V - Members of the Bpworth League A. L. Brown Junior Court of Mae- AVERAGE DAILY OIRCULAI10> THE WEATHER 6t the South Methodist church who cobces, will meet tomorrow after-* Foreoast of U. S. Weather Boreas, ABOUT TOWN plan to attend the annual Norwich noon at 1:30 in Orange hall. All of tor the Month of September, 1086 Hartford District Epworth League conven­ fhe boys and girls are urged to be on ' 6 . J, Rlcbudaon of Rockville will tion at the WilUmontlc Camp band, as a Hallowe'en party will be Parity eloady tonight and Sun­ 1m the apeeker at the SvetTman'i Grounds tomorrow are, asked to planned, and a choice made of those 5 , 5 7 1 day; not much chaage In tempera- ' Bible claie Sundav mornlns at 9:SO meat at the church tomorrow after­ who are to take part in a fancy drill. Member of tlM Audit fttattritfr i t u p n i n n wtx a i o laie. noon at 1:30 o'clock. at the Seeood Congregational HALE’S Bureau of ClrculaUona 1 1 e h u r ^ Mr. Rlchardeon who Is A card party for the benefit of Adjutant William Valentins of studjdng for the ministry and Is the Salvation Army, and James leader at a colored congregation In the women's auxiliary of the Ameri­ can Legion was held last night by Munsle, young people's sergeant- (Ctaaolfled Advertlaing on Fnge 10.1 MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY,. OCTOBER 5, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS- Rockville will speak on "A Study major, are organizing a brigade of V’OL. LV., NO. 5. of the Methodist Episcopal Church Mrs. Helen Curran at the home of Mrs. Ethel Quish of Franklin street. workers who will canvass the town in Africa." He will bring with him a next week, leaving In every home a oolor^ musical group whose songs After the play at several tables of bridge prizes were awarded as fol­ copy of the young people’s weekly wUl lend additional Interest to the paper, "The Young Soldier." This service. lows: first, Mrs. Mildred Clarke: second. Miss Doris Von Deck; third. Is In connection with the World For God campaign now being conducted e w e ii Mrs. Frank Nackowidd; consolation, Mrs. John Benson of East Center by the army. street is in Worcester, Mass., today Mrs. Grace Pitkin. Refreshments attending the funeral of her uncle, consisting of sandwiches, cake and Herbert W. Burbank. She was ac­ coffee were served. companied by Mrs. E. P. Walton of FOE TAKES AN EMPTY ADOWA Strong street who is a cousin of Center Hose Company No. 2 of Mr. Burbank. the South Manchester fire depart­ ment was called out last evening. It J. SALA IN SMARTNESS and ECONOMY EVEN SUFBEBIE OOUBT Miss Pearl McIntosh o f Middle was not called to attend a fire, but All Kinds of Furni­ FEELS MODERN INFLUENCE France Rushes Reinforcements To Colony In War Zone Turnpike won the first prise of <10 to bring some hose from No. 2's TOWN EECnON at the setback held last night in Odd. Jiouse'lo that of N. 8. This gave rise Washington. Oct. 8.— (A P )— Fellows ball. The second prise of <7 to the opinion that there was a still ture Reupholstered Newspapermen can testify the ETHIOPIANS SUP OUT; and third prise of <6 were divided alarm. A t Supreme Court has gone pro­ and Refinished N ew HERE MONDAY; gressive in its new home. between J. Johnston of Church street and Marshall Young. The The Men's League of the Center SPORT COATS Half a century ago a Hart­ fourth prise of |3 was won by John Congregational church, the Cyp club Confpare Our Prices! ford, Conn.,' newapaper com­ Bensebe of Florence street. Last of young people and the Women's All Work Guaranteed. Camel Hair - Balmacaan Checks V O T E D ^ O R Y plained In its columns that "for night's social was so well attended class will resume meetings on Sun­ anyone, lawyer or newspaper re­ NOW IN NEW POSITION that another will be held nest Thurs­ day. The Go-to-Church-Band will No Deposit Necessary. Swagrger Reefers porter, to write pne 'word on a day at the same place and hour, also be In effect, Sunday. DRESSES .decision or remarks of a Judge” B:80. 83 Chestnut St. Phone 8806 Repablicans, Despite Conces­ in the court room resulted In a that reflect interest in every line, in every detail. Rich, "penalty of being put out.” Under the new ruling governing that you canl* War Briefs Rev. Earl E. Story, pastor of the the hours and days that barber fascinating treatments that will make you hope every Beautifully tailored in every detail. That was changed but nevqr- sion of Victory, Working the less right up to the time the South Methodist church will be the shops are allowed to remain open season will be as fashion-wonderful as this! You will London, Oct. 6.— (A P )—The num­ 700 ITALIANS DEAD speaker at the meeting of the Man­ in Connecticut it will not be neces­ old Capitol building court room find all the leading styles in this group. was vacated last spring, ingen­ ber of dead or wounded from fight­ chester Kiwanis club, Monday at sary to close on Saturday of next ing In Ethiopia was estimated at 12:16 at the Manchester Country week, which Is Columbus Day. A RUMMAGE SALE Hard to Get Out Vote; uity was taxed in getting a news story U the outside world. between 6,000 and 7,000 today by club. His subject will be "Some year ago the shops closed on Col­ Saturday, 9 A. M. On London newspapers. New Opportunities for Service." Dr. umbus Day, but there has been a $10.95 Two Important Questions. Now in the new building With definite details from all IN D A N ^ BATTLE Story assumed charge of the church change made. The shops will also Oldsmobilc Showrooms across from the Capitol, pneu­ fronts lacking, the figures appar­ this summer, and this will be his keep open on Monday, November 11, Main street at Bralnard Place matic tubes connect the press ently were based on unconfirmed firat appearance before the club. It Armistice Day, which was^ot-done By Sunset Rebekah Drill Team. Colors: directly with telephones and reports. behooves every member to be on lost year. Monday, from 8 a. m., to 8 p. m., telegraph wires on the fioor be­ Fierce Battlqs Raging on Three Fronts— In East Tigre hand to greet him and listen to hla to at the State Armory the voters of low. MarseiUes, France. Oct. 6.— (AP) m essan. The prise will be furnish­ Uancheater will elect town officera ed by President Joel M. Nichols. •Black —Baron FlUppo MuzzI, Italian con­ for the ensuing year and will decide sul at Debra Markos, Ethiopia, ar­ Province 100,000 Black Warriors Are Opposing Q Miss Margaret J. Mooney of If the town will accept from the rived today from Djibouti, French •Brown Somalllom’ , with a denial of reports . Laurel street is a guest at the Bar- $29.75 Ninth School district Its recreation­ Dnee’s Legions— League of Nations Committeenubi bison Plasa, New York City. SEES SET PLAN that Ethiopians attempted to as­ Children’s al and library assets and if the sale of alcoholic liquors will be allowed sassinate him. The regular meeting of the •Green ' 9n Sunday from noon to 9 p. m. The consul said he shot himself Gives Opinion That Italy Is In Wrong— London Esti­ ' Pollsb-American Republicanipubli club with meals in clubs, hotels and res- TO ALTER PLAN accidentally recently while hunting, will be held tonight at 7:30 In Turn ULurants. but declined to give any further . boll, North street. -All members are Coats statement mates 7,000 Soldiers On Both Sides Dead in Fiiditing. •Rust As In other years. It is generaUy u rg ^ to attend. assumed that the entire ticket of 19 OFGOVEpENT Addis Ababa, O ct 6.— (A P )— $ Republican candidates will be elect­ Marriage licenses have been ap­ •Plum 1 0 .9 5 ed, although efforth by the Demo­ Emperor Halle Selassie's Cabinet By ASSOCIATED PRESS 'fque said that the latter city, which plied for in the office of the town crats In support of Lm J. Kwash was reported today to be urging Italian and Ethiopian troops the Italians reported yesterday they clerk by Raymond N. Field of 116 But they must be exactly the curves Junior As war broke out on the Ethiopian border, these Senegalese troops, pictured boarding the transport "Por- him ' to leave the capital because of had captured, waa held by EthicmlaB for tax collector is expected to re­ Reqna TeHs Republicans at tbos" at MarseiUes, were arriving at Djibouti to strengthen garrisons In French Somaliland, near the fought fiercely today on three Summit street and Miss Ruth M. prescribed by fashion or you’re out of step sult In a somewhat closer race for the possibility of bombing raids, but forces, although the vanguard o f ths Hanson of 162 Union street, and by border of which, at Mount Mussall, the Italian troops first invaded Ethiopia. They were to guard railroad he reiterated be would stay until he fronts of vital Importance to the Italian column waa not much mora that office. property near the fighting zone. Armand Marcel Dubuc of Spring- with style. Bon Ton foundation garments—* Constable Contest Oakland High Officials goes to take command of the army Black Empire of Halle Selaaele.
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