Roses have thorns! The Haqq too SUBSCRIPTION RATES (2021) has thorns! TWELVE ISSUES “We strike South Africa ................…...................... R30 baatil with the Neighbouring States ….......................... $15 All Other Countries .............................. $20 Haqq. Then it crushes the brains of baatil.” (Qur’aan) “The majority of the munaafiqeen of my Ummah are its Qaaris.” (Hadith) Question: (This is a satanic waswasah produce the spike protein. The- (End of their haraam, bun- It appears that at least some of excreted into the brains of the- se vaccines are permissible for kum fatwa of the Dajjaali muf- the COVID vaccines being de- se mulhid molvis by their athe- Muslims. (These and all other tis) veloped use cell lines derived ist masters whose boots they types of Ibleesi potions are from fetal tissue. Would it be are today licking with great haraam for Muslims – The COMMENT halal to take the vaccine? relish – The Majlis). Since the Majlis) https://www.sciencemag.org/ virus is weakened, the person Muslims should understand news/2020/06/abortion- may get a mild illness from the Other vaccines, however, well that whatever these mis- opponents-protest-covid-19- vaccine, which is typically self- use different classes of modi- creant, moron, bootlicking vaccines-use-fetal-cells limited and rarely as harmful as fied viruses as vectors to deliv- U.K. muftis have excreted in the disease itself. (‘Rarely er DNA to human tissues. This their fatwa is the inspiration of Answer: harmful’: There is no greater DNA instructs the body's own Iblees which have reached The following fatwa is issued shaitaani LIE than this abso- cells to produce the spike pro- them via their atheist masters by Darul Iftä', Darul Qasim in lute falsehood – falsehood tein. Some of the vaccine man- whose bootlickers are these conjunction with the Darul which thousands of kuffaar ex- ufacturers produce these modi- Dajjaali muftis. Muslims Qasim medical group. This fat- perts have proven with evi- fied viruses using cells that should not allow themselves to wa is for Muslims in the dence –The Majlis). have been grown from aborted be entrapped by the stupid U.S.A. foetuses. These cells are from ‘scientific’ bunkum which the- In the Name of Allah, The The vaccines currently in foetuses that were aborted sev- se moron muftis have lapped Most Gracious, The Most Mer- development, however, are us- eral decades ago, however, due up from the vomit of the athe- ciful ing a variety of different meth- to something called cell cultur- ists. All the doctors who pro- Vaccines are often made ods to stimulate one's immune ing, these immortalized cell fess to be ‘Muslims’, but who from a weakened version of a system to fight SARS-CoV-2. lines are kept alive and are rou- peddle the kufr of the atheists “live or killed virus" causing tinely used in research today. likewise lose their Imaan just the disease. This weakened The vaccines developed by as these jaahil U.K. muftis version of the virus (i.e. the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moder- The vaccines developed by have eliminated their Imaan. rotten disease – The Majlis) is na package something called AstraZeneca and Johnson & Introduction of disease into the injected into a person so that mRNA (a synthetic messenger Johnson make use of these cell body is a capital haraam act. the person's own immune sys- RNA, genetic code) which in- lines. Using cell lines, initially Allah Ta’ala did not create our tem can mount a response. structs the body's own cells to developed from aborted fetus- shifa’ in substances which He es, to develop vaccines is has made haraam. against Islamic Bioethics. Mus- They aggravate their kufr by lims may not take vaccines beginning their haraam stupid Imaam Maalik (rahmatullah soever finds fault with (the Sa- which are developed in this ‘fatwa’ in the name of Allah alayh) was asked about those haabah radhiyallahu anhum), he way considering the permissi- Ta’ala. They are like the one who insult the Sahaabah is a kaafir.” [Al-I`tisaam] ble alternatives mentioned who recites Bismillah when (radhiyallahu anhu), so he said: above. consuming pork. “Those who do so are people Imaam Muhammad ibn Yusuf who intended to criticise Nabi al-Firyaabi (rahmatullah alayh) “NINJA” women’s legal entity is in fact (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was asked about someone who an atheist. She was masquer- Q. I want to know what is the himself, but they are not able to insults Hadhrat Abu Bakr ading as a ‘Muslim’. She is a status of the Imaan of a do so, so instead they criticise (radhiyallahu anhu), so he said: deceit and a fraud. The Mus- Muslim lady who refers to his As’haab (Companions, “Such a person is a kaafir.” He lim lady who labelled the another Muslim lady as ninja (radhiyallahu anhum).” [As- was asked, “Is Janaazah Salaah atheist ‘ninja’, had in fact because she wears Hijab? Saarimul Maslool] to be performed for him?” He made an under-statement. She A. The issue has a context. It said, “No.” He was asked, should have called the deceit- was not a matter of a Muslim Imaam Maalik (rahmatullah “What is to be done with such a ful woman ‘lawyer’ NINJA, lady calling another Muslim alayh) said that Allaah `Azza person (after he dies)?” He FAASIQAH, FAAJIRAH, lady ‘ninja’ because of the wa Jal says in the Qur’aan said, “Don’t touch him with MURTADDAH AND ‘hijab’ dress the latter had Kareem: {“He (Allaah) enrages your hands. Push him into a KAAFIRAH. adopted specifically for the the kuffaar through them hole in the ground using The term, ninja, alone does court case. (Sahaabah-e-Kiraam radhiyalla- sticks.” not do justice to the villainy The woman who happens hu anhum).”} Therefore, who- [As-Saarimul Maslool] of the fraud. to be a member of a kuffaar Vol. 26 no. 01 The Majlis Page 2 THE MAJLIS Q & A P.O. BOX 3393 PORT ELIZABETH Q. During the menses cycle, the Qabrustan - with hands can a woman eat in Rama- raised or not? dhaan? A. The hands should not be lift- Q. King Salman of Saudi Ara- Reducing Taraaweeh to 10 A. During the haidh period it is ed during Dua in the Qabrustan. bia has ordered that raka’ts is not at all surprising. permissible for women to eat, Make dua without lifting the Taraaweeh will henceforth The entire Shariah has been but they should do so clandes- hands. consist of only 10 raka’ts, no abolished by the current Kufr tinely, not openly. Fasting is Q. A musaafir performed Zuhr longer 20 raka’ts. What is the regime. The people who sup- prohibited. behind a local Imaam. The Shar’i status of this king who port the kufr regime with their Q. Fearing that I may contract next day this musaafir was the has tampered with the presence are also guilty of aid- the covid disease my father pre- Imaam for Fajr. After Fajr it Taraaweeh Ibaadat? ing kufr. People should per- vents me from going was learnt that the Zuhr Salaat A. The status of this jaahil, form the full 20 raka’ts at to the Musjid for Jamaat and had to be repeated for some Najdi agent of Iblees is not a home. It is not permissible to Jumuah Salaat. Is it incum- reason. What is the ruling in mystery. Every Muslim can participate in the fong kong bent for me to obey him? this scenario? The musaafir is understand the kufr of this mis- style of worship which these A. Your father may not prevent a Saahib-e-Tarteeb. He has no erable Najdi who has trans- kuffaar Najdis have introduced you from Jumuah and Jamaat Qadha Salaat on him. formed Arabia into Darul Kufr. in the Musaajid in Arabia. Salaat. Regardless of his A. The musaafir as well as all anger, you should attend the others who had been in the Zuhr Musjid. Don’t argue with your Jamaat should repeat Zuhr, Asr, A. Hanafis should remain stand- first murder committed on earth. father. Let him scold and Maghrib, Isha’ and Fajr Salaat. ing silently with their hands at Q. Can an organization which shout you. Maintain silence, but The musaafir should make their sides. collects Zakaat and Lillaah do not obey his haraam instruc- Qadha of two raka’ts for Zuhr Q. Are Salafis part of the Ahlus funds, use the money to invest tions. which he had performed behind Sunnah wal Jama’ah? in property? Q. Is it permissible to go to the the muqeem Imaam. A. The term, Ahlus Sunnah, ap- A. If the contributors have not Qabrustan after Maghrib? Q. What should be done with plies to only the followers of the granted permission for investing A. It is permissible to go to the bones? Should bones be four Math-habs. The fundamen- their Lillah funds in properties, Qabrustaan at night. Whilst it is thrown into the dirt or buried? tal difference between the Ahlus then it is not permissible for the not sinful to go after Maghrib, it A. Bones should neither be Sunnah and Salafis, is that de- organization to do so. The per- is best not to go because at this thrown into the dirt nor buried. spite Salafis also resorting to the mission of the contributors is time the shayaateen preponder- Say Bismillaah, and put the Hadith, they submit the Hadith incumbent for such investment. ate. bones outside. A passing jinn to their own fanciful interpreta- Q. Is it permissible to politely Q. Is it permissible to go to the will take it, and if there is no tion while the Math-habs abide ask one’s father to speak po- Qabrustan on Eid days? jinn, it will be food for a dog or by the interpretations presented litely to oneself? A.
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