:l~VFll ~!AS D!-:von:o A GlH:\T Dl-:Ai. OF SPACI-. JO l!ELGIAN IU:l'HESENTATIVF M!l. E. AP'll-.ll THE l'EflJLS OF I'll!-: INTEHNET AND TO T!IE NEF.1) FOn EVEUYONE TO Umqc Ki(Tilstr. 2.'J OE !'.XTIU:MELY VIGl!.ANJ' IN ITS U'>l·:, WE /-IAVE ECHOED T!IF l'U·:A.S 201R Anln,np. IJU.Gfli'M OF ()\ff{ (;EDOl.!M fl/Arn S!IOULD NOT f}F JN USL \;N!.l'SS IT IS ,4,N ~Ol'rtl AFHlCAN IU-:PRESENTATIV!; THE JEWISH onst-:RVER !J{)l·:s Nor ASS~fMI' !J'\JAVOIDAllLE NECl·:SSJTY. AN!) T!!EN ON!,Y \VJTU AL!. SUll'AO!.E Mti. V TABACK ULSPONS!llll.ITY FOB THE KASll!l\f_~ o~· ANY l'HODllCT. ~-\Fr;t;\iAHOS. W!!!!.E IT,~ 0.'\N(;uis Ml!ST BE fH:CO(;N!ZED AND CON­ 1'0HO.Y.'il!Vi2. R1wdr1w . .foha111wslmrq PtlllUCATlON, OH SEHVJC/ ADVERT!Sf.f) IN ITS f'A(;F.S rl~OLLHJ TO EVHn l'OSSJllLE DEG!~Er-;, Olin GEDOUM Hl·:l'OGNJZE TUAI 2124 SOIJ/11 AIR/61 © COPYRIGHT 2007 ! ·\lfSrll·\LlAN llEl'RIOSl'NTArJVF I DR. A. DINNEN I 77 1>11 rrqn Rood MARCH 2007 I VOLUME XL NO. 2 L,,,,,, /Id/ "" "'" Al llR4111l ..--------~----·-··~·····- M A R C H 2 0 0 7 I YONOSON ROSENBLUM I ISRAELIS LOOK AROUND AND WITHIN, AND DON1llKE HEY SEE I. LOSING HOPE FOR THE has already been convicted of indecent Oren and Yossi Klein-Halevi in the New FUTURE acts, another is under indictment, the Republic. president has been forced to suspend And finally, there is a near univer­ ver since last summer's war in himself pending a criminal indictment, sal recognition that peace with the Lebanon, Israeli society has been the heads of the Income Tax Authority, Palestinians will not be achieved in Eengaged in a process of soul­ the Finance Minister, and the prime this generation, and likely not the next searching unlike anything seen since minister's closest confidante and direc­ one either. A generation of Palestinian the Yorn Kippur War. That process was tor of his bureau are all under investiga­ children has been raised since Oslo to triggered by the inability of the vaunted tion for fraud, and the prime minister believe that the greatest goal for which IDF to provide security for Israeli civil­ himself faces a half dozen various police one can hope is to kill as many Jews ians during the second Lebanese War, investigations, any one of which may be as possible. Hamas' control over the and has been exacerbated by a continual enough to force his resignation. Palestinian educational system adds string of revelations about the various Meanwhile, Israelis fret that they may to the brew of virulent Palestinian failures of the military and political soon find themselves in the crosshairs of hatred the even more volatile element echelons by a number of investigatory a nuclear Iran, run by religious fanatics of religion - the belief that, as a matter bodies in the months since the end of who appear convinced that even the of religious duty, every inch of present the war. incineration of millions of their own day Israel must be returned to Muslim Those months have also witnessed citizens would be a double blessing, both sovereignty. an unprecedented string of corruption assuring a speedy entry to paradise for Zionism promised that a Jewish scandals. One former justice Minister those killed and hastening the advent of homeland would provide a safe haven the missing iman. For the first time in for Jews all around the world. But, RABBI ROSENBLUM, WHO LIVES JN JERUSALEM, more than two decades, the Holocaust ad111its Daniel Gordis, who writes from IS A CONTRIBUTING EDITOR TO The Jewish Observer. is being invoked in Israel's security and the traditional Zionist point of view, it HE IS ALSO DIRECTOR OF THE ISRAELI DIVISION OF AM ECHAD, THE AGUDAT!l ISRAEL-INSPIRED political debates. "The Iranian threat is today often "more dangerous to be EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH EFFORT AN!) MEDIA has returned the Final Solution to the a Jew in Israel than any other place in RESOURCE. heart of Israeli discourse;' write Michael the world." 6 ···--·--· ···-··-- ---~-.. T H E JEWISH OBSERVER Last sumn1er's war forced Israelis ficient resources of will power to carry on proposition that Palestinian security pris- to acknowledge that the IDF cannot the fight and to prevail. The name of the oners are, in fact, political prisoners.
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